WISH Away the Pounds **Maddening March Challenge** All Welcome

Well I'm still in the boot but the foot feels better when I've walked a few steps getting out of bed in the morning. So hopefully speedy recovery!!

I hope your get better soon! Soon you'll be out of the boot!

I was so frustrated not being able to work out. The MD ok biking so I looked into those stands you can put your bike on - it's just called a "trainer". DH was into it so it would give a chance to workout in the morning.

My Brother uses one of those for training indoors for triathlons (I swear, aside from his running crazy, we're exactly the same!) But I like to use it when I go home. I find it better than just a stationary bike

I think I've been doing pretty good on my food so hoping for some good news in the morning! We always go out to eat Thursday night but at least it's a salad place. I know you can get in big trouble w salads though. I usually get a high protein salad w/ quinoa, chicken, cranberries, almonds. I think I'll get the dressing on the side so they don't over pour! My FAV is the steakhouse w/ bacon, steak and bleu cheese - but that does not help w/ the diet!

mmmmm both those sound so good! That 1st one sounds amazing, indulgent but still healthy!

QOTD for Friday, March 21, 2014:


What is your DREAM career? If someone was paying the bills (both at home and for education), would you pursue it in real life?

And a bonus QOTD (since it is Friday): What is your favorite book/book series?

BBL to chat........................P

My dream career...hmmmm...Funny because if you had asked me that a year ago before graduation I would have said what I'm doing now. And I love what I do, TV will always be number 1 in my heart :happytv: but some days I think I'd like to go back to a culinary school and open a l cafe with really good food and desserts. But I think that might have me straying from some goals! I've started a cooking blog, but I'm really bad at posting. I have to get better at it because I'm still cooking and I just bought a new camera

The Invisible Wall, and the 3 books that follow. It's a memoir from a man growing up in Jewish in England in WWII and then moving to America and meeting his wife and their journey through her illness sooooo good!

Yesterday was good for me, I managed to make it to the gym twice! The 2nd time was out of being bored. I had done a plyo day with the trainer DBF and I go to and then went all out at Combat. It was rough. I came home to make turkey burgers and brown rice only to find the ground turkey had spoiled. I just bought it yesterday! I ended up with an egg and brown rice.

I am excited for tonight's dinner! Skinny breakfast quesadillas with roasted spaghetti squash. I think I'll make it when I get home from the class tonight. I was planning on going this morning but I sent DBF to the trainer alone. They're currently installing new windows in his apartment and they've already put 2 holes in the walls :headache: Someone needs to be here incase any more appear and I'm off today so I can go later, he can't. I know it's an accident, but it is a pain in the butt to explain to management that the guys they hired did this!
Michelle, so sorry to hear about everything going on. Sending lots of love your way! :hug:

Do NOT stress about it.... what will be, will be, right? Stress will NOT help the situation.... neither will stress eating! Take a walk, do some yoga, stretch and/or meditate, read a good book, see a great movie, go out for (light) cocktails with friends, visit a loved one.... but do NOT stress! Prayers continuing.

Thanks! You are so right. I'm doing all ofthe above! I went and scheduled as many things as I could this weekend. Lots of time with people visiting from out of town (of course most of them live in Boston so hopefully soon I won't have to wait for them to visit haha). Movies, breakfast dates, tv marathons, with lots of healthy snacks. And when I'm with people, I always tend to eat better. I have that one slice of pizza, rather than that entire box. :rotfl2:

I am SO PROUD OF YOU for taking such a huge step to improve your life! I was always so afraid of making big bold moves when I was your age. Wish I hadn't been. My folks were great parents, but I wish that they had encouraged me to dream a bit more. I guess they couldn't help being exceedingly practical and conservative.

So you are returning to Boston with big dreams, big plans, and a renewed physical health and fitness!! There is NOTHING to hold you back!! :hug:

Well, I have parents like yours as well. They really are not happy about this decision. My mother and I don't get along very well, and its mostly because I have my father's sensitivity, and not her critical outlook on things. So, she speaks her mind very freely, and in cases like this - it is very very difficult to talk to her right now. I know she wants me to be happy, but her version of happy (in her Upper West Side high rise apartment with her extremely well paid corporate job where everything revolves around NYC) is very different than mine.

I love NYC and I know I'll miss it, but I miss... driving! I miss deciding one weekend to take a trip to Salem, or Cape Cod, or the beach - just because! I miss culture readily available without paying astronomical fees! Of course it is blasphemy to say it around where I am now, but I miss Red Sox games!! I feel like Boston is the perfect blend of what I want from a home and I honestly can't wait. Oh, I could go on... :rotfl:

Regardless - THANK YOU! I really appreciate it, Mama Hen :) It sounds like you are a great mother to your kids. And thanks for your offer to help! Maybe once I'm up there, I'll investigate some Boston-area Dismeets!

QOTD for Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Since it seems that many of us need some inspiration to finish up a very uninspiring March, share your favorite inspirational quote!! Either something you heard at WW, an "old" saying, something from Pinterest.... whatever motivates and inspires YOU!

I really like this one from Steve Jobs:

"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever."

This all sounds really good! I am so glad that you were able to figure out what is right for you!! I think going back somewhere where you have a social circle is the right step! Hopefully you will find a job that fits! And doing a second degree is quite impressive! Good luck with that! :thumbsup2


Disfam95, sorry you are still in the boot, but happy to hear you are doing so well with cycling! I could never get the hang of it! WTG! And with being great with your food, I'm sure you'll get some great progress soon!

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific"
Lily Tomlin

:rotfl: Love this one!

We lost power for several hours last night, so I wasn't able to pop on again. (High winds took down a big tree over the lines.)

