WISH Away The Pounds No Excuses in November Challenge - Everyone Welcome!

Hi Guys
I'm back from my 50th birthday weekend extravaganza!!!! Spent 2 days shopping for new clothes that fit, had lots to eat and drink that I shouldn't (the German markets were fabulous Magdalene, almost like the real thing), so I'm guessing I may have put a few pounds on this weekend!!!!
This morning I did my first ever 10K in 1:10:19...........and I ran the whole thing. Still can't believe it!!!!! It was fantastic being part of a 12000 strong crowd...will try and post some pics tomorrow if I can get photo bucket to play nice!

Welcome back! Sounds like you had a terrific birthday weekend. Congrats on running the entire 10K!

QOTD: Do you get your daily recommended amount of water in? Or is this something you could work on? Do you think water is beneficial at all? Or could you do without it?
I love water and usually only drink water and then 1-2 cups of coffee every day. I gave up soda awhile ago and don't miss it. I drink a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning, while I journal. I have a water bottle at work that I'm constantly refilling, and a Brita at home. I'm a civil engineer who works on water and wastewater projects, so I'm a big proponent of tap water - no bottled water for me, only tap! :)

I think water is extremely beneficial in keeping us hydrated, especially right now as the temps cool, when the indoor heat can dry us out and make us more susceptible to picking up germs and catching colds. Water also helps flush our bodies of toxins. It also helps us feel full when we might otherwise grab some food that we don't really need. :thumbsup2
So excited!!! Leaving this morning on our cruise! We will be back next Saturday! Weighed in this morning and I actually broke through my 157 slump and am now 156.8. I will be accountable and make sure I post my post-cruise weight for all of you here!

Ahhhh vacation!!:cloud9: - ENJOY & HAVE FUN.:goodvibes

Hi Guys
I'm back from my 50th birthday weekend extravaganza!!!! Spent 2 days shopping for new clothes that fit, had lots to eat and drink that I shouldn't (the German markets were fabulous Magdalene, almost like the real thing), so I'm guessing I may have put a few pounds on this weekend!!!!
This morning I did my first ever 10K in 1:10:19...........and I ran the whole thing. Still can't believe it!!!!! It was fantastic being part of a 12000 strong crowd...will try and post some pics tomorrow if I can get photo bucket to play nice!

Would love to see pictures.:)

Alrightee everyone - totally surpised myself last night......
bought a ..........

wait for it......
wait for it .......


**** SIZE 40 PANTS!! ****:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Hey.....u r talkin' to someone who USED TO b in a SIZE 50 PANTS!!

YUP - that's 5-0 pants size -
NOT NO MORE -:woohoo:

Lost 11 total inches now off my waist -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

1a) One inch lost approx 18 months ago when I ballooned up to a size 50 pants & 10 inches lost since July 2013
I settled back down to a size 48-50 since 18 months ago BUT the pants were pretty tight on me so........

1b) Approx 10 pounds lost 18 months ago PLUS 90 pounds lost since July 2013 = 100 pounds LOST total with the majority of this being centered around what I deem 60% to 70% unecessary "Family Melodrama."

2) my Body Mass index is now at a 26.9 -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Oh what pearls of wisdom I have learned thru this ongoing journey that is now a daily part of my life.:goodvibes
This is a fun thread to be on & look forward to many more months being here.
Hula Hoop jump roping is a blast as it is now part of my daily routine.
give me about 2-3 more weeks & yeeeesssssss.....I will be posting before and after pictures.....especially a "before" video that will make your jaw drop.

T-Minus 1,032 more hours & I will be on vacation -:yay:
(going to the Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl parade, San Francisco, Muir Woods, Monterrey, Southern California, etc....)


WOOO-HOOOO!!!! :cool1:
I tried on a pair of pants I still have from those days and was FLOORED that I can actually wear them!!:blush:

This is what prompted me to go out and buy a new pair of work pants late last night.:beach:

Now if I can only work on my 'beach wear' attire......:lmao:

Happy Sunday everyone!

I hope your weekend has been great, if it was anything like mine, it went by too fast!!

But luckily I have Monday off as well! So I can enjoy my free time a little while longer! :thumbsup2

Plans for today consist of some housework, joy! I finished my first two wreaths yesterday to put on Etsy. So hopefully I have time today to put them up!

