WISH Away the Pounds **Maddening March Challenge** All Welcome

So I have a creativity challenge.
We are bringing DH parents to Disney for the first time in April. We are staying offsite and we have them booked at The Yacht Club for 5 nights. His mother is in on it but it is a surprise for his dad. In 2 weeks we are telling him at a combined Birthday party for his parents. His brother and sister are kicking in some spending money and their families will join in on the surprise.
So the challenge is how to reveal the big trip?? I don't want to spend a fortune but want it to be special. I have already purchased Lanyards and some pins to trade for the trip.
His parents will be 69 and 70 when we travel. His mom has back/neck problems. Considering renting a scooter for her. His dad is very mobile. No health issues. Not a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. More like Mr. Rogers. He was a librarian and she was a nurse.
Morning all and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Sorry I skipped out of the weekend.... trying to enjoy the last of my time with DD AND get the laundry caught up! Plus DD had a friend visit Saturday morning, so the first half of the day was spent on a sprint-cleaning of the downstairs plus making a nice brunch for the company and the family.

Yesterday was a blur of loading the car and driving DD back to school, unloading the car and the drive home.

Friday's weigh-in was a disappointment and I definitely gave in to some frustration eating that night (although I was good allllll day leading up to it), but in hindsight my "binge" wasn't that extreme.... I had 3 slices of a small take-out pizza (light on the cheese), shared a salad with some chicken salad on top (very mayonnaise-y though), had some homemade fat-free popcorn, a small dish of low carb ice cream and a handful of m&ms..... so while I definitely went over my PPV for the day, it wasn't a total disaster (but my stomach did NOT appreciate it). But Saturday and Sunday I walked outside, stayed OP, drank plenty of water and felt back in control again.... and hoping to repeat that good feeling today.

Today's walk will definitely be on the TM, as we are experiencing near record cold temps here in NH again this week (high today not expected to reach 30 degrees). YUCK!

DS is at school, DH is working at home today and recovering from his bad cold, the laundry is caught up (except for DD's bedding), and the housework is fairly well under control, so today will be spent making up a mailing to send to my DSIL who is struggling with some depression, etc right now and is definitely in need of some support and prayers.

Off to refill my coffee, make my bed, and then hit the TM! I'll pop on after lunch to read and reply!.............P
Had a great time at my crop till Sat about 4;30 when my mom texted me that my Gram was having a seizure (she had a stroke on 7/4/13 and has been progrressively going down hill - bedridden now) which she has a few times a week for 3-4 mins so when I asked if it was bad and she didn't text me back till 7;30 and said it was 2 hrs long! I almost died.. so anyway she said not to worry we were just there a few weeks ago and she was not responding to anyone anyway.. so i stayed till Sunday at 2 (got 53 pages done:thumbsup2) then the Hubs came and got me and we drove the 2 hrs up to my parents and at that point she was a little responsive - she opened her eyes for my Aunt she lived with for 7 years twice and then she opened them once for me.. We had to come back home because we only have one car and Hubs doesn't have any vacation/sick time till May, so I got 11 hrs of sleep at my crop in the two days and then I didn't get home to bed till 11pm and up for work at 4:30 I'm tired.. My mom isn't texting me back.. this will be a bad week for me - I ate lots of carbs at the crop and will stress eat comfort foods to soothe myself.. but I am OK with that.. I wanted you all to know incase I am not around much this week.. We will not go to the gym today I am just too tired but plan to go tues for Zumba and Wed and Thurs barring any bad news from my parents house.. Thanks everyone.. I appreciate your listening.. Michelle
Here's a pretty good pic of the feet:

How adorable!!

Afternoon, all!

Happy weekend! Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine!

Today is True Confessions Day! So, I thought we could turn that around and make our confessions useful for each other!

Weekend QOTD: Time to confess! What is your least favorite part about staying healthy/losing weight? What steps do you take to motivate yourself to keep going? What has worked for you in the past that you'd advise someone to do who was having the same problem?

BBL with replies I hope!

