Double Dippin Droppin Double Digits weight loss group.

I dont feel like i have doen real well this week.........
thus i have been on the scales almost everyday and i have not gained anything this week and may have dropped like .5 pounds will do an exact tomorrow morning.

But i just dont feel like i have done well.

I have been over 18 points every day....
My points are @26 a day which includes my extra 35

And i have NOT been over that but i just wanted to loose more this week.

OH MY I AM just rattling on and on.:confused: :confused: :confused:
This week at least i ddint gain!!!

Off to a cheer competition today!!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Maybe i will get to talk a good walk to day to start the week off right!!!!
You do sound a bit disheartened today Lynn - but the important thing is YOU HAVEN'T GAINED, and your overall trend is downwards and that is really positive. It is always really difficult when you don't have a massive amount to lose but don't forget we still have 8 months to get to where we need to be!

Giving you a big motivational :hug: and wishing you all the best for the week ahead!

I am now so determined to stick to my calorie limit - I try and take one day at a time though so that I don't get disheartened. I am desperate for the warmer weather so I will feel like getting out and walking etc. At the moment
it's about 5-8 degrees and with a fierce icy wind, so thats not very encouraging at all. Still, next time I weigh in it will be officially SPRING and everything should start to improve.

Good luck everyone for the week ahead. Repeat after me - We CAN do it, we WILL do it!
Lynn - Great job!

Totally - Wow! You have been doing great! I am so impressed that you are able to count calories and nutritional information. I'm sure you will do great on your weigh in.

This week I stayed the same - but I am just glad I didn't go up. I fell off the wagon, but I'm back on!!!

Well, I have 1 more week 'til the weigh in at work. I don't think my team lost much. Wish they would not do it over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many people gained over the holidays and then gave up. Hope I don't put any on this week.

Good job dizzi. Any week you don't gain is a victory in my book.
I have managed to complete my first week of calorie controlling and I have achieved a deficit over the 7 days of 1614 calories. I am determined to keep this up now, and was really good in work yesterday, ignoring the temptations of both chocolate and shortbread biscuits, while trying to get excited over my fruit and fitnesse bar!

Plans for this week:

To stick to the calorie limit per day at all costs.
Hopefully I will make it to the pool on one of my days off this week!
Hopefully if the weather gets warmer to take a walk.

Good luck to all double dip digit droppers for this week!:woohoo:
I am starting again today.

I think I need a buddy to yell at me everyday when I mess up! I can't believe I fell off the wagon so fast.
Yeah! This is end of week 5 for me and I lost 1.8lbs. Total loss so far has been 10.8lbs. It is such a good feeling! Still keeping to the 3x/wk workout. I am hoping to start 4x/wk workout next week. :cheer2:

I am off to Columbus OH to meet my new niece or nephew on Friday. My sister-in-law goes in Wednesday morning to be induced. Hope all goes well. This is their 2nd baby and my brother has not been feeling well lately. They will need both of them up and running to deal with their almost 2yr old and a new baby! :yay:

Everyone here is being so dedicated and it is such a boost. I havent been posting much but do look online everyday!
OH MY YOU GUYS ARE DOING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know temptation is hard to deal with!

Yesterday me and Dh had to make a quick stop at the mall and he wanted pizza!!!!!!!!! UUUGHHHHHH

so we went and he got a combo meal!

One HUGELYMONGOS!!!!!! slice of pizza and one small side salad..........
GUESS WHAT i ate.........yeo the salad while i hate that yummy looking grease dripping slice of pizza.......but i was proud to be only eatign the salad!


