Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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QOTD: I am really looking forward to this weeks weigh in. It's time for me to pull out all the stops this week and go for a big number. I am so close to goal I can taste it. I have an outside competition going on with some friends as too who can lose the biggest percentage of body fat before our upcoming cruise. The weigh in is 3 weeks from now and I'm in second place and that's not good enough. If I pull big numbers over the next few weeks I should be able to win. The biggest win of all will be that I will be back to my goal weight and I will wear it proud on that cruise.
Congrats on all those who had a graduation, recital and new puppy.

My ds2 graduated two years ago. It has been an adjustment for dh and I but at the same time it is a lot of fun. I know a few couples who are very worried about it. We have a lot to do together and we also have things we do apart.

Ds2 is away for most of the summer. He came home for Memorial Day and is coming home this weekend. He wants to know if we can do a family movie night on Friday to see Toy Story 3

Haven't done much today. Went grocery shopping and put a turkey breast into my crockpot. Have to make a run to the mall to pick up somethings. I also should look for Father's Day presents.

Have a great evening everyone.
Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running.

I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :)

Silver lining.... :)
I've been having an emotional day. It was difficult to say goodbye to our minister. I feel very emotional still and have pretty much eaten all of my calories for the day. We're watching the AUS vs GER soccer match now. I'm just feeling very down. I got out a few tears but not enough I think as I still feel I could burst into tears at any moment! Just going to take it easy today and if the weather improves later DD1 and I will take a walk. For dinner I'll just make my strawberry smoothie. I have to get more strawberries tomorrow as I'm almost out!:scared1:

Weather hasn't helped my mood either:sad1: OK, done whining. I think I'll just watch the game and try to just relax the rest of the day.
I've been having an emotional day. It was difficult to say goodbye to our minister. I feel very emotional still and have pretty much eaten all of my calories for the day. We're watching the AUS vs GER soccer match now. I'm just feeling very down. I got out a few tears but not enough I think as I still feel I could burst into tears at any moment! Just going to take it easy today and if the weather improves later DD1 and I will take a walk. For dinner I'll just make my strawberry smoothie. I have to get more strawberries tomorrow as I'm almost out!:scared1:

Weather hasn't helped my mood either:sad1: OK, done whining. I think I'll just watch the game and try to just relax the rest of the day.

:hug: I'm sorry Tracey. Feel better.:hug:
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I have Monday and Tuesday off with ds since his school year ended last Friday. I am finally taking him to see the new Shrek movie on Tuesday. We've wanted to go, but our weekends have just been too busy. I'm hoping for a very funny movie!

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before. I want to run another 6 tomorrow, we'll see how my legs are doing. Of course, I had a big bowl of popcorn this afternoon which probably negated all my efforts...all the more reason to try to run again tomorrow. Or maybe take a day off. I'm pretty committed to doing another 10M on Tuesday since I'll have the time, so I may take tomorrow off with that in mind.

Maria :upsidedow
I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.
I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

we have all had bad days....weekend... weeks and years.... Call a "do over".... and start over:grouphug:
I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

I feel the same way! But tomorrow is a new day and a new start!

As I mentioned my minister's last day at our church was today and it was very emotional. She gave everyone in the congregation a wooden robin's egg to say that this is not the end but a new beginning of life! I'm going to remember that when I have a bad day! I can always make a fresh start. I need one after this weekend. I ended up having Velveeta Shells and cheese with the family for supper! I also really want a chocolate frappe! I've eaten nothing healthy all day. I don't think I will get on the scale for a few days. (All of you know me and find that hard to believe. Let's see if I stick to that this time.)I think this has been worse for me than Memorial Day weekend!

But tomorrow is a new day! A new beginning! I feel like tomorrow will be a fresh start and I will feel better after my walk in the morning. Hopefully the weather is improving as it's been pretty crummy here since yesterday afternoon. It feels like this has been a never ending weekend! Field Day tomorrow so I should get a bit of a workout then too!
thanks for the well wishes!!

This is not the week to be sick either. I have 30 kids to photograph for Graduation, awards ceremony on Wed (DS13 and DS9 are both getting awards!!), and graduation on Thursday.

I guess it's better this week then the week at WDW (again) but still, why me?!?!
just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

So I probably won't be around much this week, with the last week of school. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.

I'll be gone to WDW from June 26- July 4 but I might pop in via eticket.
Happy graduation and feel better!:goodvibes

Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running.

I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :)

Silver lining.... :)
Any day without bird poop is a good day!:rotfl:

I have Monday and Tuesday off with ds since his school year ended last Friday. I am finally taking him to see the new Shrek movie on Tuesday. We've wanted to go, but our weekends have just been too busy. I'm hoping for a very funny movie!

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before. I want to run another 6 tomorrow, we'll see how my legs are doing. Of course, I had a big bowl of popcorn this afternoon which probably negated all my efforts...all the more reason to try to run again tomorrow. Or maybe take a day off. I'm pretty committed to doing another 10M on Tuesday since I'll have the time, so I may take tomorrow off with that in mind.

