Flowers and Smileys and Chit Chat, Oh My..... Part 4

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I love summer with the loose schedule, but then I am with them all day. Jess is old enough that she will still go off and do stuff on her own. But Jonathan still wants me around a lot.

I haven't even made one ADR yet for this trip!!! I need to get on it.

Do you invite their friends from school over ? I always found that to be a nice break when the friends Mom pays back and takes your kid for a few hours !

I know you're on ressies for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I think I made a ressie for somewhere on Tuesday, I don't remember if Beth or Joanne made any for that day
I know you're on ressies for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I think I made a ressie for somewhere on Tuesday, I don't remember if Beth or Joanne made any for that day

Jessica has two friends in the neighborhood and they go back and forth alot. But not really with Jonathan.

I'm sure that I will find somewhere to eat every night, I am not worried about it.:thumbsup2 I'm just usually more organized.
Thanks Stacey! That is really sweet of you. I haven't figured out anything yet. I don't know what the heck I will be doing.:rotfl:

Well that is about all we have done- is made our ADR's. I'm not sure exactly what we plan to do each day.
Do you invite their friends from school over ? I always found that to be a nice break when the friends Mom pays back and takes your kid for a few hours !

Oh, my one friend and I have been doing this every week this summer! I get one afternoon by myself to do whatever I want- mostly lounging by the pool, reading a book. And the day I watch her kids is great too, because the kids are all entertained, playing with each other, and I don't have to do much!
Jessica has two friends in the neighborhood and they go back and forth alot. But not really with Jonathan.

I'm sure that I will find somewhere to eat every night, I am not worried about it.:thumbsup2 I'm just usually more organized.

You're losing your touch :rolleyes1
Anita, how is Alyssa doing?

She's doing great ! she has a dr appt. tomorrow and we're hoping she will get the okay to swim and do everything else she has been waiting to do before summer ends

Thanks for asking :goodvibes
She's doing great ! she has a dr appt. tomorrow and we're hoping she will get the okay to swim and do everything else she has been waiting to do before summer ends

Thanks for asking :goodvibes

I really, really hope she gets the okay to swim! Poor girl, she needs some fun before the summer ends! :wizard:
I think she had a good day overall :thumbsup2

Can they go to the bathroom by themselves?? Sleep past 7 am on the weekends? If so, we can switch!

That is great!

Umm, Becky, you know the teenage girls do all of that, but they also come with PMS! :eek:
Oh, my one friend and I have been doing this every week this summer! I get one afternoon by myself to do whatever I want- mostly lounging by the pool, reading a book. And the day I watch her kids is great too, because the kids are all entertained, playing with each other, and I don't have to do much!

That was my saving grace when my kids were little, my son was a handfull :headache:

Jenna, maybe you can arrange a playdate for Joanathan and I :rotfl2:
That was my saving grace when my kids were little, my son was a handfull :headache:

Jenna, maybe you can arrange a playdate for Joanathan and I :rotfl2:

When he starts Kindergarden it will be easier. But right now he goes to a school (during the school year) 3 days a week, most of the kids there have parents who work so they are there even in the summer. A few of my friends and I get together once a week over here and let the kids swim and we do switch off with the kids spending the night. Since I know them, I don't mind Jonathan spending the night with them.
We've only known Beebo for about 5 minutes and he already has a baby named Olive :eek:

Go Beebo :banana:

we used do that with Danielle's Elmo. She wouldn't take "good Elmo" out to stores in case it was lost. Good Elmo would come on vacation with us. :)

Where do they come up with this stuff? :lmao:

I think a chameleon IS a lizard.

I am trying to imagine Mickey having to pose with ten plush chameleons...

I want to start the DIS thread when we get back

Chameleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are squamates that belong to one of the best-known lizard families. The name "chameleon" means "Earth lion" and is derived from the Greek words chamai (on the ground, on the earth) and leon (lion). (from wikipedia) I guess you're right :thumbsup2

Just the ten plush chameleons? NO crazy blue goos drinkers?

You can definitely have the honor of posting that thread. I guess we should be sure to take them to Publix and take their picture with the organic produce though ;)
That's too bad. I hear the Teletubbies can tie one on.


That's great!
Go Beebo :banana:

Where do they come up with this stuff? :lmao:

Chameleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are squamates that belong to one of the best-known lizard families. The name "chameleon" means "Earth lion" and is derived from the Greek words chamai (on the ground, on the earth) and leon (lion). (from wikipedia) I guess you're right :thumbsup2 Just the ten plush chameleons? NO crazy blue goos drinkers?

You can definitely have the honor of posting that thread. I guess we should be sure to take them to Publix and take their picture with the organic produce though ;)

Holy crap!!! Becky can match Catherine with her knowledge from the encyclopedia! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
I really, really hope she gets the okay to swim! Poor girl, she needs some fun before the summer ends! :wizard:

Not being able to swim really kills her, she loves it and we only get around 3 months of it :mad:

Jenna, I'm glad you have friends that come and visit with their kids, I bet that keeps the kids occupied, and you too :rolleyes1
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