I want to be under 200 pounds...Anyone else??

Hey everyone! I'm new to this thread and saw it and new I had to post here. I just started my commit to be fit program for myself on last Tuesday, yeah I know, why Tuesday...it just was the day that I woke up and decided to make me the best me I could. Tomorrow is my first weigh in..:scared1: but hopefully it won't be too bad. I have never really been one to stick to a diet but I recently discovered that I have high blood pressure and I'm only 27! I want to be healthy for me so that my DH and I can start a family soon. :love: I'd love to be a part of this "family"! Thanks and great job to everyone so far. I think losing weight can be one of the hardest things to do in life...at least for me it is! :rotfl2:
No darn it! I went up last week. (Not that I'm surprised.) As usual, it's down three weeks up one week. and over and over. This week I've been eating a bit too much too, although it's mostly fruit. Maybe I'm sabotaging myself? Anyway, last Thursday I was at 201.4.
Hi all. I joined this thread early on and have since got married, started a new job, had two deaths in the family... it has been crazy!

Unfortunately, I haven't lost ANY weight. I've actually gained. I'm hoping to join up again and get a little inspiration and motivation to go on. I really need to get working out most of all! :)
Hi All! I have never posted here but would love to join you guys in getting under 200...I am currently 209 and would love to get down to about 175 - 180 but for my first goal I would like to be 199! :)

I started yesterday, did very well until last night. I have a bad habit of late night eating. Today is another day and I am going to try really hard. I did the treadmill and ate some oatmeal for breakfast.

Thanks for the motivation guys!
Most of you on this thread have a lot less to lose than I do but I would like to be under 200. I've been working on it for 2 months and still plan to work on it.

FormrCastMbr, Baloosgirl23 - welcome, the wish community is a great community it has been very helpful for me during my 21 pound loss.

misslissa - welcome back, congrats on your nuptuals and sorry about such losses.
Thank you, Lorli. I am really happy to say that I am doing fairly well this week. Eating less than usual and I did the treadmill for 3 days so far.

I feel better already. :cool1:
Hello to all the new 'faces'!

Ok, so glad to note that another pound gone! 9.5 to get to 199! Seems almost nothing compared to the 55 I started at! Yet, these last 10 pounds just have lingered, left, and come back. Can't wait for warmer weather. The outside walks are so much more than the treadmill. I am determined! I will get there!

Congrats and good luck! March is our month!

It's been a while since I posted, but I just wanted to drop a line. I'm within 10 pounds of the magic number. I'm really excited and it's getting tougher and tougher to lose the weight. Warmer months will really help. Keep up the great work everyone. If there is anyone new out there go ahead and join in. It sure is alot of fun to exercise. :cool1:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I almost 2 weeks into my workout/healthier lifestyle and I weighed myself today...NOTHING! :mad: I can't believe it! I was actually stunned when I saw the numbers hadn't changed. What the heck?! I thought that I was doing so great, and then...nothing?! How frustrating. However, I have changed to drinking only skim milk and haven't had any pop/soda since I started this whole thing. I'm doing this with my SIL and she is MUCH smaller than I. Already under 200! We've been trying to motivate each other. I think it helps but I'm a little down today :sad1: Hopefully things will get better and I'll begin to see some results soon. We head back to the World in May and I'd like to see some kind of change before then! Thanks again!!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I almost 2 weeks into my workout/healthier lifestyle and I weighed myself today...NOTHING! :mad: I can't believe it! I was actually stunned when I saw the numbers hadn't changed. What the heck?! I thought that I was doing so great, and then...nothing?! How frustrating. However, I have changed to drinking only skim milk and haven't had any pop/soda since I started this whole thing. I'm doing this with my SIL and she is MUCH smaller than I. Already under 200! We've been trying to motivate each other. I think it helps but I'm a little down today :sad1: Hopefully things will get better and I'll begin to see some results soon. We head back to the World in May and I'd like to see some kind of change before then! Thanks again!!

Sometimes working out will add or not change weight at first because muscle weighs more than fat. By any chance did you take measurements before you started? Maybe you lost inches. Persever and it will come off.:goodvibes

It's been a while since I posted, but I just wanted to drop a line. I'm within 10 pounds of the magic number. I'm really excited and it's getting tougher and tougher to lose the weight. Warmer months will really help. Keep up the great work everyone. If there is anyone new out there go ahead and join in. It sure is alot of fun to exercise. :cool1:

I have so much to lose I'm encouraged to see your clipie. Keep up the great work:goodvibes

Hello to all the new 'faces'!

Ok, so glad to note that another pound gone! 9.5 to get to 199! Seems almost nothing compared to the 55 I started at! Yet, these last 10 pounds just have lingered, left, and come back. Can't wait for warmer weather. The outside walks are so much more than the treadmill. I am determined! I will get there!

Congrats and good luck! March is our month!


Congrats on all you have lost. I can't wait to be dreading the last 10 pounds, but in the mean time I can cheer you on. :cheer2: Way to go!

Thanks Lori!

Hope all have a great weekend! Our weather here is terrible. It is Michigan, and who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Cyndi! That is AMAZING!

So wonderful!

I hope to be right behind you!

Cyndi! That is AMAZING!

So wonderful!

I hope to be right behind you!


You will be. It's been the hardest, best thing I've ever done. I'm still shooting for a lower weight, but believe me I cried like a baby when I read the scale at Weight Watchers and saw that the first number was a 1.
Awesome job Cyndi! :banana: I'm really happy for you!!! As of my last official weigh in, I've lost 2 pounds!! It's not much, but it's a start. My next one isn't until Tuesday so we'll see how it goes. W.I.S.H me luck! :rotfl:
Awesome job Cyndi! :banana: I'm really happy for you!!! As of my last official weigh in, I've lost 2 pounds!! It's not much, but it's a start. My next one isn't until Tuesday so we'll see how it goes. W.I.S.H me luck! :rotfl:

You can do it! Don't focus on the 80 lbs though. Keep your focus on 1 lb at a time. It'll take a while, but believe me; as much of a soda-drinking, couch-sitting, never-say-no-to-candy kind of girl that I am, if I could lose 60+ lbs. anyone can!!
You will be. It's been the hardest, best thing I've ever done. I'm still shooting for a lower weight, but believe me I cried like a baby when I read the scale at Weight Watchers and saw that the first number was a 1.

I mentioned to DH about you reaching your goal and he sends you congrats! He is so supportive of my goals and trials. I know I will get there! If I could lose the first 40+ pounds, then I can do the rest!

Now that you are out of the under 200, will we have to keep in touch with you thru another link? Do you journal on the dis? I also chat on the link I want to be under 150. Hope to meet you there!

Awesome job Cyndi! :banana: I'm really happy for you!!! As of my last official weigh in, I've lost 2 pounds!! It's not much, but it's a start. My next one isn't until Tuesday so we'll see how it goes. W.I.S.H me luck! :rotfl:

Sending you luck!



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