Ahhh! Sorry you didn't have power last night! Man, the weather gods really won't give you a break! But, happy today is nice and relaxing with the movie.

QOTD for Friday, March 21, 2014:


What is your DREAM career? If someone was paying the bills (both at home and for education), would you pursue it in real life?

And a bonus QOTD (since it is Friday): What is your favorite book/book series?

Well, if if someone was paying the bills AND I had a different skill set, I always wanted to be a pediatrician, but MAN, do I suck at all things science haha. Social science - I love it, and I'm good at it. But, put me in a biology class and I fall apart.

With my skill set, I really think School Psychology is the right path for me. I'm pretty sure I'll have to just stick to a master's, but if someone else is paying, I'd love to get a doctorate. My last name starts with Y, and it is crazy hard to pronounce, so I always dreamed about being Dr. Y. :)

My favorite book series is probably the Hunger Games. My favorite book is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand - which I'd like to read again sometime soon. It is one of those books that I get something different out of it every time.

Struggling not to lose my motivation since the scale BARELY moved this week, despite my efforts. I KNOW that even if I maintain right where I am for the next 10 years, I am better off than I would be if I gave up.... but I'm sure you can all relate to my frustration.

I am thinking about a juice fast for a few days next week to perhaps give my body/metabolism a kick start.... perhaps Sunday and Monday (can't start tomorrow as I don't have the necessary supplies on hand yet). Just concerned about the amount of natural sugars in the juices and the lack of protein. But when I have done it in the past, it has definitely given me a bit of a boost on the scale.

Okay.... just rambling out loud here! Hope you are all well, happy, and healthy!..........P

I'm sorry the scale is not showing your efforts, but maybe you're right - maybe you need something to kick start your weight loss again. I'd say go for it - worst case, you have to stop. But, if you can do it (and I know that you can), who knows what progress it could kick off? :goodvibes

I've started a cooking blog, but I'm really bad at posting.

Link! Link! Give us the link so I can make your recipes!!! And sorry to hear about your windows. It is definitely hard to know someone is in your home making a mess of things and you don't have proof. Sending good vibes that things go smoothly today!


Okay, think I'm all caught up!

Guess what, friends? I joined some clubs today. I joined the 150s club, I joined the I'm in the Recommended Weight for my Height club, I joined the Lost 20 Pounds club and I joined the I LOVE RUNNING club.

Okay, that last one isn't a real thing haha Last night, I was really stressed out about my test results, my big move coming up, the job search, and things not being so great at work right now, that I decided to walk home. Now, home is 5 miles from where I work. I didn't have anything to bring home, really, and I was dressed very comfortably in sweats. So, I walked! And I had forgotten how much I missed moving my body forward, and not inside a small apartment, that I ran some of it! I would just run a block and then stop and walk for a bit, and then run 2 blocks and walk again. It was wonderful and I felt great, and I'm sure it is what gave me my great number on the scale today.

I feel great about it. I had kind of suspected because I find that with all the layers I wear (since I'm always cold), weighing myself with clothes on adds about 3 pounds to my weight. Since I've been to the doctor a lot this week, they weight me at 162, which I thought was weird, because without clothes, that would put me at 159. But... that's where I am.

I cried a lot on the scale today. Lots of tears of joy. Its also - I really believe in signs. I'm one of those people. And making a big decision like I made this week, if my weight had gone up, I probably would have started to question moving. It's completely irrational, but the fact that it went down THIS WEEK, it just makes me feel like the universe is saying, yes, you're getting warmer, this is the right path, just keep going.

So, I am FILLED with happiness today! I hope everyone else is too! If not, I am spreading :goodvibes to anyone and everyone!!

My dream career...hmmmm...Funny because if you had asked me that a year ago before graduation I would have said what I'm doing now. And I love what I do, TV will always be number 1 in my heart :happytv: but some days I think I'd like to go back to a culinary school and open a l cafe with really good food and desserts. But I think that might have me straying from some goals! I've started a cooking blog, but I'm really bad at posting. I have to get better at it because I'm still cooking and I just bought a new camera

What do you do in TV??? You could start culinary school now and have it as a part time career or something to use for a busy retirement!

Love to hear more about your blog. I've been writing posts so that I have a "stockpile" for when I finally start mine!

The Invisible Wall, and the 3 books that follow. It's a memoir from a man growing up in Jewish in England in WWII and then moving to America and meeting his wife and their journey through her illness sooooo good!

I think I'd like that! I'll make note of it!
Yesterday was good for me, I managed to make it to the gym twice! The 2nd time was out of being bored. I had done a plyo day with the trainer DBF and I go to and then went all out at Combat. It was rough. I came home to make turkey burgers and brown rice only to find the ground turkey had spoiled. I just bought it yesterday! I ended up with an egg and brown rice.

NICE job with a double work out. Sorry about the dinner problems!

I am excited for tonight's dinner! Skinny breakfast quesadillas with roasted spaghetti squash. I think I'll make it when I get home from the class tonight. I was planning on going this morning but I sent DBF to the trainer alone. They're currently installing new windows in his apartment and they've already put 2 holes in the walls :headache: Someone needs to be here incase any more appear and I'm off today so I can go later, he can't. I know it's an accident, but it is a pain in the butt to explain to management that the guys they hired did this!

Care to share the breakfast quesadilla recipe?? Sounds yummy!

