WISH Away The Pounds No Excuses in November Challenge - Everyone Welcome!

Good Morning All!
It is a chilly morning here in L.A. and I am feeling it! :(

So I have a confession this morning. One that I am not proud to say and let's just say I felt the guilt come on as I was eating it!

Last night I had to go on a supply run at our Hobby Lobby which is about an hour away, so I really can't call it local.
By the time I finished, it was going in 9 o'clock, and I still had to drive home. You know what's coming. I made a rash decision in my hungry state to grab fast food. It was Cane's. By all means was it delicious. But ugh! I feel so terrible about breaking my diet, I feel bloated and just over all YUCKY. But I have decided to not harp on it. Today is a new day and I am ready to start the day fresh with a healthy breakfast and a big glass of water!!

So my question o the day seemed fitting:

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

Going get ready for work now! Will be back for replies a little later today!
Beautiful dress Amanda!!

Good Morning All!
It is a chilly morning here in L.A. and I am feeling it! :(

So I have a confession this morning. One that I am not proud to say and let's just say I felt the guilt come on as I was eating it!

Last night I had to go on a supply run at our Hobby Lobby which is about an hour away, so I really can't call it local.
By the time I finished, it was going in 9 o'clock, and I still had to drive home. You know what's coming. I made a rash decision in my hungry state to grab fast food. It was Cane's. By all means was it delicious. But ugh! I feel so terrible about breaking my diet, I feel bloated and just over all YUCKY. But I have decided to not harp on it. Today is a new day and I am ready to start the day fresh with a healthy breakfast and a big glass of water!!

So my question o the day seemed fitting:

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

Going get ready for work now! Will be back for replies a little later today!
Don't beat yourself up. This is where I would always quit in the past. Call myself all kinds of nasty names (Loser, quitter, cheater, etc) and throw in the towel.

Is there a way to make an occasional treat from Cane's fit into your healthy lifestyle and then you can feel a little better about it?

QOTD--For me the best way to get back on the wagon is to drink my water. I came back from our weekend away, went to work yesterday and did not drink a drop of water during the day--and only half a cup of coffee. I felt really quite cruddy by the end of the day. So I came home last night and had 18 ounces with dinner and still don't feel great, but I am going to work really hard today to get in all my water. :)

I am not going to read back, but I hope no one was effected by the bad weather. Tornadoes are so scary. We were flying home Sunday, but other than one very bumpy flight, were not effected. Earlier in the week on the way back from W&D we had to spend the night in Atlanta due to mechanical problems, so we were very grateful for an easy travel day Sunday.

Determined to get back on track. After two back to back weekends away I am down .2 pounds for the month--and thrilled! Its a gain in that I gained back what I lost the first week, but at least still down for the month! Just need to focus for the next 11 days and get in some exercise.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies!:wave2:

Just wanted to pop my head in really quick. Work really began to pick up towards the tail end of October and I just haven't had the time to really check the boards. I will be back in January when all of the holiday craziness slows down again.::yes::

I haven't even stepped on the scale in 2 weeks so I can't say for sure but before that I was maintaining pretty well so hopefully when I come back, I can say that I'm actually down and not up!

Can't wait to chat with you all again when I have the time. :)
Just my take, but I've heard Jillian herself say that it's best to rest muscles for 48 hours in between exercising. So I think for the 30-day Shred, you still do it for 30 days, but not every single day. On off days, you could do some kind of cardio like power walking or Zumba. Otherwise, your muscles have no time to recover. :)

Thanks for the input! There was no way I would have been able to do another set of 30DS this morning, I nearly did not get out of bed as my body was pretty sore all over. So I was glad to see your advice this morning. I always heard that 48 hour thing, too, but then the instructions for the 30 DS are clearly to do it every day. I was planning on taking some rest days at least since the first time I did it, it was just far too exhausting. But I did get some really good results! So today is a rest day. If I manage to get home from work not too late, I might go for a short slow run. The doctor said that as long as I don't overdo it, light exercise ought to be fine. And the tomorrow it is back to shredding. I am thinking I might do 2 days of shredding and then one day off where I go for a run. Will see how that works out!

