Daisy Leaders Unite! Girl Scouts USA!

I am so busy (and now sick) I so wish I could spend more time here! My first meeting is Wednesday. We are going to have the girls make name tags out of the foam craft stuff. I am looking for circle time ideas and a few Daisy Color sheets to run off.
Our troop is in their 2nd year and we LOVE it! We have a mix of 1st graders and kindergartners. We're doing a Mom & Me camp out Saturday - YIKES - it is going to be cold!!!
We had our first meeting tonight and I wanted to share the craft that we did. The girls had fun making them. Here's a picture of the one I made for an example:

I have a question for the experienced leaders. I can't seem to get this question answered! As the leader, do I purchase the petals and pins, or do the parents purchase the petals and pins?

Also, how often do you meet? Our unit leader suggested once per month for Daisies, but that almost doesn't seem quite enough.

Also, are you doing petals, the Journey, or both?

Thanks in advance!!
I have a question for the experienced leaders. I can't seem to get this question answered! As the leader, do I purchase the petals and pins, or do the parents purchase the petals and pins?

Also, how often do you meet? Our unit leader suggested once per month for Daisies, but that almost doesn't seem quite enough.

Also, are you doing petals, the Journey, or both?

Thanks in advance!!

Our Daisy troop is meeting once a month. Since they are young still it was suggested to us that once a month is good. My older two met once a month for daisies also. Now that they are into brownies, they will be meeting twice a month. I think it increases as they get older. It also is an individual choice. Some Daisy leaders are really into it & the kids are too so they have them more often. It is really your choice.

We are doing the petals and Journey. We were not told that it was an either or. It was presented to us as we do both together. We are doing the bulk of the petals this first year & doing the remainder with Journey in the 2nd year.

As leaders, we are purchasing the petals and any patches, pins. This way we can determine who has earned it and when. We take the money out of the annual dues.
Hope that helps! This is just what we are doing with our troop. Other troops handle things differently. Good luck!
I have a question for the experienced leaders. I can't seem to get this question answered! As the leader, do I purchase the petals and pins, or do the parents purchase the petals and pins?

Also, how often do you meet? Our unit leader suggested once per month for Daisies, but that almost doesn't seem quite enough.

Also, are you doing petals, the Journey, or both?

Thanks in advance!!

We have decided to purchase the petals and pins with troop money that we collected from annual dues. We are meeting twice a month and then will have the occasional field trips outside of our meeting. As for the petals and the Journey. We were told we had to do the Journey, but it was our choice on whether we wanted to do the petals. We have decided to do both. We'll complete the Journey this year and probably do about half of the petals this year. Then next year, we'll do the second Journey and the rest of the petals.
alright had my parent meeting tonight. i have 9 girls that have filled out the registration form. one of the girls was very unsure or i would have 10. i plan on doing the petals this year and then reinforcing the petals the second year and the journey book. i will be buying the petals and pins with the troop dues that i collected. we are meeting twice a month and have 3 council sponsored field trips.

We had our first meeting tonight and I wanted to share the craft that we did. The girls had fun making them. Here's a picture of the one I made for an example:


i like this idea. i was planning on a bead bracelet with the different colors of the petals since they all have a meaning in the law.

Our troop is in their 2nd year and we LOVE it! We have a mix of 1st graders and kindergartners. We're doing a Mom & Me camp out Saturday - YIKES - it is going to be cold!!!

what is a Mom & Me Camp Out? What all do you do and where do you do it?

We had our first meeting tonight and I wanted to share the craft that we did. The girls had fun making them. Here's a picture of the one I made for an example:

I LOVE THIS!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!! I am not a crafty person at all so I would love more craft ideas to do with the girls.

I have my first meeting with the parents on Saturday and then my first meeting with the girls on the 20th. We plan on meeting twice per month. I plan on asking the parents for money for the petals and other start up costs then I will order them and distribute to the girls as they earn them....
what is a Mom & Me Camp Out? What all do you do and where do you do it?


At our local GS camp site, we have rented a cabin for the night. All the moms in our troop are also registered as Adult GS members, but I don't know if that's necessary. We did that to include them on the insurance when we take a trip.

