Daisy Leaders Unite! Girl Scouts USA!

I am a new leader with 8 kind. girls. Looking for some ideas for snacks? Last time we met, we made mice. The girls had a great time doing this...and would be happy to pass along the instructions on how to make them.

Dear Kris,

please share your recipe for mice.

We had our first meeting tonight and I wanted to share the craft that we did. The girls had fun making them. Here's a picture of the one I made for an example:


This is wonderful!

any directions to share?
Did you have the petal precut or did the girls each cut the petal off a sheet of paper?
Did you have them write in the center of the plate?

I don't think you have to go with their theme for thinking day. I do not always. I usually have the girls vote on a country and we have games, crafts and food from there. Some troops get together and have an international festival. It is also a time to get the world association pins.
Sorry, but my troop won't be doing much with this year's theme!
Hello Scouts!

Daisy first grade leader here with a question about Thinking Day.

How do you introduce Thinking Day to Daisies?
I'm a little stumped on how to talk about HIV and Aids, Malaria, and "other diseases" with 6 year olds.

Do they participate in the fundraising for Thinking Day?
we may not sell cookies or nuts - so I wasn't sure.

We just completed the leader training and haven't met as a troop yet.
So I have some time.


We have a big service unit event for thinking day/international night. Each troop puts on a table(this year were are doing countries but have done other themes). The admission is the fundraiser.This year going with the theme were are donating mosquito nets to helo prevent malaria.

You can check with your service unit or council to see if they have anything going on.
I am a brownie leader. I did my DD Daisy troop last year. Can't wait to I have time to read the previous post. What a great thread. I'd love to hear some meeting ideas from other Brownie Leaders.
This is wonderful!

any directions to share?
Did you have the petal precut or did the girls each cut the petal off a sheet of paper?
Did you have them write in the center of the plate?


I found blue paper plates for the center. I precut the petals but had the girls color each petal according to the correct color. They wrote "The Girl Scout Promise" themselves in the middle of the blue plate and then once they were done coloring the petals, they glued them onto the plate. It really turned out cute and was easy enough for 5 and 6 year olds.
Hello Scouts!

Daisy first grade leader here with a question about Thinking Day.

How do you introduce Thinking Day to Daisies?
I'm a little stumped on how to talk about HIV and Aids, Malaria, and "other diseases" with 6 year olds.

Do they participate in the fundraising for Thinking Day?
we may not sell cookies or nuts - so I wasn't sure.

We just completed the leader training and haven't met as a troop yet.
So I have some time.


Our service unit does a big Thinking Day festival with lots of the older troops hosting a country. By hosting a country, they present interesting facts about the country on a poster board, bring in food samples native to the country, create swaps to exchange, tell/show what their country is doing to stop the spread of AIDS, Malaria and other diseases and create an example of the girl scout uniform for their country. We have a Parade of Nations where the girls will parade around and feature each country's girl scout uniform. Each of the troops is asked to bring coins so when they "travel" to each of the countries, they donate coins to the country's booth. All collections will be donated to the Juliette Low fund in honor of World Thinking Day.
What is everyone having their Daisy girls buy for a uniform? The vest or the tunic?

I am co-leader for a Daisy/Brownie troop. Our school did have 2 Daisy troops and BOTH leaders moved away, so my Brownie troop has inherited 4 of the Daisy girls. 3 of them are 1st graders, so we are letting them be Brownies, but one (my dd) of the girls is K and will be a Daisy. The Brownies will all have the brown vest, and I think that the Daisy tunic would work better for her patches and things, but I don't want her to feel out of place as being the only girl with a tunic. I don't think that she will pay much attention to the fact that she is the only one with a blue vest.

I was just wondering if the blue vest were going to become more of the standard and if she will be seeing more vests or tunics when we do field trips with the troop.

I also wanted to say THANKS! for all the suggestions and links. They have been a great help as this is the first year of having a troop for me, let alone a mixed one.
I think the tunic is beign discontinued. We had all our girls buy the vet- easier for them to put on.
We have our next Daisy meeting & we are focusing on the light blue petal- any ideas on what to have the girls do? how to promote Honest & Fair? I have the 5 eggs game lined up but wondering about a craft to do with it or something else. Thanks for any insight!
I just went to council sponsored training day and we had a 'round table' discussion for Daisy Leaders. Anyway one leader mentioned a cool activity for "Respect myself and others" I thought I would share since it seemed like a great idea to me:

Give each girl a small tube of toothpaste (ask for donations from your local dentist) Have the girls talk about how they can respect themselves by taking care of their body (and teeth) then also have them squirt a little bit of the toothpaste out onto a napkin or plate...then ask them to put the toothpaste back in the tube. They can't do it. Just like words, when you say or do something hurtful you can't take it back. Once it is said or done, you can't undo it.