Amanda, this is a beautiful dress!! I am sure you will be able to reach your goal of fitting into it without alterations!! :thumbsup2

For me the best way to get back on track is to start tracking my food again. As soon as I at least enter it into WW online, I am back into thinking about what I am actualy eating.
Pam this is the one I found but have not yet tried.. it doesn't have milk

Low carb, gluten free and DELICIOUS! Can't remember where I found this recipe, but it came from a Paleo site.

2 cups Almond Meal/Flour
2 eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground oregano
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 176° C (350° F). Combine all the ingredients and mix together. If the dough seems too wet, you can add a little more cheese or almond flour.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put the dough in the center. Top with a second sheet of parchment paper and roll out to your preferred thickness. {This dough is super sticky, so don’t forget the parchment paper!} Can be rolled out super thin to make a huge pizza.

Bake the crust for 12-15 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Then add desired toppings and bake another 15 minutes or however you like it.

If you cut it as 8 servings it is as follows:

Cals 246
Carbs 5
Fat 21
Protein 10
Sodium 76
Sugar 1

someone also said they cut the dough ball into 4 balls and made personal size crust - baked them all, ate one and put 3 in the freezer..

Sounds good! The recipe that I originally got my inspiration from called the portion I posted "4" servings... but clearly that would be for just one small piece. DH had NO problem eating the entire thing (and I'm sure I'd have no problem as well) so I called it a single serving.

We are all updated! Congrats to all the losers, especially RoyalMom who has already reached her goal for the month! The rest of us will just keep trucking along!

That's great!!

As for the QOTD, I would concur that generally all restaurant (fast food or otherwise) salads have fooled me a few times. I have definitely learned to check nutritional facts before ordering, usually before I even go out to eat!

I tend to AVOID salads in restaurants.... they (like muffins) are calorie NINJAS! They sneak up on you, undetected, with a MASSIVE amount of calories that you never saw coming!! ::yes::

On an happy note, I ordered my wedding dress this past weekend! Very excited! BUT I did (knowingly) make a big bridal mistake and order the dress one size too small. I am hoping this gives me the extra incentive to keep on track and lose (at least) the 25 lbs required to fit into it *without alterations) before March 17! I have included a picture of me in the dress just for reference :) The adorable one is my daughter, trying on a flower girl dress :)

So beautiful! I KNOW you can stay OP and hit the 25 pound mark.... plenty of incentive and motivation with the big day looming! DD looks adorable as well!

Good Morning All!
It is a chilly morning here in L.A. and I am feeling it! :(

What exactly do you call "chilly"?? We are having snow flurries here this morning.... they are predicting that the lovely albeit unusually warm weather we've had the last many days is gone. :(

So I have a confession this morning. One that I am not proud to say and let's just say I felt the guilt come on as I was eating it!

Last night I had to go on a supply run at our Hobby Lobby which is about an hour away, so I really can't call it local.
By the time I finished, it was going in 9 o'clock, and I still had to drive home. You know what's coming. I made a rash decision in my hungry state to grab fast food. It was Cane's. By all means was it delicious. But ugh! I feel so terrible about breaking my diet, I feel bloated and just over all YUCKY. But I have decided to not harp on it. Today is a new day and I am ready to start the day fresh with a healthy breakfast and a big glass of water!!

Good for you for taking a bad decision and using it to give yourself a FRESH START! So many of us would have lingered in that "well, I blew it" mentality and let a few more days of bad decision follow. WTG!!:thumbsup2

So my question o the day seemed fitting:

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

I will usually have a day (or two) of "back to WW basics".... weighing and measuring EVERY portion, tons of veggies, plenty of fruit, lots of water and green tea... low carb if possible (no regular bread, no popcorn, no cereal, no bananas or pineapple or mango). I try HARD to get back to my "day 1" mentality and remember how MISERABLE I felt at 200+ pounds. I also try to work in some extra exercise... and sometimes I put on an article of clothing that might be a bit tight or snug and take a good long look in the mirror. Sometimes I will go back and read my food journal from January of 2008, when I re-started this journey and was HIGHLY motivated.

Don't beat yourself up. This is where I would always quit in the past. Call myself all kinds of nasty names (Loser, quitter, cheater, etc) and throw in the towel.
Is there a way to make an occasional treat from Cane's fit into your healthy lifestyle and then you can feel a little better about it?

Great question!!

