Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Friday QOTD: Describe your trip to the grocery store. How do you tackle this task?I LOVE printing coupons from some on-line sites. Then I put them in an envelope with a list on the outside. When I get to the grocery store, it seems the bottom of my cart gets filled in the produce section before I ever start going up and down aisles. I definitely avoid the aisles where I’ve decided ahead of time I won’t shop (snacks, cookies, cereals, etc.) Most of my groceries are from produce, meats and dairy. We have a standard list that DH picks up from Costco, too, which minimizes what I have to get at the grocery store. Oh, and we always stock up on Lean Cuisine panini’s at Target since I use them for lunches pretty much every work day.

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?I LOVE water!! It is always my drink of choice. Unless I am on Castaway Cay, in which case my favorite beverage is a konk cooler. LOL! Oh, and I love hazelnut coffee in the morning.

Taryn – I am so excited to watch that countdown in your signature. I can’t wait to hear all about the trip. My family and I are heading to BLT for a weekend in August and I am beyond excited about it!

Pinkie – I am so sorry your surgery was not what you expected. I hope you can find some effective pain relief and that your recovery is quick and complete. Sending you good vibes. :goodvibes:

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?
As crazy as this sounds, I am looking forward to starting physical therapy tomorrow night. I have been having a hard time just sitting still, waiting for bone to graft and cartilage to grow. I feel like once I start PT I can really make progress toward getting back to normal (for the first time since July 14, 2009)

Pamela – Congratulations on all you have accomplished. I agree that you are truly an inspiration and you have come so far that perhaps your body really believes you are at its ideal weight. I hope you can think about all you’ve accomplished and take pride in it. Please don’t beat yourself up about the last few pounds that you think you have to lose. :hug:

Maiziezoe – Can’t wait to hear about the puppy and to see pictures!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I haven’t really wanted anything in particular. But the other night, DH brought me a small bag of the new pretzel M&Ms. I shared the bag with DH and DS and left a few for a treat 2 nights later. the whole bag would have been 3 points on WW, so I had less than 2 points for a satisfying treat. I really enjoyed them. And it didn’t take a lot to satisfy me because they were crunchy and sweet and salty all at once.

Congratulations to everyone who lost or maintained last week. And for those of us who did not lose (I gained .2 but have been unable to get a PM to Shannon due to her full PM box LOL!), congratulations for all the smart choices you made and all the good habits you worked on! :cheer2:

I've been having a hard time keeping up with the thread but just read all the way back from Friday and it always leaves me with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The support here is amazing.
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I don't like to treat myself with food so every week I have a loss I buy a new nail polish. Usually something fun and funky. I have quite the collection of colors... I should open a nail salon! :)
Oh, man! We are going the 10th to the 19th. Just going to be missing you.

We're going the 19th to the 26th I'll miss you both!

I guess this may be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Virginia. I've been fighting this darn scale all my life. Actually maybe only for the past 20 years. I think before that I ignored it. I have gone up and down, up and down. I usually get success with WW, but I'm just darn sick of paying them. Why it worked was because I had to be accountable since I had to get on that scale every week. That's why I'm hoping this group will do the same, make me accountable. Let's see I have 30 pounds to go to hit my WW goal. I was there once, made lifetime, but you know I'm a stress eater and lately it's been stressful. Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my ramblings and letting me part of yours.

Your inbox is full :)

Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.
I had a busy week last week, with stuff happening every evening, and wrapping up with my oldest nephew graduating from high school on Friday. He enjoyed his day of being the center of attention in the family. There was a big BBQ to celebrate after the ceremony. Lots of veggies available for eating :thumbsup2
Unfortunately, what I thought was bad allergies turned into a nasty headcold and I've spent most of the weekend in bed, but I'm starting feel better.
I only managed to get out and run one day last week, but I'm hoping my head clears up soon and I get back out there with week 2 of c25k.