I also would like to make time to take DB and I's Christmas card pictures! I've been dabbling with photography for quite some time, and I really love it! So here's to hoping they come out well! :)

I'll probably watch a little football today if I get the chance, DB has asked I cook him a spinach and artichoke dip for the game. That is one of my favorite unhealthy foods, so hopefully I am strong and don't take any!

On to today's question!
While I was fixing my first glass of water for today and I was thinking about a question I could asked. And low and behold, I am asking about water!
Drinking water is such an important part of our diets and most people do not get enough in! I drink about 10 cups of water on any given day, sometimes more! I have found I don't feel right if I don't get my 10 glasses a day in; I feel bloated and actually kinda crummy!

Do you get your daily recommended amount of water in? Or is this something you could work on? Do you think water is beneficial at all? Or could you do without it?

Be back soon for replies!

Enjoy your day off today! :flower3:

I think water and being adequately hydrated is very beneficial to your health, especially when you are increasing your activity. My water and fluids intake is fine. The recommended amounts have changed since it was determined that it wasn't based on science -- it was part of recommendations that did not cite any research and took on a life of its own. http://www.npr.org/2008/04/03/89323934/five-myths-about-drinking-water
There is no question that if you feel thirsty you should make sure you are hydrated but spending a bunch of time and effort forcing yourself to drink more may not be beneficial. It is definitely an individual thing. :goodvibes

Hi Guys
I'm back from my 50th birthday weekend extravaganza!!!! Spent 2 days shopping for new clothes that fit, had lots to eat and drink that I shouldn't (the German markets were fabulous Magdalene, almost like the real thing), so I'm guessing I may have put a few pounds on this weekend!!!!
This morning I did my first ever 10K in 1:10:19...........and I ran the whole thing. Still can't believe it!!!!! It was fantastic being part of a 12000 strong crowd...will try and post some pics tomorrow if I can get photo bucket to play nice!

:woohoo: Congratuatulations on an outstanding 10K! :yay:

Happy Birthday Helen!!

And congratulations on that awesome 10k time!! Well done!!

What German markets did you visit? But I understand how detrimental those are for dieting!!


Hy everyone, it seems ages since I last logged on to the DIS! And eating has been all over the place. But then this morning I finally decided to face the scale and it showed a small loss as compared to the start of the month. So happy. I have a very small goal for the month and now I am confident that I still have a chance to make it! That would be wonderful! I really really want to lose some more before Christmas!

I also did the first day of the 30 Day Shred today. I took pictures but forgot to measure myself. Will do that tomorrow morning. Would love to try to do the exercise before I head out to work, but am not sure what the people living below me will think when I start doing jumping jacks at 7am... I know that I can hear the kids living above me running now and then. So I guess I better do my exercise after work. It was a bit sad how weak I felt when I was doing it, I really lost all the form that I gained earlier this year...

Saturday QOTD:

I would love for Disney to build a version of Disney Sea at WDW. That looks like such a spectacular theme park! But then, I really would prefer if they would add attractions to the existing parks before they build a new one. On my last trip I really was a bit at a loss as to what to do at DHS and AK even though I really love these two parks. But both of them could do very well with another 4 or 5 attractions. Of course AK is getting Avatarland. Even though I am not at all excited about the theme, I do hope that they add somethings spectacular!

Sunday QOTD:

Usually it is no problem. I just have a one litre water bottle (my soda club) at my desk and continually our something into my glass. The water just disappears over time. I just need to remember to refill the bottle when I have emptied it. I do notice that if I forget to refill it and end up drinking too little over the course of a day, it usually leads to a higher weight the next morning on the scale.

:woohoo: Congratulations on your lower weigh in! :yay: It shows that you have some leeway in your healthy lifestyle eating now that you are closing in on your goal. :cool2:

Okay all you Atkins/South Beach/low carb folks.... I'm trying a new PIZZA CRUST recipe tonight! If it is successful I'll let you know! It's baking right now. DH will be the "judge", but I may give it a small taste, just so I know. And NO it isn't one of those "cauliflower crust" or "make a pizza on a portabello mushroom" FAKE OUTS! This is a REAL crust!