QOTD--For me the best way to get back on the wagon is to drink my water. I came back from our weekend away, went to work yesterday and did not drink a drop of water during the day--and only half a cup of coffee. I felt really quite cruddy by the end of the day. So I came home last night and had 18 ounces with dinner and still don't feel great, but I am going to work really hard today to get in all my water. :)

I am not going to read back, but I hope no one was effected by the bad weather. Tornadoes are so scary. We were flying home Sunday, but other than one very bumpy flight, were not effected. Earlier in the week on the way back from W&D we had to spend the night in Atlanta due to mechanical problems, so we were very grateful for an easy travel day Sunday.

Determined to get back on track. After two back to back weekends away I am down .2 pounds for the month--and thrilled! Its a gain in that I gained back what I lost the first week, but at least still down for the month! Just need to focus for the next 11 days and get in some exercise.

Have a great day!

GREAT job with still being DOWN for the month... after all that travel and the run and all!


Morning all!! I'm home today again....but I have enough to do here that I'm not unhappy about that. I need to prep for tonight's WW meeting (talking about T.giving food choices!) and do some other WW here at home. I'm also hoping that I will get some nibbles on a few of the things I have for sale online and will get to send some invoices and pack up some stuff to ship. I also have an idea for a holiday table decor that I want to make, which has me heading into the woods with a saw in hand later today! :rotfl: Wish me luck!

My relaxing time with DD is already disappearing. She has an "optional" chemistry class this coming Saturday (the Professor feels that they are behind schedule) and as such her weekend time to get lots of work done is being cut down by about 1/4. She has a MAJOR test/quiz/lab/paper for nearly every class, due right after the holiday weekend, so she will HAVE to be working while she is home. Plus T.giving is so late this year that she will have to start prepping for finals too! I am hoping that she can take at least one full day "off" while she is home... probably T.giving Friday, with my family. For T.giving Thursday she can work in the car... 90 minute ride to my DSIL's early in the day and then another 90 minute drive to my parents' house that evening. Plus she can work at home on Thursday before we leave.

OH my.... I got distracted by coffee and never said goodbye here! :rotfl2: Oh well... Have a great day everyone!.................P
Well.... I haven't even made it outside to cut that tree yet for the project! I have LITERALLY been online all morning dealing with WW stuff! What a major PITA! I love parts of my job, but this paperwork stuff is the pits!

Anyhoooo... time to hit the shower and get dressed and looking spiffy for my members tonight!

I see things have been quiet here today! Hope you all are having a marvelous day! Food has been totally unexciting here, but filling.... and of course, in my mess of paperwork, I totally forgot to put dinner in the crockpot! :rolleyes2 So now I need to rethink what we are having tonight! And of course, it is one of the RARE Tuesdays that the men will be home for dinner. :worried: Oh well.. we'll figure something out!

Thanks for the input! There was no way I would have been able to do another set of 30DS this morning, I nearly did not get out of bed as my body was pretty sore all over. So I was glad to see your advice this morning. I always heard that 48 hour thing, too, but then the instructions for the 30 DS are clearly to do it every day. I was planning on taking some rest days at least since the first time I did it, it was just far too exhausting. But I did get some really good results! So today is a rest day. If I manage to get home from work not too late, I might go for a short slow run. The doctor said that as long as I don't overdo it, light exercise ought to be fine. And the tomorrow it is back to shredding. I am thinking I might do 2 days of shredding and then one day off where I go for a run. Will see how that works out!

Sounds like a great plan! Best of luck! :thumbsup2

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

For me, it's planning my meals and then sticking to it. I've been having a tough time doing that the past few days - I've been tired and feel like I'm fighting a cold. I was so tired last night that I didn't exercise and had some chicken & rice soup and a garden salad for dinner, then crashed. I keep feeling really hungry, too - I haven't felt like this for awhile. So I need to get back to my planned meals and back to my scheduled exercise.