Thanks! You are so right. I'm doing all ofthe above! I went and scheduled as many things as I could this weekend. Lots of time with people visiting from out of town (of course most of them live in Boston so hopefully soon I won't have to wait for them to visit haha). Movies, breakfast dates, tv marathons, with lots of healthy snacks. And when I'm with people, I always tend to eat better. I have that one slice of pizza, rather than that entire box. :rotfl2:

I'm kind of jealous of your busy schedule with friends! Tell me all about it so that I can live vicariously through you!!:lmao:

Well, I have parents like yours as well. They really are not happy about this decision. My mother and I don't get along very well, and its mostly because I have my father's sensitivity, and not her critical outlook on things. So, she speaks her mind very freely, and in cases like this - it is very very difficult to talk to her right now. I know she wants me to be happy, but her version of happy (in her Upper West Side high rise apartment with her extremely well paid corporate job where everything revolves around NYC) is very different than mine.

Hopefully Mom will come on board to support your decision, even if she doesnt' fully agree with it. Sometimes when we are very happy and content with our own lives, it is hard to see how someone else might not like living that same life.

I love NYC and I know I'll miss it, but I miss... driving! I miss deciding one weekend to take a trip to Salem, or Cape Cod, or the beach - just because! I miss culture readily available without paying astronomical fees! Of course it is blasphemy to say it around where I am now, but I miss Red Sox games!! I feel like Boston is the perfect blend of what I want from a home and I honestly can't wait. Oh, I could go on... :rotfl:

So glad you are excited for everything that is coming in the near future!

Regardless - THANK YOU! I really appreciate it, Mama Hen :) It sounds like you are a great mother to your kids. And thanks for your offer to help! Maybe once I'm up there, I'll investigate some Boston-area Dismeets!

Maybe we need to organize a New England area WISH meet!!

I really like this one from Steve Jobs:

"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever."

I think many highly successful people in this world are the ones that go with their gut and do trust karma.

Ahhh! Sorry you didn't have power last night! Man, the weather gods really won't give you a break! But, happy today is nice and relaxing with the movie.

And the fact that we had snow flurries this morning and predicted highs by Monday only in the 20s....I'm getting a little stir-crazy!!!
Well, if if someone was paying the bills AND I had a different skill set, I always wanted to be a pediatrician, but MAN, do I suck at all things science haha. Social science - I love it, and I'm good at it. But, put me in a biology class and I fall apart.

With my skill set, I really think School Psychology is the right path for me. I'm pretty sure I'll have to just stick to a master's, but if someone else is paying, I'd love to get a doctorate. My last name starts with Y, and it is crazy hard to pronounce, so I always dreamed about being Mrs. Y. :)

Glad you have big dreams but are aware of your limitations... and don't forget, with a doctorate you'd be "Dr. Y"!!!:thumbsup2

I'm sorry the scale is not showing your efforts, but maybe you're right - maybe you need something to kick start your weight loss again. I'd say go for it - worst case, you have to stop. But, if you can do it (and I know that you can), who knows what progress it could kick off? :goodvibes

I think I will give myself one day "off" from being so strict, enjoy a small splurge or two an then hit the juice fast on Sunday morning. Fingers crossed that it kicks that metabolism in the A**!!

Okay, think I'm all caught up!

Guess what, friends? I joined some clubs today. I joined the 150s club, I joined the I'm in the Recommended Weight for my Height club, I joined the Lost 20 Pounds club and I joined the I LOVE RUNNING club.

Okay, that last one isn't a real thing haha Last night, I was really stressed out about my test results, my big move coming up, the job search, and things not being so great at work right now, that I decided to walk home. Now, home is 5 miles from where I work. I didn't have anything to bring home, really, and I was dressed very comfortably in sweats. So, I walked! And I had forgotten how much I missed moving my body forward, and not inside a small apartment, that I ran some of it! I would just run a block and then stop and walk for a bit, and then run 2 blocks and walk again. It was wonderful and I felt great, and I'm sure it is what gave me my great number on the scale today.

I feel great about it. I had kind of suspected because I find that with all the layers I wear (since I'm always cold), weighing myself with clothes on adds about 3 pounds to my weight. Since I've been to the doctor a lot this week, they weight me at 162, which I thought was weird, because without clothes, that would put me at 159. But... that's where I am.

I cried a lot on the scale today. Lots of tears of joy. Its also - I really believe in signs. I'm one of those people. And making a big decision like I made this week, if my weight had gone up, I probably would have started to question moving. It's completely irrational, but the fact that it went down THIS WEEK, it just makes me feel like the universe is saying, yes, you're getting warmer, this is the right path, just keep going.

So, I am FILLED with happiness today! I hope everyone else is too! If not, I am spreading :goodvibes to anyone and everyone!!


OH MY GOSH!!!!! Congratulations to you!!! Yes, this is definitely KARMA and FATE and all of that stuff just reminding you that you are making the RIGHT DECISIONS and taking life into your own hands and making it a wonderful life!! Bottle up that wonderful feeling you had this morning.... put a small bit of it in the back of your brain..... and next time you are feeling defeated on the scale or ready to give up on this healthy weight loss journey, PULL OUT that feeling and remind yourself WHY you are doing this and how GREAT it feels to be in control of our lives, in control of our eating, and in control of our weight!!!

I took a picture of myself for a 365 day scrapbook when I was at 155 pounds.... and I wrote "me at 155 pounds... some day I will either look back and be glad I'm not that heavy any more , or look back and wish I was that weight again.... the choice is mine." I think about that often and every time I want to throw in the towel lately, I just remember that the choice is mine.... to stay where I am or to give up and lose ground. I'd much prefer to stay where I am, even if I never lost another pound.


Kiddos are back in from recess, lunch is over, movie is done..... time for reading and desk cleaning and the last2 hours of the day..............P
Evening all!

Got TWO new recipes cooking in the oven! Dinner will either be great.... or a total "Pinstrosity"!! :rotfl: Greek marinated chicken (or turkey in this case) and a baked spaghetti squash and spinach casserole.... plus I will roast some asparagus. DS is having ham and potatoes with this as well.

