
Sounds to me like you did...... Does the educational system not mean schools?
ummm no schools means schools and the Educational System is the educational system. There’s a difference. Really sorry if I’m coming off as blaming teachers :rotfl2: Who created the common core disaster? Not schools. That’s the education system and it fails our society over and over and over again when we chose to have teachers WASTE time teaching kids 2,523 different ways to calculate 2+2 when we could and should be spending our resources on educating, “identifying“ and protecting our kids.

There are “protect the second Amendment people” and other people. I’m part of the other people that happens to think that gun control is only scratching the surface of our issues. Ugh. Really not trying to start a debate. I’m just sad we treat our mental health as a country as a non issue because crazy always finds a way and we just ignore it over and over.

Still even after this, as a country we will do nothing. Again. That’s a general we. It’s sad.
ummm no schools means schools and the Educational System is the educational system. There’s a difference. Really sorry if I’m coming off as blaming teachers :rotfl2: Who created the common core disaster? Not schools. That’s the education system and it fails our society over and over and over again when we chose to have teachers WASTE time teaching kids 2,523 different ways to calculate 2+2 when we could and should be spending our resources on educating, “identifying“ and protecting our kids.

There are “protect the second Amendment people” and other people. I’m part of the other people that happens to think that gun control is only scratching the surface of our issues. Ugh. Really not trying to start a debate. I’m just sad we treat our mental health as a country as a non issue because crazy always finds a way and we just ignore it over and over.

Still even after this, as a country we will do nothing. Again. That’s a general we. It’s sad.
Wise words.
Imagine how this could’ve turned out differently if one of the “good guys” carrying could’ve taken him out?
What makes you think there weren't people there with their own guns, who were more interested in saving their own lives than standing up to a psycho with an automatic weapon and dying a hero? We have no way of knowing if someone with a gun would have chosen to subject themselves to this guy or not, but we have seen in other massacres that COPS on site with guns couldn't stop the carnage. Imagine how this could've turned out differently if the "bad guy" wasn't carrying an assault weapon at all?
Trust me mental health care is a disaster here in Canada too. We just had someone local who walked out of a mental health unit and killed his parents and stabbed a coworker.

Also had someone in Ontario last week shoot his ex wife and 2 kids.
ETA - meant Ontario not Toronto
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You mean like the "good guys" with guns stood outside at Uvalde?
It’s all ok, we are just going to arm the teachers instead, provide better locks on doors, make sure they all have blinds, teach them to use chairs as door blocks and create instant, accessible in class safe rooms etc. (all while dealing with common core nonsense 🤣)👍
No, that’s not what I mean - and you know it.
If any of us, God forbid, find ourselves in such a situation, I can guarantee we’ll all be grateful if someone LTC neutralizes a shooter.
Agree... We don't hear much about when a shooter is stopped by another armed citizen that saves a bunch of lives as it doesn't fit the narrative.

We should DEFINITELY do more to keep guns out of the mentally unstable and this is really a failure of the military to either do this themselves or to alert local law enforcement. There are millions of people with guns and only a few that commit these acts. You don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Trust me mental health care is a disaster here in Canada too. We just had someone local who walked out of a mental health unit and killed his parents and stabbed a coworker.

Also had someone in Toronto last week shoot his ex wife and 2 kids.
Tragic, but those are isolated incidents that aren't aimed at killing as many people in a public setting with as strong a weapon as is available.
What makes you think there weren't people there with their own guns, who were more interested in saving their own lives than standing up to a psycho with an automatic weapon and dying a hero? We have no way of knowing if someone with a gun would have chosen to subject themselves to this guy or not, but we have seen in other massacres that COPS on site with guns couldn't stop the carnage. Imagine how this could've turned out differently if the "bad guy" wasn't carrying an assault weapon at all?
I hadn't heard they identified the weapon used. Do you have a link that discusses that? I was wondering if it was his own (personal) gun or one that he had access to from his job (firearms instructor with the military). I assume it was a military grade one, since you said it was an automatic, assault weapon?
It’s all ok, we are just going to arm the teachers instead, provide better locks on doors, make sure they all have blinds, teach them to use chairs as door blocks and create instant, accessible in class safe rooms etc. (all while dealing with common core nonsense 🤣)👍
Many COPS (looking at you, Uvalde) don't even know how or want to deal with shooters, and we're going to ask TEACHERS to become trained snipers on top of everything else they have to do? God, the lengths people will go to to argue something.
I hadn't heard they identified the weapon used. Do you have a link that discusses that? I was wondering if it was his own (personal) gun or one that he had access to from his job (firearms instructor with the military). I assume it was a military grade one, since you said it was an automatic, assault weapon?
There are photos of him with an assault weapon. And does it really matter to the 18 victims and their families?
Many COPS (looking at you, Uvalde) don't even know how or want to deal with shooters, and we're going to ask TEACHERS to become trained snipers on top of everything else they have to do? God, the lengths people will go to to argue something.

Watch…. we will start offering combat training in college for all choosing a career in education :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
There are photos of him with an assault weapon. And does it really matter to the 18 victims and their families?
I've seen the two still photos (if that's what you're talking about). It looked like the AR 15, but can't confirm for sure. Which assault weapon was it (in the pictures)?
I've seen the two still photos (if that's what you're talking about). It looked like the AR 15, but can't confirm for sure. Which assault weapon was it (in the pictures)?
It's a semi-automatic. I don't know the difference between all of them.


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