BBL with results............P

So how was it? :goodvibes

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are enjoying ours. I went to dinner with friends on Friday night. It was so nice to chit chat with girlfriends and just relax. Yesterday, I went to DS7s indoor soccer from 8-9:30, dropped him off at home, ran to the grocery store, came home and unpacked groceries, ran to the video rental store to get DSs video games, went to DS10's soccer game from 1-2, came home, ate dinner, and went back to soccer to watch the U12 girls team from 6-7. It was crazy busy, but fun, too. Oh, and when I got home, I was so super excited to spend my Saturday night watching videos online and taking a test so I can administer the PA state tests. Yay! :rotfl: Today, we just relaxed after church. I'm trying to catch up here and then I need to clean up the kitchen and pack lunches for tomorrow.

I'm going to try to check in as much as possible this week, but it's a busy one. I cannot wait until I have 6 days off for Thanksgiving. I need a break! Anyhow, have a great night and stay healthy :)


Hope that the storms last night did not head your way, Jill. :hug:

Welcome back! Sounds like you had a terrific birthday weekend. Congrats on running the entire 10K!

I love water and usually only drink water and then 1-2 cups of coffee every day. I gave up soda awhile ago and don't miss it. I drink a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning, while I journal. I have a water bottle at work that I'm constantly refilling, and a Brita at home. I'm a civil engineer who works on water and wastewater projects, so I'm a big proponent of tap water - no bottled water for me, only tap! :)

I think water is extremely beneficial in keeping us hydrated, especially right now as the temps cool, when the indoor heat can dry us out and make us more susceptible to picking up germs and catching colds. Water also helps flush our bodies of toxins. It also helps us feel full when we might otherwise grab some food that we don't really need. :thumbsup2

That is a cool job that you have! :cool2: I'm trying to encourage DS to consider this for his career as he wants to be an engineer.


**** SIZE 40 PANTS!! ****:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Hey.....u r talkin' to someone who USED TO b in a SIZE 50 PANTS!!

YUP - that's 5-0 pants size -
NOT NO MORE -:woohoo:

Lost 11 total inches now off my waist -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

1a) One inch lost approx 18 months ago when I ballooned up to a size 50 pants & 10 inches lost since July 2013
I settled back down to a size 48-50 since 18 months ago BUT the pants were pretty tight on me so........

1b) Approx 10 pounds lost 18 months ago PLUS 90 pounds lost since July 2013 = 100 pounds LOST total with the majority of this being centered around what I deem 60% to 70% unecessary "Family Melodrama."

2) my Body Mass index is now at a 26.9 -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

:woohoo: Congratulations on some great milestones and NSVs! :yay:
Dreamseeker, what an interesting field to work in! Access to clean tap water is such a treasure which we often fail to recognize as we just take it for granted. But we depend so much on it!

Knewton, congratulations on your acchievements! You have done so well, it is quite amazing!!


Somehow I ended up having to head to work without breakfast. Which lead to me being very hungry for lunch. So I ended up eating my breakfast points in addition to my lunch points for lunch. I hope it equals out. But I did not like having no breakfast at all! I got so used to my breakfasts!

It also was not in the plan that I made for my meals this week! I am so proud of myself that I actually made a meal plan for the first time. Now I just need to stick to it. At least lunch was what I had planned (salad from the work cafeteria).

Am hurting quite a bit from the 30 DS yesterday. But not too bad and I am all set on doing day 2 tonight!! :thumbsup2 I know someone recommended a different Jillian programm to me recently (forgot who it was, sorry!) and I checked that out, but it is only being sold in the US and I can't watch a US DVD with my German DVD player... I also have Ripped in 30 but thought that this was far too challenging for me in large parts. All these plank exercises totally kill my arms and shoulders!

Hope everyone is having a healthy start to the week!!
Happy Birthday Helen!!

And congratulations on that awesome 10k time!! Well done!!

What German markets did you visit? But I understand how detrimental those are for dieting!!


Hy everyone, it seems ages since I last logged on to the DIS! And eating has been all over the place. But then this morning I finally decided to face the scale and it showed a small loss as compared to the start of the month. So happy. I have a very small goal for the month and now I am confident that I still have a chance to make it! That would be wonderful! I really really want to lose some more before Christmas!