I also tried a new low carb peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe for DH. I tasted a half of a small cookie (honestly, I really did need to because I was tweaking the recipe with a different kind of sweetener) and it was pretty yummy.... too bad the PPV are off the chart!

Off to drop the second casserole dish into the oven and hit the TM for 30 minutes! TTYL........................P
Evening all!

Got TWO new recipes cooking in the oven! Dinner will either be great.... or a total "Pinstrosity"!! :rotfl: Greek marinated chicken (or turkey in this case) and a baked spaghetti squash and spinach casserole.... plus I will roast some asparagus. DS is having ham and potatoes with this as well.

I also tried a new low carb peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe for DH. I tasted a half of a small cookie (honestly, I really did need to because I was tweaking the recipe with a different kind of sweetener) and it was pretty yummy.... too bad the PPV are off the chart!

Off to drop the second casserole dish into the oven and hit the TM for 30 minutes! TTYL........................P

Spaghetti squash was two thumbs up..... greek marinated chicken was one thumbs DOWN and one neutral. SO one keeper and one for the recycling bin!

Hope every one is having a great start to their weekend. We are going to try to find a movie that the 3 of us can agree on.... haven't had a movie night with my men in quite a long time! I'll BB tomorrow to chat!.............P
I'm kind of jealous of your busy schedule with friends! Tell me all about it so that I can live vicariously through you!!

Well, started out not so hot. My friend brought me to a gathering with her friends that turned out to be a dinner party. I tried to last, but I was starving, so two slices it was. When they decided to go out for ice cream afterwards, I went home and had a Weight Watchers ice cream bar instead! Not the way I wanted to celebrate being in the 150s, as I'm trying to stop celebrating things with food. But, you can't choose your situations I guess.

I'm going to have a REAL celebration tomorrow by buying a coat! In the morning, I have breakfast with my friend Fernando, who is in from Boston, then shopping at JCPenney for some new clothes to celebrate my 20 pounds lost. After that, my friend Amanda, who is in from CT, and I are having a Veronica Mars marathon. I got her hooked on my high school obsession, and since the movie just came out, she wants to finish the series so we can go see the movie tomorrow night!

Then, Sunday morning, I'm going to get a haircut and maybe get my eyebrows done! Figured its time to start at least pretending to know what I'm doing when it comes to looking nice LOL

Then, I'm going to see Divergent with a meet-up group. As I said, lots of plans to keep me from thinking about these test results!!

Hopefully Mom will come on board to support your decision, even if she doesnt' fully agree with it. Sometimes when we are very happy and content with our own lives, it is hard to see how someone else might not like living that same life.

That's a really good way of putting it. Thank you - that actually changes my perspective on things.

Maybe we need to organize a New England area WISH meet!!

For sure!!!

And the fact that we had snow flurries this morning and predicted highs by Monday only in the 20s....I'm getting a little stir-crazy!!!

Oh my goodness! MORE snow?! Holy moley.

Glad you have big dreams but are aware of your limitations... and don't forget, with a doctorate you'd be "Dr. Y"!!!

:rotfl: That's what I meant to say!! Ooops!! Gonna go back and fix that!!

I think I will give myself one day "off" from being so strict, enjoy a small splurge or two an then hit the juice fast on Sunday morning. Fingers crossed that it kicks that metabolism in the A**!!

Fingers crossed for you, Pamela!!

OH MY GOSH!!!!! Congratulations to you!!! Yes, this is definitely KARMA and FATE and all of that stuff just reminding you that you are making the RIGHT DECISIONS and taking life into your own hands and making it a wonderful life!! Bottle up that wonderful feeling you had this morning.... put a small bit of it in the back of your brain..... and next time you are feeling defeated on the scale or ready to give up on this healthy weight loss journey, PULL OUT that feeling and remind yourself WHY you are doing this and how GREAT it feels to be in control of our lives, in control of our eating, and in control of our weight!!!

I took a picture of myself for a 365 day scrapbook when I was at 155 pounds.... and I wrote "me at 155 pounds... some day I will either look back and be glad I'm not that heavy any more , or look back and wish I was that weight again.... the choice is mine." I think about that often and every time I want to throw in the towel lately, I just remember that the choice is mine.... to stay where I am or to give up and lose ground. I'd much prefer to stay where I am, even if I never lost another pound.


I will never forget this feeling - and the many more to come as I reach towards my goal!!!

And I really think I'm going to do what you said and take a picture of myself. What a great idea!! Genius! :worship:

Spaghetti squash was two thumbs up..... greek marinated chicken was one thumbs DOWN and one neutral. SO one keeper and one for the recycling bin!

Hope every one is having a great start to their weekend. We are going to try to find a movie that the 3 of us can agree on.... haven't had a movie night with my men in quite a long time! I'll BB tomorrow to chat!.............P

Now I'm hungry for spaghetti squash! It seems that everyone is making it lately! Better grab some before it goes out of season!

A movie that four people in the same family agree on? :rotfl2:

Good luck!!!
Well, started out not so hot. My friend brought me to a gathering with her friends that turned out to be a dinner party. I tried to last, but I was starving, so two slices it was. When they decided to go out for ice cream afterwards, I went home and had a Weight Watchers ice cream bar instead! Not the way I wanted to celebrate being in the 150s, as I'm trying to stop celebrating things with food. But, you can't choose your situations I guess.

And I'm sure that you woke up this morning VERY HAPPY with the decision to skip the ice cream!!