I'm willing to bet that most of you could answer this for me! EXERCISE!! Hate it!! Struggle to stay motivated! And this isn't new. I remember attending WW YEARS ago with a friend (our boys were toddlers) and we had the "I'd rather exercise for hours and eat more" versus "I'd rather eat less and skip exercise" debate a few times. She was clearly in one camp and I was definitely in the other. Of course, now I realize that it really isn't EITHER/OR.... in order to be TRULY HEALTHY and successful at long-term weight loss/weight maintenance.... you must do BOTH (to some degree at least).

I have trouble keeping myself motivated but Rose gave me a good idea a few years ago and I have tried to stick with it. I tell myself that I MUST exercise for "xxx" minutes and then I can just stop if I want to.... but usually by the tie xxx minutes are up, I'm motivated to keep going!

Hi Pjlla fellow NHer. I knew you had to be close to me. I tried the surfing place too! I got DD and DS gift certificates for Xmas. We went over Feb break. DS crashed early, DD did OK. I did pretty well. I surprised myself and the instructor. Wiping out was tough on the palms of my hands. I couldn't clap for days. http://www.wdwinfo.com/images/smilies/rotfl2.gif
It is very different from real surfing. You stand up while the instructor holds the board, much easier than pushing from your stomach to your feet in one smooth motion while balancing on a surf board. I won't rush right back for indoor surfing. I haven't surfed outdoors since my weight loss so I am anxious to try it 40lbs lighter.

My kids really enjoyed the indoor surfing. They understood it wasn't "real" surfing, but it was still fun. They both definitely felt a bit bruised and battered the next day from all of the falling, but I know they would both do it again (if it wasn't so expensive!). They have both always been interested in real surfing, but it just has never panned out for us.

Happy Sunday everyone!!

I finally remembered to step on the scale this morning - last two mornings I had to rush out of the house and totally forgot. Seems like I am slowly moving forward with a little over one pound lost every week. If I can keep that going until my cruise, I think I will be happy with my results!

One of the best things I did this year so far with regard to weight loss was signing up for the WISH Exercise challenge. I had seen it around for some time, but never joined. I find it very motivating to have a goal of minutes to work towards and have committed to 30 minutes per day. This really encouraged me to do something every day that is not part of my usual routine (e.g. walking to lunch does not count).

I have done that before too.... maybe I ought to look into it again. I'm not terribly competitive, but love the idea of trying to beat my own time! Thanks for the reminder!

Today I started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I ordered the set from Amazon in the US since it is not being sold in Germany and with the shipping (which was really reasonable, the Disneystore wants 70$ for shipping internationally, Amazon only charged 12$) and the import duty it was not really cheap, but I saw it as a treat to myself!

I really really enjoyed the first DVD that I did today. It is far more fast paced than 30 Day Shred and I really like the fact that tomorrow and the day after I will be something else. 30 DS became rather repetitive after a few days. This one is so that you do strength exercises for the front of the body one day, then for the back of the body the next day and then one day of cardio, then repeat, then one day of rest and then week 2 is the same again as week 1. After two weeks you get new exercises. In total it is 6 different sets of exercises, so a 12 weeks program. I will only be able to do half of it before my cruise. But have the best intentions to restart it again after the vacation and then do it through the summer. I hope I will get into a routine of doing the DVDs in the morning and then add also in a few runs in the evenings... Planning on doing that tonight. I am going to my parents (they live a nice 10 minute walk away) this afternoon and decided to wear my running clothes to see them and then I will run back (with a detour to make it worth it). Another idea which I have the best intentions for is to take my running clothes to work with me, get changed at the end of the day and run home. Hmmm, I could even then make sure to wear fresh running clothes back to the office to leave those there for the next run home... Oh, all those great ideas of getting exercise into my daily routine!! :goodvibes

I guess I am currently on an exercise high from my DVD! :lmao:

Lots of great plans/ideas to keep you moving!!:thumbsup2

After two weeks of sunshine we have the grey weather here now... Hope you are enjoying the outdoors!!

Two weeks of sunshine??? I'm so jealous! That being said, I am having a sunny but VERY COLD day here!

