BL 7.1 Green Team!!!

Kathy, I so know what you mean about wanting to go back on a Disney soon. pirate: There are some good deals out there so I am sure that you will find something that works for you.

Sunday qotd- Do you have a trip to Disney planned, or when do you think you might be going again? Also when was your last trip?

I am very fortunate to have two Disney trips in the works right now. In June we will go to DL and stay in a one bedroom suite at the Grand Californian thanks to developers points from DVC Grand Californian. Then in December we are taking my Mom and sister on a split stay at VWL and AKV from 12/18 to 12/26. I am a little worried about the crowds at Christmas but we will have a great time no matter what. This will be our first holiday trip to WDW. :santa:

Our last Disney trip was in December with my Mom and sister at DL. We stayed concierge at Grand Californian. The decorations were beautiful and we had a great time.

I had another good day yesterday so now I am working on having a good week. Have a great day Green Team!
Happy Sunday morning team.

We did have a great meal at 50's, the waitress this time wasn't as much into character but we had fun watching some of the others. I know it is a hit or miss with them, we've had some that really was in part and some just doing their job. The meal was great though. We ended up staying at MGM because we were able to get Toy Story fast passes and were afraid that we wouldn't get there early enough next time. Love being flexible:). We slept in this morning and are going to Ohana for dinner tonight with a cast member friend. Looking forward to that one too. Really don't know what else are in the works for the day but we are enjoying just taking it easy.

Doing lots of walking...Friday ended up with over 17K steps, yesterday not as many but still around 11K.

QOTD - We have our trip the Sat after Thanksgiving for a couple of weeks planned back at WDW, a cruise in March 2010 followed by a few days at WDW and hoping to catch a couple of the Brave's spring training games. Love having the trips on the calendar:).

I hope everyone has a great day!!!
Good monday morning Green team. It's been pretty quiet here, so i hope that means everyone had a fun, busy weekend, and enjoyed some nice spring weather.

I got some extra exercise yesterday. My son has just learned to ride a two wheeler, and I ran around the block about 5 times with him, mainly to make sure he didn't crash into any cars. He's doing great, but tends to vere off at anytime.
This morning a friend I work with goes to Overeaters anonymous, and her birthday was sat, so I made a big fruit salad for her, and extra for us. She does amazing not eating processed sugars. Never takes one bite. She says she can't have any sugar or she spirals out of control. I don't think I could ever do that. I like to have my treats, and to be able to enjoy what everyone else is having a parties.

monday qotd- What are you having for dinner tonight?

thought we might give each other ideas. I am grilling steak, potatoes, and zucchini tonight. I might have corn on the cob instead of potatoes. I did a big, healthy shopping yesterday, and am planning to stay in control this week.

Lisa- christmas time is so beautiful there. We went the first week of december in 06, and it was awesome. I'd think that the first part of your trip would be pretty good as far as crowds, and then get crazy the 24th. Nice work keeping on track. We can do this!!

Tammy-Glad you're having such a good time. I'm there with you in spirit. :earsgirl:

Have a great day, everyone:).
morning losers :wave:

i made it through my incredibly hectic week last week, waiting for word on some possible hours at work this week....

I DID IT! i conquered the big hill of the Cinci Flying Pig Half-Marathon! whoop whoop :woohoo: i'm so glad i trained inclines on the TM for it, i should've concentrated more on endurance on the incline as the hill is 2 mile long! there were short 'break' of flatness to catch my breath and head up again. i saw a mom pushing her toddler DD in a jogging stroller up the hill.....that definately inspired me!

AND----- my Biggest news.....Ali from BL was also in the 1/2 marathon, i didn't see her but a friend did. she said Ali is teeny-tiny. BUT -----I saw her mom Bette Sue cheering on the sidelines! i was so excited. of course i didn't have the mind to stop and get a pix DUH! i was suprised and we waved, she cheered and waved back and we kept going. but it's definately a memory for me :thumbsup2

i've got to really watch my food intake this week, as it's a recovery 'reverse taper' which translates into 3workouts at 20-40 mins each. next week a co-worker and I have committed to Jillian's 30 day Making the Cut i'm definately going to rest/recover this week. i'm not too awful sore, just my shins and hip today and not horrible

well thanks for listening to my ramblins'!

QOTD -- not sure have to run to groc for produce later today. i have a turkey breast thawed so i think i'll roast it and have a salad too. fam will have mashed potatoes but i'm not a fan

Doing lots of walking...Friday ended up with over 17K steps, yesterday not as many but still around 11K.

