4th Girls-Only Trip ~ PLEASE check first post for link to new thread

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Hi Divas,

I want to apologize to all of you because I fear that I, by trying to make things easier for everyone, unintentionally became part of the drama that has been going on lately, and none of you deserve to be upset by any rough waters happening between only a few. Also, by trying to address some other issues going on with some other divas in the hopes of clearing up any misunderstandings between people so we could once and for all move on as the loving group that I know we are, I once again became the bad guy. Perhaps that will be my permanent role from now on. I guess it's got to be someone. But despite all this, I want you all to know that I would never want anyone to feel that the group is no longer the lovely, uplifting, fun, and supportive group it has always been. Trust me, it still is! Seriously, these are the best women I have ever come to know in my life...ever! So please, no one become discouraged about this group or the future of the Divas. I know things are going to be A-Okay! Yep, they will. :)
OK, I'll fess up and say that I'm a little discouraged and taken aback by the news that "something" occured at the Diva meet that then "blew out of proportion" post meet. I have no idea what happened or who took part. I've picked up little bits and bites of info and insinuations on the boards and facebook to clue me in that "something" occured. I'm very OK to be out of the loop, as I am sure the last thing that is needed right now is another person to get involved in, dare I say, this nonsense. Plus, I have no need or desire for unnecessary drama in my life.

I think what attracted me to this group in the first place was how welcoming and inclusive everyone has been to newcomers and how supportive ladies have been to one another when people have face challenges. Without judgment or question, Divas have stepped up to welcome, embrace and help.

Maybe we all need to stretch a little harder to remember what attracted us to this group in the first place, to not take anything for granted (this group is only as strong as the people in it) and to refrain from behavior that didn't work in jr. high, still didn't work in high school and will never ever work regardless of how old and "mature" we get.

Perhaps a little wish to our Diva angel to put us back in touch with what is important, real and worthy of our better selves is in order.

Peace, love and happiness.
It's Friday, yay! I got my braces (only the top teeth for now) this morning and so far I'm doing ok. I have to go do party errands. My lil sister is turning 10 this this weekend and we're having a bug party. Does anyone have the sound track to A Bug's Life?

Debra, when Dan and I visited Seattle last May (before moving up here) we stayed at the Silver Cloud Inn on Lake Union. It was a really nice place with free breakfast and best of all a free shuttle to downtown locations (Pike Place Mkt, Pioneer Square, Aquarium). It really helps not having to pay for parking at those downtown locations. Anyway, I'd highly recommend it. :) Here's a linky for you:


Thanks Callie! I will check this out when I get home form work.

Deb violated a cat?? :eek:

Uhhhhhh, what else? I forget. Hopefully everyone is having a good morning so far! :wave2:

ummm...yep I violated a cat....It wasn't fun...but I have pictures of the violation that I need for my lab test next week.

We are doing a debit card for Matt that is set up to his savings account. I will be able to watch it and if for some reason there is an emergency and he needs more money I can add it.

I have an open account at BOA that he could use, but its ATM only.
I thought about the Visa Debit cards. He has $100 in overpayment that I made.

Have a great afternoon ladies.....I am off to work....
Happy Friday!!

I had the best time today at a super mini-meet. :goodvibes AmyLetsGoShoppingSue and I spent a fabulous morning shopping and then having lunch in Carlsbad. (Two Divas together constitutes a mini-meet .. doesn't it?) What a fun time. And to think I would have never had the opportunity to meet AmywhocanmakeChrislaughSue if it hadn't been for these boards.

Thanks DIS Divas, for all your wonderful friendships - and thanks Amydon'tforgettobuydogfoodtodaySue for a fun morning!

:goodvibes Chris
Happy Friday!!

I had the best time today at a super mini-meet. :goodvibes AmyLetsGoShoppingSue and I spent a fabulous morning shopping and then having lunch in Carlsbad. (Two Divas together constitutes a mini-meet .. doesn't it?) What a fun time. And to think I would have never had the opportunity to meet AmywhocanmakeChrislaughSue if it hadn't been for these boards.

Thanks DIS Divas, for all your wonderful friendships - and thanks Amydon'tforgettobuydogfoodtodaySue for a fun morning!

:goodvibes Chris

:rotfl2: Glad to hear you two had fun. And yes, two or more Divas together makes a mini meet. :thumbsup2
Afternoon ladies and Capri I love ya and I don't think you did ANYTHING wrong you were just trying to help and I for one appreciate it and think your ideas were good ones.

I just think that sometimes as someone told me, that when you get this many ladies together, or heck just people in general, it is just hard to please everyone.

Everyone has different personalities and people are NEVER going to be able to all agree.

I have been on three different boards since I have found this wonderful thing called the internet and the thing I liked about this one so much was the LACK of drama! I belonged to a babycenter board when I was pg with Shelby and I joined a military wives support board when Shane got deployed to Iraq. Let me tell you with BOTH of those scenarios tensions were high. You get a bunch of hormonal pregnant women and esp ones who have very strong opinions about birthing, breast feeding, co-sleeping and on and on and things can get U-G-L-Y!! Overall we had a great time and really bonded over the births of our children but it never fails that people will NOT agree about everything and emotions get high. Esp when it comes to things like how to raise your children etc.