I also did the first day of the 30 Day Shred today. I took pictures but forgot to measure myself. Will do that tomorrow morning. Would love to try to do the exercise before I head out to work, but am not sure what the people living below me will think when I start doing jumping jacks at 7am... I know that I can hear the kids living above me running now and then. So I guess I better do my exercise after work. It was a bit sad how weak I felt when I was doing it, I really lost all the form that I gained earlier this year...

Saturday QOTD:

I would love for Disney to build a version of Disney Sea at WDW. That looks like such a spectacular theme park! But then, I really would prefer if they would add attractions to the existing parks before they build a new one. On my last trip I really was a bit at a loss as to what to do at DHS and AK even though I really love these two parks. But both of them could do very well with another 4 or 5 attractions. Of course AK is getting Avatarland. Even though I am not at all excited about the theme, I do hope that they add somethings spectacular!

Sunday QOTD:

Usually it is no problem. I just have a one litre water bottle (my soda club) at my desk and continually our something into my glass. The water just disappears over time. I just need to remember to refill the bottle when I have emptied it. I do notice that if I forget to refill it and end up drinking too little over the course of a day, it usually leads to a higher weight the next morning on the scale.

Great job on the loss! Good luck on the 30 day shred! I know you will do great at it and get your form back! I agree about the parks getting a few more attractions! I love going to HS but I don't ride ToT and RRC so I often find theres nothing to do by lunch!
Great job on getting that water in! I find it helpful to mark the hours on my water bottle. Example being by 12:00 I want a whole bottle done, and then I know to refill it with lunch and drink another whole bottle by say 5:00.
Okay all you Atkins/South Beach/low carb folks.... I'm trying a new PIZZA CRUST recipe tonight! If it is successful I'll let you know! It's baking right now. DH will be the "judge", but I may give it a small taste, just so I know. And NO it isn't one of those "cauliflower crust" or "make a pizza on a portabello mushroom" FAKE OUTS! This is a REAL crust!

BBL with results............P

Can't wait to hear about this!
Thanks for coaching! I love the WDW parks and think they balance each other out nicely. If I was going to add a park, I think I would add something with more animal shows, similar to Sea World. I think more animal interactive shows would be fun and it could still be Disney themed. And, I agree with adding more of a variety of characters. I will never get to meet the 7 dwarves and others that only show up for special events.

That would be something to see! I would love to see how Disney could incorporate that

I do not always drink enough water, but on those days I feel cucky. I always feel better when I drink more water. This week I definitely drank too much Diet Coke, so I am not having ANY this week. ANY. It's going to be water, tea, and occasionally a coffee for me.

Good job on making the decision to not drink any soda this week! That is definitely a healthy choice!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are enjoying ours. I went to dinner with friends on Friday night. It was so nice to chit chat with girlfriends and just relax. Yesterday, I went to DS7s indoor soccer from 8-9:30, dropped him off at home, ran to the grocery store, came home and unpacked groceries, ran to the video rental store to get DSs video games, went to DS10's soccer game from 1-2, came home, ate dinner, and went back to soccer to watch the U12 girls team from 6-7. It was crazy busy, but fun, too. Oh, and when I got home, I was so super excited to spend my Saturday night watching videos online and taking a test so I can administer the PA state tests. Yay! :rotfl: Today, we just relaxed after church. I'm trying to catch up here and then I need to clean up the kitchen and pack lunches for tomorrow.

I'm going to try to check in as much as possible this week, but it's a busy one. I cannot wait until I have 6 days off for Thanksgiving. I need a break! Anyhow, have a great night and stay healthy :)


Wow! You were busy! I hope you have an easy week and look forward to those days off for Thanksgiving, I know I am!
Welcome back! Sounds like you had a terrific birthday weekend. Congrats on running the entire 10K!

