Confirmed runDisney Virtual race series

I'm thinking DW and I will be in and since I already have a route that has us passing by our local McDonald's I'll have three 5K McFlurry events to add to my Marathon Weekend Mickey Marathons.

DW is also making plans with our DD for a 5K our 10yo and 8yo DGDs who have Spina Bifida can do. It will be slowwww but the 2 girls are thick headed enough to get-r-done. :teeth: Having an event like this, more family oriented, reminds us of the Family Fun and Run 5K that used to kick off Marathon Weekend years ago.

McFlurry John
I forgot to mention, I like what the group Make Yes Happens does. You link RunKeeper, Strava, etc. logs as proof and shows you % done for the longer ones. It works great!
No reason for them to limit it. There are date restrictions for each event - windows where you need to complete registration between this date and that date.

All it costs them is whatever the cost is to make medals, print bibs, and produced the series tumblers - and to ship them out (which can't be that much).

Whoever thought of this is a genius. They're getting people to pay to do runs at home, and runDisney doesn't have to use their own time or resources to actually put the runs on. Someone is gonna get a promotion out of this.

Says digital bib so I don't think they are even paying for those. Not that they are probably all that expensive anyways.

Not for me but I'm sure they will have a lot of appeal. And maybe get some people out to try more running/walking.
Funny... just told my kids about this (we've done multiple races in WDW and around our city):

DD9: "Oh, that's cool."

DS11: "That's stupid."

So there you have it! :rotfl:
Says digital bib so I don't think they are even paying for those. Not that they are probably all that expensive anyways.

Not for me but I'm sure they will have a lot of appeal. And maybe get some people out to try more running/walking.

And, really, that's the best part of something like this. If it motivates someone to get moving who might not otherwise be tempted, then it's all good in my opinion. And, even though I'm not going to do it, I completely get the appeal of those cute medals.
So I pay $65-70 for a 5k at Disney and get a rubber medal but pay $39 for a 5K I run at home and get an actual medal. Something doesn't seem right here.

And you do not need to prove that you actually ran each race. I thought most virtual races required you to submit proof that you actually did it.
I am in for the series and think its a great idea. I am not a long distance runner and 5ks are the most I do. It's a great way to hold myself accountable to continue to train all summer. Plus I love bling. Local races dont always offer medals and these races are almost the same prices as those races.
I'm going to assume this is for US residents only as they won't ship anywhere else. Wish they'd be more specific when they do stuff like this.
My thought when I was deciding on 5k or 10k for WDW marathon weekend last year (I was very new to running when signing up) was that my body was 5k ready but my heart wanted a real medal. I went with my body at the time even though I knew it was just plastic for me. I think that's the main reason why the 5k gets plastic...because rundisney knows that we all will be tempted to come back for a real medal, to train and become runners for longer distances to come back. I think its the same reason why my local halfs or 15ks don't give medals to the accompanying 5ks. They want people to come back for the longer distances for the bling? I could be totally wrong. That or they don't htink people will pay as much for 5ks and so they can't afford the medals to include in the price? But Disney 5ks are expensive so I wish they had real metal medals.
I can totally see this serving as extra motivation for some. Perhaps especially attractive to those living in areas that don't have a lot of local races. Maybe it's just for some extra fun and bling as one trains for the next DL or WDW race.

Just because I don't see this as a fit for my family, doesn't mean I need to put it down or can't see how it might be a fit for someone else. :goodvibes
I probably will not be doing this (because I have a full race schedule this year that is tugging at my purse strings) but I will say $39 is cheaper than the four day Florida vacation I did take this year for WDW weekend, which I guess is what this may be targeting.
I can see where if this is successful they will start new series...and I'm just waiting for that one character that is never in rundisney races to pop up for me to be like AAHHHHHH EXCEPTION - IGNORE EVERYTHING I SAID BEFORE - HAVE TO HAVE.
The mickey body parts aren't my personal fave but I admit I'm human and may be swayed with other themes.
I can totally see this serving as extra motivation for some. Perhaps especially attractive to those living in areas that don't have a lot of local races. Maybe it's just for some extra fun and bling as one trains for the next DL or WDW race.

Just because I don't see this as a fit for my family, doesn't mean I need to put it down or can't see how it might be a fit for someone else. :goodvibes

Coincidentally, this morning I decided tomorrow was the day I was going to recommit to, let's call it trotting, not walking, not running! Lol and I saw these virtual races on FB, total motivation for me, no pre race jitters, just going out trotting a 5k and getting what looks like a neat medal. My bucket list includes a Disney race In WDW, but for now, I like this option!
I wonder if they'll have the medals at Tink next weekend ...

That would be awesome.... I'm just hoping for a sneak peek at the Dumbo Double Dare, Half, and 10K. I'm assuming the DDD won't change, but the themes for the Half and the 10K seem to have evolved this year.
I think that's the main reason why the 5k gets plastic...because rundisney knows that we all will be tempted to come back for a real medal, to train and become runners for longer distances to come back. I think its the same reason why my local halfs or 15ks don't give medals to the accompanying 5ks. They want people to come back for the longer distances for the bling? I could be totally wrong.
5k gets plastic I think mainly because of the kids that run it I've heard, you only have to be 5 so maybe they want to make sure the medals are safe and they can't hurt themselves, although they could eat the plastic easier I suppose, but can't hit themselves or siblings as hard with it, who knows!!?

When I started running in High school unless you won an age group award or it was a marathon you didn't get a medal, but less people ran races if it takes medals to get people active than that's great, at least it's Disney really selling it, unlike a knock off. I'm eating my words about being no to virtuals (although still not my money) so yeah RunDisney good one!


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