A Christmas Extravaganza of auditions, adventures & new friends!-Updated 8/28x3!!

That made me giggle and simply smile at the same time. Of course now I feel the need to give an extra item to goodwill here to make up for it. :)

... AND of course I totally missed seeing the Speak and Spell working. Ah well.

Oh man I love when the ToT ride ends... and then it doesn't. Granted I know what to expect based on the little video that runs at the "real" end, but that still doesn't make it not awesome!!!

OMG I so remember all the excitement over the friend of Flynn sighting. :rotfl: And now after seeing all the excitement from the night before, I get it even more. And I STILL wish I had taken a picture of you all in the Monsters Meet since that's exactly where you were when I got there.

Awwww YAY, my very first DISmeet!!!!! :yay: Stacey lover, :rotfl2:. Completely true of course but still :rotfl2: I guess I could have been more subtle with the shirt. I honestly could not have picked a better first DISmeet too. A perfect Birthday present!!!

Isn't it the truth. I could feel like a lightning bolt of energy. And then get inside one of those air conditioned theatres and BAM, instant tired.

Haha, I wonder how the other friends of Gaston feel having to wear the padded suit? Jealous much!

Ahahaha, it may end up BACK in the goodwill pile, so don't fret too much :rotfl:

Right?! Tot fake out's are the BEST, ugh, I just wish that ride would go on forever and ever, it'd be awesome!

Aahhahahaha, we were a bit distracted that's for sure, the other two definitely kept searching for him the rest of the day but we figured he'd gone off to work!

Screw subtly! Show your love for her always! Lol, and yes it truly was a great dismeet, and I definitely hope that it can happen again!!

You know...I'd NEVER thought about that, I guess they kinda just figure whatever, they're hired for their voices, and to be in musical theatre, it's hard to be that buff and still get cast in stuff, I'm sure they're fine, but then like, WHERE DID THE REAL MUSCLE GUY COME FROM?!?! And can I keep him? :rotfl2:

Hollywood day looked like a blast...except maybe the whole kid hitting you in the butt and the odd Monsters, Inc meet up...when we did that one we just had Sully and it was pretty good??? too bad yours was not

Love the close up on the B&B dancers...she looked like fun.

Hope you guys are getting rest before whatever is next

Hahah, yeah, I've had some good experiences with the mosnters, but recently it hasn't been that great!!

Thanks!! We've stil got a few more updates on today and then off to the next adventure!

It looks just like the gingerbread holiday cupcake that DisneyKid4Life mentioned in his trip report.

:thumbsup2 thanks! lol, i seriously had no idea!

Before long had passed, Mickey was taking his place on stage and we were all cheering him along as his imagination came up with the best of things!

I did my best to get some good shots this show, Disney shows are really the only reason that I REALLY want to get a nice fancier camera, but I figure I wouldn’t want to lug it around all day, and I could also probably just learn how to use mine better, lawl!

Mickey saves the day!! And everyone comes to celebrate!!


And like, characters you don’t see every day! I know that Characterpalooza is apparently the Fantasmic characters, like, why don’t we see Ariel & Eric, or Bert, or anyone super awesome like that?!?

Obviously we all enjoyed the show and it was completely and totally amazing and fantastic as per usual!! We then joined the big crowd out of the theater and most of them continued where we were going over to the Streets of America for some DANCING LIGHTS. I was SUPER pumped about this as I’d only seen them once and had been completely blown away by them and hadn’t thought they danced the way they did and it was amazing. Lol.

It was kinda irksome to have to walk ALL that way around the entire streets before we could get into see the lights, but hey, it’s all good because it is SO WORTH IT!

We took some time wandering around, and waited in the god awful line for the photopasses in the area, but it was nice enough that we got to see the lights dance while we were waiting for it, so it worked out nicely.

Steven had found that NBC sweater that day, I think he bought it because he kind of liked it, but mostly because he was cold, bahha! We all really enjoyed watching the lights, they really are amazing, it didn’t blow my mind as much as it did the first time, but the “first time” novelty was gone. I have heard rumours of them not being there in future years, and I REALLY hope that’s not true, because they are incredible. UGH I MISS THEM.

The three of us decided that it was time to call it a night after the lights danced twice through for us, and we’d gotten our photopass photos. Thanks to the second Fantasmic showing we didn’t have to wait long for the bus or anything and were back at Pop pretty quickly.

