I want to be under 200 pounds...Anyone else??

Checking in. I hit 199.8 three weeks ago, two weeks ago I was up .8 and last week up .2. However, I seem to be back "on the wagon" and this past Thursday at weigh-in I was back to 199.6! That's 60.4 down since 12/15/2005.

Leaving for WDW on 4/14 though and crossing my fingers not to gain that week. With any kind of luck I'll be 199.0 or lower before leaving.

Anyway, next goal is 188 by 06/18/2007. That's my 19th anniversary and that's what I weighed on my wedding day. Two kids and a breast reduction later, the body is way different than the last time I weighed 188, but I'd be happy with it even so!

Yay for you to keep the goal!

Wow, WDW in 2 weeks.

You will have a blast, and with your renewed energy, you will burn off all the extra calories you will consume. Or, you can borrow my magic wand and make all the food calorie and fat free with magic :wizard:

Have fun getting ready!

Also hi to all the new names. This is a great spot for support and inspiration. And DisneyChrista, sorry about the cancelled trip, but wonderful on getting to you goal. I know that 2.2 pounds will be gone by your birthday.

Good luck and great losses to all!

Hidy ho good neighbors! I would like to participate. I too am at 230.5 lbs. I want to lose 50lbs. between know & September 1st. I think I can do it especially with all the motivation I've been receiving from fellow DIS neighbors. Keep up the good work! Good luck to all! :cheer2: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2:
Hi All!

I haven't posted since 2/27 when I was 209...I got on the scale this morning and I am 199.2...:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

With the help of this thread and the WISH boards, I am finding losing pretty easy. I just started the South Beach diet too and love it!

Thank you! I wish everyone the best!

Congrats Lauren, I find this a great community also, I have lost 32 since joining wish, and it's been with so much encouragement, I just couldn't not lose. Keep it off(up).
Hello to Lisa and Congrats to Lauren. Wonderful!

We are right behind you!

Congratulations to all who have made it under the mark. I have about 22lbs to go and I can't wait to get there:yay:
Congrats to everyone who has made the 199 mark!! I dream of that day. After a frustrating week and a half I am proud to say that I've made it to 219! The scale was stuck at 220 and then it snuck up to 221. Yesterday I stepped on the scale and couldn't believe my eyes!! It still said 219 this morning so I'm happy.

Keep on workin' everyone, we can do this!!!:cool1:
Great job Evil! I know I found one of your pounds! At least it got me off the plateau! :rotfl:

I'd love to join your group. I see this thread has been going for almost a year now. I didn't have time to read through all the posts because I'm on my break at work right now but I was very motivated by the few I did get to read. I'm going home tonight to get my exact weight. I would like to reach the 199 mark by August. Until I weigh myself I won't know exactly how much weight it is I want to lose but it should be between 25-30 lbs.
As of my 4/6/07 WW WI - I am less than 200 lbs! My official weight at WI was 199.8. Hoping for a successful WI this Friday that takes me further away from that 200 lbs mark!

My home scale weighs me more than the WW scale (I use the WW scale as my "official" weight) so I am now aiming for being below 200 lbs at home. I weighed exactly 200 lbs this morning. I'm so close!
Is it too late to join this? I'm ready and motivated to get back to a healtier me. After taking a really depressing look at the scale this morning, it's time for a change. I guess the straw that broke the camels back was last weekend when I needed to buy new pants. I had to buy a size 22. I was so ashamed. Well here I am in those size 22's and I realize I don't want to be here anymore.

I'm currently at 220. An all time high for me. I guess I need to start somewhere, right?
It's never too late to join and the support really helps. Last week I was up again, this week back down so I'm at 199.6 again. I'be been playing with the same darn pound for a more than a month! Next week WDW so I'll probably be up again... Looking for 188, but I'm NOT gonna get there like this!:headache:
Cyndi - You can do it!!! Just think of all the walking you'll be doing at DW. 188 is definitely in your grasp!
I'd love to join your group. I see this thread has been going for almost a year now. I didn't have time to read through all the posts because I'm on my break at work right now but I was very motivated by the few I did get to read. I'm going home tonight to get my exact weight. I would like to reach the 199 mark by August. Until I weigh myself I won't know exactly how much weight it is I want to lose but it should be between 25-30 lbs.

I'm hopping in here for the first time too. I'm not sure how much I have to lose to get under 200, but I suspect it is about 45 lbs. I'll weigh in at the gym later to find out for sure. I haven't been under 200 lbs since right after my now-5 year old was born, and it is time to do something about that.
i think this is the type of group that would really help me reach some weight lose goals. My first goal would be to be under 300lbs : ... any suggestions?
This is my first week on my new "healthier lifestyle" type "way of eating"....aka diet. So far, so good. I'm only going to weigh myself once per week, probably on Mondays (at least that is the plan at this point).

And as Colleen said "I haven't been under 200 lbs since right after my now-5 year old was born, and it is time to do something about that".......that is me too.....except mine is 4.

Good luck to all. And thanks for the support....I sure do need it.
Can I jump in here too!!!! I want to join!!!!! :yay: I have not been able to get back under 200 after kids and want to soooo badly!!!!!!!


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