At any rate, we are starting at 4pm and will be doing the Investiture and ReDedication ceremony. We'll go hiking and then cook dinner. Everyone is divided into a group for chores for the event. (Cooking and cleaning.) We're also helping the new girls make their sit-upons and then doing a ribbon - we had a Food Allergy Awareness meeting our first night because we have several food allergies to work with.

Basically, it's just going to be a regular overnight camp-out. Should be fun, but I doubt if I'll get any sleep. Thank goodness I don't have to teach on Monday!
For all you Daisy Leaders, I'm wondering what your adult (leader/co-leader) to girl ratios are? I know there are National Standard Ratios but wondering if everyone is following the guidelines...I'm wondering if the counsels match this to the registrations. I'm getting a resistance to following the guidelines and am not sure if I'm comfortable with it.
I have 30 girls with 3 leaders...not sure if that's OK or not but I taught kindergarten so I feel pretty comfortable with being the main leader.
We have 9 girls and 1 leader and 2 co-leaders. The Safety-wise Standard is 2 adults for every 10 girls for the Daisy level.
The reason why I'm asking is the Safety-Wise Updates effective 10/1/08 for the Daisy level (K/1) are:
(Suggested)Troop Size: 5-15
Required Two adult leaders for every 12 girls
Plus one additional adult for each additional 6 girls

So how "by the book" does each council get with registrations?
Our council is pretty rigid with this...
wondering what others are experiencing....

Girls have dropped out from last year and others are wanting to be added which is great, but the minutia of the paperwork is getting crazy. We had to have another mom to be added as co-leader and that wasn't easy, but it all worked out...
The reason why I'm asking is the Safety-Wise Updates effective 10/1/08 for the Daisy level (K/1) are:
(Suggested)Troop Size: 5-15
Required Two adult leaders for every 12 girls
Plus one additional adult for each additional 6 girls

So how "by the book" does each council get with registrations?
Our council is pretty rigid with this...
wondering what others are experiencing....

Girls have dropped out from last year and others are wanting to be added which is great, but the minutia of the paperwork is getting crazy. We had to have another mom to be added as co-leader and that wasn't easy, but it all worked out...

As a neighborhood chair and Council trainer I have to say that regardless of how strict or lenient your registrar is I would definately stick to safety wise ratios with registration, outings and otherwise. I have experienced the down side of not following policy with a leader here. She did not do it "by the book" and when a girl got hurt the first thing Council did was look for any way to be relieved of liability. They nit picked the little things like ratios and permission slips trying to pawn legal responsibility off on the leader. I would follow ALL of the rules for the sheer fact that overlooking even the smallest can cause a headache and you will be accepting legal liability.

In lighter news-I am here to answer questions or help anyone who needs it! My favorite resource is www.scoutingweb.com it has TONS of information, crafts, songs, games, and even a full year of Daisies already planned out for you! After 8 years of leading I still go there for ideas and info!
As a neighborhood chair and Council trainer I have to say that regardless of how strict or lenient your registrar is I would definately stick to safety wise ratios with registration, outings and otherwise. I have experienced the down side of not following policy with a leader here. She did not do it "by the book" and when a girl got hurt the first thing Council did was look for any way to be relieved of liability. They nit picked the little things like ratios and permission slips trying to pawn legal responsibility off on the leader. I would follow ALL of the rules for the sheer fact that overlooking even the smallest can cause a headache and you will be accepting legal liability.

In lighter news-I am here to answer questions or help anyone who needs it! My favorite resource is www.scoutingweb.com it has TONS of information, crafts, songs, games, and even a full year of Daisies already planned out for you! After 8 years of leading I still go there for ideas and info!

I was just coming here to say this, but you beat me to it. If you don't go by the ratios set out by Safety-Wise, then if something happens, it's on you since you weren't following the guidelines.

I'm not sure if you are the only leader, but if you are, I would call your parents together and tell them if you don't have another leader, you are going to have to disband the troop. If you have a co-leader, I would tell them you are going to have to cut the troop back to 12 girls and you will draw names from a hat as to who gets to stay in the troop. I think if you explain the situation to them and the liablity it puts on YOU as the leader if you are out of ratio, then they should understand.


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