Once back we ended up showering, and getting ready for the next morning, since we all were auditioning!
OMG as I was reading along and looking at the pictures of Fantasmic! I was literally thinking why don't all the boat characters meet at Characterpalooza? At least alternate among them all. Great minds I swear.

Yeah I agree, it was a pain to have to walk ALLLLLL the way around for the Lights... but yeah I also agree... so worth it.
Finally all caught up again! :cool1:

Um that's totally what I was thinking was up with that friend of Peter when I first saw the pictures but totally didn't think that was possible til you said it too. That's so awful for the little kids waiting for him.

And the friend of Merida's is just not a good fit.

The Christmas party looks really cute and I hope to get down there for it one day but I think I agree-- Halloween seems much more exciting.
OMG as I was reading along and looking at the pictures of Fantasmic! I was literally thinking why don't all the boat characters meet at Characterpalooza? At least alternate among them all. Great minds I swear.

Yeah I agree, it was a pain to have to walk ALLLLLL the way around for the Lights... but yeah I also agree... so worth it.

RIGHT?! It doesn't make sense, I would love to see some different characters out and about there! It would be fantastic!

The lights are so amazing, even if you do have to walk all the way around, I really really really hope that they're still there this year, especially because they're one of the things I know my Mom would love and she hasn't seen them!

Finally all caught up again! :cool1:

Um that's totally what I was thinking was up with that friend of Peter when I first saw the pictures but totally didn't think that was possible til you said it too. That's so awful for the little kids waiting for him.

And the friend of Merida's is just not a good fit.

The Christmas party looks really cute and I hope to get down there for it one day but I think I agree-- Halloween seems much more exciting.


Ahahah yeah...I'm still blown away with some of the characters that we ran into that night...both in good & bad ways lol! It definitely was interesting! Xmas is fun, that's for sure, but honestly halloween is FAR superior! I'm sure you'll get down to see it sometime soon!
Our day begins with either (depending on how you feel about it) and exciting, or a rather boring update! Steven & I had planned a vacation, and since there was an audition during it, decided we would go, especially since they were casting both female & male character look a likes during it. Amanda was down there specifically for the Dream Along & Character auditions, and just so happened to have some play time in between.

Thank goodness Amanda came along because she was the one that, when copying fast pass plus selections from me noted “you’ve got fast pass selections made during the audition….you know it’s at 10:00 am right?”

BAHA! #whoops

Yeah…they’re usually at 4:00pm, so thank goodness for her!

The three of us were up early, did some basic make up, tied our hair back, and called a cab pretty quickly. I know we ate in the room and threw some snacks in our bags for later if we needed them.

Disney auditions usually take place across from Animal Kingdom, in the wardrobe & rehearsal facility on Sherberth Rd, so it wasn’t a long trip over there, and I’m thinking we were there around 9:00am, as sign in began at 9:30, and the audition itself began at 10:00am. We took our seats in the hallway and waited for everyone to show up so they’d open the doors. During this time we chatted a bit amongst ourselves and with some of the people around us, the guy directly beside us lived around the area, and when he heard they were casting for Gaston, figured he may as well come on down, right? He definitely had the look he needed, SUPER built, darker features, and had the right voice, it was crazy! Futher behind him was a guy that the SECOND he walked around the corner all three of us looked to each other and said “PETER” and mentioned that if he didn’t get pulled, Disney was crazy that day.

Right at 10:00am they began letting people into the big room they start the auditions off in, and we noticed there was quite few people there. The listing called for a bunch of characters, (Cinderella, Rapunzel, Tink, Peter, Gaston and Flynn if I do remember correctly) and allowed any college program participants with end dates in January to audition. Those characters span two height ranges for females, and three for the guys, so it wasn’t suprising that it was busy.

They led us in, had us sign in on the Ipad (name, gender), take a number (we were 5, 6 & 7) and then took our height, which was written down on a piece of paper. I have NO idea what I was measured, but my actual height’s around 5’4’’ and I’m usually around there.

After they finally finished signing everyone in (which included some familiar faces, including Brian, who you might remember from Sept’s TR) they had us all sit down and chatted a bit about Disney Entertainment, the audition, and character integrity.

The audition process was simple, specifically since it was a face audition, and there were so many of us, it was just a type out. Meaning they lined us up in chronological order, and simply looked at our faces/builds. They do play some music, and of course, are smiling at you, and are super friendly and encouraging through the whole process.