Then when Shane was deployed I think that was the WORST. Everyone on that board was tense and scared and didn't know WHICH way was up because the one thing we ALL had in common was someone we loved was not only GONE for a year or more (15 months in my particular case) but somewhere where EVERY single night I listened to hear if a car was pulling in my driveway or my door was being knocked on to tell me my husband had been killed.

So compared to THOSE places this place was a breath of fresh air! And let me tell you after having gone through a deployment and seeing one of my friends lose her husband on Christmas day and another lose her 13 year old son to a brain annuerysm WHILE her husband was deployed, I can tell you this stuff seems SO petty!

When I came to these boards I was SO releived because it ALWAYS made me happy and I always left with a smile on my face! NOT everyone gets a disneyaholic like most of us are but I can tell you it is so fun and refreshing to be able to go where everyone is like "me" and we all enjoy the same thing. 99% of the time the posts here are fun and exciting and people are happy because they are planning a trip or just got back and sharing their great time!

When I found this thread I was SO excited because not only had I found a whole group of gals JUST like me but I made some really great friends that I felt I could share my life with as well as my love of Disney.

Sure I come here to talk about the trips and Disney in general but I also feel like I have formed some (hopefully) life long friendships with most of you and I enjoy hearing about your lives and sharing what is going on in mine!

Again I don't know how or why this has happened but I really think that some reflection should be done and some realizations should be made that hey this is a GREAT group of gals and this is something that is supposed to draw us together, not tear us apart.

One of my favorite mottos is judge not lest YE be judged and I think that holds true of this place. None of us should judge anyone for anything that is said or done on these boards or go offline and talk badly about someone because you might not approve of something they said or did because after all we are ALL human and honestly I don't think ANY of us knows everything that is truly going on in everyone else's lives.

While I may not agree or approve of everything people say or do on here I would NEVER judge them for it. If I don't like something that is said I just keep it to myself and think well that's where we are different and leave it at that. WHO am "I" to judge anyone. I don't know what all has lead that person to make the choices that they have made and I refuse to make judgements or talk badly about them because of that.

And another good motto is, if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all. Sounds a little simple and cliche but hey it works! :)

So I say let's forget all this nonsense, remember what is REALLY important which is our friendships and move on!
Happy Friday!!

I had the best time today at a super mini-meet. :goodvibes AmyLetsGoShoppingSue and I spent a fabulous morning shopping and then having lunch in Carlsbad. (Two Divas together constitutes a mini-meet .. doesn't it?) What a fun time. And to think I would have never had the opportunity to meet AmywhocanmakeChrislaughSue if it hadn't been for these boards.

Thanks DIS Divas, for all your wonderful friendships - and thanks Amydon'tforgettobuydogfoodtodaySue for a fun morning!

:goodvibes Chris

Glad you two had a fun time today! :thumbsup2

Does ANYONE have A BUG'S LIFE soundtrack?

Sorry babe, I wish I could help you out, but I don't have it. Hopefully somebody here does. Crossing fingers. :wizard:

Being the Pooh lover that I am.......I LOVE This!! :thumbsup2

OK, I'll fess up and say that I'm a little discouraged and taken aback by the news that "something" occured at the Diva meet that then "blew out of proportion" post meet. I have no idea what happened or who took part. I've picked up little bits and bites of info and insinuations on the boards and facebook to clue me in that "something" occured. I'm very OK to be out of the loop, as I am sure the last thing that is needed right now is another person to get involved in, dare I say, this nonsense. Plus, I have no need or desire for unnecessary drama in my life.

I think what attracted me to this group in the first place was how welcoming and inclusive everyone has been to newcomers and how supportive ladies have been to one another when people have face challenges. Without judgment or question, Divas have stepped up to welcome, embrace and help.

Maybe we all need to stretch a little harder to remember what attracted us to this group in the first place, to not take anything for granted (this group is only as strong as the people in it) and to refrain from behavior that didn't work in jr. high, still didn't work in high school and will never ever work regardless of how old and "mature" we get.

Perhaps a little wish to our Diva angel to put us back in touch with what is important, real and worthy of our better selves is in order.

Peace, love and happiness.
Amen to that!

It's Friday, yay! I got my braces (only the top teeth for now) this morning and so far I'm doing ok. I have to go do party errands. My lil sister is turning 10 this this weekend and we're having a bug party. Does anyone have the sound track to A Bug's Life?

I thought I might have had it, but after looking...no! sorry! Do you need the entire soundtrack or certain songs?

Happy Friday!!

I had the best time today at a super mini-meet. :goodvibes AmyLetsGoShoppingSue and I spent a fabulous morning shopping and then having lunch in Carlsbad. (Two Divas together constitutes a mini-meet .. doesn't it?) What a fun time. And to think I would have never had the opportunity to meet AmywhocanmakeChrislaughSue if it hadn't been for these boards.

