WISH Away the Pounds **Maddening March Challenge** All Welcome

Hey, you managed the quoting!!! When you want to shorten the text that you quote, make sure to never delete the text that is in the square brackets [like this].

Good Morning everyone!

Hope you all have a great mid of the week day! I can't believe that the third week of March is already halfway over! And it is only 40 days until I leave for my vacation!! :yay:

Your chart sounds intriguing Pam, I would love to see a picture of it!

Stacey, I can't believe all the troubles you have with your appartment!!! :sad2: But it sounds like you have made some decissions about your future and I am excited to hear all about it!!

Michelle, I hope your week is better than you feared! :grouphug:

I am due to start coaching on Friday, but since things are pretty quiet here I think I will throw in a bonus QOTD for today:

Since we are into the second half of March are you happy with where you are at the moment? If yes - is there anything that worked for you for the first half? If no - what are you planning to change up for the second half of the month?

I guess yes even though I've hardly lost anything. I just feel like I'm finally on the right track. I made up a list of weekly rewards for the next 4-5 weeks and I think that will help. My bike needs a new front wheel and it's at the bike shop right now so I'll probably get it back pretty soon. Other than that though I guess it's perfectly fine. I've just been taking it easy this week only swimming, but I think today I'll get back in the weight room. Have a great day--we are really seeing spring around here-- it's nice.
I guess yes even though I've hardly lost anything. I just feel like I'm finally on the right track. I made up a list of weekly rewards for the next 4-5 weeks and I think that will help. My bike needs a new front wheel and it's at the bike shop right now so I'll probably get it back pretty soon. Other than that though I guess it's perfectly fine. I've just been taking it easy this week only swimming, but I think today I'll get back in the weight room. Have a great day--we are really seeing spring around here-- it's nice.

Lucky you (about spring)! And good job making yourself a list of REWARDS!!


Evening all! SUPER proud of myself for actually finishing the second half of my workout on the TM! I did the first half before I picked up DS, but didn't have enough time to do it all.... and I was SO CLOSE to copping out on the second half, as I have a headache coming on (related to neck pain).... but I popped some Advil and a cup of green tea and did the second half! Not quite as fast as the first, but good enough!

I can't believe that in the not too distance past I was actually a RUNNER.... and I ran MILES several times a week... and now it feels like an accomplishment just to finish a fast 3 mile walk. It is kind of depressing how far I let things go.... just glad I caught the pounds before they got out of control.

Dinner is NOT going to be a salad, as I was craving HOT veggies instead. I started with an appetizer of raw sweet red pepper, next up is a plate of roasted cauliflower and eggplant and a lowcarb lavash wrap containing turkey and spinach with some Laughing Cow cheese! And of course, a big seltzer to drink, followed by more decaf green tea. I am SO hungry.... just waiting for the veggies to finish roasting.

Since I am home alone and my workout is done and dinner is (nearly) done, I'm going to chill and relax a bit and watch a PBS special I recorded the other day.

There goes the timer for my veggies! Gotta dash!..............P
Oh my gosh! You can't catch a break this lately! So sorry about the continuing apartment issues! Wish I could help!

Prayers that you are finding a wonderful new path for your life!

Thanks, Pamela. I whole heartily appreciate it.

I am not delighted in the least bit where I'm at this month :( I feel like I've been wasting days. I have been getting good workouts in, but this week I've hit the week of not feeling well and not having the energy to spare for WO. ugh

I'm so sorry. This winter has been so tough on all of us. I hope things get better for you soon.

Ah Pinterest, that evil evil thing. This is EVERY experience I have had on there :rotfl2:

<3 This! I totally agree!!

Evening all! SUPER proud of myself for actually finishing the second half of my workout on the TM!

Way to go!!!


Went to the doc today for a regular check-up and told her about my sensitivity to cold and fatigue on a regular basis, despite the perks and energy from working out. Turns out my blood pressure was WAY low - first time they took it, it was 100/20, but then the machine said 99/65. Either way, I apparently now have to INCREASE the salt in my diet haha And here I thought all those frozen meals were going to increase my bold pressure with those high sodium contents!

They're going to do some more blood work to see if its anything to do with my thyroid or something else. I don't want there to be something wrong, but if there is, and they can fix it, that would be good, I guess? I don't know. Oy. Just one more thing I guess.

I feel good about my weight - I'm still losing. But, with the weather, I've really had a lot of trouble getting back into exercising, so even though I'm losing, I'm not happy with my body changing the way I want it to. I'm hoping the warmer weather will increase my motivation!