Thanks for sharing your pedometer results and your trip highlights with us, Tammy. We all appreciate it! :love:

I got some extra exercise yesterday. My son has just learned to ride a two wheeler, and I ran around the block about 5 times with him, mainly to make sure he didn't crash into any cars. He's doing great, but tends to vere off at anytime.

Oh, Kathy, I remember those days! 7 is such a fun age. It's amazing how they can be doing fine one second and then in a flash you are yelling "stop!" :upsidedow

monday qotd- What are you having for dinner tonight?

Tonight we are having hamburger and mushroom on toast. We make it a little healthier by using organic ground beef, skim milk and low sodium cream of mushroom soup. Brown the onion and hamburger in a skillet. Add the soup and put it on the toast under the broiler to melt a little fat free cheese. My Mom used to make this (not the healthy version) and I've had a craving for it for about a week now. It is an easy Monday night meal with a salad.

I DID IT! i conquered the big hill of the Cinci Flying Pig Half-Marathon! whoop whoop :woohoo:

A big congratulations to you, ohMom, on your half marathon run this week-end! :cheer2: You so totally :rockband:!

I was listening the Jillian Michaels podcast yesterday (thanks MelanieC) and thinking about trying Making the Cut for 30 days, too. I have to go to Borders to pick up a gift for teacher appreciation week so will check it out. She said that if you do the Shred workout it is designed to burn 600 calories in 1/2 an hour :scared1: -- my pooh sized body might not be ready for that yet. Maybe month 2 . . .

Have a great day, Greenies!
Hey. Coupla qotd's
When are we going to Disneyland? Next June, as soon as my sons college lets out. I am really looking forward to the new water show in California Adventures. It looks like most of my husbands family will be going too :).Dinner-- hmm..we are working on our second ham from Easter (marked down Hickory Farms---soooo goood) so I think I'm going to cut up some and put it in oriental ramen, throw some peas from the freezer in there.
Ok- I just set my alarm clock for 5:55 AM - I'm hoping I can get up and get on the treadmill in the morning. I think I can do this. Wish me luck.

Molli - Great job on your 1/2 marathon. I really want to do another one. They really are a good way to movitate yourself. Great job on doing the Making the cut. When I get down closer to goal again, I am going to try the program. Heck if I can just get moving here, maybe I can do it in a month or two.
Good morning green teammies! I'm going to coach through Friday for Tammy as she's still enjoying a vaca at WDW. lucky duck

mel - i think you gotta just get on the computer and find a 1/2 that looks like fun and register. then you are committed! remember John's training schedule, it's not hard. you can do it!!

QOTD -- what is your exercise goal you are working towards, if it's an event when is it?

my next exercise goal will be completing Jillian's Making the Cut -- finish date June 6
Didn't get a chance to pop on yesterday, we are still having a blast!!

Still getting in lots of walking and loads of water, it has been pretty warm here but we have been tucking into the cool places when we get a chance. Spent the day at MK yesterday, the day before the plans changed and we ended up staying at MGM and was able to do the Toy Story ride for the first time. Today we are heading to Epcot and eating at San Angel.

M-Congrats on your 1/2, you did awesome and how cool that Ali was doing the same one!! Maybe you'll get to see some pictures of her when they post.

Thanks to everyone who has been coaching and inspiring. We leave WDW on Friday night, will drive to GA and stay over then finish the drive on Saturday.

Have a great day everyone, let's have a good week and have some great losses this week!!!
Hello, Green Team!
After a week of crud..NOT the H1N1, I'm getting back on track. COW numbers were pitiful last week..:rotfl2:.

Molli, FANTASTIC!! What an accomplishment!! How cool that Ali ran your race! We had Dane and Blaine at the Country Music 2 weekends ago. They both looked good, and Blaine honestly FINISHED the marathon in 5 hours something. Poor guy..the pressure he must have had on!

Hope everyone is hanging in there. Looking forward to tonight's BL!!

:goodvibes Anne
Good Afternoon everyone. I know I haven't been posting. I just had my last calc class before my 3 classes take their Advanced Placement test tomorrow. I am a nervous wreck. I know that I have done everything possible to help these kids get good scores but you never know. It is now out of my hands.

Molly congrats on running the half. That is quite an accomplishment.

I think I may miss the BL tonight. The local high school has its band concert tonight. Better to miss tonight than next week.

I have been knitting a stole for my neice to use for her prom. I am on my 3rd pattern since the first two didn't work out.

Sunday qotd- Do you have a trip to disney planned, or when do you think you might be going again? Also when was your last trip?

I don't have a trip planned but I am thinking it might be a girl's only trip. My youngest sister should be finishing up her BA next summer. It has only taken her 10 years to do it. Maybe my sister and I can take her to DW to celebrate. That would mean that we would have to stay at my dsis's DVC.:woohoo::woohoo:

My last trip was last AUg to celebrate 30 years of marriage and a college and a high schooll graduation. We had a blast.