I'm going to have a REAL celebration tomorrow by buying a coat! In the morning, I have breakfast with my friend Fernando, who is in from Boston, then shopping at JCPenney for some new clothes to celebrate my 20 pounds lost. After that, my friend Amanda, who is in from CT, and I are having a Veronica Mars marathon. I got her hooked on my high school obsession, and since the movie just came out, she wants to finish the series so we can go see the movie tomorrow night!

Then, Sunday morning, I'm going to get a haircut and maybe get my eyebrows done! Figured its time to start at least pretending to know what I'm doing when it comes to looking nice LOL

Then, I'm going to see Divergent with a meet-up group. As I said, lots of plans to keep me from thinking about these test results!!

Such a great busy weekend! Hope you find a beautiful coat.... on the CLEARANCE rack!! :thumbsup2

I'm taking DS to see Divergent with some friends tonight. I haven't decided yet if I will see it too, or just run errands. ENJOY!

And I really think I'm going to do what you said and take a picture of myself. What a great idea!! Genius! :worship:

My picture was a really "true" picture.... exercise shorts and sports bra only (but from the neck down only.... just in case the photo ever got public, I wanted to be able to deny it!). DO it today!

Now I'm hungry for spaghetti squash! It seems that everyone is making it lately! Better grab some before it goes out of season!

A movie that four people in the same family agree on? :rotfl2:

Good luck!!!

The spaghetti squash was so good that I had the leftovers for breakfast! I'll share the original recipe as well as my changes, later today.


Morning all! Happy first weekend of spring!! Hopefully it FEELS like spring where you are! We are supposed to get a rain/snow mix today, but it hasn't started yet. oh well.

As I mentioned, I had the rest of the spaghetti squash from last night for breakfast and I will follow that with a piece of low carb toast with natural pb.... just not feeling any of my usual breakfasts today. I think I am fighting that cold that went through my family over the last few weeks.... just a bit of a tickly cough starting, so I am grabbing the vitamin C this morning with my coffee!

Off to post the QOTD and I'll BBL to chat some more!.............P
QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?
I am thinking about a juice fast for a few days next week to perhaps give my body/metabolism a kick start.... perhaps Sunday and Monday (can't start tomorrow as I don't have the necessary supplies on hand yet). Just concerned about the amount of natural sugars in the juices and the lack of protein. But when I have done it in the past, it has definitely given me a bit of a boost on the scale.

I enjoying doing the juice fast for a day or 2. I'm not worried about the protein issue with only doing a couple days. I pop a few almonds or a hard boiled egg sometimes. Keep your focus and the scales will keep moving. I know it's frustrating when it's slow but remember we didn't get this way overnight! Don't be tempted to skip meals or your likely to see it slow down more. Just stick with the right choices! Our bodies need fuel to function.

I'm really liking the cycling! I think I'll like it more when my padded shorts arrive! DH's came yesterday but mine shipped later. I just got a cheap $30 foam padded but I know they make some that are like $100+ with gel. We'll see how serious this gets.

Dreading the weekend. This is when the temptations are around. I'm off to a good start w/ healthy food choices and a 30min cycle but we'll see how the afternoon goes. DS is already asking for a grilled cheese - mmm that sounds good!
Guess what, friends? I joined some clubs today. I joined the 150s club, I joined the I'm in the Recommended Weight for my Height club, I joined the Lost 20 Pounds club and I joined the I LOVE RUNNING club.

Okay, that last one isn't a real thing haha Last night, I was really stressed out about my test results, my big move coming up, the job search, and things not being so great at work right now, that I decided to walk home. Now, home is 5 miles from where I work. I didn't have anything to bring home, really, and I was dressed very comfortably in sweats. So, I walked! And I had forgotten how much I missed moving my body forward, and not inside a small apartment, that I ran some of it! I would just run a block and then stop and walk for a bit, and then run 2 blocks and walk again. It was wonderful and I felt great, and I'm sure it is what gave me my great number on the scale today.

I cried a lot on the scale today. Lots of tears of joy. Its also - I really believe in signs. I'm one of those people. And making a big decision like I made this week, if my weight had gone up, I probably would have started to question moving. It's completely irrational, but the fact that it went down THIS WEEK, it just makes me feel like the universe is saying, yes, you're getting warmer, this is the right path, just keep going.


Congrats on the good news. Sounds like you've super motivated - hold onto that!! You have a lot going on and coming up so keep your focus!

I went home and had a Weight Watchers ice cream bar instead!

I will never forget this feeling - and the many more to come as I reach towards my goal!!!

What a great choice you made. That's so hard when you're out in social settings. So much of our things are centered around food. Keep up with the good choices!
I enjoying doing the juice fast for a day or 2. I'm not worried about the protein issue with only doing a couple days. I pop a few almonds or a hard boiled egg sometimes. Keep your focus and the scales will keep moving. I know it's frustrating when it's slow but remember we didn't get this way overnight! Don't be tempted to skip meals or your likely to see it slow down more. Just stick with the right choices! Our bodies need fuel to function.

Thanks! Overall I don't worry about getting enough protein, but I can get SO hungry and miserable during a juicing weekend. And I NEVER skip meals! I love to eat too much!

I'm really liking the cycling! I think I'll like it more when my padded shorts arrive! DH's came yesterday but mine shipped later. I just got a cheap $30 foam padded but I know they make some that are like $100+ with gel. We'll see how serious this gets.

Hope the shorts help!~

Dreading the weekend. This is when the temptations are around. I'm off to a good start w/ healthy food choices and a 30min cycle but we'll see how the afternoon goes. DS is already asking for a grilled cheese - mmm that sounds good!

Weekends can be SO HARD! I know some folks who are constantly spinning their wheels.... eating SUPER CLEAN M-F just to try to make up for the disasterous eating over the weekends! WHY do we do this to ourselves?