Does anyone else feel like that when fighting off illness, just drained and hungry and so tired, like it takes so much effort to even move your body? How do you deal with that and stay on track?
When I need to get back on track I know I have to religiously track all my food (and be honest with myself while doing it!) and get up and haul my big butt back to the gym! :rotfl: Those two things set my whole mentality to doing what I know is right for myself and my body :thumbsup2

And thanks everyone! I love my dress and I am working really hard to make sure I feel my most beautiful on my wedding day... even though I won't be at an ideal weight, I want to feel good about the work I have done and what I have achieved before the big day comes :) Then I have to worry about getting to a healthy weight before DF and I plan to add to our family!
Hope that the storms last night did not head your way, Jill. :hug:
We did get horrible wind & rain. We do have a huge branch down in the backyard but luckily we did not lose power. Parts of town were out of power for hours. Thanks for thinking of me & prayers to everyone affected by those terrible storms & tornados!
Wow! You were busy! I hope you have an easy week and look forward to those days off for Thanksgiving, I know I am! QOTD~What food has FOOLED you when you looked up the calories or points AFTER you ate it. One food that fooled me when I first started tracking calories was the amount of calories in some of the "healthy" fast food options! A salad with 800 calories is not a healthy lunch!!
I tell my students that teachers look forward to breaks as much if not more than them. And, it's sooooooo true lol :) QOTD~I think for me it was drinks. Goodbye sweet tea and mocha frappes. Goodbye Dunkin Donuts peppermint mocha and pumpkin spice coffees. And so long cappuccinos and hot chocolate. Hello iced tea and water!
Here is the link to my low carb pizza crust recipe! It is still a work-in-progress, so please be forgiving and be willing to experiment with me! Let me know if you try it or if you make any changes that work well!................P http://disboards.com/showpost.php?p=50102488&postcount=164
Thanks for the recipe. I'm on my phone now so I'll check it out when I get on a computer.
Pam this is the one I found but have not yet tried.. it doesn't have milk Low carb, gluten free and DELICIOUS! Can't remember where I found this recipe, but it came from a Paleo site. 2 cups Almond Meal/Flour 2 eggs, beaten 2 teaspoons Olive Oil 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon ground oregano 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 176° C (350° F). Combine all the ingredients and mix together. If the dough seems too wet, you can add a little more cheese or almond flour. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put the dough in the center. Top with a second sheet of parchment paper and roll out to your preferred thickness. {This dough is super sticky, so don’t forget the parchment paper!} Can be rolled out super thin to make a huge pizza. Bake the crust for 12-15 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Then add desired toppings and bake another 15 minutes or however you like it. If you cut it as 8 servings it is as follows: Cals 246 Carbs 5 Fat 21 Protein 10 Sodium 76 Sugar 1 someone also said they cut the dough ball into 4 balls and made personal size crust - baked them all, ate one and put 3 in the freezer..
This sounds pretty yummy as well. Thanks for sharing!
Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track? Going get ready for work now! Will be back for replies a little later today!
To get back on track, I have to track all of my food and increase my water intake. I'm currently tracking calories & it feels good to get back on track today after eating out for DHs birthday last night plus a small slice of ice cream cake!
Sounds like a great plan! Best of luck! :thumbsup2 For me, it's planning my meals and then sticking to it. I've been having a tough time doing that the past few days - I've been tired and feel like I'm fighting a cold. I was so tired last night that I didn't exercise and had some chicken & rice soup and a garden salad for dinner, then crashed. I keep feeling really hungry, too - I haven't felt like this for awhile. So I need to get back to my planned meals and back to my scheduled exercise. Does anyone else feel like that when fighting off illness, just drained and hungry and so tired, like it takes so much effort to even move your body? How do you deal with that and stay on track?
I have a hard time when I'm sick. I just try my best to make good food choices. I give my body time to rest before I start back exercising. Sometimes our minds want to do more than our bodies can handle! I hope you start feeling better soon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm not doing too good tonight with replying on my phone :( I know I multi-quoted the wedding dress picture, but it's gone. Anyhow, that dress is gorgeous & your daughter is so adorable. I can't wait to see pictures of you in that dress on your wedding day!

Pamela~poor DD and all that work! Don't you wish you could swoop in & help sometimes? It has to be hard to not be able to! I hope she gets some time to relax & enjoy the family time next week!

I have a woo hoo Tuesday I want to share :) I am already so stressed between my car getting major repairs, canceling a trip with my sister, and Christmas shopping, then today, I get more crap (well, paperwork) dumped on me at work! My friend at work & I get dumped on all the time because we know we do what is asked of us & we do it well. It's just crappy that there's other people who could do this, but it's always us. Anyhow, instead of running to Sheetz to devour cheese sticks or eating chocolate, I stuck to my eating plan for the day! I obviously feel so much better & am pretty proud for not stress eating. Thanks for letting me share & for the support here. You girls are the best!