QOTD -- what is your exercise goal you are working towards, if it's an event when is it?

I am hoping to get back to walking and yoga without foot pain by Sept. This does mean that there will probably be surgery sometime in June to be able to do this. I see a foot specialist next week.

Have a great day everyone.
Hello Teammates. It has been a while since I have posted. My grandfather has been in the hospital since April 25 and it has really been hectic for me and my family. He is finally in stable condition and has been moved from ICU back to the cardiac telemetry unit thank God, things were definitely starting to unravel in our family. I am finally at ease a little trying to catch up here at home. We were supposed to be leaving for WDW on Thursday but I have cancelled due to my grandfather's health situation. I have managed to put back on the four pounds I was maintaining, although I am sure that can be attributed to stress, vending machine and cafeteria meals. I have really starting thinking about the fact that my grandfather really could die this time and the deep impact that would have on all of us. My grandmother doesn't drive anymore, she has early signs of dementia and she gets everything mixed up and confused. My uncle is disabled due to a brain injury when he was 20 and still lives at home with both of them. I have really felt lost for the past few weeks, not really understanding how much my granpa kept things together at home and realizing how much help they could actually use at home.

My grandfather has an internal defibulator that keeps firing due to an abnormal heart rhythm, on April 3 he had an ablation and we thought everything was fixed and things seemed to resume as normal, then two Saturdays ago the defibulator fired again and he passed out, he has been in the hospital since then and has had two heart caths and on Fri they put two stents in, they are still monitoring him since the abnormal rhythm has showed back up, and if it continues they plan on doing the ablation again. My mom has used up all her sick leave and PTO so if his condition doesn't improve she is going to use FMLA. I have been so beat and stressed these past two weeks. I just hope that everything works out and he gets better. I will try to post more when I can. Keep my family in your prayers.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the weightkeeper speaks! I'm sorry this is a week late, Excel has not been my friend (and it's been a crazy week.) Here are the results from two weeks ago (the results from the most recent weigh in will be posted later tonight).

.......................................Green Team.....Purple Team
# participants.....................20.................14
# removed.........................1...................7
avg. starting weight............203.................221
# gained............................4...................4
# lost...............................13..................6
# not weighing in................1....................1
avg. lost...........................0.15%.............-0.19%

Let's congratulate the Green Team this week for the highest average percentage of weight loss. Now to recognize the individuals on the Green team:

maherae 1.130524152%
50's Jayne 1.307189542%
mousehouselover 1.371428571%
jimmduck 1.40625%

and the Biggest Loser for the Green Team is:
BibbidyBobbidyBoo 2.380952381%

Now the individuals from both teams:

njmom23girls 1.292596945%
50's Jayne 1.307189542%
mousehouselover 1.371428571%
jimmduck 1.40625%

And the Biggest Loser for both teams is:
BibbidyBobbidyBoo with 2.380952381%
Kim, a great big :grouphug: to you and your family. Best wishes to your grandfather for a speedy recovery. And don't forget that caregivers can't take care of others if they don't take care of themselves. :lovestruc

And a big congratulations to BibbidyBobbityBoo for being the Biggest Loser! Well done!

Anne, the COW stomped all over me one week not too long ago. You can chase it down again!

donac, it sounds like you are a good teacher and I'm sure your students did well on their tests.

QOTD -- what is your exercise goal you are working towards, if it's an event when is it?

Now I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Today was the first day. I didn't have my weights and I did some other modifications -- I don't care what you say, Jillian -- and even with that I am feeling it tonight. I am going to keep at it every day for a month. That will take me to the end of school and five days before my DL trip.

OhMom, you have inspired my son and me to try a 5K. Looks like we will have to pick one in the fall and start training. That will start in June.

I know without exercise I am just not going to reach my goals so it is just a matter of finding what works for me.

Have a great evening, Greenies! Our team is doing a super job!
Woo hoo BibbidyBobbityBoo - way to go!!!!!!!!

Great job everyone :)

No TM this morning, but food has been good. Even had enough calories to enjoy an Organic Newman's peanut butter cup - yummo!
qotd-What time of day is the hardest for you and what can you do to help keep on track?

The hardest time for me is mid to late afternoon. I can make sure I keep low point snacks handy. If I don't then the vending machine could win out.:scared1:

Sunday qotd- Do you have a trip to disney planned, or when do you think you might be going again? Also when was your last trip?