Had a great time at my crop till Sat about 4;30 when my mom texted me that my Gram was having a seizure (she had a stroke on 7/4/13 and has been progrressively going down hill - bedridden now) which she has a few times a week for 3-4 mins so when I asked if it was bad and she didn't text me back till 7;30 and said it was 2 hrs long! I almost died.. so anyway she said not to worry we were just there a few weeks ago and she was not responding to anyone anyway.. so i stayed till Sunday at 2 (got 53 pages done:thumbsup2) then the Hubs came and got me and we drove the 2 hrs up to my parents and at that point she was a little responsive - she opened her eyes for my Aunt she lived with for 7 years twice and then she opened them once for me.. We had to come back home because we only have one car and Hubs doesn't have any vacation/sick time till May, so I got 11 hrs of sleep at my crop in the two days and then I didn't get home to bed till 11pm and up for work at 4:30 I'm tired.. My mom isn't texting me back.. this will be a bad week for me - I ate lots of carbs at the crop and will stress eat comfort foods to soothe myself.. but I am OK with that.. I wanted you all to know incase I am not around much this week.. We will not go to the gym today I am just too tired but plan to go tues for Zumba and Wed and Thurs barring any bad news from my parents house.. Thanks everyone.. I appreciate your listening.. Michelle

Oh Michelle.... I'm so sorry to hear this. Prayers for all of you coming today and continuing. :hug:


Okay friends.... workout DONE (woohoo!), beds stripped and sheets washed and hanging out in the cold wind (after all of the colds here, I decided to do some "degermification" today :laughing:), lunch made and consumed and veggies roasting for later in the week, homemade vegetable stock simmering, meatballs defrosting for the men's dinner. I'm meeting a woman at 5pm to buy a Lifeproof case for my phone (you know, one of those "shady FB yard sale deals" :lmao: ) and then I'll head to the high school for tonight's performance of the spring musical (DS is the lighting tech).

So I have just a BIT of time to get that mailing put together for my DSIL. So I'm going to dash!......................P
Running late today, think I'm just going to try to swim again since I'm still a little sore. Will call the guy about my bike today, forgot to give him my number lol--it happened so fast and I was trying to not be late for work. I hope he was able to fix it. I really love my bike-- it's a pink schwinn one speed with the fenders-it looks like the old ones.
My eating yesterday was terrible I brought a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl to work for lunch which was fine but then they brought pizza into the breakroom so I had a slice too. This keeps happening. I'll be on break eating a granola bar and they'll bring in the leftover pizza from the day (we have a pizza dept.)...Plus I snacked and drank too much. I think it's because I'm worried about the bike.
Well-- wish me luck! Have a great day.
My kids really enjoyed the indoor surfing. They understood it wasn't "real" surfing, but it was still fun. They both definitely felt a bit bruised and battered the next day from all of the falling, but I know they would both do it again (if it wasn't so expensive!). They have both always been interested in real surfing, but it just has never panned out for us.

DD would definitely go back. I think its a great place to start for anyone that wants to try surfing. Its just hard on us older folks when you fall. LOL!
If you ever get to Hampton Beach at the north end is a surf shop called Cinnamon Rainbows. They have lessons, board rentals and wet suit rentals.
$45 for 1/2 day with a lesson.

Running late today, think I'm just going to try to swim again since I'm still a little sore. Will call the guy about my bike today, forgot to give him my number lol--it happened so fast and I was trying to not be late for work. I hope he was able to fix it. I really love my bike-- it's a pink schwinn one speed with the fenders-it looks like the old ones.
My eating yesterday was terrible I brought a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl to work for lunch which was fine but then they brought pizza into the breakroom so I had a slice too. This keeps happening. I'll be on break eating a granola bar and they'll bring in the leftover pizza from the day (we have a pizza dept.)...Plus I snacked and drank too much. I think it's because I'm worried about the bike.
Well-- wish me luck! Have a great day.

