BL 7.1 Green Team!!!

Good morning Greenies:cool1::cool1:

It is a beautiful day at WDW, we are heading over to MGM a little later and having dinner at Mama Melrose.

I'm thinking of you all this morning and hope that everyone has a great day and sticks to their own plan for the day.

Hope to check back in later. Have a great day!!
Good morning Greenies:cool1::cool1:

It is a beautiful day at WDW, we are heading over to MGM a little later and having dinner at Mama Melrose.

I'm thinking of you all this morning and hope that everyone has a great day and sticks to their own plan for the day.

Hope to check back in later. Have a great day!!

I'm so jealous! Have a great trip - Yummo - Love Mama Melrose!
Still going well. I'm actually really looking foward to the WI tomorrow.
Well, yesterday was a good day, and I didn't eat anything after dinner. That has been my downfall. I'm hoping to see some of the gain I had last week gone tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone.

Glad to hear you had a good day. I know what you mean about eating after dinner. I know you will have a good WI tomorrow.:thumbsup2

Good morning, Greenies!

Melanie and Kathy, glad to hear that you are doing so well. You are inspiring to us all!

I am doing really well at maintaining. I need to get myself out of maintaining mode and back to losing mode. Unfortunately I didn't do too well with the COW this week and I know that helps me a lot so I am chasing that COW down and getting with it again!

Wed QOTD....
What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten?

I feel quite provincial hearing about all of the exotic things that you all have tried. The most exotic thing I've tried is escargots and they tasted like garlic. That was a long time ago to impress a date. What was I thinking? :confused3

Susan, I am glad that you asked about what will happen when this challenge is over. Maybe we can have a between the BLs thread that is a little less structured for summer but still has all the support.

Venetia, thanks for being our coach this week. :lovestruc

Have a great day!

Lisa, I just recently tried escargot too. On our first DCL cruise, I didn't try them and then kind of kicked myself for not at least having a taste. So on our second cruise I did try them, and ::yes:: they do taste like garlic and all the butter that they were floating in. LOL

I have really enjoyed coaching this week. Even though it was a quite week here. I was at first a little nervous about coaching. But I think it has helped me to be more focused. I would recommend doing a weeks coaching to anyone who feels they need a boost. Being more interactive with the team adds so much support.

And here is my last QOTD

When you have had a stressful day, what do you do to destress?
(Nonfood of course)

I like to read. I read Historical western romance and I like being able to escape to another time and place.
Now for the stats for COW Week 3

We had 9 people participate in the third week of the COW.

Now for the top 5 people who worked on the COW These scores were out of a possible 38 points.

With 27 points

With 28 Points

With 34 Points

AND WITH 35 POINTS Week 1's Winner is

Congrats pjlla
Way to go

Now for this week's COW


THis week's COW starts on Friday 5/1/09 and will run until midnight Thursday 5/7/09.

Please send me your COW point for week 2 as soon as possible(by Sun 5/10/09). I will be posting the winners of the COW points next Thursday when I post the next COW

This week's COW will add on to the COW from Week 4

YOu get 1 point for each day you follow the COW

For Week 5

Drink 8 glasses of water (1 point for each day)
Eat 3 servings of veggies (1 point for each day)
Eat 2 pieces of fruit (1 point for each day)
Walk 5000steps (or do 30 minutes of exercise if you can't walk) (1 point for each day)
Spend 5 minutes doing something you like to do each day: read a book, take a bath, meditate (1 point for each day)
Try a new exercise routine or tape (max 3 points 1 for each new one tried)
Add a new food (max 3 points 1 for each new one tried)
Write a note to someone. Email doesn't count! (max2 points 1 for each note)
Try a new thing to you (Take up knitting, go roller skating just something knew) (max 2 points 1 for each new thing)

On Friday 5/8/09 send me

XX days drinking water
XX days eating 3 serving of veggies
XX days eating 2 pieces of fruit.
XX days of 5000steps
XX days of doing something for myself
XX new exercise routines tried
XX new food tried
XX note written
XX new thing

Thanks and enjoy the COW
Good morning fellow Greenies!!
Hope you are all having a good week, and see positive results on the scale.