Okay friends! I am PROUD to say that despite the cold temps, I got outside for a good 45 minute walk/run. I was SO tempted to turn around at the 10 minute mark because it was so cold.... but I pushed through and ignored the freezing fingers and dripping nose and finished what I set out to do! Glad I did it at 10 am, because it is snowing now!! :rolleyes2

Made the new vegetable chowder recipe I've been talking about for lunch today. It is good but definitely needs to be tweaked, so I will make it once more before I share the recipe. Actually.... DH just give it a "two thumbs up"!! Woohoo!

We are DEFINITELY missing some "regulars" here! Hope everyone is okay, healthy, safe, etc. If you are out there and see this, please just do a quick fly-by message to let us know you are well. Prayers coming for all of my friends, but most especially those in great need.

QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?

Guess I"ll answer my own QOTD!

Favorite go-to ingredient would probably be......any kind of low-glycemic vegetable! If a recipe calls for veggies, I often add 50% or 100% more than what the recipe indicates. It really helps bulk up casseroles, stews, soups, salads, etc without adding many carbs or calories.... plus it is a great way to get more vitamins and fiber!

If I could choose TWO.... my next might be....... cinnamon. The health benefits of cinnamon seem to have just coming to light recently. I add it to my pot(s) of coffee daily, my yogurt, sometimes in my tea (just a bit), on my hot cereals, in homemade applesauce, in smoothies.... but not too much, as it can taste kind of icky if you overdo it!


Well, since things are so quiet here, I guess I'll sign off for now. I've been hovering nearby in case anyone popped their head in, but time to do more with my day! I've done most of what was in the "necessary" column of my to-do list (breakfast and lunch, workout, laundry, vacuuming, two things into the mail, sort recycling, empty trash, make beds, empty compost bucket). Now I have about two hours to get something more done before I have to head out to take DS and his friends to the movies tonight.

I plan to treat myself to a nice healthy vegetable bowl dinner at Boloco (similar to Chipotle), then a few hours browsing at the thrift store while I wait for the movie to end (too far a drive to go all the way home). Then I'll drive them to Friendly's for an evening treat. I'll probably "treat" myself to a latte from Dunkins and read in my car while they have their treat. Then, of course, drive them home. I was hoping to be home 11 pm, but I just checked and the movie is 2 hours 20 minutes.... so it looks like it might be closer to midnight before I get home. Oh well. NBD. Maybe I'll end up NAPPING in the car! :lmao: Stinks to get old!!

I may pop on again while I am out if I get wifi..... otherwise I'll be back in the morning! .......................P
I love NYC and I know I'll miss it, but I miss... driving! I miss deciding one weekend to take a trip to Salem, or Cape Cod, or the beach - just because! I miss culture readily available without paying astronomical fees! Of course it is blasphemy to say it around where I am now, but I miss Red Sox games!! I feel like Boston is the perfect blend of what I want from a home and I honestly can't wait. Oh, I could go on... :rotfl:

I'm from NJ originally, but I have to say I love living in CT! There's so much about New England that's lovely!

With my skill set, I really think School Psychology is the right path for me. I'm pretty sure I'll have to just stick to a master's, but if someone else is paying, I'd love to get a doctorate. My last name starts with Y, and it is crazy hard to pronounce, so I always dreamed about being Dr. Y. :)

My dad is a school psychologist. He does only have his master. He does some counseling on the side. It's really perfect for him. He loves helping kids

Link! Link! Give us the link so I can make your recipes!!! And sorry to hear about your windows. It is definitely hard to know someone is in your home making a mess of things and you don't have proof. Sending good vibes that things go smoothly today!

I'm at glimmerandgarlic.wordpress.com You can tell work got crazy through the past few months but I swear I'm getting back to posting! And nothing is crazy calorie/fat/carb wise. I tend to eat lower on the sugar end so it's in line with that.


Okay, think I'm all caught up!

Guess what, friends? I joined some clubs today. I joined the 150s club, I joined the I'm in the Recommended Weight for my Height club, I joined the Lost 20 Pounds club and I joined the I LOVE RUNNING club.

So, I am FILLED with happiness today! I hope everyone else is too! If not, I am spreading :goodvibes to anyone and everyone!!


CONGRATS!!! You are fantastic!!! Enjoy all the goal reaching treats!!!

QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?

Oh my goodness these are out of order! 1) is spinach. I put spinach in everything. smoothies, soups, sandwiches. I'll puree it and put it in stuff. 2) flax seed/chia seed. I got a nutribullet for Christmas. Which is my favorite kitchen gadget. I'll mill up a bunch and put flax and chia in everything. along with my spinach!

Okay friends! I am PROUD to say that despite the cold temps, I got outside for a good 45 minute walk/run. I was SO tempted to turn around at the 10 minute mark because it was so cold.... but I pushed through and ignored the freezing fingers and dripping nose and finished what I set out to do! Glad I did it at 10 am, because it is snowing now!! :rolleyes2

Made the new vegetable chowder recipe I've been talking about for lunch today. It is good but definitely needs to be tweaked, so I will make it once more before I share the recipe. Actually.... DH just give it a "two thumbs up"!! Woohoo!
Good for you for getting out and getting your heart rate up! Sorry about more snow! I've heard we might get some here. That sounds so good! I love a good soup! I can't wait to try it when you're ready to share!