Anyhow, before I head back to bed,
here's the list of people who haven't reported in yet for June 11th.

tea pot
uptown girl44
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Well...I never met a cookie I didn't like :rotfl: so I know I'll never eliminate those from my life, but I also know I will have to have an occasional cheesburger. :guilty:
Good morning.:goodvibes

Back from the Y. Did group strength and 42 min on the elliptical.

Tomorrow is our after work run. It's supposed to be really hot. Today I am determined to work on cleaning out the my clothes closet and getting rid of anything I don't wear or doesn't fit anymore. Wednesday is back to work.

QOTD--I had trouble picking one thing. I am mostly about portion control/ total calories, so nothing is really off limits. I try to make a conscious choice though, if I'm eating something that's not as healthy, like ice cream or my occasional french fries. There are definitely some foods that we keep out of the house--potato chips, most crackers, doritos, and most chocolate. We have hershey's dark chocolate with almonds right now, and one is usually more than enough for me. Sorry, for the book.:goodvibes

And about the when to weigh. I weigh everyday as well. I find it helps me see patterns--like the too much salt. I find if I don't record stuff everyday--weight, how much I exercise and how I'm feeling--I'm much more likely to fall off the wagon. I think it's definitely a personal choice thing. I do use our weigh in days for when I put up a clippie, or for the weight I tell people if they ask how much I lost.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Well...I never met a cookie I didn't like :rotfl: so I know I'll never eliminate those from my life, but I also know I will have to have an occasional cheesburger. :guilty:

:hug: No guilt here, you ARE allowed the occasional cheeseburger!!!

QOTD Monday - I guess for me it could change weekly, sometimes it would be chocolate (which is my absolute favorite) but other times it could be fries. Depends on what I'm craving.

I've learned though that sometimes for me it's best to completely eliminate something from my diet because if I try to have a little sometimes it can snowball and I eat TOO much of it. :headache:
Luvbaloo please empty your inbox... we can't send in our weights Thanks!
Friday QOTD: Describe your trip to the grocery store. How do you tackle this task? I go very budget minded and rarly buy anything but what's on sale or I have a coupon with. I also try to go after I've eatten so I'm not hungry and everything from aspergus (yuk) to triple chocolate ice cream looks good. i make a list and and every now and then will get a couple more things then what's on it, but try to stick to it to a T!
QOTD: What is your favorite beverage? I try and drink mostly water, but I love love love sweet tea!!! I try doing green tea more than regular sweet tea, but sometimes you just can't get anything better than the real thing lol

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days? I am taking summer classes so no break for me, but I always look forward to the sun staying up later and enjoying more day light. I love working in the yard and just eatting dinner outside and relaxing on the porch for the evening. we always take several trips throughout the summer and we will be at OBX a month from now woot woot. I've never been so I am super excited!!!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?
I have found a love for greek yogurt!!! It is sooo good and although it has a good amount of carbs and sugar in it, it has 12 grams of protein and will eat that as a desert or after working out. I also found edys fruit bars which are all natural frozen fruit puree. WDW actually has the stawberry ones and they are so yuummmmoooo!!!! They are nice and refreshing especially when it is HOT HOT HOT!!!

I can guarantee you I won't step on the scale at 6:30pm tonight. I never get on the scale at night! I'm holding off until Thursday. So what do I get if I don't step on it until Wednesday morning????:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Thanks everybody. I'm feeling better today though I need to vent!!!! So forgive me!

I had a fun time at Field Day this morning. THen I rushed off to work to give a massage. The client didn't show up! I called and left a message. The girl who worked on Saturday was supposed to call and confirm appointments. She would've had time since it wasn't busy on Saturday so I'm a bit ticked right now. I sent her an email asking if she made the calls. This isn't the first time this has happened so I'm really aggravated. I also didn't get my paycheck yet. It was supposed to be dropped off yesterday and then she called this morning to say she never came out this way. I told her that I'd be at the spa until 12, actually there until 12:30 and she didn't come. It better be there tomorrow or I will really be MAD!