Maria :upsidedow

Maria--that is a lot of miles! I am so in awe!

I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.
Everybody has days like this. Hormones are so hard to manage sometimes. I have been doing pms for days now. Last night I had movie popcorn for dinner. Only popcorn, nothing else. Lots of popcorn.;) (no butter at least) Hang in there. Try to get some exercise tomorrow, I find that always helps.:hug:

I think I've created a monster!;) DH has been on the WISH boards on and off for the last couple of weeks, since we've been talking about the Wine & Dine half. I saw today that he posted what people thought about running the Myrtle Beach 1/2 3 weeks after the Wine & Dine.:scared1: He asked me if I thought we could do it, and I really didn't think he was serious. I am glad he's enjoying the WISH boards. Makes me feel less guilty if he's on his laptop at the same time!

I'm feeling better. Don't know where the cranky came from. We did some gardening today and floated in the pool. We also paid our registration for the Wine & Dine and bought our plane tickets, so I guess it's official. I asked DS again today if he was going to come, and he said--of course Mom, I wouldn't miss it. Made me feel good. He'll be hanging out at epcot, hopefully with a friend, waiting for us to finish. Too exciting.

We're also going to run a 10k on July 3rd hoping to get a time good enough to qualify for a better starting corral. (Don't know if I'm using the right terms.)

Hope everyone is having a good evening.:)
just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

I wondered about you this morning, for some odd reason. Guess you need some extra thoughts! Feel better soon, and take care!

QOTD: I am really looking forward to this weeks weigh in. It's time for me to pull out all the stops this week and go for a big number. I am so close to goal I can taste it.

You go girl!!!!!!! What an amazing feeling that must be!!

Ds2 is away for most of the summer. He came home for Memorial Day and is coming home this weekend. He wants to know if we can do a family movie night on Friday to see Toy Story 3

I hope my girls do things like that!!! How sweet!

Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running.

I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :)

Silver lining.... :)

:rotfl2: at the description and the silver lining. BUT OUCH!!! That so would have freaked me out!

I've been having an emotional day. It was difficult to say goodbye to our minister. I feel very emotional still and have pretty much eaten all of my calories for the day.

Whine away, get the tears out, you'll feel better! Hope you do soon!:hug:

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before.

Good grief!!! My legs would be rubber! I would probably take tomorrow off if you want a 10M Tuesday! Way to go Maria! :worship:

I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

Yeah, we all have those times. You definitely deserve to be here, and you'll be on a streak when someone is down, and pick them up! Start new on Monday!

I don't think I will get on the scale for a few days. (All of you know me and find that hard to believe. Let's see if I stick to that this time.)I think this has been worse for me than Memorial Day weekend!

Anybody want to take bets? :laughing: Hang in there Tracey!

Oh my that sounds good. I'm restricting myself to toast, water and wonton soup broth. I want real food!!!

After this weekend, wonton soup broth sounds good!

Well, a Sunday at Mom's, you know what that means! Actually, I didn't do too badly, lowfat turkey and cheese sandwich, then I ate more turkey and cheese rolled up in a lettuce leaf, then at dinner another turkey and cheese roll up, sprinkle in 3 chocolate chip cookies and a handful of peanut M&M's, and a LOT of cantalope and watermelon. Without the cookies and M&M's, the choices wouldn't have been that bad, but with all the fruit I feel VERY bloated and blah!

Our pastor did a sermon on heaven today. He showed images of different things the Bible mentions, new bodies, no tears, etc. The last one was our loved ones that have gone on before, and he put a huge picture of Daddy on the screen. I've been down ever since, even though I think it was meant to make us feel better.

It's starting to hit me that Sunday is Father's Day. When we booked our trip, we didn't look at an events calendar, just dates to make sure I would be out of school, etc. I am thinking it will be VERY good that we are checking in to WDW on Father's Day, I think a church service and being at home will be too much. Commercials got to me today, too.

That being said, please don't shy away from mentioning Father's Day on here, as it makes me glad for people to be close to their Daddys. And I know some of you aren't, and haven't been, so here are :hug: for you, since I consider myself a very, very blessed individual to have had such a wonderful relationship with mine.

Got that out of the way. I am trying to talk myself into increasing my long run to 6M, and doing it in the am. The girls are spending the night with Mom, and I have a workday at school tomorrow, but I'll still have a little more time. If I can get my tummy to cooperate, that is! Off to check my planner to find out what this hour of the day is supposed to hold.

Yet another book. I should just start a WISH journal to unload all this on. Sorry guys!
:rotfl2::rotfl2: FLipflopmom! Of course, I figured if I were to blow I will really blow it and get it out of my system. Just made DH and myself mint Irish cream frappes. But at least I made it with 1% milk and lite vanilla ice cream! I'm just in a funk today but life goes on and I will be better tomorrow!

Time to root on my Boston Celtics!!!!!!
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