Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I would love to join if it's not too late. I have well over 100 lbs to lose and need all the support I can get.

Sure you can join us at anytime. Welcome Aboard. After you have completed 10 posts you can PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo. Good Luck.
I would love to join if it's not too late. I have well over 100 lbs to lose and need all the support I can get.

Welcome aboard!!!!! Let us all know if you have any questions! We are always happy to help! If you haven't done so already, read the first page for all the details of the challenge! Glad you've joined us for this adventure!!!!!
And remember that you need to eat 3500 calories in excess to gain one pound.

I meant to quote this earlier, b/c it has stuck in my head. But I forgot. If this is true, why is it that Friday I ate 500 calories over, and my weight was up 2 pounds?????? This is what my body does to me. My goal range for weight loss, according to sparkpeople, is 1200-1500, and if I get closer to 1300, no loss. If I go over 1500, I gain. Is this metabolism related, or am I a weirdo that needs to be under 1200 to lose. At 1200, I can lose about 1 -3 pounds a week, that's with running 9-12 miles during the week.

Any ideas?:confused3
Back from my grandparents. Time to catch up.

So proud of you CC!!!!!!!


I did so much commenting, I decided to start a new post for my own ramblings. :rotfl2: I have a lot to get off my chest this am! SORRY IN ADVANCE!

#1. Class was awful! There is one brown-noser, know it all, that simply has to interject after each one of the professor's comments "You could also.... or What I do.... and I do it this way".... Seriously. She takes up soooo much time, that he keeps saying "we didn't get to this today. We'll do it next weekend" about EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hello. I have a trip to go on when class is over! If someone doesn't shut her up, I just might! :mad::laughing:

#2. I was sooo bad last night. I am ashamed to even admit it. I went WAAYYY overboard on supreme pizza, (4 slices) :scared1:THEN HAD A SMALL ICE CREAM SUNDAE! I was starving all day, seriously eating a little something I had packed every couple of hours. I know I was way under on calories a few days last week, I guess my body needed to catch up, but not that much!

I tried to tell myself that if this is the lifestyle I am going to maintain for next 40-50 years hopefully, then it is unrealistic to think I will never eat something bad for me, or overeat. I was fussing about it, and how I just gained 3-4pounds, and DH said "there is no way that you will gain more than half a pound" HE just doesn't get it! Then he started in on me about how he doesn't want me to lose anymore again. :headache:

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.

Sorry everyone! I just need to vent! As for the QOTD: I am looking forward to 3 good runs this week, packing and planning, getting class stuff done, and getting on the road to WDW!!!!! I have every hour of every day planned, no joke!

Have a great Sunday!

Hope you had a great day today! I too am struggling to decide on my goal weight. Someone once suggested something similar to your QOTD last week: Write out 10 good things about that day right before you go to bed. It really helped me. Just a thought that might help keep you from making your fear of becoming obsessed a reality. I am, of course, not a professional. One of my friend's in college suggested that to me. The reason why escapes me. I was probably complaining too much about cafeteria food. :goodvibes to you!

oh taryn I feel your excitement of the upcoming week. Im so jealous. Hope your days go as planned and that the chatty kathy shuts up in your class so you can get out of class and on the road in time. As far as the obsession of your goal weight. Instead of obsessing on the number look at how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. If that is all good back off a little on the number. Those normal bmi and weight ranges sometimes can be a little off depending on your body structure. Exp: Even in high school when I was very very fit I was only a few pounds under the overweight category but I was no where close to being overweight. I have always been "big boned" for lack of a better term. Meaning I never will be stick thin. Im not sure if you are the same but for body structures like this the BMI ranges sometimes are not the only judge of a healthy weight.

Taryn-what she said! And, mommyof2Pirates: have a great trip and here's to achieving your goals before then!

Gonna have a Fiber PLUS bar for breakfast and my BL protein water. I know there will be a lot of "bad" stuff at church for the reception for the minister so I will eat light now. Gotta go to Joann's and buy some pillow forms and a pink t-shirt for DD2's preschool graduation shirt! I need to take something out for dinner later today. I really need to get moving. DH was up until 3:30 with bad indigestion last night so he's not going to church with us. Girls have been fed and I will run and take my shower after I get off here. I thought about taking a walk this morning and then it started raining. Maybe I can convince DD1 to take one with me this afternoon once it clears up.

