Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.
I had a busy week last week, with stuff happening every evening, and wrapping up with my oldest nephew graduating from high school on Friday. He enjoyed his day of being the center of attention in the family. There was a big BBQ to celebrate after the ceremony. Lots of veggies available for eating :thumbsup2
Unfortunately, what I thought was bad allergies turned into a nasty headcold and I've spent most of the weekend in bed, but I'm starting feel better.
I only managed to get out and run one day last week, but I'm hoping my head clears up soon and I get back out there with week 2 of c25k.

Anyhow, before I head back to bed,
here's the list of people who haven't reported in yet for June 11th.

tea pot
uptown girl44
Tonight I spent rebuilding DHs bathing suit as he lost weight and shortening DS13's suit and a couple of pair of pants for the cruise.

I envy people with those talents! Good for you, it feels good to knock stuff off a to-do list!

Well, this probably isnt the place to admit this :rolleyes1, but on Friday on our way to the beach we're taking a detour to a famous doughnut shop and I am looking forward to it:

Carolina Beach, huh? I love those smaller NC beaches, so calm and pretty! And well, I am looking forward to WDW food, kinda ;), too! A treat every now and then, right!

For those who struggled this weekend, make a FRESH START first thing tomorrow morning and by Tuesday you will be feeling much better and more IN CONTROL!

Thanks P - I have a pjilla plan all in place for the week, so I hope I can feel in control.

I did get in a 40 minute workout including warm-up and cool-down. I am very happy about that. I also got in all my water for the day.

:cool1: Good for you!

Oh, I'm sorry, what's that you say? I was supposed to be watching what I was eating and making healthier choices this weekend??? Oh dear! Sigh.....

:rotfl2::lmao: You've got a plan in place! Stick to it!

I plan on eating better and walking everyday. I am thinking about doing the Princess 1/2 but I have this stupid mental block that even if I eat well and exercise I'll never lose any weight. I know that doesn't make sense, but since I think that way I tend to self sabotage after 3-4 days of a healthier lifestyle.

We are definitely here to help each other!

[I came back on while I wait for the last load of laundry to dry. I'm worried our dryer is dying! I've had to put things through twice the last few loads and we really can't afford a new dryer right now!!!!! UGH!!!!! We need to win the lottery!!!!!!!

Tracey, my dryer started acting up like that a few months ago, and it turned out there was a LOT of lint in there. I clean the screen, but a bunch had piled up under the screen. A clothes hanger, some gymnastics, a bunch of lint out, and it was back in working order. Try checking in hidden places for lint build up!

Tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to it. I feel SO much better (and in control) when I'm making healthy choices and not just shoving anything/everything into my face. :headache:

Well said! :thumbsup2
Hi everyone! :wave2:
I have been doing well this weekend with food. I used to use WW online, but I wasn't using it enough for the cost so I started using Sparkpeople and really like it so far. I try to walk often but switched shoes Friday and now have a big blister on the back of my heal. OUCH! :mad: I am going to try to get a pair of Payless's version of the Shape-Up shoes to see how those work out.

Hey there! I'm working on my master's degree, so I know what you mean!

Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.
Unfortunately, what I thought was bad allergies turned into a nasty headcold and I've spent most of the weekend in bed, but I'm starting feel better.
I only managed to get out and run one day last week, but I'm hoping my head clears up soon and I get back out there with week 2 of c25k.

Busy times, we understand. Hoping you continue to feel better soon!

Okay, I am totally agreeing with your theory on salt. My fingers look like sausages today, could hardly get my wedding ring off this morning, and it usually falls off at least once a day b/c it is too big now. Had a little coffee, going for a run in a few minutes, hoping all that will help get it off!

After my run, I have to take out the trash, and get ready for a workday. Time to see how much I can accomplish in 2 hours and 15 minutes!