Okay, I'm hitting the sack early. All that blood work made me feel woozier and more fatigued than normal. Trying to get up early tomorrow to get in the workout I missed today.
I am due to start coaching on Friday, but since things are pretty quiet here I think I will throw in a bonus QOTD for today:

Since we are into the second half of March are you happy with where you are at the moment? If yes - is there anything that worked for you for the first half? If no - what are you planning to change up for the second half of the month?

I'm kind of happy! I started of strong and then hit a mini plateau. It just took a little spike in calories one day and I'm back down! I am planning on doing a lot more work outs for the rest of the month and doing more in the kitchen.

Oh! I did go to the Body Combat class! I LOVED it! It's martial arts moves to really fun music! I had so much fun suddenly it was over! I did Pump today. I first did it when I started working out in November.

If you've seen the Modern Family episode where Phil does the elliptical the distance to Canada and then can't walk....that was me...for DAYS!

But I made it through all the plyo with out keeling over and I'm sore, but I can still move. That I'm very proud of!

I can't believe that in the not too distance past I was actually a RUNNER.... and I ran MILES several times a week... and now it feels like an accomplishment just to finish a fast 3 mile walk. It is kind of depressing how far I let things go.... just glad I caught the pounds before they got out of control.

Dinner is NOT going to be a salad, as I was craving HOT veggies instead. I started with an appetizer of raw sweet red pepper, next up is a plate of roasted cauliflower and eggplant and a lowcarb lavash wrap containing turkey and spinach with some Laughing Cow cheese! And of course, a big seltzer to drink, followed by more decaf green tea. I am SO hungry.... just waiting for the veggies to finish roasting.

I'm in the same boat. I was fine...thought I was good...and then realized I wasn't. You'll get back to running! But regardless, my brother is a distance runner, and he always says if you're running...you're a runner no matter how many times you might stop and walk.

Your dinner sounds so good!
Thanks, Pamela. I whole heartily appreciate it.

And of course, you are so welcome!!

Went to the doc today for a regular check-up and told her about my sensitivity to cold and fatigue on a regular basis, despite the perks and energy from working out. Turns out my blood pressure was WAY low - first time they took it, it was 100/20, but then the machine said 99/65. Either way, I apparently now have to INCREASE the salt in my diet haha And here I thought all those frozen meals were going to increase my bold pressure with those high sodium contents!

They're going to do some more blood work to see if its anything to do with my thyroid or something else. I don't want there to be something wrong, but if there is, and they can fix it, that would be good, I guess? I don't know. Oy. Just one more thing I guess.

I feel good about my weight - I'm still losing. But, with the weather, I've really had a lot of trouble getting back into exercising, so even though I'm losing, I'm not happy with my body changing the way I want it to. I'm hoping the warmer weather will increase my motivation!

Okay, I'm hitting the sack early. All that blood work made me feel woozier and more fatigued than normal. Trying to get up early tomorrow to get in the workout I missed today.

Sorry about the low b/p thing. I also have b/p on the low side, although I can't say I"ve ever had any ill effects from it, other than right after I delivered DD. I had INSISTED that I be allowed to walk from the labor/delivery room back to my regular room (in the old days.... before every hospital had family birthing centers), rather than a wheelchair. When I got to my room the nurse took my b/p because she thought I looked pale (although honestly I felt okay) and it was so very low she was concerned that I was hemorrhaging and said that she would NEVER have let me walk if she had realized how low my pressure was! I guess she thought I might pass out! Even when I was nearly 100 pounds overweight, my blood pressure was never above normal. I guess I consider myself lucky about that.

Prayers and pd that you get yourself on the right track with whatever is needed!! And YES, I am presuming that the warmer weather will improve your motivation AND MINE!!:thumbsup2

I'm kind of happy! I started of strong and then hit a mini plateau. It just took a little spike in calories one day and I'm back down! I am planning on doing a lot more work outs for the rest of the month and doing more in the kitchen.

Good job! I find that really shaking up the calories (high/low/moderate, etc) really keeps the metabolism guessing and burning. I used to have a "plan" for fluctuating my PP goal every day, but lately I have really been sticking right around my target. Maybe it is time to get back to shaking things up!

Do you cook?? Any recipes to share?

Oh! I did go to the Body Combat class! I LOVED it! It's martial arts moves to really fun music! I had so much fun suddenly it was over! I did Pump today. I first did it when I started working out in November.

If you've seen the Modern Family episode where Phil does the elliptical the distance to Canada and then can't walk....that was me...for DAYS!

But I made it through all the plyo with out keeling over and I'm sore, but I can still move. That I'm very proud of!

Wow! Sounds like you have found the perfect workout(s) for you!

I'm in the same boat. I was fine...thought I was good...and then realized I wasn't. You'll get back to running! But regardless, my brother is a distance runner, and he always says if you're running...you're a runner no matter how many times you might stop and walk.