Well, since I'm typing away on my tiny iPhone, I'm going to get going. Here's hoping that others had a woo hoo today, too :)

I have a hard time when I'm sick. I just try my best to make good food choices. I give my body time to rest before I start back exercising. Sometimes our minds want to do more than our bodies can handle! I hope you start feeling better soon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have a woo hoo Tuesday I want to share :) I am already so stressed between my car getting major repairs, canceling a trip with my sister, and Christmas shopping, then today, I get more crap (well, paperwork) dumped on me at work! My friend at work & I get dumped on all the time because we know we do what is asked of us & we do it well. It's just crappy that there's other people who could do this, but it's always us. Anyhow, instead of running to Sheetz to devour cheese sticks or eating chocolate, I stuck to my eating plan for the day! I obviously feel so much better & am pretty proud for not stress eating. Thanks for letting me share & for the support here. You girls are the best!

Well, since I'm typing away on my tiny iPhone, I'm going to get going. Here's hoping that others had a woo hoo today, too :)


Woohoo, Jill! :yay: Good for you! I know that feeling of getting dumped on at work because my boss knows I'll get it all done. :rolleyes2

My woohoo tonight is that I am feeling a bit better and managed to get through a 30-minute workout. Now I can crash for the night, and stick to my meal plan.
Happy Wednesday!
I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to individually speak, (can we call it speaking :lmao: ) to everyone yesterday I was SOOO BUSY! So ready for the weekend!!

Today is my last day of coaching and I just wanted to thank all of you and say that you are all doing fantastic for the month!

I am running a little later for work :rolleyes1 so I will be quick this morning!

What is/was the WORST thing (in your opinion) about being overweight/out of shape/unhealthy?

For myself, I would say not feeling the best in clothing, and also feeling self- conscious around in shape and healthy people!

Be back later for replies, I really will today! :lmao:
QOTD--before I lost the big batch of weight in 2010 it was feeling cruddy in pictures. :( I am at an ok weight now (though not where I feel good) and the worst part is that when I eat poorly (even it's just getting gluten through cross contamination) and don't drink enough water I just feel yucky. And it becomes a downward spiral.

Congrats Jill on that woohoo Tuesday!
QOTD: What is/was the WORST thing (in your opinion) about being overweight/out of shape/unhealthy?

That is a very loaded question! I think the worst thing for me is how I let the extra weight affect my self-esteem. Contributing factors to that are feeling self-conscious when I'm on a plane, bus or subway and feel like I'm taking up too much room; shopping in the plus-size section and wishing I could shop in the 'regular' sections where there are 1000x more options; not liking how I look in photos; and feeling very self-conscious if I eat anything unhealthy in public or buy unhealthy groceries at the store. I'm too concerned with what people think of me, when the reality is that 99% of those people probably don't even notice.

The 2nd worst thing - worrying about how I'll fit onto rides. Right now, I'm about 82 pounds overweight. When I was at WDW last November (I weighed a few pounds more then than I do now), I fit onto all rides fine, though a few were snug. At Universal IOA, I had to sit in the modified seats for the Harry Potter Forbidden Journey ride, and I avoided a couple rides that had smaller seats. I don't want to be concerned about that at all, I just want to fully enjoy myself at the parks. More motivation to keep on losing.
Hi all!

*stepping out of lurk-mode*

I had a 3 day stint of off track behavior. I didn't go overboard, but I didn't stick to my eating plan AND I had a few extra glasses of wine. I definitely felt affected by it, and my mood was pretty low too.
I am doing better today! The only way I know how to get back on track is to get a good night's sleep, remember my vitamins and just dive back in.
I'm adding more tea (got the green w/ blueberry kind), more water and throwing some nice little yoga poses into the turnaround point on my morning walk. It was nice to look up and see the stars from my triangle this morning! I felt like an Egyptian pyramid.

May the scale be kind, and remember every day is a new chance to do better!
When I need to get back on track I know I have to religiously track all my food (and be honest with myself while doing it!) and get up and haul my big butt back to the gym! :rotfl: Those two things set my whole mentality to doing what I know is right for myself and my body :thumbsup2

And thanks everyone! I love my dress and I am working really hard to make sure I feel my most beautiful on my wedding day... even though I won't be at an ideal weight, I want to feel good about the work I have done and what I have achieved before the big day comes :) Then I have to worry about getting to a healthy weight before DF and I plan to add to our family!