Since we were so early on in the group, we were in the first line. Jen, the casting director, would walk down the line, and look at us, and when she got down to our end of the line, she stopped a little bit, then finished up the line, and then went back behind the table. She continued to, what I assume was, double check some of the heights, vs the people she had stopped to look at, and continued to take a long look over to US!

She then said thank you, had the lines all switch around, and did this for everyone else in the room. Once everyone had been looked at, she had us all sit down, and explained a few more things, mainly that “if you aren’t picked it doesn’t mean you’re not pretty,” and “it doesn’t mean you don’t have what we’re looking for, it simply means you don’t have what we’re looking for right now. Keep an eye on the postings and come back in a few months” and then called the numbers she wanted to stay for the next round.

Sadly, today was not our day, as all of us were cut. The Peter look alike we’d seen, was kept! So that made us happy, and we made our way out of the building. Steven commented that Jen had DEFNITELY been looking at me during the type out, and had looked back a few times. I was thinking she’d been double checking my height for a specific character that I know I’m not in the range for. She’d also definitely been checking out the guy right behind us who had the right look to hang out with Gaston, but was just a bit too short….height…it rules ALL

All in all, nothing that was too discouraging, it honestly gave me that GLIMMER that I’d really been needing, I mean, it had been a long year of Disney trips, and 4 auditions. One by chance, 1 WDW look alike, 1 HKDL look a like, 1 parade, and then this one, after the previous year of a few auditions, I had really started to lose hope. I was thinking that I probably didn’t have a face for Disney after all, and maybe I should start looking into doing something else.

Today really gave me that PUSH that I really needed, and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Since Dec, I’ve been to another 4 auditions (and that’s in 3 months time) all for different things. One was specific to Frozen, one parade, one CP/Full Time general, one specific to the Dream Along Princesses, and two just because we were there. Jen & Kent both definitely knows my face now too, which is helpful. I've been looked at at other auditions this year as well, specifically from those two casting directors, the cp/general one that Steven got kept at Kent was watching me as well, and during the princess one that involved Aurora, there was a solid long look, but still no luck.

I’m super glad that this happened, and that I realized how much more competitive it is for someone in my height range, especially when it comes to fur/parades. I’m a pretty average height range, especially for girls, so I need to prove and show that I am THAT much of a better dancer/animator/performer than every other 5’4’’ girl they’ve seen within 6 months to really make my mark in the company and have the hope to get hired into entertainment. I’m definitely hoping that I at least get the oppertunity to get into the character pool by Oct, as on my program, thanks to the visa I'll be working under, I'm not allowed to audition...and a whole year of not auditioning kinda SUCKS. I'm also hoping that it just applies to the auditions that have "no cp's/international's allowed" kinda thing, because then I'd still be allowed to go to the HK/Tokyo/Shanghai auditions and those would be amazing. As I'm posting this today, I've got almost 3 months exactly til I start my program, and Steven's got just under 2 months left in the pool, so lets keep our fingers crossed hey!!

Story time aside, Amanda, Steven & I called a cab and made our way over to the park for the day, which just so happened to also be the closest, Animal Kingdom!!


And like, characters you don’t see every day! I know that Characterpalooza is apparently the Fantasmic characters, like, why don’t we see Ariel & Eric, or Bert, or anyone super awesome like that?!?

It would be great if Bert would greet more often! Is MVMCP the only time where he currently greets? I had the pleasure of seeing the real Dick van Dyke's live concert show in my area earlier this year. Even at age 88, he is still an outstanding entertainer and a really cool person. He still dances a little and he sings with an a capella group of four younger guys, "Dick van Dyke and the Vantastics"! My favorite part was when they sang "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".
I'm glad you're keeping your hopes up because you definitely belong in Disney entertainment! It seems insanely competitive and particular, which is kinda crazy when I consider some of the character friend's I've seen. :confused3 It'll definitely be your moment at the right time! :goodvibes
I've got my fingers crossed that you'll make it into entertainment. I'm convinced that some day I'll be be watching a parade or show and I'll turn to the person next to me and say "I know her!" :tinker:
You know, I don't even think I knew you guys were doing auditions.

SHERBERTH RD.!!!!!! My fav shortcut to Disney from off property.