Your dinner sounds so good!

I'll be honest.... part of me doesn't want to go back to running. I don't enjoy it AT ALL.... never did!!..... but I do enjoy the calorie burn and the feeling of accomplishment... I'm so torn!! :confused:


Morning all! Wow... quiet here again! Where is everyone?? Maybe there is a touch of "March Apathy" getting hold here! I think we need to SHAKE THINGS UP!!! Any ideas???? I'll give some brain power to some sort of challenge that I could post.... maybe that will get some folks back on here and get the chatting up again!

Yesterday ended late, picking up DS in the rain/snow mix near 10 pm. But it hadn't gotten too bad out yet, so it wasn't a slippery ride.... but this morning was another story. Woke up to 3-4 wet soggy inches of snow on the yard and driveway and of COURSE our little neighborhood and the mountainous roads that lead to us were poorly plowed/treated and it was a nice slushy slippery ride until we got to the main roads. Oh well... this MUST be nearly the end of the snow, right????????:rolleyes1

Today I plan to have my workout done BEFORE lunch, but after making beds and running the vacuum around. And I am in the middle of making a batch of vegetable stock, so that needs to be strained and packed up, labeled, and frozen today.

Tonight is burgers and a new spaghetti squash recipe and tomorrow is pot roast.... I usually try to NOT have beef two nights in a row, but it just worked out that way this week. Then Saturday will be a sandwich night, since I am taking DS to meet friends at the movies and I will probably do some shopping while I wait for them. And I plan to try a new vegetable chowder recipe on Sunday. If it is any good, I'll share it!

I need to do one good cleaning project today as well.... I was doing great with early spring cleaning back in January and early February, but have really gotten away from it the last few weeks. If I feel up to it I'll do a part of the basement.... but if it is too chilly down there, I'll do a few kitchen drawers.

The basement, attic, and the playroom are really the ONLY spaces that need my attention. I am NOT attempting to tackle DD's closet :eek:, I cleaned out DS's closet a few weeks ago and mine not that long ago. Kitchen closet was my last big project. Mudroom has been done, dining room has nothing, living room has nothing (other than just some random stuff in the end table drawers), bathroom closets were all recently cleaned out. It is the BIG stuff I really have left to tackle.... but I cannot do the attic in this weather. I need a 50+ degree day (but under 80) and a few of them in a row.... plus some help to get boxes and bins up and down the stairs. Playroom also needs a warm-ish day unless I want to turn the heat on (which I do NOT). So it looks like it will be basement or junk drawer today!! Wow.... what a ramble!!:rotfl:

Well... can't get ANYTHING done if I am just sitting here typing! Off to check emails and get to work!............P
Sorry about the low b/p thing. I also have b/p on the low side, although I can't say I"ve ever had any ill effects from it, other than right after I delivered DD. I had INSISTED that I be allowed to walk from the labor/delivery room back to my regular room (in the old days.... before every hospital had family birthing centers), rather than a wheelchair. When I got to my room the nurse took my b/p because she thought I looked pale (although honestly I felt okay) and it was so very low she was concerned that I was hemorrhaging and said that she would NEVER have let me walk if she had realized how low my pressure was! I guess she thought I might pass out! Even when I was nearly 100 pounds overweight, my blood pressure was never above normal. I guess I consider myself lucky about that.

Oh my goodness! They say mothers can lift trucks to get to their babies, and you are no exception haha

Yeah, they did the same thing when they were taking my blood - had nurses on both sides in case I passed out. I never pass out with stuff like that, but I guess with my BP so low, they were nervous haha

I'll be honest.... part of me doesn't want to go back to running. I don't enjoy it AT ALL.... never did!!..... but I do enjoy the calorie burn and the feeling of accomplishment... I'm so torn!! :confused:

That's so funny because I can't wait to start running again! As a former runner, I feel like if I'm not sweating profusely when I finish, I'm not getting a good cardio workout LOL Power90 has kickboxing, knee thrusts, jumping jacks - you know, lots of variety to keep people happy. And yet, I'm always so bored! I never thought I'd miss something as monotonous as running!!!

I think I'm going to give up on trying to finish Power90 in 90 days, and instead replace the cardio video with a HIIT running program, and do the weight training from a list, rather than a video. Of course, the warmer weather will definitely make that easier! :)

Morning all! Wow... quiet here again! Where is everyone?? Maybe there is a touch of "March Apathy" getting hold here! I think we need to SHAKE THINGS UP!!! Any ideas???? I'll give some brain power to some sort of challenge that I could post.... maybe that will get some folks back on here and get the chatting up again!

