
It's a semi-automatic. I don't know the difference between all of them.
Understood. Nearly ALL weapons are semi automatic, with the exception of some antique collector pieces and revolvers. Even my wife's compact .22 is semi automatic, but no one ever hears about those because they don't look the part.

I was curious, in this case, if the suspect actually used his personal weapon (assuming he had his own) or one he took from his job (actual military weapon). And no, doesn't matter to any of the victims but should matter to law enforcement, the military and everyone else.
Understood. Nearly ALL weapons are semi automatic, with the exception of some antique collector pieces and revolvers. Even my wife's compact .22 is semi automatic, but no one ever hears about those because they don't look the part.

I was curious, in this case, if the suspect actually used his personal weapon (assuming he had his own) or one he took from his job (actual military weapon). And no, doesn't matter to any of the victims but should matter to law enforcement, the military and everyone else.
From what I heard he did have personal weapons (not sure if those are the ones that were used in the shooting) that should have been taken away from him. I know this is a developing situation but what I heard is that the military did NOT alert local police so there was no one there to take the weapons away from him. So this was a MAJOR failing that should be immediately corrected within the military. Apparently it is their policy not to involve local police. And if that is the case then it should be their responsibility to ensure that the person does NOT have access to weapons. This was a major FUBAR.
Tragic, but those are isolated incidents that aren't aimed at killing as many people in a public setting with as strong a weapon as is available.
And what will our response be if all guns are banned, and the psychos start making home-made bombs and blowing up daycares or crowded restaurants?

Treating a single endpoint instead of addressing the root cause won't solve the problem.
But that doesn't happen in other countries with strong gun control.?
Correct, which gets back to the fact that there are probably innumerable cultural issues that are at play here.

Which is also presumably why European countries with very high gun ownership have the same homicide rates as nearby countries with very restrictive gun laws.

World-wide and interstate statistics just don't back up the idea that gun control alone will solve the problem.
Correct, which gets back to the fact that there are probably innumerable cultural issues that are at play here.

Which is also presumably why European countries with very high gun ownership have the same homicide rates as nearby countries with very restrictive gun laws.

World-wide and interstate statistics just don't back up the idea that gun control alone will solve the problem.
Again with the "let's not do it because it won't stop EVERYTHING" argument. 🙄
What makes you think there weren't people there with their own guns, who were more interested in saving their own lives than standing up to a psycho with an automatic weapon and dying a hero? We have no way of knowing if someone with a gun would have chosen to subject themselves to this guy or not, but we have seen in other massacres that COPS on site with guns couldn't stop the carnage. Imagine how this could've turned out differently if the "bad guy" wasn't carrying an assault weapon at all?
I think it goes without saying here he shouldn’t have had an assault weapon.

I don’t know if there were people there with their own weapons. If there were, it may not have been feasible to try to take this guy out while he was spraying bullets everywhere. I read stories every day, though, where ordinary citizens do courageous and selfless things to help themselves and others. So who knows? I suppose we’ll be hearing stories eventually of what went on in the moment. It would be reckless to try to take a shot at a gunman if there wasn’t a clear target, no? With the chaos of people running everywhere and an assault weapon being fired, it’s not like one could take their time and perfect their stance without becoming an easy target themselves. There’d have to be a judgement about chancing it in the moment - if there was even an opportunity. (Maybe some of those carrying were hit?) My thought was just that, seeing your post about carry laws in ME, things might’ve been different if someone carrying could’ve stopped the carnage. I’m pretty sure that’s the idea behind carrying. YMMV
I don't have the links; however, was watching news this morning where the family reported that the shooter bought the weapon earlier in the year, prior to his mental health issues in July. I think they family did try to report it but since Maine doesn't have the red flag law that allows family members to report unusual behavior of a gun owner and the police cannot act on that, I don't think anything could be done in that regard.
Agree... We don't hear much about when a shooter is stopped by another armed citizen that saves a bunch of lives as it doesn't fit the narrative.

We should DEFINITELY do more to keep guns out of the mentally unstable and this is really a failure of the military to either do this themselves or to alert local law enforcement. There are millions of people with guns and only a few that commit these acts. You don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Right? it’s just not an easy answer. The common thing is the mentally unstable person.
And what will our response be if all guns are banned, and the psychos start making home-made bombs and blowing up daycares or crowded restaurants?

Treating a single endpoint instead of addressing the root cause won't solve the problem.

Exactly. Crazy will ALWAYS find a way unless crazy is addressed.

Theres a compromise that would definitely be better than literal nothing but the powers that be are playing two different games so nothing happens, this won’t be out last mass shooting, it’s just a matter of waiting for the next crazy person to snap until it finally directly affects SOMEBODY WITH POWER. That’s the ultimate in sadness.…IMO… :rotfl2:
I think they family did try to report it but since Maine doesn't have the red flag law that allows family members to report unusual behavior of a gun owner and the police cannot act on that, I don't think anything could be done in that regard.
That's because Maine is the safest state in the country, thank goodness.
But you guys, our new speaker of the House said, and I quote "At the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. It's not the guns. It's not the weapons" He went on to say that now is not the time to talk about gun control and we should pray.

If now is the not the time to talk to talk gun control, When the heck is?
Other people carrying guns to take out the perp is not really a viable solution. The good guy needs to be 100% sure who the perp is, accurately shoot, not hit innocent people in the crossfire, all while under immense stress. Police and military train for this. It’s a bad recipe resulting in friendly fire and litigation.
But you guys, our new speaker of the House said, and I quote "At the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. It's not the guns. It's not the weapons" He went on to say that now is not the time to talk about gun control and we should pray.

If now is the not the time to talk to talk gun control, When the heck is?
when HIS family is killed. That’s when. Prayers for your confusion 🤣🥰

One of the few remaining Democratic congressman opposed to sweeping gun control measures has abruptly reversed course after a mass shooting in his Maine constituency.
Until a gunman killed 18 people on Wednesday in his hometown of Lewiston, Jared Golden, 41, said he opposed a ban on semi-automatic weapons.
The Marine Corps veteran now says his previous stance was a "failure".
He represents a largely rural district that twice voted for Donald Trump.
The third-term congressman was elected in 2018, flipping the district to the Democrats.
Since arriving on Capitol Hill, he has broken with his own party to vote against several gun control measures.

He was one of only five Democratic representatives to oppose a planned ban on assault-style weapons that was passed by the House of Representatives in 2022. It did not become law.
"I don't support any version of that," Mr Golden said at the time.
On Thursday, however, Mr Golden said the shooting in Lewiston had forced him to reconsider.
"The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure," he said at a news conference.
"Which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing in my hometown."


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