WOW, just seeing how many auditions you've been to just makes me... proud. Truthfully, the very fact that you've never given up on this dream... I think, no I KNOW, Walt himself would be proud. :goodvibes
I am sorry to hear that none of you made the cut. I'm also upset to hear about the guy auditioning for Gaston. Come on, I'm sure the wig and the boots would add another inch, haha.
Glad this one made you regain the momentum...is is hard when you are being looked at and looked over...but also I guess a fun experience to get to know the process.
It would be great if Bert would greet more often! Is MVMCP the only time where he currently greets? I had the pleasure of seeing the real Dick van Dyke's live concert show in my area earlier this year. Even at age 88, he is still an outstanding entertainer and a really cool person. He still dances a little and he sings with an a capella group of four younger guys, "Dick van Dyke and the Vantastics"! My favorite part was when they sang "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".

yees!! ugh I wish he was out more often! He has greeted at MVMCP but it was only this past year, he also came around on valentines day this year and last year. I'm hoping he starts to come out more often!!

I'm glad you're keeping your hopes up because you definitely belong in Disney entertainment! It seems insanely competitive and particular, which is kinda crazy when I consider some of the character friend's I've seen. :confused3 It'll definitely be your moment at the right time! :goodvibes

Awwe thank you girlie!! I really do hope that I get my opportunity, whether it is stateside or oversears I just want to be able to help create magic in the most magical way possible!! RIGHT?! It's actually insane sometimes I walk into a meet and greet and think "whyyyyyyyy"

I've got my fingers crossed that you'll make it into entertainment. I'm convinced that some day I'll be be watching a parade or show and I'll turn to the person next to me and say "I know her!" :tinker:

Thank you!! I really hope the day does come!
You know, I don't even think I knew you guys were doing auditions.

SHERBERTH RD.!!!!!! My fav shortcut to Disney from off property.

WOW, just seeing how many auditions you've been to just makes me... proud. Truthfully, the very fact that you've never given up on this dream... I think, no I KNOW, Walt himself would be proud. :goodvibes

Hahah it was just cause we were down there, well, amanda came down for the auditions, lol.

RIGHT?! Such a good place lol, the best of shortcuts

Lol....sad, but awesome at the same time, this year so far has really squeezed in a lot so far, and I'm proud of that lol

I am sorry to hear that none of you made the cut. I'm also upset to hear about the guy auditioning for Gaston. Come on, I'm sure the wig and the boots would add another inch, haha.

Hahaha, yeah, disney is super super strict on the height limits, just because you can slouch, or the character shoes will add an inch or so doesn't make it alright lol

Glad this one made you regain the momentum...is is hard when you are being looked at and looked over...but also I guess a fun experience to get to know the process.

Yes! it was just the boost I needed, lol. It has gotten to the point where only certain auditions, ie, the ones you really think are the best for you, and you get looked over with no second glance, those are the tough ones, but I've been looked at pretty decently at the ones like that recently I'm not sure what's holding me back but i know it'll happen one day
bummer you didn't get picked but glad you are still seeing positives and getting to know the casting directors and stuff. While it goes for pretty much everything in life for that business I am sure it is even more true that you have to be in the right place at the right time ... also, they can say 'no' 100 times, but they only need to say 'yes' once!

When you are talking about how the heights have to be so specific I can't help but remember the scene from The Simpsons when they were casting for the Radioactive Man movie and the casting diretor says:

Director: Congratulations, Bart Simpson: you're our new Fallout Boy!
Bart: [gasps]
Director: That's what I'd be saying to you if you weren't an inch too
short. Next!
Okay, I can not even imagine how nerve wracking the audition process must be! Kudos to you for keeping at it, and I really hope you get picked one of these times! :hug:

Gaston. Muscles. Oh my.
bummer you didn't get picked but glad you are still seeing positives and getting to know the casting directors and stuff. While it goes for pretty much everything in life for that business I am sure it is even more true that you have to be in the right place at the right time ... also, they can say 'no' 100 times, but they only need to say 'yes' once!

When you are talking about how the heights have to be so specific I can't help but remember the scene from The Simpsons when they were casting for the Radioactive Man movie and the casting diretor says:

Director: Congratulations, Bart Simpson: you're our new Fallout Boy!
Bart: [gasps]
Director: That's what I'd be saying to you if you weren't an inch too
short. Next!

