4th Girls-Only Trip ~ PLEASE check first post for link to new thread

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Good morning girls!

Kelly~Sorry about the crab feed, but if you have a Costco membership, they usually sell King Crab legs there on the weekends. The are pretty reasonably priced and they are HUGE. I get 2 or 3, and it is more than enough for us.

Hey, my colors are working again!
Thanks Tina! Honestly as much as I do LOVE to eat crab that is really not the draw for me. It is getting together with our friends and the "date night out". We have been going to these things for years and they are SO much fun. I have been to some in the past at schools, grange halls and the fair grounds and then just within the last 7 or 8 years Chicago title was hosting theirs at a big hall near the fire dept out in Folsom. Sure the food was AWESOME but it was getting together with a big group of friends and visiting (kind of like our group ;) ) and then they had raffles and the dancing was my FAV part. In my younger (single) days I used to go out dancing almost every weekend. I LOVE it and miss it. But it's no biggie. I am sure something else will come along eventually and it is probably for the best anyway since Shane has been laid off so much lately.

Luckily the union got him a job working at Kaiser for the next week or so, so for at least NOW he has work for the time being. :)
Morning girls!

Kel~ My exciting wknd....is starting in about an hr when I head to the lab at school & study for hours the reproductive system....(You don't even want to know how we violated a cat yesterday)...Then the rest of the wknd will be me cuddled up in the nice library rooms with peeps from my class studying for finals....yay me!!

I really want to rent the Time Travelors Wife! Maybe Thursday when finals are over and I can breathe for a wk.....
Yuck! I am so glad I am done with school. Don't envy you there, and poor kitty!! OUCH! LOL

But hey if it's finals does that mean you are almost done for the year or do you go year round?

I LOVED Time Travelers wife. In fact we bought that one cuz I LOVE time travel movies! I know some say they didn't like it because it wasn't as good as the book but hey I never read so to me it was GREAT! ;) Enjoy it if you get it. I hope to get Up in the Air and a couple other new releases. I know there are some others out that I wanted to see but can't think of them till I get in the store and see the slection. :)

Thanks for all the cute birthday wishes! I had a great day overall and a totally yummy dinner. It's pouring down rain this morning and we're hoping it clears up before Kenyon's Pokemon scavenger hunt birthday party this weekend.

Happy Friday! :goodvibes
No, just this quarter is almost over. Then Spring break & back for another 3 months.

But I am looking for a place to stay in Seattle next month for the wknd. I want to take the boys to Pike Place, Hard Rock Cafe, the Aquarium and maybe the zoo. And outlet shopping!

I just made Jordan's final payment for his DC trip over Spring break.
He has drastically changed his study habits & grades since I left his butt home from our DL trip in October. Of course he was upset for a few wks but hey DL is a privelage not a right. If ya don't wanna study & get good grades I am not taking you on vacation.

So now I just need to go and buy travel items for him, a memory card for his camera, and I think that is it.
But I am not sure how he should take his money.
Good morning!

I'm off to work in 5 minutes and have a busy morning ahead. But, I have nothing after about 12:30 and it's my turn to stay until 5 tonight (we take turns on Fridays since campus is always really dead due to the lack of Fri classes). So, I will likely check in later. I hope that there will be more to read than there has been recently :rotfl2:

Tomorrow we have the normal Gymboree and swim lesson combo and then I'm taking Ty to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Dave is going to a local microbrew beer event instead of hanging with Ty and me--my gift to him to thank him for stepping up and being single dad while I was off playing with all of you. Then Sunday will be all of the usual running errands, laundry, etc. Glamorous, I know, but it's life!
You're driving all the way up to Coupeville for lunch? Awesome! I would love to see you if we're around. I'm usually in Oak Harbor on Tuesdays from noon to 2:30 pm for the kids' HC classes. Enjoy your lunch, their chowder is really tasty.

I love chowder, but it is a lot of points:) They usually give us a set menu of some sort of chicken or salmon, so we will see what the options are. Glad to know the food is good though. I think I have to be there around 11:30, which means the meeting will go to 1 or so. Looks like I will miss you! If you happen to be in the area a little earlier, I would love to meet up with you too. You could give me a personal trip report! Here is my cell phone, just in case it works out. 425-350-0944. It is already published all over the internet for work, so I guess it is okay to publish here. Geesh, now the internet stalker person knows my number and where I will be at from 11:30-1 on a Tuesday. I sure hope my kids don't do stuff like this! I am debating taking the ferry back or going for a drive around, just for fun. Probably given the shortage of hours, will just drive back and get on the ferry. Actually do have some time constraints as we have our baseball parents meeting and since hubby is one of the coaches this year, I think I should be there:)

And Good Morning Everyone1
Deb - I see. Well I hope you enjoy your spring break. I LOVE Seattle and miss it a lot. I don't mis LIVING there, I much prefered Vancouver but I LOVED to visit and mill around all the little funky stores and stuff. LOVE Pike's market and my fav restaurant is Anthony's on the Pier. I know a lot of people on here don't like seafood but they have some REALLY good stuff and it overlooks Puget Sound! Gorgeous if the weather is nice!!