I love water and usually only drink water and then 1-2 cups of coffee every day. I gave up soda awhile ago and don't miss it. I drink a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning, while I journal. I have a water bottle at work that I'm constantly refilling, and a Brita at home. I'm a civil engineer who works on water and wastewater projects, so I'm a big proponent of tap water - no bottled water for me, only tap! :)

I think water is extremely beneficial in keeping us hydrated, especially right now as the temps cool, when the indoor heat can dry us out and make us more susceptible to picking up germs and catching colds. Water also helps flush our bodies of toxins. It also helps us feel full when we might otherwise grab some food that we don't really need. :thumbsup2

What an amazing job to be able to have!
I love my Brita!
Water is great! It's so nice to hear someone be informed on everything water does for us!
Alrightee everyone - totally surpised myself last night......
bought a ..........

wait for it......
wait for it .......


**** SIZE 40 PANTS!! ****:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Hey.....u r talkin' to someone who USED TO b in a SIZE 50 PANTS!!

YUP - that's 5-0 pants size -
NOT NO MORE -:woohoo:

Lost 11 total inches now off my waist -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

1a) One inch lost approx 18 months ago when I ballooned up to a size 50 pants & 10 inches lost since July 2013
I settled back down to a size 48-50 since 18 months ago BUT the pants were pretty tight on me so........

1b) Approx 10 pounds lost 18 months ago PLUS 90 pounds lost since July 2013 = 100 pounds LOST total with the majority of this being centered around what I deem 60% to 70% unecessary "Family Melodrama."

2) my Body Mass index is now at a 26.9 -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Oh what pearls of wisdom I have learned thru this ongoing journey that is now a daily part of my life.:goodvibes
This is a fun thread to be on & look forward to many more months being here.
Hula Hoop jump roping is a blast as it is now part of my daily routine.
give me about 2-3 more weeks & yeeeesssssss.....I will be posting before and after pictures.....especially a "before" video that will make your jaw drop.

T-Minus 1,032 more hours & I will be on vacation -:yay:
(going to the Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl parade, San Francisco, Muir Woods, Monterrey, Southern California, etc....)


WOOO-HOOOO!!!! :cool1:
I tried on a pair of pants I still have from those days and was FLOORED that I can actually wear them!!:blush:

This is what prompted me to go out and buy a new pair of work pants late last night.:beach:

Now if I can only work on my 'beach wear' attire......:lmao:


This is such a great loss! You can be so proud of yourself!pixiedust:pixiedust:
Good Morning everyone! It's Monday, but let's make the best of it!

It is rainy and gloomy here where I am, so not doing much but cleaning house and working on craft projects! Sounds like a good day to me!

I think today I will try some yoga stretches, I have been feeling so tight, and I am trying out for a dance studio on Wednesday. So I want to do my best!

I had a breakfast smoothie so far, and a large glass of water. Hopefully the rest of the day goes well!


What food has FOOLED you when you looked up the calories or points AFTER you ate it.

One food that fooled me when I first started tracking calories was the amount of calories in some of the "healthy" fast food options! A salad with 800 calories is not a healthy lunch!!

Be back later with replies.
Okay all you Atkins/South Beach/low carb folks.... I'm trying a new PIZZA CRUST recipe tonight! If it is successful I'll let you know! It's baking right now. DH will be the "judge", but I may give it a small taste, just so I know. And NO it isn't one of those "cauliflower crust" or "make a pizza on a portabello mushroom" FAKE OUTS! This is a REAL crust!

BBL with results............P

It came out good! I think I will try to make it again soon, with a few "tweaks" that could make it even better. I'll share the recipe on the recipe thread and post a link here shortly!

I hate hungry days. Usually there is no rhyme or reason for it, either! Did you go see Thor? How was it?

Never made it to see Thor, as DS wants to wait to take his girlfriend along... so maybe next weekend??

Well, how did you spend the day? I hope you got to relax and scrap :)

Well.. it wasn't too stressful, but I never really got to scrapping. Ended up taking photos and writing some listings for some stuff I'm attempting to sell on a Disney Facebook group. Hoping to bring in a little extra cash for the holiday! So at least it was a productive day!