Right? So quiet!!! I'm sorry you've had so much snow! I really hope that was the last of it for you! The veggie chowder sounds so great! Please share the recipe if it turns out okay!

Pamela, it sounds like you have totally gotten back on track of things! You were so stressed about feeling off the wagon, but man, look at you go!!! :cool1: :cheer2:


More blood tests today! They've got to cover all of their bases apparently. Hopefully I'll know by tomorrow what's going on. Otherwise I will probably stress all weekend about it. :crazy2:

Everyone at work is sick, so I'm drinking lots of OJ and taking my vitamins, and you know, avoiding everyone LOL

LOTS OF NEWS TODAY! Everything is finally coming into place I think.

My biggest news is that I am definitely moving to Boston. I realized that in order to make a change in my happiness level, I need to make a change in my life. So, when my friend moves out in September, I'll take her apartment with her roommates, which means I have until then to find a job! :lmao: If I find one before September, I have friends outside of Boston that I can stay with temporarily!

Also, I enrolled in a online degree program today. I'll be getting a second bachelors in Psychology. After speaking to a lot of people and having tons of informational interviews, I think I really want to be a school psychologist. And, honestly, if I don't, its only 5 semesters of online classes. I can stop at any time, and if I finish, at least my GPA will be much better than it was the first time I did a bachelor's where I was not enjoying my studies. So, no matter what I decide to pursue my master's in, I will feel more comfortable applying with a better reflection of what I can do. :)

I'm really excited about this plan. It feels weird to be going back to Boston (I went to college there), almost like I am taking moving backwards, but so many of my friends are there, and I think I need a break from New York. Someone told me that sometimes to move forward, you need to take a step back, and I really feel like that is the case here. I wanted my own place, and I wanted to live in NYC, because that is where I grew up, so I did both. But, I don't think I was ready, financially, socially, and mentally for either. So, I'm acknowledging my mistake and I'm doing all that I can to fix it.

Maybe I will hate it and maybe I'll miss NYC passionately, but I can always apply to a master's program in NYC eventually. All I know is that it HAS to be better than my apartment with no heat, no ceiling, my non-existant social life, and working for my father. I just know it has to be.

So many things are up in the air right now, but I am one of those people who just feels inherently better with a plan in place, and oh my GOD do I feel amazing compared to how I've been feeling these past few months.

Thank you guys so much for helping me through what has been an extremely difficult time. Throwing lots of pixiedust: around today. Yay!
Hey everyone , I am going to beg off coaching.. I am still in limbo with my gram and am soooooo stressed out that I am not doing anything - I'm eating crappy, not moving, not sleeping .. so if someone could take my coaching spot I'd be so appreciative..

Hug and pixie dust to others in need.. thanks ladies.. Michelle
Right? So quiet!!! I'm sorry you've had so much snow! I really hope that was the last of it for you! The veggie chowder sounds so great! Please share the recipe if it turns out okay!

Will do! :thumbsup2

More blood tests today! They've got to cover all of their bases apparently. Hopefully I'll know by tomorrow what's going on. Otherwise I will probably stress all weekend about it. :crazy2:

Do NOT stress about it.... what will be, will be, right? Stress will NOT help the situation.... neither will stress eating! Take a walk, do some yoga, stretch and/or meditate, read a good book, see a great movie, go out for (light) cocktails with friends, visit a loved one.... but do NOT stress! Prayers continuing.

Everyone at work is sick, so I'm drinking lots of OJ and taking my vitamins, and you know, avoiding everyone LOL

I managed (knock on wood) to avoid the nasty cold that cycled through the rest of my family for the past 3 weeks! Considering myself both lucky AND well-immuned! Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

LOTS OF NEWS TODAY! Everything is finally coming into place I think.

My biggest news is that I am definitely moving to Boston. I realized that in order to make a change in my happiness level, I need to make a change in my life. So, when my friend moves out in September, I'll take her apartment with her roommates, which means I have until then to find a job! :lmao: If I find one before September, I have friends outside of Boston that I can stay with temporarily!

Yowza! Congrats on making a BIG move! I think you will love Boston.... it is busy with lots to do like NYC, but not quite as hectic! The "T" is just as easy to use as the NY Subway system (easier IMHO) and there is lots of great history to see.... plus Cape Cod and New Hampshire are just a short ride away! Wish I could offer you space here, but we are about 80 minutes north of Boston (not counting the ever-present traffic), but let me know if I can help in ANY way!! I do drive into the Boston vicinity a few times a month.