Hope you get your bike back! That must have been so scary! DH always worries about be me on the roads. I hate making a left turn. :(
Had a great time at my crop till Sat about 4;30 when my mom texted me that my Gram was having a seizure (she had a stroke on 7/4/13 and has been progrressively going down hill - bedridden now) which she has a few times a week for 3-4 mins so when I asked if it was bad and she didn't text me back till 7;30 and said it was 2 hrs long! I almost died.. so anyway she said not to worry we were just there a few weeks ago and she was not responding to anyone anyway.. so i stayed till Sunday at 2 (got 53 pages done:thumbsup2) then the Hubs came and got me and we drove the 2 hrs up to my parents and at that point she was a little responsive - she opened her eyes for my Aunt she lived with for 7 years twice and then she opened them once for me.. We had to come back home because we only have one car and Hubs doesn't have any vacation/sick time till May, so I got 11 hrs of sleep at my crop in the two days and then I didn't get home to bed till 11pm and up for work at 4:30 I'm tired.. My mom isn't texting me back.. this will be a bad week for me - I ate lots of carbs at the crop and will stress eat comfort foods to soothe myself.. but I am OK with that.. I wanted you all to know incase I am not around much this week.. We will not go to the gym today I am just too tired but plan to go tues for Zumba and Wed and Thurs barring any bad news from my parents house.. Thanks everyone.. I appreciate your listening.. Michelle

Hope there is no bad news! Prayers are with you.
Had a great time at my crop till Sat about 4;30 when my mom texted me that my Gram was having a seizure

Oh, you poor thing. :grouphug:

10-12 inches of snow today. Ugh! :sad2: The roads are clear now, so tomorrow should be a normal day, at least I hope. I was up a bit today from yesterday which irritates the crap out of me since today is weigh in day. I did get to move 2 beads though, so thats something. Yesterday would have been 3 though. :rolleyes2
Hope everyone had good weigh ins and a great weekend!

As my weekends are mid week I went back to my parents' house and talked to my best friend's kindergarten class about the magic of working in TV. I think a lot went over their heads, but I hadn't seen my friends since October and my parents since December.

I even managed to find a gown for this wedding in May! It's smaller than the size I wore to the wedding in November! And it has to be altered to fit me! But it looks really nice.

I'm in a "not going to the gym" mood. I love going to the gym and I love exercising but I think I'm just down I didn't get the weekend off to go on the bachelorette cruise next month. My solution is to pre-sign up for classes because if you don't show you can't pre sign for any more classes and I won't cancel.

Has anyone done a Body Combat class? How was it? I love Body Pump and enjoy Body Flow. Either way I'm going tomorrow!

Sorry I skipped out of the weekend.... trying to enjoy the last of my time with DD

There's nothing like spending time with your mom! The worst part about moving away and working weird times is not being able to hang out with my mom! It's great that you got to spend time together!!

Michelle, I hope there's no bad news. Praying for you and your family.:hug:
Running late today, think I'm just going to try to swim again since I'm still a little sore. Will call the guy about my bike today, forgot to give him my number lol--it happened so fast and I was trying to not be late for work. I hope he was able to fix it. I really love my bike-- it's a pink schwinn one speed with the fenders-it looks like the old ones.
My eating yesterday was terrible I brought a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl to work for lunch which was fine but then they brought pizza into the breakroom so I had a slice too. This keeps happening. I'll be on break eating a granola bar and they'll bring in the leftover pizza from the day (we have a pizza dept.)...Plus I snacked and drank too much. I think it's because I'm worried about the bike.
Well-- wish me luck! Have a great day.

Somehow I missed the quote about your accident yesterday (although I did see it). Anyhow.... prayers that you heal quickly and that the soreness passes and that the bike is repaired quickly and properly!!:hug:

10-12 inches of snow today. Ugh! :sad2: The roads are clear now, so tomorrow should be a normal day, at least I hope. I was up a bit today from yesterday which irritates the crap out of me since today is weigh in day. I did get to move 2 beads though, so thats something. Yesterday would have been 3 though. :rolleyes2

So sorry you got more snow!! I know I was dreading the thought that we might get more as well, but it passed south of us and this week's predicted storm sounds like a rain/snow mix, so not too bad. Sorry that the scale didn't give you what you wanted and hoped for, but 2 pounds is still terrific!!

Hope everyone had good weigh ins and a great weekend!

As my weekends are mid week I went back to my parents' house and talked to my best friend's kindergarten class about the magic of working in TV. I think a lot went over their heads, but I hadn't seen my friends since October and my parents since December.