OK, vent over!

I can't get a hold of my parents so I don't know when they will be back or if they are eating dinner with us. I keep getting direct voice mail when I call their cells. UGH! Sorry, venting again!!!!

Flipflopmom- We will try and check that out with the dryer in a few. Thanks! It's ten years old so it may be dying. Not sure if it will be cheaper to get it repaired or get a new one.

Doing well today despite the aggravation! Hoping the rest of the day and tomorrow is better!

Gotta get the upstairs cleaned up now!
I really should be doing something more productive...but....

Little vent coming here--please feel free to skip.:thumbsup2 Ok, wo/ too much tmi (does that make sense?) I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao: Which means I feel like I've had pms for over a week now including the carb cravings which I have been fighting. This is either perimenopause or because I am finally dropping belly fat. I'm self diagnosing because I don't want to go to the doctor! I feel like I hit 42 and I'm falling apart.:confused3 I really, really hate the doctor, so I'm going to give it a couple more months and see if things "regulate". Ok, vent over.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Still craving chips and dip, (since yesterday) but I'm going to ignore it!
Didn’t get a chance to check in – it was a baseball and baby shower filled weekend – so I’m catching up from Friday afternoon…

pinkle – Ouch! Feel better soon!

Saturday QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?
Right now I’d say anything but water :rolleyes:! I drink water 95% of the time, for dinner I have a glass of the V8 Fusion Light juice, and that’s pretty much all I drink 7 days a week. My all time favorite drink is sweet tea, needless to say, I can’t/don’t drink it hardly ever. I don’t really like the food at McDonalds, but they have great sweet tea, so occasionally if DS wants McDonalds we’ll go through the drive thru for his meal and I’ll get a sweet tea to have with something I’ll make for myself when we get home.

A few hours alone goes by so fast.
That is no joke, my friend! Best of luck to you on your race this week!

We did have discussions about the fact that I will probably never wear a small shirt--big shoulders and big cupcakes (as we like to call them:thumbsup2).
*giggle* I’m right there with you on the size small shirts, though. No matter how skinny I get, the cupcakes just ain’t gonna fit into a small! :rotfl2:

Great job staying on plan and even working out at the hotel, CC!

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?
We’ve got a lot of stuff going on this week, but I think I am most looking forward to Saturday. My parents and some friends are coming over for a “game night”. I really enjoy having people over to my house, but I don’t do it very often because I can always find something “wrong” with the house that I don’t want people to see, like I have a crack in the paint in the dining room and I still need to find a table for the entry, silly stuff like that. But I am excited about this weekend. It should be a lot of fun plus I can have some adult beverages since I won’t have to drive anywhere! And bonus - we have no plans for Sunday so I can sleep in, which is always my favorite thing to do on a Sunday :woohoo:! I am also very excited for Toy Story 3 – we have free tickets from buying TS1 and TS2 on BluRay a few months ago, so depending on what we decide to do for my dad for Fathers’ Day, we might be going to see TS3 on Sunday afternoon.

anyone else collect chickens?
This one made me giggle too. My mom used to collect pigs. It was cute at first, but then after a few years of everyone she knew giving her pigs for every conceivable occasion, she finally said that’s enough, no more pigs! She got rid of most of them when they moved to the smaller place, but she kept a few of her favorites (which turned out to be some of the first she got). My aunt’s kitchen is apples, a friend of mine has a fruit themed kitchen/dining room, another friend has kind of a barnyard thing going on in hers. The whole “kitchen theme” thing is funny to me, but that’s probably because I try not to have anything unnecessary (read - decorative) in my kitchen so I don’t have to clean it! I also have a very open floor plan, so whatever is in the kitchen has to match everything else on the main floor, which cuts down on the theme availability considerably. I guess I’m just not fun enough to have a theme kitchen ;).

BernardandMissBianca – I hope you all feel better soon so you can thoroughly enjoy your Disney trip!

Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running.

I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :)

Silver lining.... :)
:scared1:! But a new puppy, so exciting!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?
Gosh, if I could cut it down to just one, I’d probably be at goal by now :sad2:! I have a really bad dessert habit. I feel like I *need* to have something sweet after dinner. I try to make do with fruit, but it just doesn’t satisfy that particular want. I enjoy having down time between dinner and getting ready for bed for my sanity, but I hate it because I can’t keep myself from grazing. I think my personal COW for this week is going to be having a reasonable dessert (fruit or one snack cake or one serving of light ice cream, etc.) then brushing my teeth right away so I don’t continue to graze. I really hope that works. Then I’ll be able to say that my one treat is a sensible dessert on most evenings :rolleyes1!

LuvBaloo – Feel better soon!

I don't like to treat myself with food so every week I have a loss I buy a new nail polish. Usually something fun and funky. I have quite the collection of colors...
That’s a great idea!

mommyarewegoingback – Welcome Virginia!

Sorry if I missed anything, I kind of had to rush through because I have to work on payroll. Here's to a fresh start to the week for all of us, and a great week to come :flower3:!

I would love to join if it's not too late. I have well over 100 lbs to lose and need all the support I can get.

:welcome: gardengirlct! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower3: By the time that you have enough posts to send PMs I bet LuvBaloo will have her mailbox cleared out.

For those of you waiting to send your weigh-ins, please be patient a little longer. I know Shannon said she has been sick and will let us know when her box is cleared. Or PM your info to me and I will forward it for you. :goodvibes

We did a ton of housework today in prep for our party next Sunday. I also went shopping with DS13 and DH :headache: Tonight I spent rebuilding DHs bathing suit as he lost weight and shortening DS13's suit and a couple of pair of pants for the cruise. I'm working hard at picking projects off my to do list. Of course there is tons more to do, but staying so busy is keeping me from eating. I have to force myself to stop and eat.

Pretty soon you will be heading off for your nice, long vacation! :cool2: Hope that you are feeling better!

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Well, this probably isnt the place to admit this but on Friday on our way to the beach we're taking a detour to a famous doughnut shop and I am looking forward to it:

This is a lifestyle change we are making. :) Of course, you are going to have treats while you are on vacation!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I have some treat planned. It varies from week to week but usually involves having a beer, especially now that it is getting warmer! :sunny:

Hi everyone! :wave2:

It's been a while since I have posted. Just finished my online schooling and can now devote more time to keeping up on the posts. I had 21 pages to read when I got up this morning.

:wave2: Hi Dawn! Hope that your foot heals quickly. Do you have any moleskin leftover from a Disney trip around?

Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.
I had a busy week last week, with stuff happening every evening, and wrapping up with my oldest nephew graduating from high school on Friday. He enjoyed his day of being the center of attention in the family. There was a big BBQ to celebrate after the ceremony. Lots of veggies available for eating. Unfortunately, what I thought was bad allergies turned into a nasty headcold and I've spent most of the weekend in bed, but I'm starting feel better. I only managed to get out and run one day last week, but I'm hoping my head clears up soon and I get back out there with week 2 of c25k.

Get well soon! :flower3:

Well, I'm back after taking a break this weekend. I don't know what happened, but I just fell into this relentless exhaustion and basically did nothing but sleep, eat and watch TV all weekend! I must have needed the sleep because I'm feeling a good bit better today and feeling more like myself. So, back on the wagon for me.

Sounds like you needed a rest! :thumbsup2

Hey, just a note for Shannon -- I am late and tried to PM my weight, but your mailbox is seems like we haven't heard from you in awhile, I hope everything is ok...:grouphug:

Off to get ds evaluated at the Orthodontist. I decided I'm definitely not running today, but I am definitely doing yoga. I'll be back later to answer the QOTD...