It definitely is, the same casting director can say no to you a million times, and then one audition, they're like "okay, now's a good time" I have no idea how it works, I know the height comes into play a lot, I'd have a higher chance if I was 2 inches taller, I'd have more furry friends so they wouldn't have to worry as much, but hey, what can ya do!

Okay, I can not even imagine how nerve wracking the audition process must be! Kudos to you for keeping at it, and I really hope you get picked one of these times! :hug:

Gaston. Muscles. Oh my.

Haha the auditions themselves get less nerve wracking every time, sitting in the hallway with all the other girls when you're by yourself, that gets nervewracking, and then I'm usually fine until they start calling numbers lol.
Upon arriving at Animal Kingdom, we started talking about going to another MVMCP, as there was one that night, and we were all interested. We pulled up the website on our phones, and it said there were still tickets available….or so it thought…after MULTIPLE tries with multiple credit cards, it still wans’t working. We went up to the ticket booth and had the greatest cast member attempting to help us through it, as her computer was saying it was sold out, but online it was saying it wasn’t. She mentioned that she still had tickets for the next night, but Amanda would be gone then, and she really wanted to go! Eventually, online fixed itself and also said it was sold out for tonight. BOO! Sad face!! Steven & I ended up booking another pair of tickets for ourselves though, and we made sure to give the cast member a thank you card since she was so fantastic and helpful to us.

We did have a successful experience with photopass on the way into the park though, and got what I’m pretty sure is my favorite picture from the trip!!

Really though…just look at that last picture, it’s perfect!! I just think everything about it is perf, the colors we’re all wearing suit us all perfectly, and it’s just a fantastic shot! Lol. Since we had the extra time to kill, and we wanted to get our money’s worth from the photopass cd, we definitely made a few stops on our way into the park!

Clearly our “fantastic photo” skills were no longer there, bahah! The three of us decided that it was about time for lunch, and apparently so had the entire rest of the park, as Flame Tree was backed up SO FAR, it was CRAZY and took forever to get food! They had a cast member controlling the queue, who separated Amanda & Steven from I which resulted in me completely loosing them and having to search through ALL that seating before finally finding them down in the back by the water where we all enjoyed our lunches!

I got the Turkey Sandwich with fruit (usually a piece of honey dew melon) which was super tasty! The bread was a little dry in a couple of parts, but it all worked out in the end!! With lunch done with, we had a fast pass for FOTLK coming up, so we figured heading over to Camp Minnie Mickey would be a good thing to do about now. We did still have a bit of time before we really needed to be in line, so we stopped to see some friends first!!

They were fantastic and full of lots of fun and hugs, as per usual, it really was a fantastic meet and greet! I (was) sad that these two were moved over to CMM as the lines always seem to be longer over there, but no with the Camp closed, I’m not even sure where they are, but hopefully it’s not too crazy lol!

Our jungle friends said farewell to us, and we headed across the Camp to join the Fast Pass line for Festival of the Lion King. It was set up fine, the biggest problem was that we were DIRECTLY in the sun and that was highly uncomfortable waiting for the show, we all wished we were getting let in earlier than we did, but hey, we survived, mainly because, unlike the other side of the building, the wifi would connect on this side….BAHAHA!

Unlike Fantasmic, the FP+ option over here is actually a bonus, you line up separately, and are let in earlier than the crowds, and have first pick at seating. Naturally, I made a beeline for the elephant section! Really guys, if you expect anything less, you haven’t been reading along for very long.

Today was certainly a day that I knew I would be having some emotional trouble, it was OFFICIALLY the last time I’d be seeing the show in it’s old venue, with these cast members, and possibly before it was altered (we don’t know how altered it’s going to be when it reopens). I of course, warned Steven & Amanda of this, but Steven & I joked I would never be as bad as Paige was during Fantasmic, bahaha!

The show began, and I noticed it wasn’t my favorite leader of the Elephant Section, but he was still pretty good, and the show was obviously enjoyable for everyone. While watching the three of us came to conclusions that today clearly held some “last show” moments for some of the performers as we could tell a couple of them just had that “feel” to them, or had tears in their eyes by the end, and actually, it was confirmed on the Instagram later that day! It was interesting, and of course emotional to see.