I even managed to find a gown for this wedding in May! It's smaller than the size I wore to the wedding in November! And it has to be altered to fit me! But it looks really nice.

I'm in a "not going to the gym" mood. I love going to the gym and I love exercising but I think I'm just down I didn't get the weekend off to go on the bachelorette cruise next month. My solution is to pre-sign up for classes because if you don't show you can't pre sign for any more classes and I won't cancel.

I love that idea of not being able to cancel a gym date! That would definitely encourage me to keep going! Congrats on a fancy new dress too!

Has anyone done a Body Combat class? How was it? I love Body Pump and enjoy Body Flow. Either way I'm going tomorrow!

Never done any of them.... tell us more!

There's nothing like spending time with your mom! The worst part about moving away and working weird times is not being able to hang out with my mom! It's great that you got to spend time together!!

Awww.... that's sweet, thanks! I miss my Mom as well (she's in FL for the winter) and I definitely miss my Mother/Daughter time since DD left for college.


Morning friends and happy Tuesday!! Hope you all aren't feeling the day-after effects of too much green beer and Irish celebrating!:rotfl:

Day #2 of not getting called to sub.... kind of surprising~! I was SO expecting to be called today that I actually packed a lunch last night. But NBD, since this is my WW day I like to have the extra time to get prepared.

DS had to be to school early this morning in order to attend the State Math Meet, so I essentially got an extra "hour" in my day because I had to be up earlier with him. Breakfast is made and eaten and cleaned up, on my third cup of coffee :-)eek:), FB is checked, and email is next. But first I wanted to chat here!

I did some thinking/figuring while I was on the TM yesterday and figured out that I have about 11 weeks until I have a MAJOR birthday.... and since I've gained a bit this spring, I have those 11 weeks to lose about 10 pounds to bring me to the very low end of what I consider my maintenance range. I KNOW that I would have to really work hard to get there because the weight comes off so slowly at this point, but I think I could do it. I am going to figure out exactly what I have left for time and such and make up a chart for the wall at home. I am not going to do the bead jar like other have mentioned be cause many of my weeks are probably going to be FRACTIONS/Tenths up or down and that wouldn't work well with the bead jar. But I am going to do some sort of flow chart/graph so that I can have a visual. Hopefully this will KICK MY A** into gear and help me get moving a bit more regularly! I"ll post a picture when I get it done!

I am going to go upstairs and make beds and then on with my day! TTYL...........P
Well... things are certainly quiet here today! Hope everyone is doing okay! Prayers to those who need it, Pixie dust to those with weather woes and such!

I've done a short workout (20 minutes) but I made it count and did some free weights, some abs/core, some legs, and kept the heart rate up! Luckily I'm not a big sweat-er because I do NOT have time to shampoo today! I showered and shampooed last night and today will have to be just a shower! My hair just gets too dry and I am running short on time (as usual on Tuesdays!).

Ate the lunch I had packed in anticipation of working today, but in hindsight I probably should have saved it in case I get called tomorrow. oh well.

Haven't yet made up my graph/chart I was talking about because I spent the morning on making appointments and phone calls and the like.... and now I've gotta get lookin' all gussied up for tonight's meeting! ;) TTYL..............P
Just a quick fly by post! :moped:

Hope everyone is doing well!

Unfortunately, I am home today because there is a hole in my ceiling...

The people above have a laundry machine (illegally) and a pipe flooded, and it flooded into my kitchen on Saturday night. So, they are here repatching the ceiling...

Aaand it is with this news that I officially decided, it doesn't matter where I am this summer, but I will NOT be here. Time to sublet my apartment. :sad:

More news and replies later.
Just a quick fly by post! :moped:

Hope everyone is doing well!

Unfortunately, I am home today because there is a hole in my ceiling...

The people above have a laundry machine (illegally) and a pipe flooded, and it flooded into my kitchen on Saturday night. So, they are here repatching the ceiling...

Aaand it is with this news that I officially decided, it doesn't matter where I am this summer, but I will NOT be here. Time to sublet my apartment. :sad:

More news and replies later.

Oh my gosh! You can't catch a break this lately! So sorry about the continuing apartment issues! Wish I could help!