You will feel GREAT on your wedding day and you will be proud of yourself because you know you put the work in!!

Pamela~poor DD and all that work! Don't you wish you could swoop in & help sometimes? It has to be hard to not be able to! I hope she gets some time to relax & enjoy the family time next week!

I would DEFINITELY love to swoop in and help. When I have visited I have done her laundry for her to be helpful, but that's about all I can do.

I have a woo hoo Tuesday I want to share :) I am already so stressed between my car getting major repairs, canceling a trip with my sister, and Christmas shopping, then today, I get more crap (well, paperwork) dumped on me at work! My friend at work & I get dumped on all the time because we know we do what is asked of us & we do it well. It's just crappy that there's other people who could do this, but it's always us. Anyhow, instead of running to Sheetz to devour cheese sticks or eating chocolate, I stuck to my eating plan for the day! I obviously feel so much better & am pretty proud for not stress eating. Thanks for letting me share & for the support here. You girls are the best!

Well, since I'm typing away on my tiny iPhone, I'm going to get going. Here's hoping that others had a woo hoo today, too :)


And I'm sure that the PROUD feeling you had for not giving into the stress eating made you feel SO MUCH BETTER than the cheese sticks or chocolate would have!!! Try to remember that feeling..... store it away in a little corner of your brain and and pull it out next time you are tempted to give into the stress chocolate!! Doesn't it feel SO MUCH BETTER than the 5 minute chocoate high???

Happy Wednesday!
I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to individually speak, (can we call it speaking :lmao: ) to everyone yesterday I was SOOO BUSY! So ready for the weekend!!

Today is my last day of coaching and I just wanted to thank all of you and say that you are all doing fantastic for the month!

I am running a little later for work :rolleyes1 so I will be quick this morning!

What is/was the WORST thing (in your opinion) about being overweight/out of shape/unhealthy?

For myself, I would say not feeling the best in clothing, and also feeling self- conscious around in shape and healthy people!

Be back later for replies, I really will today! :lmao:

The first thing that came to mind that was the WORST thing (for me, personally) about being overweight was feeling like I embarrassed my kids. :sad: Second thought was my absolute UTTER LACK of self-esteem.... somehow my weight made me feel stupid, ugly, unworthy... you name it. I know that the weight loss only changed my physical body... not my brain, not my intelligence, not my worth as a person.... but it definitely made me FEEL better about all of those things!! I'm naturally a shy person, but being overweight definitely made that 10 times worse. I am SO MUCH MORE outgoing now than I ever used to be. I'm still really shy, hate new situations where I am meeting strangers, but I can push through the shyness better than ever before.



Happy Wednesday all! Didn't get called to work again today....:confused3 so I made it an errand day. Did my official work weigh-in for November... and sadly was up .4 over my range, so I will probably get a "slap on the hand" email next month. :( First time in nearly a year of employment with WW that I have weighed in over my range. oh well. I realized when I started thinking about it that I drank VERY LITTLE water yesterday, had salty rotisserie chicken for dinner and had salty popcorn before bed... plus since it was my work night I ate the chicken and popcorn VERY LATE.... so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Live and learn.

I also hit Target with a fistful of coupons and restocked my pantry and freezer, plus did just a bit of Christmas shopping. Grocery budget was tight this month, but I couldn't pass up the great coupon deals I found. Plus I was definitely out/low on some staples like soy sauce, raisins, whole wheat flour, SOS pads, so we couldn't have lasted much longer without a shopping trip. I also took some coupons into Market Basket. And I made a visit to the bread store to get bagels for next weekend.... they are stashed in the freezer for now.

Anyhow.... I am rambling. I was gone SO LONG that I haven't even gotten all of the groceries put away yet! I left the house at 7:35 am, dropped of DS, went straight to Concord to do my weigh-in, then straight to Target, a quick stop at the Goodwill (no goodies), then the bread store, Market Basket, and home.... at 1:00pm!! Just finished eating lunch (missed breakfast completely) and need to leave to pick up DS in 10 minutes! Then I'll put away the rest of the groceries and DS will help me do some housework, since his new girlfriend is coming over on Friday! :thumbsup2

Hello everyone! I am going to be your coach starting tomorrow. I have been really struggling in the mornings with getting going, so I am going to go ahead and post a QOTD tonight. Please forgive me if any of my questions were asked earlier in the month. I did not read back over the days when we were traveling. :)

Just a little intro. Rose.:wave2: Lost a bunch in 2010. Got down to a size 4! Put some back on, and now I am just trying to find a healthy in between. I am a g-f (for health reasons) vegetarian (by choice), married forever, with a 22yo who is in grad school 500 miles away. I work part-time for a non-profit. I like to work out, but have been fighting my back this year and have to be careful.