Thanks DIS Divas, for all your wonderful friendships - and thanks Amydon'tforgettobuydogfoodtodaySue for a fun morning!

:goodvibes Chris
Fun, fun fun!! I agree....put any number of Diva's together and of course it's considered a meet :) Any good shopping bargains?

Happy Friday Diva's :wizard:
We're in for a GORGEOUS weekend....all I want to do is go play in the dirt..aka gardening!
Cristabel, good luck in finding the soundtrack. We dont' have it here. Sorry.

Kelly, I agree. We don't all have to be best friends or totally approve of each other's choices in life, but there's no reason to judge either. We can certainly be mature enough to put aside differences and real life to get together once a year (or more) and have fun at Disney. :cool1:

Jill, have fun playing in the dirt and enjoy your lovely weekend weather. :sunny:
Just so what I said wasn't clear, I'm sorry for my part in any hard feelings and drama. That's all I was really trying to say, but I think maybe the apology part was lost in my post somewhere. So again, I'm sorry Divas.
I LOVED Time Travelers wife. In fact we bought that one cuz I LOVE time travel movies! I know some say they didn't like it because it wasn't as good as the book but hey I never read so to me it was GREAT! ;) Enjoy it if you get it. I hope to get Up in the Air and a couple other new releases. I know there are some others out that I wanted to see but can't think of them till I get in the store and see the slection. :)

I LOVED the Time Travelers Wife too! I'll be buying that one... soooo good. :goodvibes


Thanks for all the cute birthday wishes! I had a great day overall and a totally yummy dinner. It's pouring down rain this morning and we're hoping it clears up before Kenyon's Pokemon scavenger hunt birthday party this weekend.

Happy Friday! :goodvibes

I'm so glad to hear that your birthday dinner was delish!

I'm freaking out over here. Derek (my BF for those who don't know) called earlier today saying that he thought he was sick because his stomach had shooting pains and wondered if he ate something wrong. A few hours ago he called and said he was going to urgent care because the pain was unbearable. I thought it might be a gall bladder issue but 10 min ago he called sobbing saying that the urgent care is sending him to the ER because he either has a ruptured appendix or his hiatal hernia tore (I can't remember how he worded it). He has stomach issues already that affect his life everyday and he never complains about pain. It has to be extreme if it makes him cry. I'm in Indiana. He's in Ventura. His dad and best friend are there helping him pack up to move back to Oregon next week. I'm so worried about him that I'm almost sick about it. He will probably have to have surgery and I feel helpless being 2300 miles away. I'm pacing to hear what is going on from Tom (his best friend) but I just have to wait. I can't think of any way I'd rather spend my time waiting than on here. :eek:
Hi Divas,

I want to apologize to all of you because I fear that I, by trying to make things easier for everyone, unintentionally became part of the drama that has been going on lately, and none of you deserve to be upset by any rough waters happening between only a few. Also, by trying to address some other issues going on with some other divas in the hopes of clearing up any misunderstandings between people so we could once and for all move on as the loving group that I know we are, I once again became the bad guy. Perhaps that will be my permanent role from now on. I guess it's got to be someone. But despite all this, I want you all to know that I would never want anyone to feel that the group is no longer the lovely, uplifting, fun, and supportive group it has always been. Trust me, it still is! Seriously, these are the best women I have ever come to know in my life...ever! So please, no one become discouraged about this group or the future of the Divas. I know things are going to be A-Okay! Yep, they will. :)

There's been drama? I had no idea.
I really think if we all just stop worrying about it, let it mellow and move on, all will be right in the world.

Happy Friday!!

I had the best time today at a super mini-meet. :goodvibes AmyLetsGoShoppingSue and I spent a fabulous morning shopping and then having lunch in Carlsbad. (Two Divas together constitutes a mini-meet .. doesn't it?) What a fun time. And to think I would have never had the opportunity to meet AmywhocanmakeChrislaughSue if it hadn't been for these boards.

Thanks DIS Divas, for all your wonderful friendships - and thanks Amydon'tforgettobuydogfoodtodaySue for a fun morning!

:goodvibes Chris

I'm so jealous of you girls! It sounds like you had a fun day.

So I say let's forget all this nonsense, remember what is REALLY important which is our friendships and move on!

Just so what I said wasn't clear, I'm sorry for my part in any hard feelings and drama. That's all I was really trying to say, but I think maybe the apology part was lost in my post somewhere. So again, I'm sorry Divas.

It's all good. Really.
Heather~I made the corned beef and cabbage with Guinness, and it was deeeeee-lish. Thanks for the tip.
Is still unsure of the drama everyone is talking about. But if people didn't privately talk about each other and then feel the need to spread it then there would be no drama.
So 63 pages in and I am finally saying hello :) I never looked at this thread cause I thought it was someone talking about their girl's-only trip...not an organized event of the DIS women :P Anyways, I browsed through the first 20 or so pages before I realized I could not get through this all in one sitting. I would really like to try to come next year for the meet. How do I start?
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