Prayers that you are finding a wonderful new path for your life!


Okay.... dressed and ready to head to tonight's meeting! I got my new "personal challenge" graph ready to go! I've got 13 weeks (including this week that ends Friday) to lose 10.7 pounds (but honestly, I'd be delighted with 7-8 pounds) and hit my big 5-0 birthday at the lowest end of my maintenance range that I've been able to maintain (for more than 10 minutes! :rotfl:). I will take a picture of it later to share.... not exactly a work of art, but it is big and in my face and neat and it is placed where I will see it every day (downstairs hall between the kitchen and living room, right off the laundry room). I can't WAIT to see that graph line heading down, down, down!!

sorry been MIA with my mom coming over for a visit :teeth: back on track tomorrow!!
Somehow I missed the quote about your accident yesterday (although I did see it). Anyhow.... prayers that you heal quickly and that the soreness passes and that the bike is repaired quickly and properly!!:hug:

So sorry you got more snow!! I know I was dreading the thought that we might get more as well, but it passed south of us and this week's predicted storm sounds like a rain/snow mix, so not too bad. Sorry that the scale didn't give you what you wanted and hoped for, but 2 pounds is still terrific!!


Morning friends and happy Tuesday!! Hope you all aren't feeling the day-after effects of too much green beer and Irish celebrating!:rotfl:

Day #2 of not getting called to sub.... kind of surprising~! I was SO expecting to be called today that I actually packed a lunch last night. But NBD, since this is my WW day I like to have the extra time to get prepared.

DS had to be to school early this morning in order to attend the State Math Meet, so I essentially got an extra "hour" in my day because I had to be up earlier with him. Breakfast is made and eaten and cleaned up, on my third cup of coffee :-)eek:), FB is checked, and email is next. But first I wanted to chat here!

I did some thinking/figuring while I was on the TM yesterday and figured out that I have about 11 weeks until I have a MAJOR birthday.... and since I've gained a bit this spring, I have those 11 weeks to lose about 10 pounds to bring me to the very low end of what I consider my maintenance range. I KNOW that I would have to really work hard to get there because the weight comes off so slowly at this point, but I think I could do it. I am going to figure out exactly what I have left for time and such and make up a chart for the wall at home. I am not going to do the bead jar like other have mentioned be cause many of my weeks are probably going to be FRACTIONS/Tenths up or down and that wouldn't work well with the bead jar. But I am going to do some sort of flow chart/graph so that I can have a visual. Hopefully this will KICK MY A** into gear and help me get moving a bit more regularly! I"ll post a picture when I get it done!

I am going to go upstairs and make beds and then on with my day! TTYL...........P

You go for it! I am not sure how you can tell what your low end maintenance is? I really really really need to be more successful at maintaining - but that will be once I get to high end maintenance? :confused:
You go for it! I am not sure how you can tell what your low end maintenance is? I really really really need to be more successful at maintaining - but that will be once I get to high end maintenance? :confused:

Hey, you managed the quoting!!! When you want to shorten the text that you quote, make sure to never delete the text that is in the square brackets [like this].

Good Morning everyone!

Hope you all have a great mid of the week day! I can't believe that the third week of March is already halfway over! And it is only 40 days until I leave for my vacation!! :yay:

Your chart sounds intriguing Pam, I would love to see a picture of it!

Stacey, I can't believe all the troubles you have with your appartment!!! :sad2: But it sounds like you have made some decissions about your future and I am excited to hear all about it!!

Michelle, I hope your week is better than you feared! :grouphug:

I am due to start coaching on Friday, but since things are pretty quiet here I think I will throw in a bonus QOTD for today:

Since we are into the second half of March are you happy with where you are at the moment? If yes - is there anything that worked for you for the first half? If no - what are you planning to change up for the second half of the month?
sorry been MIA with my mom coming over for a visit :teeth: back on track tomorrow!!

We understand! Hope you had a nice visit with Mom!