That is why I really hope this Seattle meet works out because it has been several years since we have been and I am really looking forward to going again!!!

Jordan will have a BLAST in D.C. We had so much fun last year! There is SO much to see and do! I am not sure about the money. That is a tough one! I don't suppose the chaperone's can monitor it and dole it out a little at a time? Otherwise that is hard. I don't even think they still do travelers checks and even if they did I don't know that a kid could use them or would even want to. They are kind of a pain in the butt. It would be good to use the ATM but I am sure you don't want him having your ATM card either LOL.

Maybe some others can offer some good advice. A gift type card maybe?

Callie I will think good thoughts about the weather and that sounds like a lot of fun (the party!) Hope it all works out!!!

Jane have a great time this weekend and don't work too hard!! ;)
Morning girls!

Kel~ My exciting wknd....is starting in about an hr when I head to the lab at school & study for hours the reproductive system....(You don't even want to know how we violated a cat yesterday)...Then the rest of the wknd will be me cuddled up in the nice library rooms with peeps from my class studying for finals....yay me!!

I really want to rent the Time Travelors Wife! Maybe Thursday when finals are over and I can breathe for a wk.....

Good luck on your finals!

Yuck! I am so glad I am done with school. Don't envy you there, and poor kitty!! OUCH! LOL

But hey if it's finals does that mean you are almost done for the year or do you go year round?

I LOVED Time Travelers wife. In fact we bought that one cuz I LOVE time travel movies! I know some say they didn't like it because it wasn't as good as the book but hey I never read so to me it was GREAT! ;) Enjoy it if you get it. I hope to get Up in the Air and a couple other new releases. I know there are some others out that I wanted to see but can't think of them till I get in the store and see the slection. :)

I liked Up in the Air. But I love me some George Clooney.
I have't seen the Time Travelers Wife yet, but I might have to check it out.


Thanks for all the cute birthday wishes! I had a great day overall and a totally yummy dinner. It's pouring down rain this morning and we're hoping it clears up before Kenyon's Pokemon scavenger hunt birthday party this weekend.

Happy Friday! :goodvibes

I sure hope it clears up for Kenyon's party! It's birthday week in your house!!

No, just this quarter is almost over. Then Spring break & back for another 3 months.

But I am looking for a place to stay in Seattle next month for the wknd. I want to take the boys to Pike Place, Hard Rock Cafe, the Aquarium and maybe the zoo. And outlet shopping!

I just made Jordan's final payment for his DC trip over Spring break.
He has drastically changed his study habits & grades since I left his butt home from our DL trip in October. Of course he was upset for a few wks but hey DL is a privelage not a right. If ya don't wanna study & get good grades I am not taking you on vacation.

So now I just need to go and buy travel items for him, a memory card for his camera, and I think that is it.
But I am not sure how he should take his money.

Your Seattle trip sounds good, Deb. And I'm glad Jordan isn't giving you so much grief. Can he take a pre-loaded Visa/Debit card with him? Or maybe two with smaller values that he can keep in separate bags?

OK girls, I'm off to work. It's corned beef day at the rotary!
I'll check in later. :grouphug:
But I am looking for a place to stay in Seattle next month for the wknd. I want to take the boys to Pike Place, Hard Rock Cafe, the Aquarium and maybe the zoo.

Debra, when Dan and I visited Seattle last May (before moving up here) we stayed at the Silver Cloud Inn on Lake Union. It was a really nice place with free breakfast and best of all a free shuttle to downtown locations (Pike Place Mkt, Pioneer Square, Aquarium). It really helps not having to pay for parking at those downtown locations. Anyway, I'd highly recommend it. :) Here's a linky for you:

Good morning!!
Trying to remember what I wanted to say.....and to recap.....