Also, I enrolled in a online degree program today. I'll be getting a second bachelors in Psychology. After speaking to a lot of people and having tons of informational interviews, I think I really want to be a school psychologist. And, honestly, if I don't, its only 5 semesters of online classes. I can stop at any time, and if I finish, at least my GPA will be much better than it was the first time I did a bachelor's where I was not enjoying my studies. So, no matter what I decide to pursue my master's in, I will feel more comfortable applying with a better reflection of what I can do. :)

I'm really excited about this plan. It feels weird to be going back to Boston (I went to college there), almost like I am taking moving backwards, but so many of my friends are there, and I think I need a break from New York. Someone told me that sometimes to move forward, you need to take a step back, and I really feel like that is the case here. I wanted my own place, and I wanted to live in NYC, because that is where I grew up, so I did both. But, I don't think I was ready, financially, socially, and mentally for either. So, I'm acknowledging my mistake and I'm doing all that I can to fix it.

Maybe I will hate it and maybe I'll miss NYC passionately, but I can always apply to a master's program in NYC eventually. All I know is that it HAS to be better than my apartment with no heat, no ceiling, my non-existant social life, and working for my father. I just know it has to be.

So many things are up in the air right now, but I am one of those people who just feels inherently better with a plan in place, and oh my GOD do I feel amazing compared to how I've been feeling these past few months.

Thank you guys so much for helping me through what has been an extremely difficult time. Throwing lots of pixiedust: around today. Yay!

So you are familiar with Boston.... that's good. I am SO PROUD OF YOU for taking such a huge step to improve your life! I was always so afraid of making big bold moves when I was your age. Wish I hadn't been. My folks were great parents, but I wish that they had encouraged me to dream a bit more. I guess they couldn't help being exceedingly practical and conservative.

I have always told my kids, especially DD, to DREAM BIG and REACH HIGH! They have always been told that they could grow up to be ANYTHING that they wanted to be, as long as they were willing to work hard for it! I know that DD definitely took that to heart and she KNOWS that I always have her back and will always support her in achieving her goals. I PRAY that DS knows this as well and I pray that he will work just a bit harder these next few important years to achieve his goals!

So you are returning to Boston with big dreams, big plans, and a renewed physical health and fitness!! There is NOTHING to hold you back!! :hug:

Hey everyone , I am going to beg off coaching.. I am still in limbo with my gram and am soooooo stressed out that I am not doing anything - I'm eating crappy, not moving, not sleeping .. so if someone could take my coaching spot I'd be so appreciative..

Hug and pixie dust to others in need.. thanks ladies.. Michelle

Michelle.... we all understand and I will hop in RIGHT NOW for you. Don't worry about us, we will be here for you when you return. Prayers continuing for you, your family, and your Gram.

Please take care of YOURSELF during this stressful time! You will feel better in the long run and you will have a better outlook. But overall.... just take care. :hug:


Okay friends... since Michelle is unavailable, I will step up for the next few days, starting with a late QOTD right now! BB in a bit!....................P
QOTD for Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Since it seems that many of us need some inspiration to finish up a very uninspiring March, share your favorite inspirational quote!! Either something you heard at WW, an "old" saying, something from Pinterest.... whatever motivates and inspires YOU!

Here is mine (for today anyhow!)

Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
Hey everyone , I am going to beg off coaching.. I am still in limbo with my gram and am soooooo stressed out that I am not doing anything - I'm eating crappy, not moving, not sleeping .. so if someone could take my coaching spot I'd be so appreciative..

Hug and pixie dust to others in need.. thanks ladies.. Michelle

I am so sorry! I hope you can feel better soon!! :hug:

LOTS OF NEWS TODAY! Everything is finally coming into place I think.

My biggest news is that I am definitely moving to Boston. I realized that in order to make a change in my happiness level, I need to make a change in my life. So, when my friend moves out in September, I'll take her apartment with her roommates, which means I have until then to find a job! :lmao: If I find one before September, I have friends outside of Boston that I can stay with temporarily!

Also, I enrolled in a online degree program today. I'll be getting a second bachelors in Psychology. After speaking to a lot of people and having tons of informational interviews, I think I really want to be a school psychologist. And, honestly, if I don't, its only 5 semesters of online classes. I can stop at any time, and if I finish, at least my GPA will be much better than it was the first time I did a bachelor's where I was not enjoying my studies. So, no matter what I decide to pursue my master's in, I will feel more comfortable applying with a better reflection of what I can do. :)

I'm really excited about this plan. It feels weird to be going back to Boston (I went to college there), almost like I am taking moving backwards, but so many of my friends are there, and I think I need a break from New York. Someone told me that sometimes to move forward, you need to take a step back, and I really feel like that is the case here. I wanted my own place, and I wanted to live in NYC, because that is where I grew up, so I did both. But, I don't think I was ready, financially, socially, and mentally for either. So, I'm acknowledging my mistake and I'm doing all that I can to fix it.