Have a great day!
Hi everyone! :wave2:

It's been a while since I have posted. Just finished my online schooling and can now devote more time to keeping up on the posts. I had 21 pages to read when I got up this morning. :scared1:

A little about myself. My name is Dawn and I am 35. I have been married for almost 15 years (on the 17th). No children of my own, but I have an almost-21-year-old step-daughter. I have been overweight most of my life and know, due to medical problems, that I NEED to get the weight off. I had back surgery last October for a slipped disk. Not fun. I also have high blood pressure and am hoping to be able to get off of the medication. I love Disney and am going to Disney World this December for the first time!! (Well, I went to MK for 1/2 day back in 1998). I live in California, so I have been to DL a lot of times. I am sure I will think of more to add as time goes on. :goodvibes
I also am VERY happy that the Celtics won tonight! :cool1: I may be from California, but I am NOT a Lakers fan. DH is from the New England area so I LOVE the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox. Don't get to watch hockey out here, otherwise I am sure I would be watching the Bruins too. :goodvibes

I have been doing well this weekend with food. I used to use WW online, but I wasn't using it enough for the cost so I started using Sparkpeople and really like it so far. I try to walk often but switched shoes Friday and now have a big blister on the back of my heal. OUCH! :mad: I am going to try to get a pair of Payless's version of the Shape-Up shoes to see how those work out.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

WOOHOO Celtics!!!! When are you going in December? I'll be there Dec. 1-9! Hoping to meet up with a few others the week I'm there!
Just back from my 2.7 mile walk! It's gorgeous this morning! Saw the swans again but they were off in the distance!

Not going to go near the scale until at least Wednesday! I PROMISE!

Time to get DD1 moving! Field Day!!!
one word--salt. Didn't you have pizza? I had a small order of fries Friday night and was up 2.2 on Saturday. It was gone today. Surprisingly, the popcorn didn't do it to me. But I was really good with the water yesterday after our long run, so i think that helped with the popcorn salt.

Good point about the salt! That happened to me 2 weeks ago! I was so good all week but that one night of too much salt really did me in for the week!

I'm climbing back on the healthy wagon tomorrow!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!! NO MORE FOOLING AROUND!

Salt! I didn't even think of that. So true. I had a similar experience as Rose not too long ago myself.

We did a ton of housework today in prep for our party next Sunday. I also went shopping with DS13 and DH :headache: Tonight I spent rebuilding DHs bathing suit as he lost weight and shortening DS13's suit and a couple of pair of pants for the cruise. I'm working hard at picking projects off my to do list. Of course there is tons more to do, but staying so busy is keeping me from eating. I have to force myself to stop and eat.


QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Well, this probably isnt the place to admit this :rolleyes1, but on Friday on our way to the beach we're taking a detour to a famous doughnut shop and I am looking forward to it:

I think it was flipflopmom that said that you have to make changes that you can live with long-term and if a donut once and while works for you, than no problem. :)

Just hopping on to say good night to all! I hope you all have a super week. For those who struggled this weekend, make a FRESH START first thing tomorrow morning and by Tuesday you will be feeling much better and more IN CONTROL!

I'm off to check on the shower status of my kids... belly is grumbling with hunger, so obviously not enough dinner. Maybe some micro popcorn before bed?? TTYT................P

Starting fresh is a great feeling! :goodvibes Thanks for the reminder!

Oh, I'm sorry, what's that you say? I was supposed to be watching what I was eating and making healthier choices this weekend??? Oh dear! Sigh.....

Tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new day! Slimfast for breakfast (because I really don't care about breakfast, but I know it's important to have something, and that's easy), Lean Cuisine for lunch, make dinner at home. Back on track, that's what I'll be! Let's plan on it anyway.

I know making a plan helps me. :goodvibes

Thanks for the welcome. I've been a long time lurker and enjoy seeing how supportive everyone is to each other. I recently went thru some health scares (everything turned out ok) and know that if I don't lose some weight and get healthy, that I won't be so lucky next time.
I plan on eating better and walking everyday. I am thinking about doing the Princess 1/2 but I have this stupid mental block that even if I eat well and exercise I'll never lose any weight. I know that doesn't make sense, but since I think that way I tend to self sabotage after 3-4 days of a healthier lifestyle.
So, I'm hoping that with some support and posting with others in the same situation it might help.

The support here has helped me a lot. I was just posting a few days ago how I am actually up since the last challenge (I stress eat and binge), but I feel so much better about myself and my weight because of the support of my BL Dis friends.

:hug:I think everyone has felt that way at one time or another, and we all have to work on the self-sabotaging thoughts and food choices. :hug: You have come to a good place. If you put in the time and work you can do it and there will be lots of people here to cheer you on!:cheer2:


LMDisneygirl--tomorrow is a new day! You can do it!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Hmmmm....????? Well, you all know me and my daily treat: handful of M&Ms and my weekend treat: flavored white Russians...(had way too many this weekend) I'm going to try and start eating more fruits again. I was eating a lot of clementines awhile back. I love watermelon in the summer too. I need to figure out how to enjoy my weekend drink(s) and not put on 2 pounds every weekend. I'm hoping being really busy this week will help me get back on track. I will eat smart instead of dangerously with this crazy schedule. I have already decided to order pizza on Tuesday for the girls. I'm going to order something healthier for me to have! I may just get myself a chicken Caesar salad wrap. I'll decide Tuesday. I try and plan way too far ahead sometimes.