No more procrastinating!

It's been so dreary here. So hoping the rain ends soon.

Well... our school year ends this week. DS ends on Wednesday and DD has her last two finals on Thursday. I am a substitute teacher, but I don't have any days booked for next week, so I am probably done for the year :cool1:. I plan on getting lots of "essentials" done while the kids are in school these last few days.... a big trip to the Goodwill, lots of housework, meals planning, some organizing/reorganizing, and a bit of redecorating (doing the kitchen in a "Mad Tea Party" theme!) Then I'll be really ready to relax a bit when school actually ends. My is this week and we are going to celebrate on Friday by going to see Toy Story 3!! Then, of course, we have Father's day. Still working on plans for that day.

I want to get a lot of scrapbooking done this summer. I was doing great earlier this year, but have been slacked off the last few months.

OH SHOOT!.... I just re-read the QOTD and noticed you asked for ONE THING!! Well... my one thing would be I am looking forward to a few days alone to catch up on stuff around the house!! Hard to stop me once I get rambling!

:rotfl:I always welcome details! I am one of those detail people myself. My parents wish I was otherwise. :rotfl2:

You sound like you would want to lose those 10 pounds, maybe 20 pounds. I think if you lose the 10 pounds, you should do a bit of maintaining at that point and see how it really feels to be that weight and if you do want to lose the next 10 pounds. There is nothing wrong with that and if you decided that you want to get rid of the whole 20 pounds, you can work towards that as well. One thing I am trying to do is to quit thinking of it as obsessing (that makes it feel like it is wrong for me to be thinking about losing more)...think of it like a class you have to take (a positive and new learning experience). Study the choices you make, learn new things and focus on your goal.

Great ideas/thoughts JenA!

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I can't list just one thing so you will have to read them all! :rotfl2: I am looking forward to going to the thrift store on Monday (always 25% off on Monday's and I need clothes that fit), trying new classes at the Y (I will put together a plan for the week a bit later), deep cleaning the living room (really the whole house needs it...but one room at a time will have to do), packing for the cabin and then going up north to relax for 4 days! :goodvibes

The dance recital went well last night. This morning I have to go buy flowers because DS makes mini bouquets for all the girls in his dance group. I also have to buy gift cards for the teachers. First recital is at 1:00 and second recital is at 5:00. After the recitals, we will probably go out with some of the families from the dance studio so I will not be around much today.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Hope you had a great day! Glad the recital went well!

No MRI update yet. He has it on the 24. We've got a ton of activities between now and then. Of course I'm already worried, but that's what Mama's do. Thanks for asking. I will definitely post as soon as we know anything.

Thanks for updating us. He is in my prayers.

Good morning everyone. I never did come back on last night, but had a nice afternoon. Ran/walked 2.7 miles, and then picked up the house a bit, went grocery shopping, and with the rest of my free time, I read some of Mousejunkies. I read it before, but I figured I'd read it again while I'm planning our august trip. I didn't use any flex points yesterday which is huge for me, though I used 22 on friday.;) Got to make them last the week.

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday!

Glad you had fun at the gala, and nice job staying on track through the day.


I have two. My son's field trip to a local park with the parents in the morning. We were teasing him and a friend saying we were going to wear tshirts with pictures of them on them and we're going to sing a song about how much we love our boys.:rotfl: I also have my first 5K on wednesday evening!:scared1: I know I can do it, and I'll remember, dead last finish beats did not finish, trumps did not start. I'm a little nervous, but happy it's an all womens race.

Good luck with your 5K!


So.... I've been thinking about getting a FB page to try and keep in better touch with extended family. DD ALWAYS knows the family news long before I do. My is coming up and this was going to be a good way to prove to myself that I can still keep up with the "young people" stuff! So DD is really excited and gets me all set up last night.