Well, I don't count DL as a disney trip, since we go so often. I don't have a disney trip officially booked, except a DCL 7 day booked in Dec, but will most likely move that once 2011 dates are announced. Another panama would sure be great. Which make the last panama crossing our last disney trip. This also included a first time visit to AK before sailing. Might have to plan a WDW trip for next Feb to celebrate our bdays and anniv.

QOTD -- what is your exercise goal you are working towards, if it's an event when is it?

My main goal is to continue my 3 mile walks. I do this 4 -5 times a week.

Hello Teammates. It has been a while since I have posted. My grandfather has been in the hospital since April 25 and it has really been hectic for me and my family. He is finally in stable condition and has been moved from ICU back to the cardiac telemetry unit thank God, things were definitely starting to unravel in our family. I am finally at ease a little trying to catch up here at home. We were supposed to be leaving for WDW on Thursday but I have cancelled due to my grandfather's health situation. I have managed to put back on the four pounds I was maintaining, although I am sure that can be attributed to stress, vending machine and cafeteria meals. I have really starting thinking about the fact that my grandfather really could die this time and the deep impact that would have on all of us. My grandmother doesn't drive anymore, she has early signs of dementia and she gets everything mixed up and confused. My uncle is disabled due to a brain injury when he was 20 and still lives at home with both of them. I have really felt lost for the past few weeks, not really understanding how much my granpa kept things together at home and realizing how much help they could actually use at home.

My grandfather has an internal defibulator that keeps firing due to an abnormal heart rhythm, on April 3 he had an ablation and we thought everything was fixed and things seemed to resume as normal, then two Saturdays ago the defibulator fired again and he passed out, he has been in the hospital since then and has had two heart caths and on Fri they put two stents in, they are still monitoring him since the abnormal rhythm has showed back up, and if it continues they plan on doing the ablation again. My mom has used up all her sick leave and PTO so if his condition doesn't improve she is going to use FMLA. I have been so beat and stressed these past two weeks. I just hope that everything works out and he gets better. I will try to post more when I can. Keep my family in your prayers.


Kim...I'm sending prayers and Pixie Dust to you and your family:grouphug:

Congrats to bibbidybobbidiboo for being the BL this week.:cheer2::cheer2:
Weigh to go, Green Team!!!

BibbidyBobbityBoo, CONGRATULATIONS!!

Miniefan/Kim, pixiedust:pixiedust: and as lisa said..take care of YOURSELF!! {{Hugs}}
Well I was inspired by a host here to do something new so A: I went to my nieces birthday by myself-first time I've done this without my husband(visited husbands family without him). She's my sister in law's daughter-- a really great kid...He was sick and my son was getting over being sick so I just grabbed the gps and went- had a great time too. B: was at the pool and started using the treadmill because it's one of the machines that I have actually figured out lol, lost the program because I took too long to stretch and rather than reprogram the whole thing got on a strange looking exercise bike contraption which was great- a lot more strenuous a workout in less time and no impact. Seems like I'm just being hammered on the dieting front...back from Disneyland, that motivation gone, then Easter, birthday, steward summit, got back on track, then had a massively busy work week, now I'm sick. It's not too bad though...yet lol. I'm fighting it! In fact I'm going to bed now.:::::::::: poof::::::::::::
Good Wednesday morning. I can't believe it is still dark and dismal here in jersey. We may see the sun this afternoon but I am not holding out much hope for that.

SInce my students are taking the AP calc exam today I really only have 2 classes. ONe first thing this morning and then not another one until 12:30 this afternoon. It feels strange. I tried to make a doctor's appointment for today but they couldn't fit me in. So I have to take next Wed off for the appointment. The following WEd I have an inservice so I won't be in. So much for working a full week every week in May.

I went to my local high school last night to see the band concert. My ds's were both in the band all through high school and a friend's daughter is now in it. Ds1 went with me. It is always a lot of fun to go with him. SInce he has been out of high school for 6 years now some of the music he sang or played is being recycled. There was a number at the end with many broadway songs in it. He had sung it so he was telling me what song was coming up next. It was nice. A lot of good memories were brought up. It was also nice because it was senior night and there were a couple of seniors whose parents I worked with to help the marching band.

BibbidyBobbityBoo, CONGRATULATIONS!!

Congrats Green Team on winning this week.

Ds and I got home just in time to see the weigh in last night on BL. I won't give anything away

Miniefan I lost my grandmother over 10 years ago and I still miss her. I will look down at my hands and see her hands (she was always knitting and crocheting and I take after her) I will smell hyacynths at Easter and think of my grandfather who has been gone over 25 years. It is never easy to lose someone you love. Take care of yourself and don't let yourself get too run down.

50sjayne Congrats on trying something new.

Have a great day everyone.


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