I came back on while I wait for the last load of laundry to dry. I'm worried our dryer is dying! I've had to put things through twice the last few loads and we really can't afford a new dryer right now!!!!! UGH!!!!! We need to win the lottery!!!!!!!

I love fruit! Clemintines are one of my favorites too. Supposedly 2 small ones are 0.5 points, but I'm sure I buy that. Pjlla? And, planning ahead, why not? Thanks for the reminder to do that.

At this point, seeing the scale coming down is treat enough for me.

I love it! :cool1:

Tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to it. I feel SO much better (and in control) when I'm making healthy choices and not just shoving anything/everything into my face. :headache:


Hi everyone! :wave2:

It's been a while since I have posted. Just finished my online schooling and can now devote more time to keeping up on the posts. I had 21 pages to read when I got up this morning. :scared1:

A little about myself. My name is Dawn and I am 35. I have been married for almost 15 years (on the 17th). No children of my own, but I have an almost-21-year-old step-daughter. I have been overweight most of my life and know, due to medical problems, that I NEED to get the weight off. I had back surgery last October for a slipped disk. Not fun. I also have high blood pressure and am hoping to be able to get off of the medication. I love Disney and am going to Disney World this December for the first time!! (Well, I went to MK for 1/2 day back in 1998). I live in California, so I have been to DL a lot of times. I am sure I will think of more to add as time goes on. :goodvibes
I also am VERY happy that the Celtics won tonight! :cool1: I may be from California, but I am NOT a Lakers fan. DH is from the New England area so I LOVE the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox. Don't get to watch hockey out here, otherwise I am sure I would be watching the Bruins too. :goodvibes

I have been doing well this weekend with food. I used to use WW online, but I wasn't using it enough for the cost so I started using Sparkpeople and really like it so far. I try to walk often but switched shoes Friday and now have a big blister on the back of my heal. OUCH! :mad: I am going to try to get a pair of Payless's version of the Shape-Up shoes to see how those work out.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Welcome! Glad you introduced yourself! Lots of people here use Sparkpeople.

Okay, I've been away from the thread all week, and will hopefully get all caught up tomorrow evening.
I had a busy week last week, with stuff happening every evening, and wrapping up with my oldest nephew graduating from high school on Friday. He enjoyed his day of being the center of attention in the family. There was a big BBQ to celebrate after the ceremony. Lots of veggies available for eating :thumbsup2
Unfortunately, what I thought was bad allergies turned into a nasty headcold and I've spent most of the weekend in bed, but I'm starting feel better.
I only managed to get out and run one day last week, but I'm hoping my head clears up soon and I get back out there with week 2 of c25k.

I was thinking about you this morning and going to post if anyone knew if you were A-OK. Feel better!

After my run, I have to take out the trash, and get ready for a workday. Time to see how much I can accomplish in 2 hours and 15 minutes!
Have a great day!

And I thought I was the only one who got up hours before I have to leave the house. Have a great day too!

Just back from my 2.7 mile walk!

Wasn't it you that said, "THE ENERGIZER BUNNY IS BACK!" :woohoo:
Good Morning!

I can see that many of us are up-and-a-tem this morning. I did not sleep well for the first time in weeks. I stayed in bed for a while and finally got up and showered. I did manage to get a few things done before I came on here, but no exercise. Yesterday, or even Saturday, I planned to go to the gym tonight, so I WILL stick to that plan!

I'll be back on later, probably after my trip to the gym!

Happy Monday!
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I need to have chocolate, a new favorite is WW dark choc raspberry ice cream bars.
Back from my run. Did 5.25. Was going for 6, but around mile 3 my knee starting hurting, and the week before a WDW trip is NOT the time to push it too hard. Feeling good now, a little tender.

QOTD: my treat? I dunno. There is nothing I want consistently, just a taste of something every now and then. Or a bigger calorie meal, like pizza (just not in such mass quantities) every few weeks.

