Have/would you leave your kids sleeping alone in the room and go f/swim? *SEE #159*

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I think that this is just a case of misinterpretation. What you propose in post 159 is, obviously (at least to me) not a big deal. No way you will be able to do this @ POP-- sorry :(. In your initial post, I pictured two carefree adults possibly a little tipsy, frolicking in the water while their defenseless children napped in the room w/o proper adult supervision. Maybe this is a lesson to all of us to be more specific :). I hope that devious kidnapper isn't @ POP while I'm there w/ hubby enjoying a drink and snack outside our room ;).
I can't believe you would consider sitting outside the door of your room! Don't you know that you and your DH could have a double heart attack, and then the kidnapper that was hiding in the bushes waiting *all week* for his chance to steal your children will break in and get them....

but don't worry, maybe a spontaneous fire will break out in your room and some other guests will be alerted to the situation by the smoke and flames just in time to save your children from his dastardly clutches.

Its really too bad you'll be dead and not able to witness the heroism.



I read a lot of the resonses and I am in shock at some of the posts. I just asked my DH if we had a room where you could see the door from the pool and we had a baby moniter would you feel comfortable leaving our kids ALMOST 6 and 4 sleeping in the room while we relaxed at the pool? He said why not, what is wrong with that..... then I showed him this thread. He is cracking up at some of the posts, then I showed him the picture of where the OP had in mind and he can't believe the responses.

To the OP..... the people on this thread can call CPS (child protective services) on the both of us while our kids are in the room and we are hanging out at the pool, then they can call the police while we are are all abducted by aliens while simultaneously having heart attacks.

Go enjoy your trip, you are obviously a great parent who has their kids best interest in mind.
And what do you think the chances are of something happening with the kids in the hotel room while mommy & daddy are playing in the pool?!?? Quite a bit better than the chances of hitting the lottery I'll bet. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this scenario is the kind of thing that will get Child Protective Services involved (DW works for them and has gone out on calls like this). They take this kind of thing very seriously. All you have to do is call a local office and ask them if it is appropriate, see what they tell you. :confused3

Just FYI, about 14 years ago, I learned that my SIL left my nephew who was about 2 and in a crib in an upstairs apartment while BIL was at work. She was having a rendez vous with another man(she has straitened her life out BTW) and left the monitor downstairs in a separate apartment with the neighbor. I called CPS because I felt that this was absolutely wrong-a 2 year old could climb out of a crib and get hurt somewhere in an empty apartment. CPS told me that although they made a visit, there was nothing wrong with what she did. I told them I disagreed and I was made out to be the bad guy. I realize this is a different circumstance, but not all jursisdictions would find this to be a case of negligence. Of course many things may have changed since that time.

OP, although I don't agree with your decision and the point may be moot anyway, I think if you are pregnant with three kids, let DH stay with the kids and you should have some well deserved Mommy time at the pool. Alone. Peacefully :woohoo:. Have a good trip!
I am a total anxiety wreck when it comes to by kids I am way to overprotective(I can't even think about the teenage years) so I wouldn't. I am always thinking of the what ifs it is just who I am. but I don't think you are a bad mom at all by what you explained in post 159. Enjoy your vacation and you "hang" by the pool if you choose to do so! Many times at night no one is even in the quiet pools so it is so quiet you would hear them I am sure.....I don't trust baby monitors but there is that anxiety thing popping up again.

We saw some pretty yucky snakes at cbr though so I wouldn't prop your door lol or you might crawl into bed with a friend ewww:scared1:
Although I wouldn't think to do this myself (I like my naps too), I actually am in the minority and think that what you are proposing may be alright, given the circumstances of close proximity to your door and a good functioning monitor. I just asked my husband and his reply immediately was "I would never do that!" so I appreciate everyone has differing opinions.

We periodically (or maybe often) hear stories from Disney World about bus accidents, monorail accidents, broken teeth on roller coasters, separated children, injuries in the parks etc... It actually sounds like letting your children sleep in your hotel room while you are a few steps outside the room sounds like one of the safer things to do at Disney. Bad things do happen in the most magical place on earth, and in the realm of possibilities, I would say this scenario would be in the "low" rating of being disastrous.

Good luck and please enjoy your trip.
Hmm 11pages. And I am still unsure why you asked if your mind was made up. Chances of getting the exact room right near the pool are slim. But these are your kids not mine. Only you know how they sleep. I wouldn't do it but if you want to who am I to say.
I can't believe you would consider sitting outside the door of your room! Don't you know that you and your DH could have a double heart attack, and then the kidnapper that was hiding in the bushes waiting *all week* for his chance to steal your children will break in and get them....

but don't worry, maybe a spontaneous fire will break out in your room and some other guests will be alerted to the situation by the smoke and flames just in time to save your children from his dastardly clutches.