QOTD Thursday, November 20
Next week is Thanksgiving! It is probably my favorite holiday. But it can be really stressful (both good stress and bad stress). Pick ONE thing that you can do consistently next week to keep your head in the game. You don't have to be perfect--I plan on enjoying the stuffing and mashed potatoes, but I think we all need something to help us remember that we don't need to stress eat or drink, we can have small portions and still have fun, and we can continue to take care of ourselves. So what is the one thing that you can do consistently next week to stay somewhat on plan? (For our friends across the pond ;) think about how you are going to handle the upcoming December holidays.)

I hope everyone has a happy, healthy Thursday. :)
Pamela--hang in there. Being .4 outside of your range is nothing. :)

I found the replies to today's qotd interesting. I think my self esteem/awareness improved as the weight came off, but not as much as I thought it would. It took a long time for my brain to catch up to my body, if that makes sense.
Pamela--hang in there. Being .4 outside of your range is nothing. :)

I found the replies to today's qotd interesting. I think my self esteem/awareness improved as the weight came off, but not as much as I thought it would. It took a long time for my brain to catch up to my body, if that makes sense.

Thanks. I'm trying not to take it too seriously. As long as the number doesn't continue to climb, I'll be fine.

I'll answer the QOTD tomorrow.... a bit of stuff on my mind tonight. G'night all..........P
Good morning!

To answer the QOTD: Well, I know I am going to walk at least a mile a day (that silly mile a day challenge ;) ) but as much as I hate to keep coming back to it, I need to drink water! I am so bad about this. I am having to work some days to get in 32 ounces and I am not really drinking anything else except a cup of coffee in the morning and an occasional gf beer (and I don't think that counts :rolleyes: ). I also need to plan out what we are going to eat for the rest of the month--which is on my agenda for tomorrow. So I guess that's two things.:goodvibes

I moved furniture yesterday--not a lot I can do in our small apartment--but I am very happy with the results. My back last night--not so happy. Holy cow! I got a little too confident that it was 'better.'

Didn't someone say they were using the rowing machine? Jill, maybe? I think I am going to get someone to show me how to use it, because I need to do something else to strengthen my back.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Thank you, Jillian, for coaching this week! :thanks: And a big welcome and thanks to our current coach, Rose! :flower3:

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

"Your next bite is a chance to get it right!" :thumbsup2 That was something that used to be said a lot on the WISH challenges. :cool2:

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to pop my head in really quick. Work really began to pick up towards the tail end of October and I just haven't had the time to really check the boards. I will be back in January when all of the holiday craziness slows down again.

Thanks for stopping by! Take care of yourself, happy holidays, and we will see you in January. :santa:

Does anyone else feel like that when fighting off illness, just drained and hungry and so tired, like it takes so much effort to even move your body? How do you deal with that and stay on track?

When you are getting sick like that I think that you just have to rest and let your body heal itself. Any symptoms below the neck and the recommendation is to not do any sort of workout -- so a fever means rest. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can and make taking care of yourself a priority. :hippie:

When I need to get back on track I know I have to religiously track all my food (and be honest with myself while doing it!) and get up and haul my big butt back to the gym! Those two things set my whole mentality to doing what I know is right for myself and my body

And thanks everyone! I love my dress and I am working really hard to make sure I feel my most beautiful on my wedding day... even though I won't be at an ideal weight, I want to feel good about the work I have done and what I have achieved before the big day comes :) Then I have to worry about getting to a healthy weight before DF and I plan to add to our family!

Excellent plan! I'm sure you will be looking lovely in that wedding dress as you walk down the aisle. :bride:

We did get horrible wind & rain. We do have a huge branch down in the backyard but luckily we did not lose power. Parts of town were out of power for hours. Thanks for thinking of me & prayers to everyone affected by those terrible storms & tornados! I tell my students that teachers look forward to breaks as much if not more than them. And, it's sooooooo true lol :)

I'm glad that you and your family are safe. Such a tragedy for so many folks for sure.