Have to share quickly - last night DH and I were watching losing it w/ Jillian as we were plotting for our trip. I said "I wonder if she would come here and help me", DH informed me that there are people that need her a lot more than I do, yada yada. Then "I am so proud of what you have done on your own. I don't know anyone that could lose 55 pounds without some sort of itemized plan, group meetings, etc." My reply "Thanks, but why do you think I've spent so much time on Dis? That's my key." He laughed a bit, and said "your disney obsession doesn't play into that time??" :laughing:

Thank you guys:hug: I hope you all have a dancing banana,:banana: sodium free ;):sad2:popcorn::, exercise:yay:, veggie:thumbsup2, journaling:idea:, and water filled day!:hippie:

Back from my run. Did 5.25. Was going for 6, but around mile 3 my knee starting hurting, and the week before a WDW trip is NOT the time to push it too hard. Feeling good now, a little tender.

QOTD: my treat? I dunno. There is nothing I want consistently, just a taste of something every now and then. Or a bigger calorie meal, like pizza (just not in such mass quantities) every few weeks.

Have to share quickly - last night DH and I were watching losing it w/ Jillian as we were plotting for our trip. I said "I wonder if she would come here and help me", DH informed me that there are people that need her a lot more than I do, yada yada. Then "I am so proud of what you have done on your own. I don't know anyone that could lose 55 pounds without some sort of itemized plan, group meetings, etc." My reply "Thanks, but why do you think I've spent so much time on Dis? That's my key." He laughed a bit, and said "your disney obsession doesn't play into that time??" :laughing:

Thank you guys:hug: I hope you all have a dancing banana,:banana: sodium free ;):sad2:popcorn::, exercise:yay:, veggie:thumbsup2, journaling:idea:, and water filled day!:hippie:


:lmao: Your dh is great! I didn't think about a Disney obsession being healthy.;)
Just back from my 2.7 mile walk! It's gorgeous this morning! Saw the swans again but they were off in the distance!

Not going to go near the scale until at least Wednesday! I PROMISE!

Time to get DD1 moving! Field Day!!!

Okay - starting a pool on when Tracey will actually get on the scale - I'm choosing today at 6:30 pm - anyone else in? :rotfl: Sorry Tracey couldn't resist! ;) :hug:

I wish we had your's another humid humid allergy filled day here. :( Yesterday I took the dogs for a walk and after 15 minutes they were laying down in the shade, poor things. Today I'll plan a short outdoor walk and some indoor activities for myself. Sadly cleaning must be one of them!:laundy: At least I'll be moving right? ;)
:lmao: Your dh is great! I didn't think about a Disney obsession being healthy.;)

If I weren't obsessed with Disney, I wouldn't be on Disboards, which means I never would have found you guys. It's definitely a healthy thing. :lmao:

Okay - starting a pool on when Tracey will actually get on the scale - I'm choosing today at 6:30 pm - anyone else in? :rotfl: Sorry Tracey couldn't resist! ;) :hug:

I wish we had your's another humid humid allergy filled day here. :(

I'm in - I'm guessing tomorrow am, P, since you weigh less in the am! ;) It's very humid here already, had a hard time getting those dep inhales when I ran. Of course, that made me start rethinking my plan to run a few am's in WDW. Talk about humid! :scared1:

Now, I am really going to work!
I was away all day yesterday for my kids dance recital. It was a really fun day but a long one! For all of you who followed along with my job situation last week, thanks again for all the support. I still feel bad that I didn't get the job iI wanted but it is time to begin to focus on moving forward. I had a horrible week of eating and discovered I am a pro at finding reasons for over eating. From saying I deserve to eat because I ran a 1/2 marathon to I am so emotional I need to eat to just one more day and I will be back on track...the excuses are all there. No excuses today...a plan of action and back on track.

Time to catch up on some of what I missed yesterday...

I've been having an emotional day. It was difficult to say goodbye to our minister. I feel very emotional still and have pretty much eaten all of my calories for the day. We're watching the AUS vs GER soccer match now. I'm just feeling very down. I got out a few tears but not enough I think as I still feel I could burst into tears at any moment! Just going to take it easy today and if the weather improves later DD1 and I will take a walk. For dinner I'll just make my strawberry smoothie. I have to get more strawberries tomorrow as I'm almost out!:scared1:

:hug: Sounds like it was a difficult goodbye for you. I hope you are feeling better today.

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before. I want to run another 6 tomorrow, we'll see how my legs are doing. Of course, I had a big bowl of popcorn this afternoon which probably negated all my efforts...all the more reason to try to run again tomorrow. Or maybe take a day off. I'm pretty committed to doing another 10M on Tuesday since I'll have the time, so I may take tomorrow off with that in mind.