Maybe I will hate it and maybe I'll miss NYC passionately, but I can always apply to a master's program in NYC eventually. All I know is that it HAS to be better than my apartment with no heat, no ceiling, my non-existant social life, and working for my father. I just know it has to be.

So many things are up in the air right now, but I am one of those people who just feels inherently better with a plan in place, and oh my GOD do I feel amazing compared to how I've been feeling these past few months.

Thank you guys so much for helping me through what has been an extremely difficult time. Throwing lots of pixiedust: around today. Yay!

This all sounds really good! I am so glad that you were able to figure out what is right for you!! I think going back somewhere where you have a social circle is the right step! Hopefully you will find a job that fits! And doing a second degree is quite impressive! Good luck with that! :thumbsup2
Okay friends... since Michelle is unavailable, I will step up for the next few days, starting with a late QOTD right now! BB in a bit!....................P

First of all a huge thank you for stepping in!! :thumbsup2 Just a little bit of confusion... :goodvibes I was scheduled to coach for 3/21-3/25 and Michelle had 3/26 to 3/31. If you want to continue the momentum that you have now with your start today, I am happy to change and let you coach until 3/25 and I could take the end of the month. Just let me know how you prefer it and I will adapt!!!

Oh - and unfortunately I have no inspirational quote whatsoever - I just can't remember things like that...
QOTD for Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Since it seems that many of us need some inspiration to finish up a very uninspiring March, share your favorite inspirational quote!! Either something you heard at WW, an "old" saying, something from Pinterest.... whatever motivates and inspires YOU!

Here is mine (for today anyhow!)

Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

Well, looked around for awhile then this jumped out at me. I kind of needed it after my bike incident.

One sure way to avoid mistakes is to avoid taking action. But in the
long run, avoiding action would be the biggest mistake of all, for
nothing would ever get done.
If you're going to move forward, you're going to make some wrong
turns along the way. Don't let that stop you from proceeding.
There will be many times when you'll look back and wish you had done
things differently. Don't let that stop you from moving forward.
Mistakes are bad enough on their own. Don't be so afraid of them that
you avoid life itself.
Every mistake you've ever made is now in the past. The way to move
ahead is to leave them there.
Learn from where you went wrong, then step confidently and positively
forward. For now is your time to live and to act. By Ralph Marston

Having a slow start today, made one of my big scrambled omelet things which took awhile even though I cut up the tomatoes and mushrooms last night. It was really good! It was 10 eggs, bag of spinach, costco thing of mushrooms, some reduced fat mexican cheese, and a little aged gouda. I'm not a huge fan of tomatoes so I tried marinating them in balsamic vinegar and minced garlic last night,added them in and they were really good! Also had some leftover ceviche I threw in. Have a huge mess now though lol in the kitchen. I'll eat off that the next 3-4 days probably. I also used 2 cast iron skillets to pick up more iron thanks to the advice from one of my friends at the pool. There was another old guy there in the jacuzzi yesterday who was suggesting massage and ice therapy for my bruising and I thought of arnica which I had totally forgot about so I picked some up last night in a rub. Man it helped but the thinner parts of my skin where I rubbed it in burned like fire all night lol.
Need to go work out early so I can pick up Saving Mr. Banks to watch tonight since there's just basketball tonight. Hopefully I can get some laundry done tonight 'cause I'm getting down to it lol. Will probably call the guy today to see about the bike, I saw a number in my recents when just glancing I didn't recognize so I bet he called yesterday.
Did really well with snacking last night and only had 2 drinks.

Just had to add this quick was reading something else and:
“You can’t fly like an eagle if you hang out with turkeys!”
I think were eagles here.
Hi Guys

Sorry I've been MIA again......just wanted to let you know that I have read all of your PMs from last week, and have updated the colours in post #3.

Work has been an absolute b***h this week, but finally, I have a day off tomorrow!! I will be catching up on all of the posts I've missed (5 pages!!) in the morning after my run.

Good luck with tomorrows WI, will try to keep up this week!!!
Okay friends... since Michelle is unavailable, I will step up for the next few days, starting with a late QOTD right now! BB in a bit!....................P[/QUOTE]

Thank you!:)
Well I'm still in the boot but the foot feels better when I've walked a few steps getting out of bed in the morning. So hopefully speedy recovery!!

I was so frustrated not being able to work out. The MD ok biking so I looked into those stands you can put your bike on - it's just called a "trainer". DH was into it so it would give a chance to workout in the morning. he wakes up way earlier than anyone else and the treadmill is in our bedroom so now we have the bike downstairs!