Ok, so I saw it asked, but I work as a Production Assistant at a major network. I love it, totally what I wanted. I'd say it's glamorous, but it's totally not hahaha I tend to have my hours changed. My first 4 months I worked any where from 2p-11pm to 4pm-1am. Then I switched and was working a 9a-6p shift. IT HAS BEEN AWESOME!!!!! I had finally figured out a really good workout routine that I've been so good about eating because I was on super normal hours. Now I'm switching to working a night shift. It's a good thing because I got put on the biggest show, but I switched to a 5p-2a/6p-3a schedule with not a lot of time for breaks to eat. So I'll be re-doing all my cooking times and gym classes/schedule.

I've officially lost my 1st 10 lbs today! I'm really excited because it's been some time since I've been down consistently and not right away put it back on. It's also the 1st time that I'm doing this for me and not an event and actually want to continue.

I have a while to go, but it's a good 1st step!
Oh my goodness these are out of order! 1) is spinach. I put spinach in everything. smoothies, soups, sandwiches. I'll puree it and put it in stuff. 2) flax seed/chia seed. I got a nutribullet for Christmas. Which is my favorite kitchen gadget. I'll mill up a bunch and put flax and chia in everything. along with my spinach!

I like using chia and flax, but have to be careful about the portions because they are very calorie dense. I made a SUPER simple chia jam once that was very good!

Ok, so I saw it asked, but I work as a Production Assistant at a major network. I love it, totally what I wanted. I'd say it's glamorous, but it's totally not hahaha I tend to have my hours changed. My first 4 months I worked any where from 2p-11pm to 4pm-1am. Then I switched and was working a 9a-6p shift. IT HAS BEEN AWESOME!!!!! I had finally figured out a really good workout routine that I've been so good about eating because I was on super normal hours. Now I'm switching to working a night shift. It's a good thing because I got put on the biggest show, but I switched to a 5p-2a/6p-3a schedule with not a lot of time for breaks to eat. So I'll be re-doing all my cooking times and gym classes/schedule.

I've officially lost my 1st 10 lbs today! I'm really excited because it's been some time since I've been down consistently and not right away put it back on. It's also the 1st time that I'm doing this for me and not an event and actually want to continue.

I have a while to go, but it's a good 1st step!

I can't believe how crazy your schedule changes are!! How does your body get used to that??

CONGRATS on your first 10!!! :banana:


Morning all! I would have been here earlier, but I wanted to get my juice made and it took me a LOOOONG time! I know that juice is healthier when it is freshly made but I HATE the mess, so I wanted to make enough for two days all at once..... and it took me over an hour!

I soaked/washed all of the apples and beets (non-organic :( ), celery and carrots (organic :) ), and then had to peel the papaya, cucumbers (non-organic and probably waxed :worried: ),oranges, lemon and kiwi. Then, because I was making so much juice, I had to stop a few times and empty my discard bucket, plus the pulpy papaya caused a clog in my juice spout and it overflowed on the counter....:mad: But it is done (and cleaned up!) and have two GALLONS of delicious bright magenta juice for the next 48 hours! I already had a huge serving that I blended with a half a banana, grated ginger, and two handfuls of baby spinach. It was yummy and I am hoping it keeps me full until at least lunch time.

Yesterday's eating was SPOT ON.... until DS got in the car at 9:30 last night with the leftover popcorn from the movie..... :sad2: If you know ANYTHING about me, you know that I LOOOOOOOVE movie popcorn. Suffice to say that "just a taste" turned into .... well..... too much. It was late, I was bored and tired (a LETHAL combination for me) and we'll just leave it at that. So a full week of great healthy LOW CARB eating was tossed in the trash thanks to the SIREN CALL of cheap popcorn!!:lmao: Oh well.... moving in the right direction today!!

Meeting someone at 1pm for a FB sale, so I need to get my walk done before that, so I'm gonna dash. Things are SO QUIET here! I'll post a FUN QOTD for today..................P
QOTD for Sunday, March 23, 2014:


You're stuck on a deserted island with one DISNEY character! Who would you want to be stuck with and WHY??
Hi everyone!

Am a bit frustrated here as my scale is once again showing a mystery gain. Even though I know that I do have these and they disappear again, they still make me moody. But I know that I cannot have put on two pounds since last week!!!

Yesterday I had planned on having a treat: a Starbucks lemon and poppyseed muffin. I absolutely adore anything lemon and poppyseed and I could feel that I would soon not be able to withstand them any longer. So I decided to incorporate it into my day. I was calculating about 10 points for it. Later I looked it up at WW and it came out at 17 points!!! After a breakfast of 4 points, that left me with only 5 points for the rest of the day!!!! But then later on I looked up the nutritional value on the Starbucks website and put those into the WW calculator. Now it came out at 11 points. I have no idea how there could be such a huge difference. Especially since according to Starbucks, this is the muffin with the lowest calories. But at WW it is the Starbucks muffin with the most points... :confused3

QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?

I guess it would be canned tomatoes for me. I just love tomatoes and they are so easy to use. I once read that there is a taste which is called "umami" and besides sweet, sour, salty and bitter it is something that is a real taste, i.e. it can be detected by the tongue. It is more or less the taste of glutamate. It occurs natural in a number of foods, including meat, spinach and ripe tomatoes. I find that I feel much more content with my meal if I had something naturally rich in umami taste. I think that explains my love for tomatoes!!

QOTD for Sunday, March 23, 2014:


You're stuck on a deserted island with one DISNEY character! Who would you want to be stuck with and WHY??

What a fun question!!!!

Hmm, if it can be a PIXAR character, I would pick Remy as then I would always have delicious food! :rotfl2:

If it has to be Disney, I guess I would pick Mulan. I think she and I would get along well.
QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?