BUT IT IS SO WEIRD.... why do I want ALL OF THESE PEOPLE plus their friends and their friends friends, knowing my "status" at the moment and such. Like.... I was just on FB to start trying it out. Not a big deal that I see that a friend slept 12 hours last night. She coached a SO team this weekend, so she was wiped out. But really.... did I need to see every comment that her friends (most of whom I don't even know) made? And if I make a comment, do I really want all of her friends seeing it??

Make sense?? Clear as mud?? It really makes me think twice (or three times) about ANY comments I will make. I was hoping it would be a nice casual way to share family new/gossip.... but I don't really want it out there for everyone I've ever/never known to see.

When I post HERE, I KNOW it is possibly seen by anyone/everyone in the entire world. And as honest as I am, I do censor myself because of that. But I was thinking that FB would allow for a bit more "personal" conversation. And the "chat" is a PITA unless the other person is online at the same time.

I'll keep my FB page, but I don't think I will check it/use it very often.


Had a nice healthy breakfast and now I am procrastinating on the kitchen project. I am DREADING cleaning the greasy dusty mess above the kitchen cabinets.... ICK! I won't TELL YOU how many years it has been since I really cleaned up there!! Just the top of the fridge took three levels of wiping to clear the grease/dust... and that was AFTER I moved and washed my chicken collection (now in the consignment box... anyone else collect chickens?).

Well... I'll give myself until lunch time to chill and then I will attack the mess with a vengeance!................P

I, too, am very cautious about what I post on FB. I am a little less reluctant here because I don't use my actual name nor have I posted any pictures, but that being said, I completely understand what you are saying.
I meant to quote this earlier, b/c it has stuck in my head. But I forgot. If this is true, why is it that Friday I ate 500 calories over, and my weight was up 2 pounds?????? This is what my body does to me. My goal range for weight loss, according to sparkpeople, is 1200-1500, and if I get closer to 1300, no loss. If I go over 1500, I gain. Is this metabolism related, or am I a weirdo that needs to be under 1200 to lose. At 1200, I can lose about 1 -3 pounds a week, that's with running 9-12 miles during the week.

Any ideas?:confused3

That's confusing to me too! I know I don't eat over 3500 calories a day. I walk 6-10 miles a day plus other activities usually. Now, today is another story, as was the whole weekend!

DH just laid down on the couch. We have laundry all over the bed which we need to start folding! I guess I should get off the computer and get folding!
I meant to quote this earlier, b/c it has stuck in my head. But I forgot. If this is true, why is it that Friday I ate 500 calories over, and my weight was up 2 pounds?????? This is what my body does to me. My goal range for weight loss, according to sparkpeople, is 1200-1500, and if I get closer to 1300, no loss. If I go over 1500, I gain. Is this metabolism related, or am I a weirdo that needs to be under 1200 to lose. At 1200, I can lose about 1 -3 pounds a week, that's with running 9-12 miles during the week.

Any ideas?:confused3

one word--salt. Didn't you have pizza? I had a small order of fries Friday night and was up 2.2 on Saturday. It was gone today. Surprisingly, the popcorn didn't do it to me. But I was really good with the water yesterday after our long run, so i think that helped with the popcorn salt.
one word--salt. Didn't you have pizza? I had a small order of fries Friday night and was up 2.2 on Saturday. It was gone today. Surprisingly, the popcorn didn't do it to me. But I was really good with the water yesterday after our long run, so i think that helped with the popcorn salt.

Good point about the salt! That happened to me 2 weeks ago! I was so good all week but that one night of too much salt really did me in for the week!

I'm climbing back on the healthy wagon tomorrow!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!! NO MORE FOOLING AROUND!
We did a ton of housework today in prep for our party next Sunday. I also went shopping with DS13 and DH :headache: Tonight I spent rebuilding DHs bathing suit as he lost weight and shortening DS13's suit and a couple of pair of pants for the cruise. I'm working hard at picking projects off my to do list. Of course there is tons more to do, but staying so busy is keeping me from eating. I have to force myself to stop and eat.
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Well, this probably isnt the place to admit this :rolleyes1, but on Friday on our way to the beach we're taking a detour to a famous doughnut shop and I am looking forward to it:
Diet not going well with all the parties and all the leftovers. I threw out all the fattening leftovers this morning, but have lots of baggies of veggies left.