How was the orthodontist? We are doing that tomorrow. I am scared to hear what braces cost these days. :scared1:

Unless I am on Castaway Cay, in which case my favorite beverage is a konk cooler. LOL! Oh, and I love hazelnut coffee in the morning.

Okay, I have to know -- what is a konk cooler? I've never been to Castaway Cay so I have to live vicariously through you guys! :rotfl:

I guess this may be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Virginia. I've been fighting this darn scale all my life. Actually maybe only for the past 20 years. I think before that I ignored it. I have gone up and down, up and down. I usually get success with WW, but I'm just darn sick of paying them. Why it worked was because I had to be accountable since I had to get on that scale every week. That's why I'm hoping this group will do the same, make me accountable. Let's see I have 30 pounds to go to hit my WW goal. I was there once, made lifetime, but you know I'm a stress eater and lately it's been stressful. Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my ramblings and letting me part of yours.

:wave2: Hi Virginia!

I can't get a hold of my parents so I don't know when they will be back or if they are eating dinner with us. I keep getting direct voice mail when I call their cells. UGH! Sorry, venting again!!!!

Maybe you should give them a time out or ground them or something? :rotfl2:

Oh, I am so happy today thanks to mikamah reminding me it is time to do the single digit dance for DLR! :banana::cool1::banana:

Have a great day everyone!
I really should be doing something more productive...but....

Little vent coming here--please feel free to skip.:thumbsup2 Ok, wo/ too much tmi (does that make sense?) I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao: Which means I feel like I've had pms for over a week now including the carb cravings which I have been fighting. This is either perimenopause or because I am finally dropping belly fat. I'm self diagnosing because I don't want to go to the doctor! I feel like I hit 42 and I'm falling apart.:confused3 I really, really hate the doctor, so I'm going to give it a couple more months and see if things "regulate". Ok, vent over.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Still craving chips and dip, (since yesterday) but I'm going to ignore it!

I feel so left out of all the TOM discussions! Not really though... ;)

I get the Depo shots so I haven't had a TOM in years - I really can't remember the last time. I know that pretty much any type of birth control will make me hold onto a few pounds, so when I get close to goal I'll have to keep that in mind, but I gotta tell you, I *LOVE* not having to worry about all that stuff. Totally worth the trade off for me. I don't have PMS (complete with violent mood swings, it's really no wonder I never got married:rolleyes1), cravings, cramps, I don't have to miss a day of my life every month because I'm in such bad shape that I can't get out of bed. Obviously, everyone's situation is different, and I'm not saying "you should run to your GYN right now and get these shots!" by any means, I'm just putting it out there.

I have a lot of sympathy for you guys with these kinds of issues, trust me. My TOM was like living through hell every month, the pill helped a little, but now it's like no worries! I seriously plan to get these shots until I'm like 80 - just in case ;). I can only imagine what my GYN will be thinking as she's giving my old wrinkly butt that shot! :rotfl:

But to Rose, specifically, I know my mom and my aunt both started having those particular issues shortly after they turned 40. That was without any major weight fluctuation, so more than likely it's perfectly normal. However, I'll play devil's advocate here and say, it's probably a good idea to at least call your doctor and run it by him (or her), just to be on the (obsessively?) safe side.


Hi everyone! :wave2:

It's been a while since I have posted. Just finished my online schooling and can now devote more time to keeping up on the posts. I had 21 pages to read when I got up this morning. :scared1:

A little about myself. My name is Dawn and I am 35. I have been married for almost 15 years (on the 17th). No children of my own, but I have an almost-21-year-old step-daughter. I have been overweight most of my life and know, due to medical problems, that I NEED to get the weight off. I had back surgery last October for a slipped disk. Not fun. I also have high blood pressure and am hoping to be able to get off of the medication. I love Disney and am going to Disney World this December for the first time!! (Well, I went to MK for 1/2 day back in 1998). I live in California, so I have been to DL a lot of times. I am sure I will think of more to add as time goes on. :goodvibes
I also am VERY happy that the Celtics won tonight! :cool1: I may be from California, but I am NOT a Lakers fan. DH is from the New England area so I LOVE the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox. Don't get to watch hockey out here, otherwise I am sure I would be watching the Bruins too. :goodvibes