Thanks Dona for the cow stats! I did participate this week, and it is very helpful to keep me thinking everyday- esp the vegies and fruits. I could do better with the new exercise/food, so maybe this week I will try something new.
Hope you are feeling better now, Dona.

Thanks venetia for coaching this week. I'm going to be coaching for a few days, and I have found it very helpful for me to keep up with the thread, share some of the support that I receive, and stay a little more on track.

Melanie- glad you're still doing well. I'm sure you'll see results on the scale.

Overall this week, I did fair, but after a big gain last week, I've lost 1.2 of that this week, so heading back in the right direction.

Lisa- I think maintaining is underrated, and is a positive in my book, much better than gaining. Hang in there, and don't give up, and that scale will start to go down.

Tammy- I am so jealous and wish I was in wdw right now. Have a fabulous trip, it's great to hear from you while you are there.

I'm heading to work early today, so I'll check back tonight.

qotd- How do you reward yourself as you lose weight. Do you do it along the way, or do you set a goal in mind, and have something planned when you reach it?
I promised myself that when i reach 181, which was my original ww starting weight 20 years ago, that I would buy myself a nice pair of cowboy boots. I started ww 4 years ago 45 pounds heavier and had hit 183 last year, but now am back up to 198. That is still something I want, and I have looked at them again, but won't buy them until I lose this weight. My feet stretched when I was pregnant 8 years ago, and my other boots are all to small.

Have a great day everyone.
Thanks for coaching last week venetia....and thanks to mikamah for coaching for a few days.

I was down .5 this week, hope to continue that trend next week as well. Did pretty good with eating yesterday. DH and I split our meal with a salad at Mama Melrose. We are heading over to Chef Mickey for a late breakfast (11:20) so we'll probably just grab a salad for dinner someplace.

Don't forget to send in your WI number and your COW numbers today.

I hope everyone has a great day. After eating at CM this morning we are going over to MK for part of the day and then over to Epcot to see Chubby Checker tonight.
Good morning Greenies!

Thanks again, Venetia, for being our coach last week. It is a lot of fun and good motivation. And, thank you, Kathy for being our coach this week. :goodvibes

I am a maintainer this week but I do agree, Kathy, that it is better than being a gainer. Still, I need to get myself on the losing track again and I will!

Tammy, have a great time at the World! We all wish we were there with you.

Melanie, I hope your WW WI went well for you.

And a big thank you to donac for being the keeper of the COW. I love the COW and it really is a big help to keep me heading in the right direction.

QOTD Thursday When you have had a stressful day, what do you do to destress? (Nonfood of course)

I love to read to escape, too. The trashier the better! :thumbsup2

qotd Friday - How do you reward yourself as you lose weight. Do you do it along the way, or do you set a goal in mind, and have something planned when you reach it?

This is something that I need to work on as I don't really reward myself like I probably should. I think that I will reward myself with some time off (I am my own boss) to play in the garden would be a good motivator. Right now I am really coveting that 15 lb WISH ribbon, too.

Have a great day, Green Team!
I am down 4.2 this week - more than I gained last week so I am very happy.

I have to figure out what to eat for lunch today - I have to be good! I can do this.
Well, I really tried to stay on track this week after a disasterous weekend and it paid off! I am down 2 pounds this week. That's what I need to see to stay motivated!!

Now, there is another weekend looming ahead. I am going out to dinner (Mexican) with my sister on Saturday night and have a birthday party to attend on Sunday. I need to plan ahead and stick with it. It is so easy for me to get side-tracked at a restaurant or family get-together.

I gotta stay on "track" and be like that little train that could.... I think I can... I think I can... I know I can... I know I can!

Everything is greening up nicely here in Minnesota and some of the early flowers are blooming (ie tulips). It's such a wonderful time of the year. Gotta remember to take time to enjoy it!!!
Mickeymagic- Congrats on getting back on track after the rough weekend, and having such a great loss. It is so nice when our hard work pays off, and it is definitely good motivation to keep on track. You can do it!!