:yay: Way to start fresh! (No pun intended. :rotfl2:)

Morning all!

I think it is going to be a lazy day here and I am okay with that. :) I want to go for a run but I can't tell if it is going to rain or not. It's kind of gray out there.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I am looking forward to getting a puppy this week!! Probably tomorrow! Lord Stanley Byfuglien (Stan for short)! I can't wait! Oh, and on Wednesday my oldest son turns 22... (I can't believe I will have a 22 year old and a 3 year old... what was I thinking?). On Thursday I am going to take the kids down to Chicago to see their brother and we will take him out to lunch. On Friday my step-daughter moves in with us for a month. On Monday I have to have blood work done and on Tuesday I have to have a mammogram... not looking to that so much. ;)

A puppy! How wonderful! Have a great week! Hoping for good test results!

just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

So I probably won't be around much this week, with the last week of school. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.

I'll be gone to WDW from June 26- July 4 but I might pop in via eticket.

Enjoy your trip and feel better!

I don't collect chickens, but I do have stuff on top of the kitchen cabinets, and it's the only place that gets cleaned every year because I switch it out to christmas decorations every december. I have a collection salmon falls stoneware. I think it's from Dover, NH.

It is! I have a piece at the table on my right. Oh, and I used to live there.

The run with DN was good. We did run/walk intervals for 5.5 miles. She did great! We went a little slower than my recent pace, but still good.


DS's bf from home is leaving this morning to go see him for a week and dh and I went to the grocery and bought a bunch of food to send with him. Last time I sent money for groceries, DS bought new headphones.:eek: I am really ok with that, because he's on a full academic scholarship, even gets spending money so I don't mind spoiling him a little. I'm really missing him this week, not sure why. He comes home for a long weekend on the 24th, so looking forward to that.:goodvibes

You must be so proud of your son! Enjoy your visit with him!

QOTD: I am really looking forward to this weeks weigh in. It's time for me to pull out all the stops this week and go for a big number. I am so close to goal I can taste it. I have an outside competition going on with some friends as too who can lose the biggest percentage of body fat before our upcoming cruise. The weigh in is 3 weeks from now and I'm in second place and that's not good enough. If I pull big numbers over the next few weeks I should be able to win. The biggest win of all will be that I will be back to my goal weight and I will wear it proud on that cruise.

Good luck with your weigh-in this week!

My ds2 graduated two years ago. It has been an adjustment for dh and I but at the same time it is a lot of fun. I know a few couples who are very worried about it. We have a lot to do together and we also have things we do apart.

When my sister and I were both in college, my mom used to love when my dad took a business trip. I better understand why now. Thanks!

Just got back from running 5 miles... I was attacked by a red-wing blackbird while I was running.

I was a little tiffed at the bird... then I was thankful that it only attacked my head, and didn't poop on me. :)

Silver lining.... :)

Way to go on your run! So glad to hear that there was no poop involved. :rotfl:

I've been having an emotional day. It was difficult to say goodbye to our minister. I feel very emotional still and have pretty much eaten all of my calories for the day. We're watching the AUS vs GER soccer match now. I'm just feeling very down. I got out a few tears but not enough I think as I still feel I could burst into tears at any moment! Just going to take it easy today and if the weather improves later DD1 and I will take a walk. For dinner I'll just make my strawberry smoothie. I have to get more strawberries tomorrow as I'm almost out!:scared1:

Weather hasn't helped my mood either:sad1: OK, done whining. I think I'll just watch the game and try to just relax the rest of the day.

Thanks! I have scheduled my 5:30am walk with my neighbor tomorrow so that will get me going in the morning!