I have been doing well this weekend with food. I used to use WW online, but I wasn't using it enough for the cost so I started using Sparkpeople and really like it so far. I try to walk often but switched shoes Friday and now have a big blister on the back of my heal. OUCH! :mad: I am going to try to get a pair of Payless's version of the Shape-Up shoes to see how those work out.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Welcome... and just a word of advise. I bought the Payless "shape up" shoes in late April. I broke them in quickly and wore them on a 4 day WDW trip with no problem. But I made the mistake of running in them once or twice and ended up with pretty severe hamstring pain that took a few weeks and lots of rest and stretching before it felt good enough to run again. Now, that said, I can't totally say that it was the sneakers. But I notice now that when I wear them just for errands around town, usually within a few hours my hamstring is a bit achey. Might be just coincidence. And YES, I know I shouldn't have run in them.... it was just a few times of heading out for a brisk walk and feeling inspired to run a few miles of it!

I'm not totally giving up on them... in fact, I have them on right now. But I am trying to limit it to days when I don't have a lot of walking to do.

Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.

Not to repeat others, but I am posting my weight here, just in case you don't get around to clearing your box. 132.8.... up one pound. 'Nuf said :headache:

Thanks P - I have a pjilla plan all in place for the week, so I hope I can feel in control.

LOVE IT!! :thumbsup2 Thanks for reminding me I still need to finalize my Father's Day eating/exercise plan!

pjlla hope the kitchen turns out great! I don't use FB myself so I have no help to give you but will be interested to hear what others have to say.

Well... kitchen project got a bit delay. I use those white twinkle lights above the cabinets and when I took down the existing ones, they were just too disgusting and filthy to use again. So I trashed them and will buy new strings. But won't have time to do that until later in the week. I will post pictures when it is ever done though!

I really should be doing something more productive...but....

Little vent coming here--please feel free to skip.:thumbsup2 Ok, wo/ too much tmi (does that make sense?) I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao: Which means I feel like I've had pms for over a week now including the carb cravings which I have been fighting. This is either perimenopause or because I am finally dropping belly fat. I'm self diagnosing because I don't want to go to the doctor! I feel like I hit 42 and I'm falling apart.:confused3 I really, really hate the doctor, so I'm going to give it a couple more months and see if things "regulate". Ok, vent over.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Still craving chips and dip, (since yesterday) but I'm going to ignore it!

Without talking in too much detail, I can sympathize. I think it is a combination of advancing age and bodily changes (even changes in a good direction) can really throw off the hormones. Large amounts of exercise can change things too. I am a bit older than you (46 later this week) and my "Aunt Flo" visits started being really sporatic about a year ago. They have come back to a somewhat normal pattern now, but my PCP said I was definitely perimenopausal. My mom thinks I'm too young, but I think she is just in denial about having a DD my age!! :rotfl:

If you feel comfortable just "letting it ride" for a few months, I would definitely do so, just to see if a pattern develops.

This one made me giggle too. My mom used to collect pigs. It was cute at first, but then after a few years of everyone she knew giving her pigs for every conceivable occasion, she finally said that’s enough, no more pigs! She got rid of most of them when they moved to the smaller place, but she kept a few of her favorites (which turned out to be some of the first she got). My aunt’s kitchen is apples, a friend of mine has a fruit themed kitchen/dining room, another friend has kind of a barnyard thing going on in hers. The whole “kitchen theme” thing is funny to me, but that’s probably because I try not to have anything unnecessary (read - decorative) in my kitchen so I don’t have to clean it! I also have a very open floor plan, so whatever is in the kitchen has to match everything else on the main floor, which cuts down on the theme availability considerably. I guess I’m just not fun enough to have a theme kitchen ;).