Just wish i had the energy to do the work out thing more!
Hi Everyone,
I know that I havn't been here as much as I should. I've been running into brickwall after brickwall with my training. I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I started to read and i think that I figured it out. I asked myself what am I doing to train? I bust my *** on the treadmill, stairmaster, and olipticals. I mean I'm on them for an hour to 2 hours doing anywhere from 6 to 12 miles and the numbers just weren't adding up. My calories were down well below what I was burning, so what the heck is going on with me. I'm burning 2000 to 3000 calories and taking in 1600 to 2000. I'm not a math wiz but I thought that this problem was pretty easy. I was wrong. I started o get frustrated and started to read everything that I could find. When the light went on was when I saw a report on CNN about cardio being bad for weight loss. I was like are you nuts. In a nut shell what it said was if you want to lose weight you have to resistance training but you have to keep changing it so your body doesn't get use to the exercise. If you're just doing cardio your body will get better at using energy(your fat) so you'll have to go longer and faster. Thats when the lightbulb went on. When it was done I started to look things up on the internet. While I was looking for info I came across this web site. What on this is more than you'll find on a lot of sites and the best thing its FREE. He has a 12 week program that I'm starting. This will be my main focus, but i still will be doing cardio for 2 reasons. 1 the extra exercise never hurts 2 I'm running the chicago marathon again. I read and belive that if you want to CHANGE your body you MUST do resistance training. One thing he points out is the difference between a sprinters body and long distance runners body. The sprinter is much leaner than the long distance runner(ldr). The LDR is not fat but has more fat than the sprinter because he needs the energy(fat). Last year when I did my first marathon I saw people that were much bigger than I was and I thought that there was no way that they could do this, I was wrong. It was just training and not diet. Your body will get stronger the more you run but like I said the it also gets better at using your energy.
Thats where I am right now I hope that any of this information is helpful.
March On
back at the gym today after having the flu all week
can't believe how much the cold had taken out of me
wasn't able to do half ast much as I was doing last week

no weight lose again

everyone is doing really well
keep it up
weight wise I've only lost 2lb since the start but my clothes are fitting me much more lossly now so the gym most be doing omething for me

Good luck everyone
keep up the good work
No weight loss this week but NO GAIn either so i am still at 5 pounds lost!

I starting yesterday doing biking again.

I hope i can keep it up i think it will help!

Any other wiegh in today>??
I have managed to stay below my calorie level for the week with an overall deficit of 798 calories below my BMR for last week. My clothes are feeling a bit looser too, so I decided to check my measurements. Good news - after 2 weeks following this regime I have lost 3 inches from my waist, 1 inch from my hips, 1 inch from my bust, 1 inch from each thigh and a quarter inch from the top of each arm.

This evening I have managed to go swimming, so I am feeling really pleased!

Hope everyone else feels really motivated for the forthcoming week! Good luck!
Wow! great job!

I had no loss this past week which is OK with me. I just got my perios and am not eating good - I always crave salty or sweet, neither of which are good for my diet. So hopefully my cravings will go away and I'll get back on track. Still down 6 pounds so I am happy!
I have lost another 1.6lbs this past week. This brings my total to 12.4lbs and I am now in a new size!!!! That is always a wonderful feeling. Not that I am going to go out and buy a new wardrobe. I am on a roll and intend to lose more weight!!

TotallyAngelic- great job! I think once I reach the end of 10 wks, I will have the gym do my measurements again as well. That is so encouraging!

I am so excited that my goal weight loss may be attainable before summer!! The best part is that even if I am not my ideal weight, with the exercise I am doing, I will at least have more muscle definition for the shorts, short sleeves and swimsuits that are to come. Let's keep motivated!

PS- Reading these posts and emailing my other weight loss friends is what keeps my motivation alive! Thanks everyone!
Fantastic job Midwest Cruisers. Way to go!

TotallyAngelic, I wish I would have thought to measure myself. That is great that you have lost so many inches. Maybe I should do that.
I need some motivation right about now. Not feeling like dieting right now. Sick kid here at home(Big kid, not little. The bigger the kid, the whinier it seems). Nothing tastes good to him so it makes meals a challenge. Plus I have to work the next 2 nights which really thows everything off.
I need to walk on the treadmill!

keep up the good eating habits!

I have been still counting everyday!

i usally have about 13 points after i get home from work.

My hardest thing is late evenings when i cant stop the stupid snacking!
I did not loose anything again!

i need to start puttin my points back on here and see what i am doing wrong.

I have 26 points per day.......


1/2 wrap.........2.5
pnutbutter jelly...1.5

1/2 cookie........3
1/2cup strawberry cream espresso...1.5

1/2 scooped bagel...1.5

1/2 pizza bagel 5
baked potatoe 3

jello 1

20 points so far today.........
I didn't lose anything this week either....But I know why! I have been good...HALF of the time!!! I am going to try to give it my all again this week!



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