Daisy Leaders Unite! Girl Scouts USA!

I don't know if all councils are different, but I have been a leader for 7 years and some years I am the only leader. I just have to have another registered adult (or 2 ) with me. They do not have be leader trained. But, they are not allowed to have a meeting w/o me.
Just an FYI - the Mom & Me camp-out went well. Everyone was SOOO tired the next day, but it was a great experience for all. The Investiture and ReDedication ceremony was very special and I think all our new moms were very pleased. (All our moms have now joined and are "adult" members.)
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions for the Safety-Wise Ratios...
We have 14 now with 4 more wanting to register and we did have another mom who will register as co-leader. Now we would be at our max. number with three adults.

The Mom and Me campout sounds like it was awesome! You have a great troop for wanting to take that on! I'm sure the girls will have great memories from it!

Our troop, 1st graders continuing from last year had our 1st meeting...we met with an older troop to work on the red petal, "be a sister to every scout".
They did some things together and then worked on a service project for the food pantry.

Our next meeting, we are meeting at a tea house and doing a friendship tea party which will include manners, etc.

We are having a Christmas party in December....anyone else having a holiday party? I know it is far planning, but was looking for some ideas if anyone has any!

What's everyone else been up to??
We had our first meeting the other day & it went well! We had them come in, use the bathroom, wash hands & then color waiting for everyone to get there. Then we did a name game so everyone could learn everyone's name. Talked about the promise. They all recited it great!
Then we did a craft- made placements with the promise & law. Then we sange songs, ate a snack & it was time to go home! Looking forward to next time!
We have our 2nd meeting tomorrow night. We're going to start planting the garden that is part of the Journey book and we'll practice for the Investiture that we're going to have in November.
I am going to sound so crabby right now but I have ANOTHER leader obligation tonight for 3 hours. I am not opposed to being prepared and I absolutely want to be a leader but I have seen the adults of GS 95% more than I have seen the kids. Sorry to vent it just a 3 hour training session tonight is not what I am in the mood for...excuse my grumpiness.
I am going to sound so crabby right now but I have ANOTHER leader obligation tonight for 3 hours. I am not opposed to being prepared and I absolutely want to be a leader but I have seen the adults of GS 95% more than I have seen the kids. Sorry to vent it just a 3 hour training session tonight is not what I am in the mood for...excuse my grumpiness.

What training session do you need to do? I thought there was only the initial training session at the beginning and the NLO.
I met for an initial orientation then last night was the 3 hour Troop Management and next week is the 3 hour Grade level Training. Also, they are telling me I need to get first aide and CPR. Yikes!
I am rolling with it now. Can't keep getting all bent out of shape about stuff.
I met for an initial orientation then last night was the 3 hour Troop Management and next week is the 3 hour Grade level Training. Also, they are telling me I need to get first aide and CPR. Yikes!
I am rolling with it now. Can't keep getting all bent out of shape about stuff.

It is a lot initially. Thank you for volunteering to do this for the girls you are doing it for. You are touching their lives in a special way. But it can be daunting at times. Sometimes you may feel unappreciated (not that anyone is looking for that, but sometimes parents forget you are a VOLUNTEER, not a paid employee). We just need to appreciate each other so we can roll on with smiles! :)
How strict is everyone's council with first aid/cpr training? Mine just recently changed that we only need the training if we are going on a trip more than 100 miles away or an overnight like camping. It used to be they wanted someone with that training at every meeting.
How strict is everyone's council with first aid/cpr training? Mine just recently changed that we only need the training if we are going on a trip more than 100 miles away or an overnight like camping. It used to be they wanted someone with that training at every meeting.

Ours wouldn't let us have our first meeting unless we had at least 1 adult that was first aid/cpr certified. It didn't have to be a leader, but there had to be someone there. Both me and my co-leader took the class to get certified. Anytime we meet with the girls, we must have at least 1 first aid/cpr certified person with us.
I am a new leader with 8 kind. girls. Looking for some ideas for snacks? Last time we met, we made mice. The girls had a great time doing this...and would be happy to pass along the instructions on how to make them.
We were not told that we needed any cpr/first aid training- we are looking inti it anyway but it is not required to be a leader.

snacks - we do goldfish, sugar cookies, fresh fruit or pretzels. nothing chocolate or peanut since we have a child with a peanut allergy.

What are mice?
Hi! I am a new Daisy troop leader this year too. I have nine Daisies. I volunteered because my DD was leaving her preschool after three years and it was a great way to keep her with her friends who all moved to different schools.
I have a question for the experienced leaders. I can't seem to get this question answered! As the leader, do I purchase the petals and pins, or do the parents purchase the petals and pins?

The troop is supposed to pay for all supplies, badges, etc. This is why each troop has to have a bank account.

None of the annual "Membership Dues" of $10 per girl goes to the Troop or to the local Council -- it ALL goes to GSUSA to pay for liability insurance and national program. The only way a troop has money is to (1) do fundraising -- selling cookies and/or fall program sales -- and (2) by family donations.

When planning, the leader/co-leaders develop a budget to cover supplies, activity fees, etc (depending on what you have planned) and ask the families to each contribute to the start-up funds.

As the girls get older, it is customary for them to bring "dues" to each meeting. (As a Brownie, I remember bringing a nickel a week -- any idea how old I am? :lmao: ) This is more to learn responsibility and basic math than actually building a bank account, though.

New leaders need to complete basic orientation, Leadership Essentials and a "Level" training (specific to Daisies, Brownies, etc). These should be done BEFORE your first meeting with parents & girls, which is why new troops often get a later start than the continuing troops.

You can find your local council's website by going to http://www.girlscouts.org/councilfinder/

For general information about the "Journeys" for each age level, go to http://www.girlscouts.org/program/journeys/your_world/ (for Daisies this is the 'Garden' that PPs have mentioned)

You can find out more about recent changes to Girl Scouting by going to http://www.girlscouts.org/strategy/

http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_central/ is a good "General Info" site

Exploring the Girl Scouts web sites can provide LOTS of information -- have fun with your troops and thanks for voluteering!

-- Ali, a former scout, camp-counselor, troop leader and a new employee at my local Council.
I just went through the orientation for troop leaders and will be a co-leader for my DD5 and her kindergarten troop. I am very excited, almost as excited as I am about our upcoming trip. (A first trip for DD5, DD2, and DH!!) I'd love to share information with other Daisies.:flower3:
Hello Scouts!

Daisy first grade leader here with a question about Thinking Day.

How do you introduce Thinking Day to Daisies?
I'm a little stumped on how to talk about HIV and Aids, Malaria, and "other diseases" with 6 year olds.

Do they participate in the fundraising for Thinking Day?
we may not sell cookies or nuts - so I wasn't sure.

We just completed the leader training and haven't met as a troop yet.
So I have some time.



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