TGIF! :banana:

Time change this weekend. :hourglass

Deb violated a cat?? :eek:

Lots of you want to see Time Travelers Wife. (I did, have tissues handy) :sad:

Callie got lots of birthday wishes and had a nice dinner out. :cake:

Tracey is making it really easy for her internet stalker to find her. How nice of her. :thumbsup2

Laurie good luck with Michayla appt. :wizard:

Kelly loves to eat crab. (ick!) :crazy2:

Jane is super busy as always. :worship:

Tina is all colorful again. :hippie:

Rochelle's sis is doing good (yay). :goodvibes

Uhhhhhh, what else? I forget. Hopefully everyone is having a good morning so far! :wave2:
Good morning everyone! :wave2:

Callie - thanks for posting that link to the Silver Cloud Inn. I bookmarked it to possibly use for the Seattle mini-meet this summer and for other future family trips. Looks terrific, great views, good rates, and having a shuttle is AWESOME. :thumbsup2
Deb, I hope Jordan enjoys and will appreciate his DC trip. Bryan went in 8th grade and LOVED it! The following year he was invited to go along again so he has been there twice. Mind you, this is a guy who has the Declaration of Independence up on his wall. I love how kids' rooms are so representative: Bryan has red and black paint (Blazers!) and a couple of signed Blazers pennants, and his other posters include Blazers, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong, The Fray, West Side Story, and So You Think You Can Dance.

The Blindside is starting today at our neighborhood theater which we love so I am planning to finally see it tomorrow night. I have Up in the Air next on Netflix so will get to see it soon. Bryan wants to see Dear John (he read the book, loves Nicholas Sparks) so I will try to see that with him during spring break if it is still playing.

Well I need to finish getting ready for another excruciatingly boring day at work.

Happy Friday! :cool1:
But I am looking for a place to stay in Seattle next month for the wknd. I want to take the boys to Pike Place, Hard Rock Cafe, the Aquarium and maybe the zoo. And outlet shopping!

So now I just need to go and buy travel items for him, a memory card for his camera, and I think that is it.
But I am not sure how he should take his money.

A weekend in Seattle sounds fun - maybe I'll swipe your idea and take Jesse next month..... He would love that.

Can he take a pre-loaded Visa/Debit card with him? Or maybe two with smaller values that he can keep in separate bags?

Don't you have to be 16 to use those pre-loaded Visa/MC cards??

I saw the Time Traveler's Wife and it is sad - especially when you are flying AWAY from your family :sad1: But it is a good movie!

I'm going to check out Callie's hotel suggestion......
Heck if anyone wants to meet up this year, I'm game :thumbsup2.

Hi Katie - I'm game for a meet this year too! Let's see if we can find a date that works.

I LOVED Time Travelers wife. In fact we bought that one cuz I LOVE time travel movies! I know some say they didn't like it because it wasn't as good as the book but hey I never read so to me it was GREAT! ;) \

I tried to read the book but couldn't really get into it so I'm interested to see how the movie is and now with all or your reveiws I am planning to rent it soon. Up in the Air was one of my favorite movies from last year.

It's pouring down rain this morning and we're hoping it clears up before Kenyon's Pokemon scavenger hunt birthday party this weekend.

Happy Friday! :goodvibes

Pokemon scavenger hunt sounds fun! Mr.CA's DD always asks for a scavenger hunt for her birthday. We did one at the LA Zoo for her last year and are trying to find a fun place this year. We are thinking about the Science Center. Have fun and I hope the rain stops!

I just made Jordan's final payment for his DC trip over Spring break.
He has drastically changed his study habits & grades since I left his butt home from our DL trip in October. Of course he was upset for a few wks but hey DL is a privelage not a right. If ya don't wanna study & get good grades I am not taking you on vacation.

So now I just need to go and buy travel items for him, a memory card for his camera, and I think that is it.
But I am not sure how he should take his money.

Mr. CA's DS is going to DC for his spring break this year too! His DD went two years ago and had a great time. He got her one of those MC/VISA prepaid cards and it worked great for her. He also gave her just a little cash so she'd have that for small purchases like soda in the soda machine. I hope Jordan has a great time!

And Good Morning Everyone1

Hi Tracy!!

Thanks for the link! We are going to Seattle in July for Mr. CA's family reunion and we would like to stay near downtown but not downtown so this hotel might be just the answer so we can site see some in between the family reunion events.

Happy Friday everyone! :goodvibes I am sooooo ready for the weekend. I think though that Mr. CA will drag me out for a hike because I told him when we go to Yosemite this summer I want to hike up to Yosemtie Falls and now he thinks I need to do training hikes...I am so lazy lately but I know I need to get by behind in gear and do something!
No, just this quarter is almost over. Then Spring break & back for another 3 months.

But I am looking for a place to stay in Seattle next month for the wknd. I want to take the boys to Pike Place, Hard Rock Cafe, the Aquarium and maybe the zoo. And outlet shopping!

I just made Jordan's final payment for his DC trip over Spring break.
He has drastically changed his study habits & grades since I left his butt home from our DL trip in October. Of course he was upset for a few wks but hey DL is a privelage not a right. If ya don't wanna study & get good grades I am not taking you on vacation.

So now I just need to go and buy travel items for him, a memory card for his camera, and I think that is it.
But I am not sure how he should take his money.

We are doing a debit card for Matt that is set up to his savings account. I will be able to watch it and if for some reason there is an emergency and he needs more money I can add it.
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