Sounds like tomorrow will be a better day already! Hoping so! :goodvibes

I ran 6M this morning before church. I usually do incline walking the day after my long run, but I don't think it's helping much, so I decided to try running. My legs are really feeling it, I've never done 16M in 2 days before. I want to run another 6 tomorrow, we'll see how my legs are doing. Of course, I had a big bowl of popcorn this afternoon which probably negated all my efforts...all the more reason to try to run again tomorrow. Or maybe take a day off. I'm pretty committed to doing another 10M on Tuesday since I'll have the time, so I may take tomorrow off with that in mind.

Maria :upsidedow

Since I'm still trying to be consistent with C25K, I am going to leave my comment at that. ;)

I must confess, I don't deserve to hang with you guys. My weekend has been horrible. :sad1: I blame it on the HORRIBLE case of PMS I have. I'm so mad at myself.

we have all had bad days....weekend... weeks and years.... Call a "do over".... and start over:grouphug:

I feel the same way! But tomorrow is a new day and a new start!

As I mentioned my minister's last day at our church was today and it was very emotional. She gave everyone in the congregation a wooden robin's egg to say that this is not the end but a new beginning of life! I'm going to remember that when I have a bad day! I can always make a fresh start. I need one after this weekend. I ended up having Velveeta Shells and cheese with the family for supper! I also really want a chocolate frappe! I've eaten nothing healthy all day. I don't think I will get on the scale for a few days. (All of you know me and find that hard to believe. Let's see if I stick to that this time.)I think this has been worse for me than Memorial Day weekend!

But tomorrow is a new day! A new beginning! I feel like tomorrow will be a fresh start and I will feel better after my walk in the morning. Hopefully the weather is improving as it's been pretty crummy here since yesterday afternoon. It feels like this has been a never ending weekend! Field Day tomorrow so I should get a bit of a workout then too!

we've all been there. Me, more times then I can count.

Call today a wash and start fresh tomorrow.


Ditto, ditto, and ditto, plus :hug:

I guess it's better this week then the week at WDW (again) but still, why me?!?!

You hit the nail on the head there!

I'm feeling better. Don't know where the cranky came from. We did some gardening today and floated in the pool. We also paid our registration for the Wine & Dine and bought our plane tickets, so I guess it's official. I asked DS again today if he was going to come, and he said--of course Mom, I wouldn't miss it. Made me feel good. He'll be hanging out at epcot, hopefully with a friend, waiting for us to finish. Too exciting.

We're also going to run a 10k on July 3rd hoping to get a time good enough to qualify for a better starting corral. (Don't know if I'm using the right terms.)

Hope everyone is having a good evening.:)

That is exciting! Good luck with your 10K in a few weeks!

Well, a Sunday at Mom's, you know what that means! Actually, I didn't do too badly, lowfat turkey and cheese sandwich, then I ate more turkey and cheese rolled up in a lettuce leaf, then at dinner another turkey and cheese roll up, sprinkle in 3 chocolate chip cookies and a handful of peanut M&M's, and a LOT of cantalope and watermelon. Without the cookies and M&M's, the choices wouldn't have been that bad, but with all the fruit I feel VERY bloated and blah!

Our pastor did a sermon on heaven today. He showed images of different things the Bible mentions, new bodies, no tears, etc. The last one was our loved ones that have gone on before, and he put a huge picture of Daddy on the screen. I've been down ever since, even though I think it was meant to make us feel better.

It's starting to hit me that Sunday is Father's Day. When we booked our trip, we didn't look at an events calendar, just dates to make sure I would be out of school, etc. I am thinking it will be VERY good that we are checking in to WDW on Father's Day, I think a church service and being at home will be too much. Commercials got to me today, too.

That being said, please don't shy away from mentioning Father's Day on here, as it makes me glad for people to be close to their Daddys. And I know some of you aren't, and haven't been, so here are :hug: for you, since I consider myself a very, very blessed individual to have had such a wonderful relationship with mine.

Got that out of the way. I am trying to talk myself into increasing my long run to 6M, and doing it in the am. The girls are spending the night with Mom, and I have a workday at school tomorrow, but I'll still have a little more time. If I can get my tummy to cooperate, that is! Off to check my planner to find out what this hour of the day is supposed to hold.