Its really too bad you'll be dead and not able to witness the heroism.


If they skipped the cheese fries, their risk of a double, fatal heart attack would be much lower. :lmao:

I can't believe you would consider sitting outside the door of your room! Don't you know that you and your DH could have a double heart attack, and then the kidnapper that was hiding in the bushes waiting *all week* for his chance to steal your children will break in and get them....

but don't worry, maybe a spontaneous fire will break out in your room and some other guests will be alerted to the situation by the smoke and flames just in time to save your children from his dastardly clutches.

Its really too bad you'll be dead and not able to witness the heroism.


lol---this made my day...
I reiterate that I support the OP:rolleyes1
I can't believe you would consider sitting outside the door of your room! Don't you know that you and your DH could have a double heart attack, and then the kidnapper that was hiding in the bushes waiting *all week* for his chance to steal your children will break in and get them....

but don't worry, maybe a spontaneous fire will break out in your room and some other guests will be alerted to the situation by the smoke and flames just in time to save your children from his dastardly clutches.

Its really too bad you'll be dead and not able to witness the heroism.


I can't believe you would consider sitting outside the door of your room! Don't you know that you and your DH could have a double heart attack, and then the kidnapper that was hiding in the bushes waiting *all week* for his chance to steal your children will break in and get them....

but don't worry, maybe a spontaneous fire will break out in your room and some other guests will be alerted to the situation by the smoke and flames just in time to save your children from his dastardly clutches.

Its really too bad you'll be dead and not able to witness the heroism.

Thank you! This made my day! :rotfl:
I think that this is just a case of misinterpretation. What you propose in post 159 is, obviously (at least to me) not a big deal. No way you will be able to do this @ POP-- sorry :(. In your initial post, I pictured two carefree adults possibly a little tipsy, frolicking in the water while their defenseless children napped in the room w/o proper adult supervision. Maybe this is a lesson to all of us to be more specific :). I hope that devious kidnapper isn't @ POP while I'm there w/ hubby enjoying a drink and snack outside our room ;).

Isn't that the truth! I think I assumed(you know what they say about doing that) that people would know that I didn't mean I was going to stroll 3 blocks to the main pool and leave my kids unsupervised while having a pool party with dh. That was really dumb of me. I honestly didn't post to get a rise out of people or to be misleading. I just wasn't fully thinking of how the question sounded. I really should have made post 159 my OP. Though apparently some still think I should share a cell with the worst offenders. LOL

To the OP..... the people on this thread can call CPS (child protective services) on the both of us while our kids are in the room and we are hanging out at the pool, then they can call the police while we are are all abducted by aliens while simultaneously having heart attacks.

:woohoo: LOL

Go enjoy your trip, you are obviously a great parent who has their kids best interest in mind.
Thank you. :goodvibes
I am a total anxiety wreck when it comes to by kids I am way to overprotective(I can't even think about the teenage years) so I wouldn't. I am always thinking of the what ifs it is just who I am. but I don't think you are a bad mom at all by what you explained in post 159. Enjoy your vacation and you "hang" by the pool if you choose to do so! Many times at night no one is even in the quiet pools so it is so quiet you would hear them I am sure.....I don't trust baby monitors but there is that anxiety thing popping up again.

I really am this way as well. If posters knew me IRL, they probably wouldn't believe this thread. :) I guess that's why I am so secure in my decision given the perfect circumstances. :)

We saw some pretty yucky snakes at cbr though so I wouldn't prop your door lol or you might crawl into bed with a friend ewww:scared1:
Oh! You did not just say that! :scared1: Okay, so I definitely won't be leaving my door open. Oh man! That really gave me the heebie jeebies. LOL
If they skipped the cheese fries, their risk of a double, fatal heart attack would be much lower. :lmao:


I don't think for a minute that it is right to leave children in a hotel room while you are by the pool. No matter how close it is. But, then again, I have taught school for a long time and believe me, I have seen it all. One of the moms I knew went across the street to borrow a vacuum. Her daughter, my 6 year old student, woke up from a nap, couldn't find her mom, and ran out of the house screaming and crying. Child Protective Services were called by a neighbor and that mother was investigated. It was a nightmare for her, but she never should have left her girl. I actually could write a book after this career I have loved...some very wonderful things have happened and some very terrible things. Being a parent is the most important job anyone will ever have. Don't ever do anything that could make your child unsafe. Go "hang out" by the pool alone at night when your children are grown.
My recent room at POP was close enough to the bowling pin pool that we were leaving our door open and sitting in the chairs by the pool to use our cell phones. Full view of the door, and the kids could hear what I said from inside the room.