Kudos to you for your :woohoo: for staying OP and for typing such an awesome long reply on your phone! ::yes::

My woohoo tonight is that I am feeling a bit better and managed to get through a 30-minute workout. Now I can crash for the night, and stick to my meal plan.

I'm glad that you are feeling better! :flower3:

What is/was the WORST thing (in your opinion) about being overweight/out of shape/unhealthy?

I think the worse thing about being unhealthy is the way it makes you feel about yourself. :sad2:

Hi all!

*stepping out of lurk-mode*

I had a 3 day stint of off track behavior. I didn't go overboard, but I didn't stick to my eating plan AND I had a few extra glasses of wine. I definitely felt affected by it, and my mood was pretty low too.
I am doing better today! The only way I know how to get back on track is to get a good night's sleep, remember my vitamins and just dive back in.
I'm adding more tea (got the green w/ blueberry kind), more water and throwing some nice little yoga poses into the turnaround point on my morning walk. It was nice to look up and see the stars from my triangle this morning! I felt like an Egyptian pyramid.

May the scale be kind, and remember every day is a new chance to do better!

We all have times like that! :hug: Kudos to you for getting yourself back on track and congratulations again for making your goal! :yay:

Happy Wednesday all! Didn't get called to work again today.... so I made it an errand day. Did my official work weigh-in for November... and sadly was up .4 over my range, so I will probably get a "slap on the hand" email next month. :( First time in nearly a year of employment with WW that I have weighed in over my range. oh well. I realized when I started thinking about it that I drank VERY LITTLE water yesterday, had salty rotisserie chicken for dinner and had salty popcorn before bed... plus since it was my work night I ate the chicken and popcorn VERY LATE.... so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Live and learn.

Sorry about the .4, Pamela, but that could have been a couple of cups of coffee sitting in your stomach. I have every confidence that you are probably already in your range right now! :goodvibes

QOTD Thursday, November 20
Next week is Thanksgiving! It is probably my favorite holiday. But it can be really stressful (both good stress and bad stress). Pick ONE thing that you can do consistently next week to keep your head in the game. You don't have to be perfect--I plan on enjoying the stuffing and mashed potatoes, but I think we all need something to help us remember that we don't need to stress eat or drink, we can have small portions and still have fun, and we can continue to take care of ourselves. So what is the one thing that you can do consistently next week to stay somewhat on plan? (For our friends across the pond ;) think about how you are going to handle the upcoming December holidays.)

I plan on enjoying my Thanksgiving meal, too, Rose. I think that is a good point that we can enjoy our favorite things without guilt and as part of a healthy lifestyle.
My plan for next week is to make sure I am on plan as much as possible until Friday. Honestly, our dinner is not going to be that fabulous because we are visiting out of town and it is coming from Safeway. (DS calls it Thanksgiving in a box. :lmao:) But on Friday we will be Seattle and eating at one of my favorite restaurants and that will be a meal worth going off plan one day for. I will remind myself over and over to save the points for the good stuff! ::yes:: I'm doing a 10k on Thursday so that will earn some good APs and help make up for any transgressions that will probably be more of the liquid variety. ;)

To answer the QOTD: Well, I know I am going to walk at least a mile a day (that silly mile a day challenge ;) ) but as much as I hate to keep coming back to it, I need to drink water! I am so bad about this. I am having to work some days to get in 32 ounces and I am not really drinking anything else except a cup of coffee in the morning and an occasional gf beer (and I don't think that counts :rolleyes: ). I also need to plan out what we are going to eat for the rest of the month--which is on my agenda for tomorrow. So I guess that's two things.

I moved furniture yesterday--not a lot I can do in our small apartment--but I am very happy with the results. My back last night--not so happy. Holy cow! I got a little too confident that it was 'better.'

Didn't someone say they were using the rowing machine? Jill, maybe? I think I am going to get someone to show me how to use it, because I need to do something else to strengthen my back.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!

Hope that your back is feeling better today, Rose. :flower3:

It is really busy at work and at our house lately. I am doing well being OP and hope I can see a new number at WW this week-end.

Hang in there everyone!


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