Well... the kitchen theme wasn't chickens. I just sort of developed a small collection. It started with one I bought as a grab gift for a Pokeno night that never developed. I ended up keeping it. It looked so lonely up on top of the fridge that I bought a few more to keep it company. But I wasn't in love with the collection and I am more than happy to send it away (I only had about 8). I also have been slowly collecting blue pitchers for about 18 years now.... but not with any real passion. I had about 10 or 12 and they are also washed and packed up for the consignment store. No heart break over that either. Time to move on.

I'm really excited about my mad tea party theme though! It is SO me... bright, cheery, colorful, funky, fun, whimsical.... and DISNEY!! I've resisted really going crazy with any Disney decorations around the house, but slowly that is changing. I did the kids bathroom in a yellow/white/red Mickey decor several years ago.... but that was my choice and not theirs. Now the bathroom is just DD's (DS couldn't stand sharing with her, so he uses ours) and she is SO ready for a change... and I am okay letting it be changed.

Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Gotta run... DD has a Rainbow Girls initiation tonight so I need to press her gown. DH will take her to that, as DS has a doctor's appointment for his skin condition. Hope it helps, as that situation is getting bad again. Not sure what dinner will be for DS and myself. DH and DD are sharing a pizza before Rainbow..... so much for the veggie-loaded baked pasta I had planned!:rotfl:

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P
I really should be doing something more productive...but....

Little vent coming here--please feel free to skip.:thumbsup2 Ok, wo/ too much tmi (does that make sense?) I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao: Which means I feel like I've had pms for over a week now including the carb cravings which I have been fighting. This is either perimenopause or because I am finally dropping belly fat. I'm self diagnosing because I don't want to go to the doctor! I feel like I hit 42 and I'm falling apart.:confused3 I really, really hate the doctor, so I'm going to give it a couple more months and see if things "regulate". Ok, vent over.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Still craving chips and dip, (since yesterday) but I'm going to ignore it!

:hug: Welcome to the wonderful world of perimenopause, Rose, where your body keeps you in a state of constant guessing as to what it will treat you to next! ;) Since this is a relatively new thing for you the doctor will probably suggest that you wait. Maybe you could talk to the nurse and avoid going in? I had all the same issues that you have but those days are behind me now when I had all that stuff taken out due to horrible fibroids. Perimenopause is a lot like potty training -- you think these days will never end but the do, eventually! ;)

Thank you guys:hug: I hope you all have a dancing banana,:banana: sodium free ;):sad2:popcorn::, exercise:yay:, veggie:thumbsup2, journaling:idea:, and water filled day!:hippie:

You have a great day, too, Taryn! :hug:
Lisa -- A konk cooler is a frozen rum drink that they make on the DCL ships and at Serenity Bay, that adult beach at Castaway Cay.

Here is the recipe I found on allearsnet !!!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

Mix in blender until slushy.

Makes enough to fill a Disney Cruise Line drink glass... and then some!
Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Gotta run... DD has a Rainbow Girls initiation tonight so I need to press her gown. DH will take her to that, as DS has a doctor's appointment for his skin condition. Hope it helps, as that situation is getting bad again. Not sure what dinner will be for DS and myself. DH and DD are sharing a pizza before Rainbow..... so much for the veggie-loaded baked pasta I had planned!:rotfl:

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P

:hug: Hope that everything is okay, Pamela. Great job avoiding adding to the problem by overeating. :thumbsup2

Is it tomorrow or Friday your birthday? :cool2:

My PM box has been cleaned out, so please try sending again. Sorry folks!

Hope that you are feeling better!
Lisa -- A konk cooler is a frozen rum drink that they make on the DCL ships and at Serenity Bay, that adult beach at Castaway Cay.

Here is the recipe I found on allearsnet !!!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

Mix in blender until slushy.

Makes enough to fill a Disney Cruise Line drink glass... and then some!

Yum! Thanks, Cam, for telling me and sharing the recipe! :goodvibes
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