I would never have gone across the street in my own neighborhood, but would have felt perfectly fine watching younger sleeping kids (mine are older and don't need supervision like that) from that vantage point.
I don't think for a minute that it is right to leave children in a hotel room while you are by the pool. No matter how close it is. But, then again, I have taught school for a long time and believe me, I have seen it all. One of the moms I knew went across the street to borrow a vacuum. Her daughter, my 6 year old student, woke up from a nap, couldn't find her mom, and ran out of the house screaming and crying. Child Protective Services were called by a neighbor and that mother was investigated. It was a nightmare for her, but she never should have left her girl. I actually could write a book after this career I have loved...some very wonderful things have happened and some very terrible things. Being a parent is the most important job anyone will ever have. Don't ever do anything that could make your child unsafe. Go "hang out" by the pool alone at night when your children are grown.

You can't leave your first-grader to go across the street and get something? My DH was walking home from school by then by himself!
I'll post one more time my final opinion, then I'll try to stop responding unless something really annoys me(which is highly probable). LOL

I still believe that many naysayers that have posted in absolute shock are unclear as to what *I* am talking about. Some not, but still.
I realize how disturbing it sounds to simply post and read, "Hey, dh and I are leaving our sleeping kids in the hotel room to go for a swim. Woohoo!"

A picture has been posted of the exact location where rooms are not more than a few feet from the water. Where pool chairs and tables are within touching distance of hotel doors. Where hanging on the edge of a *quiet* quiet pool, facing the door, and speaking with someone in a normal voice could be heard by someone standing in the hotel room door. I have been there before. I have seen it.


That brings me to the whole "swimming" thing. I should have used another word, I guess, in my OP, though I have clarified many times.

Dh and I won't be taking laps, or doing somersaults under water. We wouldn't be back floating in the middle of the pool or giggling like 16yo's while necking unawares. We will be hanging on the edge of the pool facing the door, soaking our weary bones and feet, enjoying the weather and coolness of the pool after a long day.
If you don't understand hanging on the pool edge, here are some visuals...not us of course, but you get the idea.



*Note that these people above are not swimming.

If my children wake up, it would take me less time to unhang myself from the pool edge and
walk to the door then the time it would take me to walk from my kitchen to my kids bedrooms at home. Honestly, the doors are so close to the pool, that I would actually feel fine to leave it propped open while "dipping". I just don't see the point in that, but that must tell you that I would be close enough to see if someone were to stroll in or out of my open hotel room door, and even close enough to lob my cell phone through the open door from the pool edge and hit my kid in the head with it LOL, or I wouldn't consider it. Which means all of the mad crazy
"scenarios" being posted aren't really relevant.

I'm not sure how else some of you want me to respond. :confused3
If I respond to your incorrect assumptions, you say I am making excuses. If I say that I posted because I was curious of the responses, you say I am trying to appease my own guilt because I must truly feel this isn't a good idea, when that is not true. Of course, I figured this may be a controversial topic. I figured the answers would be black or white and wanted to hear them for the heck of it. It is amusing and fun at times, reading the responses. Isn't that why we are on boards and forums a lot of the times?

As far as the bad mother comments, well, I realize we are online and I take
comments such as these from strangers that don't me at all, with a grain of salt. It's all good. I am not offended. :good vibes

And again, at this point in time, we are booked at POP. I've never been there,
but from what everyone but one person has said on here, there are no rooms comparable to the ones at CBR and CSR. So the whole thing is moot and I won't be getting my hopes up to "dip" and float my very large pregnant self for a few minutes in the evening hours with my dh.

I will still however, likely be sitting directly outside my door with dh chatting with a baby monitor,
if we don't feel like sleeping yet or sitting in the dark eating cheese fries while the kids sleep. :)
Though still, I realize that some of you would still think that sitting up against the closed hotel
room door outside, is a neglectful horrendous thing. :confused3
All I can say to that, is that I am thankful that we are the parents of our
children and not you. :goodvibes

Again, with the self justification... Speaking of crazy scenarios, you do realize that you're coming up with the best ones all by yourself, right?? :confused3 Its unbelievable that someone would continually describe on a public forum how they plan to put their kids in a bad situation, and then
be indignant at the responses. Here's a simple test, call down to your local Child Protective Services office on Monday morning and describe your little idea to them and let us all know what they tell you, ok? Fact, you CAN have you kids TAKEN from you for something like this. Is it
worth the risk to you? You would be putting your children in potential danger, for what? To cool
off in the pool? Give me a break. Here's hoping you come to your senses before trying something like this, for your kids sake.
You can't leave your first-grader to go across the street and get something? My DH was walking home from school by then by himself!