This has a bit of a twist for me. My healthy ingredient is that I add some milled flax seed to my porridge in the morning, however I have been analysing my food intake the last two weeks as it has really slowed down. I have been tipping in the flax seed and I think maybe :sad2:with all the added omegas it is the flax seed that needs now perhaps to literally be 'measured' a spoonful only maybe? Any thoughts on this appreciated.
I just wanted to say hello, have found some renewed vigor to lose weight.. was at about 245 this time last year, down to 213 end of August, just an insane few months with relationship issues (nobody would believe it :))... Then back up to 222, this morning weighed in at 211.2.. Been eating better, started going to work out, really want to get to my high school weight of 170, but would be tickled at 180...

Goals- below 200 by May 1; and then slowly get to 180 by August 1
Hi everyone!

Am a bit frustrated here as my scale is once again showing a mystery gain. Even though I know that I do have these and they disappear again, they still make me moody. But I know that I cannot have put on two pounds since last week!!!

I think many of us are experiencing something like that right now! SO very frustrating! Hang in there.... those 2 pounds will disappear and hopefully take a friend or two along with them!!

Yesterday I had planned on having a treat: a Starbucks lemon and poppyseed muffin. I absolutely adore anything lemon and poppyseed and I could feel that I would soon not be able to withstand them any longer. So I decided to incorporate it into my day. I was calculating about 10 points for it. Later I looked it up at WW and it came out at 17 points!!! After a breakfast of 4 points, that left me with only 5 points for the rest of the day!!!! But then later on I looked up the nutritional value on the Starbucks website and put those into the WW calculator. Now it came out at 11 points. I have no idea how there could be such a huge difference. Especially since according to Starbucks, this is the muffin with the lowest calories. But at WW it is the Starbucks muffin with the most points... :confused3

We call it "Wonky WW Math" around here.... because 2+2 rarely equals 4.... sometimes it equals 3, sometimes it equals 6!!! Personally, I would take the NI from the Starbucks site, use that in your WW PP calculator and take that number as the truth.

I guess it would be canned tomatoes for me. I just love tomatoes and they are so easy to use. I once read that there is a taste which is called "umami" and besides sweet, sour, salty and bitter it is something that is a real taste, i.e. it can be detected by the tongue. It is more or less the taste of glutamate. It occurs natural in a number of foods, including meat, spinach and ripe tomatoes. I find that I feel much more content with my meal if I had something naturally rich in umami taste. I think that explains my love for tomatoes!!

Nice explaination! I use lots of canned tomatoes here as well. It is the only canned vegetable I regularly buy (other than beans).

What a fun question!!!!

Hmm, if it can be a PIXAR character, I would pick Remy as then I would always have delicious food! :rotfl2:

If it has to be Disney, I guess I would pick Mulan. I think she and I would get along well.

When I say "Disney" I usually mean ANYTHING RELATED to Disney... so yes, Pixar would count! And I love the idea that Remy would feed you well! In fact.... I have THIS item in my kitchen!!


This has a bit of a twist for me. My healthy ingredient is that I add some milled flax seed to my porridge in the morning, however I have been analysing my food intake the last two weeks as it has really slowed down. I have been tipping in the flax seed and I think maybe :sad2: with all the added omegas it is the flax seed that needs now perhaps to literally be 'measured' a spoonful only maybe? Any thoughts on this appreciated.

I would agree with that assessment 100%. Flax seed is fairly calorie dense and if you aren't measuring your portions and counting it appropriately, it could definitely put you over your calories in a major way. A mere 2 Tb. has 70 calories and 5 grams of fat. Just throwing that out there.

I just wanted to say hello, have found some renewed vigor to lose weight.. was at about 245 this time last year, down to 213 end of August, just an insane few months with relationship issues (nobody would believe it :))... Then back up to 222, this morning weighed in at 211.2.. Been eating better, started going to work out, really want to get to my high school weight of 170, but would be tickled at 180...

Goals- below 200 by May 1; and then slowly get to 180 by August 1

Well....thanks for joining us! Glad to have you! Sounds like you are on back on track!


Evening all! Made a whole $9 today with my sales! :lmao: And then promptly went to Target and spent it on fun stuff like toilet paper!!:rotfl2:

Today's juice fast is going okay. I was pretty hungry when I get home from Target so I made up a juice/banana/spinach smoothie with just a bit of almond milk to help fill me. I can definitely see I will be craving some protein later tonight, so I may either make another smoothie with some Juice Plus protein powder or have a handful of nuts.

Off to brag about today's coupon savings over on the Budget Board...........P
I just wanted to say hello, have found some renewed vigor to lose weight.. was at about 245 this time last year, down to 213 end of August, just an insane few months with relationship issues (nobody would believe it :))... Then back up to 222, this morning weighed in at 211.2.. Been eating better, started going to work out, really want to get to my high school weight of 170, but would be tickled at 180...

Goals- below 200 by May 1; and then slowly get to 180 by August 1


So sorry for the hard times you had to go through, but it sounds like you are back on track now!!

When I say "Disney" I usually mean ANYTHING RELATED to Disney... so yes, Pixar would count! And I love the idea that Remy would feed you well! In fact.... I have THIS item in my kitchen!!


Oh! This is soooo cute! Just when I had moved to Berlin my sister and I happened to come a cross a marketing event for Ratatouille in front of a large cinema. We checked it out (you could see film clips inside a huge piece of cheese) and then got our picture taken in front of the Paris background from the film. We also got a film poster. I had this in my kitchen in Berlin and when I came back to Nuremberg I put it up here as well. I absolutely loved the film! I can't wait to get back to DLP after they have opened the Ratatouille ride there, which is set to open this summer. It sounds like it is going to be quite an amazing ride!

Thanks for the WW help. I had decided to go with the calculator result anyway. Seemed more reliable to me. :thumbsup2


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