You go for it! I am not sure how you can tell what your low end maintenance is? I really really really need to be more successful at maintaining - but that will be once I get to high end maintenance? :confused:

Well... I consider my maintenance range to be 133-135.... but I was able to get to and stay at 130 for a while (i.e. many months), so I consider that the "low end" and that is what I am aiming for now. But that being said, I would be DELIGHTED to reach 133.

Hope you all have a great mid of the week day! I can't believe that the third week of March is already halfway over! And it is only 40 days until I leave for my vacation!! :yay:

Lucky you!!

Your chart sounds intriguing Pam, I would love to see a picture of it!

Totally not exciting, but it is neat and it is done! I'll do a picture post later.

I am due to start coaching on Friday, but since things are pretty quiet here I think I will throw in a bonus QOTD for today:

GREAT!! Thank you! :thumbsup2

Since we are into the second half of March are you happy with where you are at the moment? If yes - is there anything that worked for you for the first half? If no - what are you planning to change up for the second half of the month?

Not totally delighted with where I am on the scale, but happy that I am making some positive changes to make that number head in the right direction. I am feeling more in control and on top of my "game" than I have in a while! And I KNOW it is the fact that I am incorporating more real exercise back into my life! Just wish I didn't dread the exercise so much!


Morning all! I have just a few minutes to chat, as I have to dash out of the house to meet someone for another one of my "shady FB deals"! :rotfl: I needed to hit the grocery store any how, so this will make the drive worthwhile. Mostly we are out of fruit and veg, which is nothing short of a crisis here!

I may also "splurge" and drive a few more miles into the city and hit a few thrift stores.... or maybe not... I will see how I feel about it once I am in town. I don't NEED anything, so it would just be a scouting mission.

Anyhow, breakfast was delightful and delicious! So glad we are in this nice greek yogurt routine now! It makes breakfast so easy!

Off to print a few new recipes from my Pinterest board so that I can add the ingredients to the shopping list! BBL to chat!.................P
I am not delighted in the least bit where I'm at this month :( I feel like I've been wasting days. I have been getting good workouts in, but this week I've hit the week of not feeling well and not having the energy to spare for WO. ugh
Hope you all have a great mid of the week day! I can't believe that the third week of March is already halfway over! And it is only 40 days until I leave for my vacation!! :yay:

Hate you! I am down to 53 days till mine though, so I can't hate you too much! ;)

Since we are into the second half of March are you happy with where you are at the moment? If yes - is there anything that worked for you for the first half? If no - what are you planning to change up for the second half of the month?

Hmm, good question. I am pretty happy with my scale at the moment. Not thrilled, but content, I suppose. I am at the lowest I have been in years and for the first time in ever I am actually doing it without "cheating." I was going to weight loss doc a few years back. I lost an awesome amount of weight with his pills and potions, but as soon as I stopped seeing him, I gained it all back and then some (all of my family disasters happened right in there as well, so that mostly contributed to the 100 lb gain :sad2:). I am 7-8 lbs more than I wanted to be at this point. (I set a goal for next saturday a few months ago.) I still have 3 days so I hopefully will get closer to that goal by then. I did hit one milestone this month and I have two other on the "schedule" before my cruise in mid May. One is to hit the next 10 lb level (so 7 lbs to go). The other is a bit more complicated. When I gained all my weight, my wedding rings stopped fitting comfortably. Some days I can't even get them on since my hands are puffy. Because of this, I stopped wearing them entirely (its been nearly 4 years since I could wear them 24/7 :guilty:). My second pre cruise goal is to be able to wear them once again and not think about them (are my hands going to swell and they are going to hurt and get stuck? kinda thing).

Off to print a few new recipes from my Pinterest board so that I can add the ingredients to the shopping list! BBL to chat!.................P

Ah Pinterest, that evil evil thing. This is EVERY experience I have had on there :rotfl2:

But I keep trying! :roll eyes:


My week has been ok, if not good so far. Monday was a snow day, so I did nothing. I shoveled my elderly neighbor's driveway, but made dh shovel ours! I did maybe 4000 steps. I usually do an Orange Theory (OTF) class m/t and h/f (with wednesday reserved for 5k and yoga although I have yet to actually follow through with wednesday plans, but I do put it on the calendar :rolleyes1). Because of the snow, I have OTF all 4 actual work days this week. Yesterday was not a good day. I was kinda cranky and achey and it showed in my performance. Despite being exhausted, today I felt good in class and did really really well. I actually came away proud of myself. Tonight we are having dinner out with some friends. I will try and be good. Tomorrow back to OTF.
At some point in the next few days, I want to check out an indoor rock climbing place. Our cruise ship has a rock wall and I have decided I want to ring the bell on the top of it during our cruise. I have never even tried to rock climb though, so I may be way out of my league. My trainer suggested I try it on home turf first to see if I even like it.
Hmm, good question. I am pretty happy with my scale at the moment. Not thrilled, but content, I suppose. I am at the lowest I have been in years and for the first time in ever I am actually doing it without "cheating." I was going to weight loss doc a few years back. I lost an awesome amount of weight with his pills and potions, but as soon as I stopped seeing him, I gained it all back and then some (all of my family disasters happened right in there as well, so that mostly contributed to the 100 lb gain :sad2:). I am 7-8 lbs more than I wanted to be at this point. (I set a goal for next saturday a few months ago.) I still have 3 days so I hopefully will get closer to that goal by then. I did hit one milestone this month and I have two other on the "schedule" before my cruise in mid May. One is to hit the next 10 lb level (so 7 lbs to go). The other is a bit more complicated. When I gained all my weight, my wedding rings stopped fitting comfortably. Some days I can't even get them on since my hands are puffy. Because of this, I stopped wearing them entirely (its been nearly 4 years since I could wear them 24/7 :guilty:). My second pre cruise goal is to be able to wear them once again and not think about them (are my hands going to swell and they are going to hurt and get stuck? kinda thing).

Great goals to be looking toward!

Ah Pinterest, that evil evil thing. This is EVERY experience I have had on there :rotfl2:

But I keep trying! :roll eyes:

:rotfl: I"ve had a few "Pinstrosities" myself, but most of the time I am just searching for recipes that look legit.


My week has been ok, if not good so far. Monday was a snow day, so I did nothing. I shoveled my elderly neighbor's driveway, but made dh shovel ours! I did maybe 4000 steps. I usually do an Orange Theory (OTF) class m/t and h/f (with wednesday reserved for 5k and yoga although I have yet to actually follow through with wednesday plans, but I do put it on the calendar :rolleyes1). Because of the snow, I have OTF all 4 actual work days this week. Yesterday was not a good day. I was kinda cranky and achey and it showed in my performance. Despite being exhausted, today I felt good in class and did really really well. I actually came away proud of myself. Tonight we are having dinner out with some friends. I will try and be good. Tomorrow back to OTF.
At some point in the next few days, I want to check out an indoor rock climbing place. Our cruise ship has a rock wall and I have decided I want to ring the bell on the top of it during our cruise. I have never even tried to rock climb though, so I may be way out of my league. My trainer suggested I try it on home turf first to see if I even like it.

Nice job shoveling fo the neighbor! I've never tried rock climbing because I am afraid of heights.... but I've been tempted!


Okay.... got my groceries bought and put away, lunch is mostly eaten and I'm waiting for the phone to ring. DD is picking her housing for next year and she is bitterly disappointed that the building she wants to live in has NO singles left. So she is throwing herself out there to the "roommate gods" and we will keep our fingers crossed. She could get a single in another building, but it is known as the "meat locker" and I've seen it and I agree! I was actually horrified by it during our tour and was so pleased when she made it into the honors program and the honors dorm. Unfortunately "honors" living is only a "thing" for Freshman year. After that you are tossed into the mix. DD has a good lottery number for housing, but it looks like she won't get her first request. Picking.....NOW! (1:45)..... now I will wait for the phone to ring!

DH is gone tonight, so I'm making DS some whole wheat macaroni and cheese for an early dinner before tonight's final spring musical performance and I will have some leftover chicken on top of a big salad! And it looks like I'll be watching Survivor alone.

Somewhere today I need to fit in a workout, but there isn't really enough time now before I have to dash and get DS. Maybe I'll do half now and half later after I bring him back to the school???

Well.... guess I'll go put on my workout gear while I wait for the phone to ring.............. BBL to chat............P


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