Melanie- Whoo hoo!!! 4.2 is fabulous! You should be proud.

Lisa- Let's all kick it up a notch this week, and we'll end this challenge with some good losses. I'm actually higher than my starting weight, but have had a good 3 days, and really need to stick with it.

Tammy- it's so cool you're checking in from wdw, we can live vicariously through you. That's awesome you split your meal with dh. It sounds like you're doing great and staying on track. You're an inspiration as our team captain! Have fun.
Tammy - I'm so jealous. Thanks for giving us our daily dose of Disney - woo hoo!

Well I just put on my workout clothes and then realized it was 9:30pm. Hmm - I probably should have worked out, but I'll get it up start tomorrow.

I've really been trying to figure out how I'm going to get this weight off before August.

1. I'm going to have to hunker down and really take this seriously. I can't have myself backtracking because it takes 2-3 weeks to make up a one week gain sometimes.

2. Break it down into smaller goals. I'm going to work on May for now. I'm going to shoot for 10lbs. It's a bit ambitious, but I know it is possibly, or at least close to it.

3. I'm going to have to exercise. Since I've been having some pain in my shoulder, I'm going to focus on walking and the treadmill. I will do some weights, but really not focus this month on it for now. I need to get moving, and video's are just not in my future this month. The movements usually cause me pain. So If I do any weights, its just isolated ones where I can watch how each movement feels.

So my mini goal for this week is 2.5 pounds. I know that I won't be able to get to that number without exercise, so I need to get moving this week.

I have to keep thinking of the shorts and clothes for Disney that I need to fit back into.
qotd- How do you reward yourself as you lose weight. Do you do it along the way, or do you set a goal in mind, and have something planned when you reach it?

I get rewards for each pound lost. each time I have a loss of 1+ lbs, I get a new song download for my ipod. and for every 5 lbs, I get a new pair of earrings.
Hey, maintained this week-- I'm fine with that although I would so like to see 150 next week. Weeks been hard on me-- working a lot of opening shifts so no morning workout or swimming, and I've just been too tired when I got home to do much. I did get the kitties all advantaged though this week, and made an effort to play with the almost grown kitten who is smart as a whip and loves to play fetch with jacks :goodvibes
1. I'm going to have to hunker down and really take this seriously. I can't have myself backtracking because it takes 2-3 weeks to make up a one week gain sometimes.

2. Break it down into smaller goals. I'm going to work on May for now. I'm going to shoot for 10lbs. It's a bit ambitious, but I know it is possibly, or at least close to it.

3. I'm going to have to exercise. Since I've been having some pain in my shoulder, I'm going to focus on walking and the treadmill. I will do some weights, but really not focus this month on it for now. I need to get moving, and video's are just not in my future this month. The movements usually cause me pain. So If I do any weights, its just isolated ones where I can watch how each movement feels.

that sounds like a great plan Melanie. It is so true how when you have a gain one week, it takes 2-3 weeks to get it off.

I get rewards for each pound lost. each time I have a loss of 1+ lbs, I get a new song download for my ipod. and for every 5 lbs, I get a new pair of earrings.
I like this reward system. It's great to celebrate every pound, and it's motivation to keep going.

Hey, maintained this week-- I'm fine with that although I would so like to see 150 next week. Weeks been hard on me-- working a lot of opening shifts so no morning workout or swimming, and I've just been too tired when I got home to do much. I did get the kitties all advantaged though this week, and made an effort to play with the almost grown kitten who is smart as a whip and loves to play fetch with jacks :goodvibes
Maintaining is definitely underated. It's so much better than a gain, and it's great to maintain what you've already lost. Hope work's easier this week for you and you'll see that 150 next week.

I went to ww and on their scale, I lost 3.2 pounds from my big gain the past 2 weeks, but it brings me back under 200 again. I've been bouncing around the 200 mark for the past 3 months, and I'm really motivated to keep on track, and stay under 200 this time.

qotd-What time of day is the hardest for you and what can you do to help keep on track?