Sounds good. Can't wait to hear how this turned out.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are enjoying ours. I went to dinner with friends on Friday night. It was so nice to chit chat with girlfriends and just relax. Yesterday, I went to DS7s indoor soccer from 8-9:30, dropped him off at home, ran to the grocery store, came home and unpacked groceries, ran to the video rental store to get DSs video games, went to DS10's soccer game from 1-2, came home, ate dinner, and went back to soccer to watch the U12 girls team from 6-7. It was crazy busy, but fun, too. Oh, and when I got home, I was so super excited to spend my Saturday night watching videos online and taking a test so I can administer the PA state tests. Yay! :rotfl: Today, we just relaxed after church. I'm trying to catch up here and then I need to clean up the kitchen and pack lunches for tomorrow.

I'm going to try to check in as much as possible this week, but it's a busy one. I cannot wait until I have 6 days off for Thanksgiving. I need a break! Anyhow, have a great night and stay healthy :)


I used to have weekends like that.... fun but crazy busy! I don't really miss them at all! :rotfl: You definitely deserve the upcoming break!!

Alrightee everyone - totally surpised myself last night......
bought a ..........
wait for it......
wait for it .......


**** SIZE 40 PANTS!! ****:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Hey.....u r talkin' to someone who USED TO b in a SIZE 50 PANTS!!
YUP - that's 5-0 pants size -
NOT NO MORE -:woohoo:

Lost 11 total inches now off my waist -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

1a) One inch lost approx 18 months ago when I ballooned up to a size 50 pants & 10 inches lost since July 2013
I settled back down to a size 48-50 since 18 months ago BUT the pants were pretty tight on me so........

1b) Approx 10 pounds lost 18 months ago PLUS 90 pounds lost since July 2013 = 100 pounds LOST total with the majority of this being centered around what I deem 60% to 70% unecessary "Family Melodrama."

2) my Body Mass index is now at a 26.9 -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Oh what pearls of wisdom I have learned thru this ongoing journey that is now a daily part of my life.:goodvibes
This is a fun thread to be on & look forward to many more months being here.
Hula Hoop jump roping is a blast as it is now part of my daily routine.
give me about 2-3 more weeks & yeeeesssssss.....I will be posting before and after pictures.....especially a "before" video that will make your jaw drop.

T-Minus 1,032 more hours & I will be on vacation -:yay:
(going to the Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl parade, San Francisco, Muir Woods, Monterrey, Southern California, etc....)


WOOO-HOOOO!!!! :cool1:
I tried on a pair of pants I still have from those days and was FLOORED that I can actually wear them!!:blush:

This is what prompted me to go out and buy a new pair of work pants late last night.:beach:
Now if I can only work on my 'beach wear' attire......:lmao:

You are having amazing success on this journey! Great job!! Congrats on the new size! And have an AMAZING vacation (when it finally gets here! :lmao:)!

Somehow I ended up having to head to work without breakfast. Which lead to me being very hungry for lunch. So I ended up eating my breakfast points in addition to my lunch points for lunch. I hope it equals out. But I did not like having no breakfast at all! I got so used to my breakfasts!

It also was not in the plan that I made for my meals this week! I am so proud of myself that I actually made a meal plan for the first time. Now I just need to stick to it. At least lunch was what I had planned (salad from the work cafeteria).

Am hurting quite a bit from the 30 DS yesterday. But not too bad and I am all set on doing day 2 tonight!! :thumbsup2 I know someone recommended a different Jillian programm to me recently (forgot who it was, sorry!) and I checked that out, but it is only being sold in the US and I can't watch a US DVD with my German DVD player... I also have Ripped in 30 but thought that this was far too challenging for me in large parts. All these plank exercises totally kill my arms and shoulders!

Hope everyone is having a healthy start to the week!!

Sorry you missed breakfast! Great job getting the 30DS done!

Can't wait to hear about this!

It was a keeper!

Good Morning everyone! It's Monday, but let's make the best of it!

It is rainy and gloomy here where I am, so not doing much but cleaning house and working on craft projects! Sounds like a good day to me!


I think today I will try some yoga stretches, I have been feeling so tight, and I am trying out for a dance studio on Wednesday. So I want to do my best!

Good luck with that!!

I had a breakfast smoothie so far, and a large glass of water. Hopefully the rest of the day goes well!


What food has FOOLED you when you looked up the calories or points AFTER you ate it.