Maria - I am tired just reading about all your running. You are going to inspire me to get going again and put in some serious miles.

I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

:hug: You totally deserve to hang with all of us. Just look at all the postings of people who need a "do over". Today is a new day.

As I mentioned my minister's last day at our church was today and it was very emotional. She gave everyone in the congregation a wooden robin's egg to say that this is not the end but a new beginning of life! I'm going to remember that when I have a bad day! I can always make a fresh start. I need one after this weekend. I ended up having Velveeta Shells and cheese with the family for supper! I also really want a chocolate frappe! I've eaten nothing healthy all day. I don't think I will get on the scale for a few days. (All of you know me and find that hard to believe. Let's see if I stick to that this time.)I think this has been worse for me than Memorial Day weekend!

I like the visual of the egg...we all need to think about how this is a new life for us all.

Our pastor did a sermon on heaven today. He showed images of different things the Bible mentions, new bodies, no tears, etc. The last one was our loved ones that have gone on before, and he put a huge picture of Daddy on the screen. I've been down ever since, even though I think it was meant to make us feel better.

It's starting to hit me that Sunday is Father's Day. When we booked our trip, we didn't look at an events calendar, just dates to make sure I would be out of school, etc. I am thinking it will be VERY good that we are checking in to WDW on Father's Day, I think a church service and being at home will be too much. Commercials got to me today, too.

That being said, please don't shy away from mentioning Father's Day on here, as it makes me glad for people to be close to their Daddys. And I know some of you aren't, and haven't been, so here are :hug: for you, since I consider myself a very, very blessed individual to have had such a wonderful relationship with mine.

Got that out of the way. I am trying to talk myself into increasing my long run to 6M, and doing it in the am.

Taryn - :hug: about how you feel about your dad. I think that even though it the images was suppose to make you feel good, it would be hard. It sounds like you and your father were very close. :hug:

Good luck with you long run! I think you will find that you can easily do the 6M! :thumbsup2

For me, it is some kind of dessert at least a few times a week. It can be a 1-2 point Skinny Cow/WW Dessert or a cookie that I can eat. Really just about anything that is similar in some way to a dessert menu at a restaurant.

I love this idea! I think knowing I am getting a dessert would make me feel so much happier about the dieting.

Oh, I'm sorry, what's that you say? I was supposed to be watching what I was eating and making healthier choices this weekend??? Oh dear! Sigh.....

As you said...tomorrow is a new day!

I plan on eating better and walking everyday. I am thinking about doing the Princess 1/2 but I have this stupid mental block that even if I eat well and exercise I'll never lose any weight. I know that doesn't make sense, but since I think that way I tend to self sabotage after 3-4 days of a healthier lifestyle.
So, I'm hoping that with some support and posting with others in the same situation it might help.

There are a bunch of us here who are planning on doing the Princess 1/2 and I think with a plan and a healthier lifestyle you could totally do it.

You will find tons of support here!

here's the list of people who haven't reported in yet for June 11th....


Sorry! I have not been doing so good at reporting in on time this challenge. I think I get so caught up with recording all the COW data that I forget. Thanks for the reminder and I promise to do better! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Well, I'm back after taking a break this weekend. I don't know what happened, but I just fell into this relentless exhaustion and basically did nothing but sleep, eat and watch TV all weekend! I must have needed the sleep because I'm feeling a good bit better today and feeling more like myself. So, back on the wagon for me.

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I love the single serving ice cream packages that Edy's makes. They're all so good and it helps me not overdo it in the portion sizes. I've also occasionally found some single serving sizes in Hershey ice cream, but the store sells out of them quickly.
I woke up naseaus this morning, but no time to consider being ill. I've made 4 dozen cookies (not tempted to snack on them with a tummy ache :thumbsup2) Now I need to get out of the house to pick up class trip supplies then I'm chaperoning a field trip for my 1st grader, if it doesn't rain.
Good morning everyone!! This thread is hopping, and once again I feel like I can't catch up. I did 3.1 miles this morning in 48 min, which is very slow to some of you, but it's ok for me. I haven't been getting my 3 days a week, and I think that's why I haven't been able to pick up any speed. Now that school is almost out, I'm going to make that 3 day a week commitment.