I thought it was a great idea. I would love to hear what other activities troops are doing to earn their petals. I definately need ideas!!!! We are doing the paper plate petals at our next meeting.
Just dropping in the let everyone know that our Halloween party last week was AMAZING! We had a new girl and her mom there - unhappy with their current troop and wanting to switch over. I think we overwhelmed them because everything went as planned and the night was great. Played the mummy-toilet-paper game from PlayHouse Disney. Did a craft with recycled milk jugs. Had snacks. Played "Daisy-to-Daisy". Sang songs.

Everyone left with a smile on their face and I felt good as a leader because the evening ran so smoothly. (Plus, earning a fun patch is always an added bonus, KWIM?)

We have our next Daisy meeting & we are focusing on the light blue petal- any ideas on what to have the girls do? how to promote Honest & Fair? I have the 5 eggs game lined up but wondering about a craft to do with it or something else. Thanks for any insight!

You can select any craft but limit the supplies. Let me share an idea that uses reusing, which we try to encourage as much as possible.

Save old milk jugs and cut some type of circle shape that would work for a zipper pull. Provide foam stickers or press-on jewels for them to decorate. An adult helps by piercing a paper clip through (or use a hole-punch) and each girl will have a zipper pull.

Here's how to make it "FAIR":

By limiting the supply that is available, lead the girls through a discussion on what would be a fair way to pass out the stickers/ jewels/ etc. The goal is to have them arrive to the conclusion that each girl should get the same number and type - a leader made need to ask leading questions, but the kids pick up on this pretty easily. You can even use an example where you give each girl one but "Susie" gets 20 - that's not fair, is it?!?!?

I hope this makes sense ... you can make just about any craft fit by following this model. Good luck!
Hi my daisy troop is working on be a sister to every girl scout petal and would like to send a teddy bear out to a troop and they would right a note and add a pin possibly take a picture and send it to the next troop we hoping to send it to ten troops and I have three bears so that would be a total of thirty troops in need. you will be able to follow the bears on a web site to share with your troop. so we will all be sister in scouting together. it will cost each troop shipping to the next troop.
What is everyone having their Daisy girls buy for a uniform? The vest or the tunic?

We discussed it and decided to do neither. Instead we bought plain white t-shirts (5 for $6 at Target) and outlined a daisy and the petals with fabric marker. As the girls earn their petals we will iron them on over the outline until they have the full colorful daisy.

One of the moms from our troop has an older scout who did this before and the result was beautiful and probably more wearable than a smock.
I'm so happy to see there is a section for Daisy leaders here! I'm going on my second year as a leader. The first year we had 7 girls in our troop...there was a registration party for families and girls who were interested and now we have over 20 registered girls in our group. It's a lot of fun. There's a lot of great ideas in this thread. I can't wait to look through it more when I have more time. I also have lots of great ideas to share. A town an hour away from me had a "daisy clinic" that taught me A TON!!! It was a full day clinic that talked about crafts, how to earn petals, fun patches for this age and more.

Anyone else here have a big troop? It would be kind of fun to have a sister troop for our girls to send a card or something to once and a while...
Give each girl a small tube of toothpaste (ask for donations from your local dentist) Have the girls talk about how they can respect themselves by taking care of their body (and teeth) then also have them squirt a little bit of the toothpaste out onto a napkin or plate...then ask them to put the toothpaste back in the tube. They can't do it. Just like words, when you say or do something hurtful you can't take it back. Once it is said or done, you can't undo it.

We did something similar to this last year...our first meeting we all visited a dentist office. He talked about what goes on there, what tools he uses and all that...then he gave me 10 mini tubes of tooth paste...we used the tooth paste for the second meeting about respecting ourselves...We did squeeze it out and told the girls not to squeeze out too much (not to be wasteful) and this worked very well! They also brought the rest of their tooth paste home.
For this petal we are having a town wide Daisy event and the RAD police officer, a kirate instructer, yoga instructer and Masonic member to teach the kid self defense stranger danger and tape and finger print for missing children, as well as meditaion. The girls are excited because they are going to meet other girls and it makes it worth it for the voluteers to come. (this will include about 80 Daisy girl scouts)


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