Two that really stick out in my head.....

some sort of Frosty/coffee dessert/drink thing from Wendy's (it was several years ago). I figured with the coffee and all it would be an "okay" treat to splurge on.... kind of mentally figured it for about 7 points... and looked it up when I got home and discovered it was nearly TWICE that at 13 Points! Needless to say I was......:eek: and then I was :mad:

The other thing that comes to mind was figuring out the Points on a thin crust "healthy" pizza from Uno's and thinking what a great treat it was going to be.... until I realized that the Points were for HALF of the (not-very-large) pizza! What a downer!

Lesson learned (the hard way).... I RARELY eat anything any more without knowing the Points value up front.... but that's not to say I'm never disappointed with my foods.... last night's Lean Cuisine pizza being a PRIME example of "so not worth the Points"!!


Morning all! Been busy here on the computer with FB yard sale stuff and some online shopping!

The low carb pizza crust was a success last night. That being said I'm going to make it again this week and try a few small changes to improve it a bit. But I'll be posting the recipe today for anyone who is anxious to give it a try.

I'm home by myself today!! The weather is clearing, so I may end up walking outside.... but this morning was crazy windy and rainy. Prayers to all those here in our Midwest that got hit with those tornadoes. Rose, if you are out there and safe, please let us know!!

I've got a load of jeans for the clothesline (glad I waited to see if the weather would change). I will be vacumming, since DS did NOT do it this weekend, as I asked.

Lots of little bits and pieces to do here around the house before DD comes home next week. I want to be able to really relax and enjoy her time here at home PLUS our holiday time away, so I need to get caught up here on a few things.

Off to hang jeans in the breezy sunshine!.................P
Okay.... sold two things on my FB yard sale and bought four Christmas gifts online! Time to peel myself off this computer!..................P
Here is the link to my low carb pizza crust recipe! It is still a work-in-progress, so please be forgiving and be willing to experiment with me! Let me know if you try it or if you make any changes that work well!................P


Pam this is the one I found but have not yet tried.. it doesn't have milk

Low carb, gluten free and DELICIOUS! Can't remember where I found this recipe, but it came from a Paleo site.

2 cups Almond Meal/Flour
2 eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground oregano
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 176° C (350° F). Combine all the ingredients and mix together. If the dough seems too wet, you can add a little more cheese or almond flour.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put the dough in the center. Top with a second sheet of parchment paper and roll out to your preferred thickness. {This dough is super sticky, so don’t forget the parchment paper!} Can be rolled out super thin to make a huge pizza.

Bake the crust for 12-15 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Then add desired toppings and bake another 15 minutes or however you like it.

If you cut it as 8 servings it is as follows:

Cals 246
Carbs 5
Fat 21
Protein 10
Sodium 76
Sugar 1

someone also said they cut the dough ball into 4 balls and made personal size crust - baked them all, ate one and put 3 in the freezer..
knewton64, congrats on your amazing loss and accomplishments!!!

Thanks to all who commented on my career, that's very nice to hear. It's not one of those careers that gets a lot of attention, but it's certainly important to our daily lives. Everyone needs to turn on the tap and have safe drinking water, and everyone needs to flush the toilet and not worry where it goes - job security for me. :)

What food has FOOLED you when you looked up the calories or points AFTER you ate it.
Some types of ice cream have a crazy amount in a 1/2 cup serving, usually ones that have extras added in (like chocolate pieces or caramel). Too bad I love ice cream. I've found some low-calorie alternatives and now try to stay far away from any that are 200 calories per 1/2 cup and over!
So, I just did day 2 of the 30 DS! Now I am wondering what I am going to do tomorrow. I am at the doctor for my allergy shot tomorrow at 9am and then afterwards I am supposed to not do any exercise for 24 hours. So I either skip a day or I need to get the daily shred done before I head out to the doctor. Not sure I want to do the program twice in a 12 hour window, but then I really ought to not lose the momentum already on day 3!!


Unfortunately it is a food that I found recently and fell in love with and which is considered healthy: sweet potatoes. :sad2: I guess the word "sweet" ought to have been a hint...