Yet another book. I should just start a WISH journal to unload all this on. Sorry guys!

I think you are right. Again, not a professional, just my opinion. Enjoy your time without the girls tonight.

I would love to join if it's not too late. I have well over 100 lbs to lose and need all the support I can get.

Welcome! Glad you found us! Please, introduce yourself. We've been talking about Facebook and privacy so, I feel compelled to mention that you can be as discrete as you want in introducing yourself. Again, welcome!

Sure you can join us at anytime. Welcome Aboard. After you have completed 10 posts you can PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo. Good Luck.

Welcome aboard!!!!! Let us all know if you have any questions! We are always happy to help! If you haven't done so already, read the first page for all the details of the challenge! Glad you've joined us for this adventure!!!!!

You may want to post questions/clarifications/comments/concerns, etc to get your count up so you PM LuvBaloo your starting weight this Friday, or earlier. We are a pretty active thread, so I would venture a guess that someone will respond quite quickly.

I meant to quote this earlier, b/c it has stuck in my head. But I forgot. If this is true, why is it that Friday I ate 500 calories over, and my weight was up 2 pounds?????? This is what my body does to me. My goal range for weight loss, according to sparkpeople, is 1200-1500, and if I get closer to 1300, no loss. If I go over 1500, I gain. Is this metabolism related, or am I a weirdo that needs to be under 1200 to lose. At 1200, I can lose about 1 -3 pounds a week, that's with running 9-12 miles during the week.

Any ideas?:confused3

Sorry, I can't be of much help. I am using WW online and counting points. I do know that spreading out my WPA/Flex points throughout the week works better for me than using a lot in one meal/day.

DH just laid down on the couch. We have laundry all over the bed which we need to start folding! I guess I should get off the computer and get folding!

Have a great night!
Just hopping on to say good night to all! I hope you all have a super week. For those who struggled this weekend, make a FRESH START first thing tomorrow morning and by Tuesday you will be feeling much better and more IN CONTROL!

I'm off to check on the shower status of my kids... belly is grumbling with hunger, so obviously not enough dinner. Maybe some micro popcorn before bed?? TTYT................P
Good Evening Everyone!

I had an okay day, considering I ate a meal at my grandmother's house and then a meal at my grandparents' house. I think I mentioned that they live very close to one another. I can walk from one house to the other in about 5 minutes. It ended up being a much busier day than I expected. I did get in a 40 minute workout including warm-up and cool-down. I am very happy about that. I also got in all my water for the day.

I am ready for bed so I will post tomorrow's QOTD now.

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

For me, it is some kind of dessert at least a few times a week. It can be a 1-2 point Skinny Cow/WW Dessert or a cookie that I can eat. Really just about anything that is similar in some way to a dessert menu at a restaurant.

Have a great day tomorrow everyone! I will try to post in the mornng, but I can't promise. Also, I shouldn't post from work, so you may not hear from me until later tomorrow night, especially if I go for my planned run on the treadmill at the gym. :goodvibes
Oh, I'm sorry, what's that you say? I was supposed to be watching what I was eating and making healthier choices this weekend??? Oh dear! Sigh.....

Tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new day! Slimfast for breakfast (because I really don't care about breakfast, but I know it's important to have something, and that's easy), Lean Cuisine for lunch, make dinner at home. Back on track, that's what I'll be! Let's plan on it anyway.
Thanks for the welcome. I've been a long time lurker and enjoy seeing how supportive everyone is to each other. I recently went thru some health scares (everything turned out ok) and know that if I don't lose some weight and get healthy, that I won't be so lucky next time.
I plan on eating better and walking everyday. I am thinking about doing the Princess 1/2 but I have this stupid mental block that even if I eat well and exercise I'll never lose any weight. I know that doesn't make sense, but since I think that way I tend to self sabotage after 3-4 days of a healthier lifestyle.
So, I'm hoping that with some support and posting with others in the same situation it might help.
Thanks for the welcome. I've been a long time lurker and enjoy seeing how supportive everyone is to each other. I recently went thru some health scares (everything turned out ok) and know that if I don't lose some weight and get healthy, that I won't be so lucky next time.
I plan on eating better and walking everyday. I am thinking about doing the Princess 1/2 but I have this stupid mental block that even if I eat well and exercise I'll never lose any weight. I know that doesn't make sense, but since I think that way I tend to self sabotage after 3-4 days of a healthier lifestyle.
So, I'm hoping that with some support and posting with others in the same situation it might help.