Guys, I have no pictures of this showing….not to be worried, we of course came back later. I think I wasn’t really feeling the “movers” cast (the dancers that are on the floor most of the time, the “principal” cast is the singers, monkeys, bird dancers, etc, NOT those guys) they were good, but not great. So, on the way out when I saw my friend Emilie, we stopped to chat with her for a bit, laughed that back in Oct I said it’d be my last show and all, and she said that this core cast was going to do the parade, and then would be back for the 5:30 show, so we decided to hit up the 4:30 show while they were doing the parade to catch a different cast. We thanked her and headed out of the theater!!

Since we were still in Camp, and there was still one character we wanted to meet, we figured we’d stay in that area for a little bit. This character was the only Princess out in AK, and surprisingly, Meeko was out to say Hi too!! The wait was long, and I mean LONG, I honestly thought she wasn’t even out but it turns out she was just going really, really slow. There were some ADORABLE kids in front of us, so that at least helped pass the time….and they all had Mickey bars which made me start craving ice cream, but hey, you can’t win ‘em all!!

Soon enough we were up at the front of the line, and honestly, it was probably the weirdest of meet and greets I’ve had in a while. Pocahontas asked us where we were from, and we started with Steven & I being from Canada and she said something along the lines of “oh, Meeko loves to eat snacks, what do you eat for snacks in Canada?” Uhm…the same thing you guys eat in the States mainly….like…WHAT?? She was also hugely distracted by Amanda’s shirt, and honestly wanted to know where she got it from, like, how you work for Disney and don’t know that those tanks are from Hot Topic, I do not know. The girl clearly didn’t know her stuff very well either, as when they started talking about Amanda being from Virginia, Poca made some comment about how that place sounded kinda familiar and must be near where she was from…..

Meeko on the other hand was adorable and just perfect, and then we booked it out of there having a serious laugh and planning what to do with the rest of our day!
Our invigorating talk with Pocahontas about snacks had got the three of us thinking about what we wanted to do for dinner, and our evening, since we weren’t going to another MVMCP! We talked about going over to DHS or Epcot but Amanda didn’t have a park hopper pass, so I pulled out the MDE app and started to look for restaurants at resorts that we could try out! Steven said “something new, even to you” (directed at me lol) and we came to the decision to try out Whispering Canyon Café! ADR made, we continued our adventures through the Animal Kingdom, but not before I got myself a delicious snack!

We stopped in the main shop on our way across Discovery Island to do some Vinylmation trading! (Note to self, next trip, document these vinlymation and pin trades better!!) and then figured we’d pop into the 100 Acre Wood to visit some more friends!

Pooh & Tigger were just on their way out for a snack break while we wound our way down that never ending pathway, but they were back faster than you could say “hunny!” and we grabbed some individual pictures with them!

Pooh is seriously the MOST adorable thing in the world, and he was just as cute today as other days, and like, look at his super cute Christmasey outfit! CUTE!

We ended up all going in completely individually with Tigger next up!

He was feeling super spunky and bouncy and danced around with us during the meet and greet and all was restored with our faith in characters in the Animal Kingdom that day!

SO CUTE!! Now, if only they’d either bring Eeyore back out, or throw Rabbit out in one of the parks, and all would be right in the world! Like, seriously…please?!?

Steven then pulled up on his phone where else we could trade for Vinylmations in hopes that the box would have some better choices, but any information we had found was clearly not correct anymore as we found out over in Dinoland. I’m pretty sure there’s only one trading station per park now, which kinda sucks! Vinyl attempt sabatoged, we stopped a pin kiosk to pick up some “hidden mickey” mystery packs that we’d been told held the “Villians Parking” sign pins we’d been collecting throughout the week! I also picked up a princess lanyard for my keys and a pop to give me a bit of a caffeine/sugar rush lol!

As we made the circle through the park I started to realize that if we were to jump in the line for Everest, we probably weren’t going to make the proper showing of FOTLK, since we wanted to see a different cast, so we took a little bit of time for some photopass pictures, and headed back over to Camp!

And yes, we clearly have our every picture pose/formation that we do, it was just instinct by this point to do it, so we figured why not?!
That really is a great picture of you three in front of the AK Christmas Tree!

Sounds like an interesting viewing of FOTLK - definitely makes you wonder the frame of mind of the performers and what was happening after the move/temporary closure

Also a very weird meeting with Poke Ahontas ... not sure what she expected you answer to be when asking what snacks you eat in Canada - though good thing that you don't answer "raccoons" :rotfl:


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