Taryn- :hug: Hugs to you on the service yesterday, and fathers day coming up. I know how hard these special days are, and so much harder since you were so close to your daddy. I hope lots of your wonderful memories will help you through these days, and I know he will be with you in spirit on your disney trip. My dad's been gone 15 years now, but fathers day is always emotional. We were very close, and I think I was his favorite child.;)

I agree with all the salt talk. Definitely sodium retention, and bowel habits can contribute to weight gains on a day to day basis. I kow they say not to weigh daily, but I do, and like today, I am up 3 pounds, but had pizza and cesear salad yesterday, but I know I didn't eat 3 pounds worth, so I ride it out and try not to get stressed over it. Unfortunately, I've been doing this long enough now to know when it's an accurate gain or not.

:grouphug: Hugs to everyone who's feeling under the weather, hope you're feeling better soon.

Have a happy, healthy day.
I have two. My son's field trip to a local park with the parents in the morning. We were teasing him and a friend saying we were going to wear tshirts with pictures of them on them and we're going to sing a song about how much we love our boys.:rotfl: I also have my first 5K on wednesday evening!:scared1: I know I can do it, and I'll remember, dead last finish beats did not finish, trumps did not start. I'm a little nervous, but happy it's an all womens race.

Good luck on your 5K Wednesday! I know you'll do great! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to one of these with you after the princess!!! Maybe two, we'll have just run/walked 13.1 miles, right.;)

We will definitely deserve a drink or two after the Princess!!! princess: I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the Welch Dragon in England is a traditional after marathon drink. That is one of those important details that we need to be be figuring out! ;)

pjlla hope the kitchen turns out great! I don't use FB myself so I have no help to give you but will be interested to hear what others have to say.

I am looking forward to getting a puppy this week!! Probably tomorrow! Lord Stanley Byfuglien (Stan for short)! I can't wait! Oh, and on Wednesday my oldest son turns 22... (I can't believe I will have a 22 year old and a 3 year old... what was I thinking?). On Thursday I am going to take the kids down to Chicago to see their brother and we will take him out to lunch. On Friday my step-daughter moves in with us for a month. On Monday I have to have blood work done and on Tuesday I have to have a mammogram... not looking to that so much. ;)

Ooo! A new puppy! How fun! Be sure and post pics, please! :goodvibes

just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

So I probably won't be around much this week, with the last week of school. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.

I'll be gone to WDW from June 26- July 4 but I might pop in via eticket.

:wave2: Hi Buffy! Have a wonderful time at WDW!

QOTD: I am really looking forward to this weeks weigh in. It's time for me to pull out all the stops this week and go for a big number. I am so close to goal I can taste it. I have an outside competition going on with some friends as too who can lose the biggest percentage of body fat before our upcoming cruise. The weigh in is 3 weeks from now and I'm in second place and that's not good enough. If I pull big numbers over the next few weeks I should be able to win. The biggest win of all will be that I will be back to my goal weight and I will wear it proud on that cruise.

You can do it! :cheer2:

Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running. I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :) Silver lining.... :)

::yes:: That is a good run when you don't get pooped on! :rotfl2:

I have Monday and Tuesday off with ds since his school year ended last Friday. I am finally taking him to see the new Shrek movie on Tuesday. We've wanted to go, but our weekends have just been too busy. I'm hoping for a very funny movie!

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before. I want to run another 6 tomorrow, we'll see how my legs are doing. Of course, I had a big bowl of popcorn this afternoon which probably negated all my efforts...all the more reason to try to run again tomorrow. Or maybe take a day off. I'm pretty committed to doing another 10M on Tuesday since I'll have the time, so I may take tomorrow off with that in mind.

Maria :upsidedow

Wow! You are a running machine! Enjoy your time with DS. :flower3:

I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

Nah, this is the perfect place to hang after you've had a bad week-end. :grouphug: Next week, new start, what's happened is past now. Forgive yourself and move forward.

we have all had bad days....weekend... weeks and years.... Call a "do over".... and start over:grouphug:


:hug:, tigger813, hope that you are feeling better today!

Wow! You guys were so busy yesterday it will take another post to catch up! :goodvibes
Hey, just a note for Shannon -- I am late and tried to PM my weight, but your mailbox is seems like we haven't heard from you in awhile, I hope everything is ok...:grouphug:

Off to get ds evaluated at the Orthodontist. I decided I'm definitely not running today, but I am definitely doing yoga. I'll be back later to answer the QOTD...

Maria :upsidedow
Hey LUVBALOO~~~ Clean out your mailbox please...I am late turning in my weigh in but it won't let me get it to you!

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