:hug:I think everyone has felt that way at one time or another, and we all have to work on the self-sabotaging thoughts and food choices. :hug: You have come to a good place. If you put in the time and work you can do it and there will be lots of people here to cheer you on!:cheer2:


LMDisneygirl--tomorrow is a new day! You can do it!
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Hmmmm....????? Well, you all know me and my daily treat: handful of M&Ms and my weekend treat: flavored white Russians...(had way too many this weekend) I'm going to try and start eating more fruits again. I was eating a lot of clementines awhile back. I love watermelon in the summer too. I need to figure out how to enjoy my weekend drink(s) and not put on 2 pounds every weekend. I'm hoping being really busy this week will help me get back on track. I will eat smart instead of dangerously with this crazy schedule. I have already decided to order pizza on Tuesday for the girls. I'm going to order something healthier for me to have! I may just get myself a chicken Caesar salad wrap. I'll decide Tuesday. I try and plan way too far ahead sometimes.

I came back on while I wait for the last load of laundry to dry. I'm worried our dryer is dying! I've had to put things through twice the last few loads and we really can't afford a new dryer right now!!!!! UGH!!!!! We need to win the lottery!!!!!!!
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Well... I haven't incorporated any food treats into my routine yet. At this point, seeing the scale coming down is treat enough for me.

I've seen several ladies voicing their frustration about the days when the scale is up after successful days of eating and exercising. I know how that feels and I would encourage you to NOT weigh yourself every day. I've done that before and if I had good weigh-in days, I would "coast" for a couple days and if I had less-than-good weigh-in days, I would start questioning whether it was worth even trying. Neither of these outcomes is helpful in reaching a long-term goal. Right now, I am weighing myself twice a week. Once on Monday, to keep me honest on the weekend, and once on Friday for our BL weigh-in. Over the past three weeks, I have been down each time except one Monday when I was even. I know it won't always happen that way, but taking three or four or even seven days between weigh-ins gives me a better chance of seeing what I need to see to keep me motivated. Anyway... there's no right or wrong frequency for weighing, but if you're spending too many days getting frustrated, it might be worth trying something different.
Man, I hate being sick!!

I hope you're feeling better soon!!! Being sick is a bummer. :sad2:

Tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to it. I feel SO much better (and in control) when I'm making healthy choices and not just shoving anything/everything into my face. :headache:
Hi everyone! :wave2:

It's been a while since I have posted. Just finished my online schooling and can now devote more time to keeping up on the posts. I had 21 pages to read when I got up this morning. :scared1:

A little about myself. My name is Dawn and I am 35. I have been married for almost 15 years (on the 17th). No children of my own, but I have an almost-21-year-old step-daughter. I have been overweight most of my life and know, due to medical problems, that I NEED to get the weight off. I had back surgery last October for a slipped disk. Not fun. I also have high blood pressure and am hoping to be able to get off of the medication. I love Disney and am going to Disney World this December for the first time!! (Well, I went to MK for 1/2 day back in 1998). I live in California, so I have been to DL a lot of times. I am sure I will think of more to add as time goes on. :goodvibes
I also am VERY happy that the Celtics won tonight! :cool1: I may be from California, but I am NOT a Lakers fan. DH is from the New England area so I LOVE the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox. Don't get to watch hockey out here, otherwise I am sure I would be watching the Bruins too. :goodvibes

I have been doing well this weekend with food. I used to use WW online, but I wasn't using it enough for the cost so I started using Sparkpeople and really like it so far. I try to walk often but switched shoes Friday and now have a big blister on the back of my heal. OUCH! :mad: I am going to try to get a pair of Payless's version of the Shape-Up shoes to see how those work out.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
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