Evenings are my struggle. I need to track my food, and write it down before I eat it, and that helps to minimize the damage. Also to save points, and plan a treat in the evening works too.

Gotta get going to the little league parade and the big game to follow. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, Greenies!

It's a nice sunny Saturday morning here. I am playing music from the France loop and wishing I was sitting at Epcot having a bagette or something for breakfast - oh, la, la! Tammy, keep up posted on your travels so we can all enjoy WDW vicariously through you! :thumbsup2

I took your coaching to heart, Kathy. Yesterday, I got a grip, faithfully followed the COW (thank donac), tracked everything I ate and my steps, and lo and behold lost a pound! So today, I planned all our meals for the next week and will head out in a bit to the store with my plan. I may even tempt fate and look at a couple of hanging pots -- I can move them inside if it looks like it will frost. I can do this every single day until I get to where I want to be.

qotd-What time of day is the hardest for you and what can you do to help keep on track?

The hardest time of day for me if after work between when I come home and dinner. I can nibble myself a whole extra meals worth of calories if I am not careful. Now, I try and have healthy things to nibble on, like carrots and dip. I also moved up dinner -- somedays we eat at 5 pm! I've also been enjoying 15 calorie sugar free popsicles for dessert.

Venetia, I like your reward system celebrating each pound. I think I will go buy myself some new lotion today.

Have a great day!
Hey Greenies...knowing you are on the boards is keeping me accountable:).

Had a great day yesterday, Chubby Checker was great too.

We are heading over to MGM for lunch at 50's and then to MK for the day. We promised DD that we'd be back to the room for her to see the premiere of the Jonas show tonight.

Sounds like everyone is hanging in there and sticking to their plan. Don't let the weekend do you in, remember how great you'll feel Monday morning if you stick with it this weekend.

Don't have time to respond to posts but thanks for the great coaching that everyone is doing.

Will check in later this evening or tomorrow.

Hugs to you all!!
Hi everyone!
Did I miss this week's statistics (from last Friday's weigh in)? I can't find it anywhere! Was it not done this past Tuesday? Is everthing okay? I mean is Jessi okay? Maybe on vacation? I admit I've been so busy this week I couldn't keep up with all the posts and kinda skimmed. Can someone let me know what's up?

Hope everyone is having a great weekend and a great upcoming week!
qotd-What time of day is the hardest for you and what can you do to help keep on track?

I would say afternoon before dinner - usually the afternoon before I go home and the time before dinner. Sometimes after dinner, but mostly before.

I need to keep my goals at the front of my mind and plan ahead and make sure I have a snack to keep those super hungries at bay.
bibbidybobbidiboo- I think Jessi has been very busy, and hasn't gotten to it yet. Hopefully everything is ok with her. She posted the other day after being up 24 hours working that she would get to them the next day, but we all know how busy everyone is. Hope you are having a good week.

Tammy- We had so much fun at 50s primetime. We had an awesome waiter the he and his "brother" who was waiting in the same area were hilarious. Keep on having that disney fun we all dream of.

Melanie- before dinner for my son is tough I notice. We get home late from school and work and I make dinner right away, ussually have it prepared so it is quick, but he walks in the door and is starving and can't wait to eat something. Luckily for me, I'm trying to fix dinner as fast as I can for him, so I'm not eating.

Lisa- congrats on staying on track, and losing a pound!! Nice work. I am still feeling really motivated, and like you are going to plan our meals for the week, go to the grocery store this morning, and will not come back with any junk. Funny, I was looking at hanging pots yesterday, and they are beautiful, but don't have the money this week.

Sunday qotd- Do you have a trip to disney planned, or when do you think you might be going again? Also when was your last trip?

Tammy's got me wanting to go bad. We went in january, and my brother and sil are thinking of going either the week before labor day, or early december, so we might go with them. I have started browsing the planning boards again, so hopefully we'll book something soon. The whole free dining is so tempting for laborday, but don't like the thought of it being hurricane season. Last year they did some free dining in december too, I believe, so we'll see.


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