Oh, and those lovely Starbucks muffins and cakes! Yikes, those pack in the points!!! :faint:
So, I just did day 2 of the 30 DS! Now I am wondering what I am going to do tomorrow. I am at the doctor for my allergy shot tomorrow at 9am and then afterwards I am supposed to not do any exercise for 24 hours. So I either skip a day or I need to get the daily shred done before I head out to the doctor. Not sure I want to do the program twice in a 12 hour window, but then I really ought to not lose the momentum already on day 3!!

Just my take, but I've heard Jillian herself say that it's best to rest muscles for 48 hours in between exercising. So I think for the 30-day Shred, you still do it for 30 days, but not every single day. On off days, you could do some kind of cardio like power walking or Zumba. Otherwise, your muscles have no time to recover. :)
We are all updated! Congrats to all the losers, especially RoyalMom who has already reached her goal for the month! The rest of us will just keep trucking along!

As for the QOTD, I would concur that generally all restaurant (fast food or otherwise) salads have fooled me a few times. I have definitely learned to check nutritional facts before ordering, usually before I even go out to eat!

On an happy note, I ordered my wedding dress this past weekend! Very excited! BUT I did (knowingly) make a big bridal mistake and order the dress one size too small. I am hoping this gives me the extra incentive to keep on track and lose (at least) the 25 lbs required to fit into it *without alterations) before March 17! I have included a picture of me in the dress just for reference :) The adorable one is my daughter, trying on a flower girl dress :)

We are all updated! Congrats to all the losers, especially RoyalMom who has already reached her goal for the month! The rest of us will just keep trucking along!

As for the QOTD, I would concur that generally all restaurant (fast food or otherwise) salads have fooled me a few times. I have definitely learned to check nutritional facts before ordering, usually before I even go out to eat!

On an happy note, I ordered my wedding dress this past weekend! Very excited! BUT I did (knowingly) make a big bridal mistake and order the dress one size too small. I am hoping this gives me the extra incentive to keep on track and lose (at least) the 25 lbs required to fit into it *without alterations) before March 17! I have included a picture of me in the dress just for reference :) The adorable one is my daughter, trying on a flower girl dress :)

Beautiful dress and beautiful little girl! You look stunning in yoru dress! I know you will be able to reach your goal!
Good Morning everyone! It's Monday, but let's make the best of it!

It is rainy and gloomy here where I am, so not doing much but cleaning house and working on craft projects! Sounds like a good day to me!

I think today I will try some yoga stretches, I have been feeling so tight, and I am trying out for a dance studio on Wednesday. So I want to do my best!

I had a breakfast smoothie so far, and a large glass of water. Hopefully the rest of the day goes well!


What food has FOOLED you when you looked up the calories or points AFTER you ate it.

I agree that fast food items are the ones that really cause a lot of :scared1:. I am pretty good about checking first to avoid these unpleasant surprises but I did get hit with a surprise at Starbuck's in October with a pumpkin spice latte -- no fat, no whip, still way more points than I thought it should be.

Lots of little bits and pieces to do here around the house before DD comes home next week. I want to be able to really relax and enjoy her time here at home PLUS our holiday time away, so I need to get caught up here on a few things.

I know you're going to have a great time with your DD when she is home. :flower3:

Thanks to all who commented on my career, that's very nice to hear. It's not one of those careers that gets a lot of attention, but it's certainly important to our daily lives. Everyone needs to turn on the tap and have safe drinking water, and everyone needs to flush the toilet and not worry where it goes - job security for me. :)

So true! :thumbsup2

We are all updated! Congrats to all the losers, especially RoyalMom who has already reached her goal for the month! The rest of us will just keep trucking along!

As for the QOTD, I would concur that generally all restaurant (fast food or otherwise) salads have fooled me a few times. I have definitely learned to check nutritional facts before ordering, usually before I even go out to eat!

On an happy note, I ordered my wedding dress this past weekend! Very excited! BUT I did (knowingly) make a big bridal mistake and order the dress one size too small. I am hoping this gives me the extra incentive to keep on track and lose (at least) the 25 lbs required to fit into it *without alterations) before March 17! I have included a picture of me in the dress just for reference :) The adorable one is my daughter, trying on a flower girl dress :)

Amanda, you and your daughter look lovely! You will be a beautiful bride! :bride:

A big congratulations and :woohoo: to RoyalMom for being WISH lime green! :yay:

Have a great day all!


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