It's so nice - and exhausting when you're not used to cycling. The first time I did about 7 min! It's taking some getting used to on my bum :goodvibes and we've invested in some cycling pants (padded). I realized I needed to scoot back a little on the seat. The first time I did it after I got off the bike I had intense tingling 'down there'. Guess I was compressing a nerve and it was waking up like when your foot falls asleep or something! :eek:

Anyone have any cycling tips? He said the time on the trainer = double what it would be on the road. 15min in trainer = 30min road. I'm guessing they account for all the coasting you do on the road? I'm up to 30 min today! :cool1:

I think I've been doing pretty good on my food so hoping for some good news in the morning! We always go out to eat Thursday night but at least it's a salad place. I know you can get in big trouble w salads though. I usually get a high protein salad w/ quinoa, chicken, cranberries, almonds. I think I'll get the dressing on the side so they don't over pour! My FAV is the steakhouse w/ bacon, steak and bleu cheese - but that does not help w/ the diet!
Also, I enrolled in a online degree program today. I'll be getting a second bachelors in Psychology. After speaking to a lot of people and having tons of informational interviews, I think I really want to be a school psychologist.

Wow! Well done. I was looking into that but here in the UK they changed the entry requirements and I don't have a degree in Psychology so I would have to take that first ant the pathway is 7 years. Gook luck to you. It is a fascinating area to be in. :teacher:
QOTD for Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Since it seems that many of us need some inspiration to finish up a very uninspiring March, share your favorite inspirational quote!! Either something you heard at WW, an "old" saying, something from Pinterest.... whatever motivates and inspires YOU!

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific"
Lily Tomlin
First of all a huge thank you for stepping in!! :thumbsup2 Just a little bit of confusion... :goodvibes I was scheduled to coach for 3/21-3/25 and Michelle had 3/26 to 3/31. If you want to continue the momentum that you have now with your start today, I am happy to change and let you coach until 3/25 and I could take the end of the month. Just let me know how you prefer it and I will adapt!!!

Oh - and unfortunately I have no inspirational quote whatsoever - I just can't remember things like that...

I'll stick with it for now as long as you are good with this. Next week (especially the end of it) will be a bit crazy for me. Thanks for being flexible!

Well, looked around for awhile then this jumped out at me. I kind of needed it after my bike incident.

One sure way to avoid mistakes is to avoid taking action. But in the
long run, avoiding action would be the biggest mistake of all, for
nothing would ever get done.
If you're going to move forward, you're going to make some wrong
turns along the way. Don't let that stop you from proceeding.
There will be many times when you'll look back and wish you had done
things differently. Don't let that stop you from moving forward.
Mistakes are bad enough on their own. Don't be so afraid of them that
you avoid life itself.
Every mistake you've ever made is now in the past. The way to move
ahead is to leave them there.
Learn from where you went wrong, then step confidently and positively
forward. For now is your time to live and to act. By Ralph Marston

That's great!! A little Rafiki-esque!

Having a slow start today, made one of my big scrambled omelet things which took awhile even though I cut up the tomatoes and mushrooms last night. It was really good! It was 10 eggs, bag of spinach, costco thing of mushrooms, some reduced fat mexican cheese, and a little aged gouda. I'm not a huge fan of tomatoes so I tried marinating them in balsamic vinegar and minced garlic last night,added them in and they were really good! Also had some leftover ceviche I threw in. Have a huge mess now though lol in the kitchen. I'll eat off that the next 3-4 days probably. I also used 2 cast iron skillets to pick up more iron thanks to the advice from one of my friends at the pool. There was another old guy there in the jacuzzi yesterday who was suggesting massage and ice therapy for my bruising and I thought of arnica which I had totally forgot about so I picked some up last night in a rub. Man it helped but the thinner parts of my skin where I rubbed it in burned like fire all night lol.
Need to go work out early so I can pick up Saving Mr. Banks to watch tonight since there's just basketball tonight. Hopefully I can get some laundry done tonight 'cause I'm getting down to it lol. Will probably call the guy today to see about the bike, I saw a number in my recents when just glancing I didn't recognize so I bet he called yesterday.
Did really well with snacking last night and only had 2 drinks.

Just had to add this quick was reading something else and:
“You can’t fly like an eagle if you hang out with turkeys!”
I think were eagles here.

We ARE eagles! We can soar!! Did you enjoy your movie??

Hi Guys

Sorry I've been MIA again......just wanted to let you know that I have read all of your PMs from last week, and have updated the colours in post #3.

Work has been an absolute b***h this week, but finally, I have a day off tomorrow!! I will be catching up on all of the posts I've missed (5 pages!!) in the morning after my run.

Good luck with tomorrows WI, will try to keep up this week!!!

Don't worry about us! We will be fine until you have time to catch up! We've missed you!

Well I'm still in the boot but the foot feels better when I've walked a few steps getting out of bed in the morning. So hopefully speedy recovery!!