No kidding, I was thinking the same thing. My kids play outside by themselves (although perhaps I shouldn't admit that here). And if they're in the house and I need to grab something from my neighbor, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I guess if they are freaked out if they were asleep and then woke up that would be unfortunate, but it certainly wouldn't make me a bad mother.

I'm thinking there are TRUE potentially bad family situations that need to be investigated more than this one.....
Our family recently stayed at POP and our favorite pool was the bowling pin pool if you are lucky enough to have a room in the 50's bldg with Lady after the elevator section you should be close enough to the room. But, it is not as close as the picture you listed from the other resort.

When my DD was 8 and DS was 4 I would have been fine. DH and I have done that in our own yard w/a monitor; when the children were asleep get a quick soak in the pool (our pool is much further than the location above) and we have had to return to the house on occassion.

I probably would not do it at Disney but that is just me and now I only have DS4 and would never leave him alone for fear he would wake up and no one was with him. But, you do have your 8 yr old, hopefully a lite enough sleeper if the 2 yr old wakes up before you can get there...

Have a wonderful safe magical adventure!
You know people were so quick to make fun of me for suggesting a double heart attack but my only point that a lot of scenarios are HIGHLY UNLIKELY but there is that teensy chance something could happen. But how much of a chance is ok? When it comes to your children is 1 in 10 vs 1 in 10 billion any different?
Again, with the self justification... Speaking of crazy scenarios, you do realize that you're coming up with the best ones all by yourself, right?? :confused3 Its unbelievable that someone would continually describe on a public forum how they plan to put their kids in a bad situation, and then be indignant at the responses. You are putting your kids in a potentially dangerous situation, period. Here's a simple test, call down to your local Child Protective Services office on Monday morning and describe your little idea to them and let us all know what they tell you, ok? Fact, you CAN have you kids TAKEN from you for something like this. Is it worth the risk to you? You would be putting your children in potential danger, for what? To cool off in the pool? Give me a break.

Self-justification...get a grip. It's called stating the actual facts and clarifying for those who are too busy or lazy to read the facts posted throughout the thread.
What is unbelievable is that you are so irrational on the subject while 1/2 on this thread are not. What exactly does that say? You think your parenting view is the only opinion that counts? Luckily not.
Flaunt CPS as much as you like. I would feel absolutely fine speaking with them. It is absolutely not a fact that you can have your kids taken away for this. Get your facts straight. Risk and potential danger. This is the problem, you understand. There isn't any. What you deem "risk and potential" danger, I don't.
If it were up to me parents who lock their kids in their rooms and/or let them cry to sleep at night would be putting their children at risk and in potential danger. Parents who over-vaccinate their children without a thought would be putting their children at risk and in potential danger. Parents who spank are putting their children at risk and in potential danger. Mothers who don't breastfeed are putting their children at risk and in danger. Parents who smoke are putting their kids at risk and in danger...etc. etc. etc. There are too many parenting choices and everyone has a totally different idea of how they make them. That's why we are all allowed to make our own parenting choices. Get off your high horse and focus your negative energy on something that counts.

ETA: I am not condemning parents who do not do the things I listed above, just using those things as an example.
My kids would FREAK.

Now, our old house had a pool and we did swim in it. But our home is familiar territory to them and they know we have a pool. They'd be able to see clearly out the windows that we were in our pool area.

In a hotel room where they expect to find at least one parent when they wake up, they would freak....and then wonder why they couldn't go swimming.:laughing:

I just don't think it is the best idea. But I get the feeling you were looking for justification. If you feel comfortable with the idea, you should not require folks to confirm your idea is a good one.

I'm not familiar with room layout--other than often, the while your room may be close to the pool, the view can sometimes be obscured. Are your children going to know that if they need you, where to go?

For my family--we would not do this. But we have the infant added to the mix.
You know people were so quick to make fun of me for suggesting a double heart attack but my only point that a lot of scenarios are HIGHLY UNLIKELY but there is that teensy chance something could happen. But how much of a chance is ok? When it comes to your children is 1 in 10 vs 1 in 10 billion any different?

Then you should never leave your kids side because there is a teensy chance that anything could happen. :confused3 I won't live in fear of the 1 in 10 billion. My children sleeping in a bedroom while I am directly outside the door doesn't up the ante anymore than it does at home.
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