I was so frustrated not being able to work out. The MD ok biking so I looked into those stands you can put your bike on - it's just called a "trainer". DH was into it so it would give a chance to workout in the morning. he wakes up way earlier than anyone else and the treadmill is in our bedroom so now we have the bike downstairs!

It's so nice - and exhausting when you're not used to cycling. The first time I did about 7 min! It's taking some getting used to on my bum :goodvibes and we've invested in some cycling pants (padded). I realized I needed to scoot back a little on the seat. The first time I did it after I got off the bike I had intense tingling 'down there'. Guess I was compressing a nerve and it was waking up like when your foot falls asleep or something! :eek:

Anyone have any cycling tips? He said the time on the trainer = double what it would be on the road. 15min in trainer = 30min road. I'm guessing they account for all the coasting you do on the road? I'm up to 30 min today! :cool1:

Good for you for finding an alternative exercise!!

I think I've been doing pretty good on my food so hoping for some good news in the morning! We always go out to eat Thursday night but at least it's a salad place. I know you can get in big trouble w salads though. I usually get a high protein salad w/ quinoa, chicken, cranberries, almonds. I think I'll get the dressing on the side so they don't over pour! My FAV is the steakhouse w/ bacon, steak and bleu cheese - but that does not help w/ the diet!

Hope you enjoyed your salad!

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific"
Lily Tomlin



Good morning friends! Hectic one here! I got called to work at 5:30, but didn't rush to get showered.... until I remembered that this is the day that DS has to be to school an hour early!!:eek: Why can't we EVER seem to remember that the night before??? Anyhow, it was a mad dash, but we made it and he was just a minute late. But pot roast did NOT make it into the crockpot, so I will have to come up with a dinner alternative. I have two turkey thighs that I defrosted last week and didn't end up using, so I'll make those for DH and myself and give DS an alternate protein.

We lost power for several hours last night, so I wasn't able to pop on again. (High winds took down a big tree over the lines.) And I wasn't able to make the spaghetti squash either. The squash was baking when the power went out, so I had to pull it and put it in the fridge. I'll finish it up to go with tonight's dinner. Oh well... the best laid plans! Fortuntely I was able to dig the snow out from around the grill and we were still able to have our burgers (beef for the men, Boca for me). I filled my roll with baby spinach and had a side of raw carrots to make up for the missing hot veggie side dish.

I'm working today but thanking the teaching gods for smiling on me..... my class had a movie planned for nearly the entire day!!! So math worksheets, start movie, then computer class, more movie, my lunch/break time, cafeteria duty (during which I am allowed to eat), silent reading and read aloud, finish movie if necessary, complete any other unfinished work for the week, clean out desks, go home!!!!!!! :yay: Can't ask for an easier day! The kids do have to take notes during the movie for a fompare-and-contrast worksheet next week.

Off to post the QOTD so I can have some more coffee before the kids come trooping in!.............P
QOTD for Friday, March 21, 2014:


What is your DREAM career? If someone was paying the bills (both at home and for education), would you pursue it in real life?

And a bonus QOTD (since it is Friday): What is your favorite book/book series?

BBL to chat........................P
Well... the morning is plugging along. Finally got the movie running correctly (with some help from another teacher..... having trouble with the Promethean board sound) and they have their morning snack.

Everyone seems to be quiet here...... hope that means that you are all keeping busy and enjoying Spring! I'm still waiting for it to arrive here.... although it did hit the high 40's here yesterday with a bit of lovely sunshine. But today is grey and cold again, although not bitterly cold.

Never got to finish my workout yesterday since I was planning on a TM mile or two and we lost power and it was too cold and windy by that point to finish up my miles outside. Plus I am really struggling with my neck pain lately and the TM seems to aggravate it... plus I have to be careful about upper body workouts as well.

Struggling not to lose my motivation since the scale BARELY moved this week, despite my efforts. I KNOW that even if I maintain right where I am for the next 10 years, I am better off than I would be if I gave up.... but I'm sure you can all relate to my frustration.

Speaking of the scale not moving, I never got to take a photo of my new chart and upload it last night, since we were without power for a few hours.... but it is lovely! Although sadly, the first line of the graph will be a barely-discernable downward slope.....:sad2:

I am thinking about a juice fast for a few days next week to perhaps give my body/metabolism a kick start.... perhaps Sunday and Monday (can't start tomorrow as I don't have the necessary supplies on hand yet). Just concerned about the amount of natural sugars in the juices and the lack of protein. But when I have done it in the past, it has definitely given me a bit of a boost on the scale.

Okay.... just rambling out loud here! Hope you are all well, happy, and healthy!..........P


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