Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Sat QOTD I love Starbuck's Chai tea but lately it has come across as too sweet. I also love Starbuck's iced green tea. After that I am a big water drinker.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Just getting through the last few days of classes before exams start on Friday. Seniors have rehersals and an early exam on Tues to Thursday so my days will be pretty quiet. A couple of classes will only have the juniors left so not a lot of students. They will be watching movies this week. One group has to finish UP and the other group are finishing up FLUBBER.

Have a great day everyone.
What I really deserve is a long and healthy life right? Have a good class Taryn!

You most definitely deserve a long and healthy life! Class, well, I'll address that later.:headache:

I hear a storm brewing outside... and I am so excited! I LOVE thunderstorms! I should have been a storm chaser!

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?

Coffee... Dunkin Donuts whole-bean-grind-at-home coffee. I love it. I only drink it on the weekends as a special treat... the rest of the week it's regular Maxwell House stuff... or something out of the Keurig box.

I kinda like storms, too. ;) As long as everyone is safe inside. I actually like to fall asleep during them. If they get tooo powerful, I get a little chicken! And coffee..... YUM!!!! :surfweb: I do the same thing. Cheapo, strong and dark during the week to keep me going, then a little Hazelnut whole bean on the weekends when I want a treat! I can't wait for that pressed pot of Kona coffee next Monday! :banana:

My dh and I make the list together. First we list everything we need to replenish for breakfast and lunches, and then we plan the meals for the week. We try to do fish 2 nights a week, and only one night of beef or pork.
I ran 10M again this morning. If I see what I've eaten, it just reigns me in.


That's a great grocery plan Maria! And your 10 miles :worship:! I love it! I've actually started pre-journaling some, writing down what will be in my meals that I pack, and that lets me know what I have for dinner. I also try to enter dinner in, so I know exactly how much I should have. Until last night.:headache:

Thanks for the helpful words. I am strongly considering heading to the maintenance side of things, at least for a while. I thought I'd give it another week or so.... I was hoping to hit goal for my birthday next week, but I don't see that happening now.

I agree that I am starting to get a bit negative about the remaining 2-3 pounds, rather than be excited and proud of the almost 90 that are already gone! You're right.... I do need to start setting myself up for SUCCESS!! You are so smart!

Pamela :hug:. I hear the frustration in your posts. 5 months for 5 pounds. You may have hit the nail on the head. Your body might need to stay RIGHT where it is! You are definitely one of the healthiest people I know. Did you set your goal based on a calculator, or just one you'd like to be at? Can you really see 5 lbs. on your body that needs to go away? You exercise sooo much, your body might just need that weight to maintain. I know that you have been on this journey for a while, know more about weight, nutrition, fitness, and yourself than I do, so I'm hesitant to offer you any advice. :hug: Just take a step back for a minute, look at how far you've come. Maybe if you focus on maintaining instead of losing, your body will feel some relief of stress and do something weird? :hug: for you!

The gala last night was great. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in too long. The dinner courses were fairly light for dinner out. There was also a dessert bar in addition to the dessert course. I stuck to my plan to avoid chocolate. :) Very proud of myself. I did have over a full can of diet soda, which I also try to avoid. I had planned to have diet soda, though, so I did still to my plan completely. :banana: I did Week 2 of C25K on the treadmill at the hotel gym. It was tough, I have to admit.
So proud of you CC!!!!!!!

I had a couple people who I hadn't seen in awhile tell me how great I looked! That will help get me moving again, but unfortunately probably not today!
Time to recline on the couch!
:rotfl2: I love it!!! And congrats on the compliments!

I am feeling good. DH and I did get out and do a 3 mile run this morning - it was the first one in almost a week. It felt really great. We ran tons of hills and our time was 29:03 (9:41 min/miles). I was exhausted when we finished though. The good thing was that nothing on my body hurt. I wasn't sure how it would go but it was GREAT!

What an awesome time!!!!!! :worship: I love bread, too. One of my "old life" stress relievers was to make yeast breads, just the smell of it baking alone. :cloud9: I try not to buy it often, other than something multigrain for sandwiches like sandwich rounds or English muffins. Sandwich bread doesn't excite me, but all others do!

I volunteered at the dunk tank at the picnic, so I got lots of squats in picking up the balls. After my run I want pick up around here a little before I get to dis-ing. A few hours alone goes by so fast.

Yes it does, it's amazing how time flies without distractions! And I take it you stayed busy, b/c you never came back! :rotfl2: Did you get in the tank?

We did have discussions about the fact that I will probably never wear a small shirt--big shoulders and big cupcakes (as we like to call them:thumbsup2). That's what I need to learn to be ok with. To like me the way I am.
I am happy to say I had an awesome run--8.6miles at an 11:51 pace, slow but a new distance record for me. With the walking at the beginning and end we went 11 miles total.:cool1: More importantly, no stomach issues!

Funny you mention that. My stomach has been cramping some during running. I just started taking benefiber in my water this weekend. And that is a truly awesome run!!!! Yeah, my shoulders were meant for a linebacker! The "cupcakes" have dwindled some, which I actually don't mind, ;) but my rib cage is just broad, back, chest, etc.

Sorry I have been missing this week.
This has been a crazy week. Tuesday I went with the costume guy from the local high school because some things with the show from March were nominated at a state awards program The third got up and said "We'd like to thannk our mothers, who taught us everything we know":rotfl::rotfl:
:lmao: What an honor! I missed my early morning posting partner! :hug: The craziness will end soon! Great job staying sorta OP!

I'm looking forward to continuing my early morning walks with my neighbor and walking with my mom. My mom and I will walk longer once the kids are done with school. I have an extremely busy early part of the week..

Glad your mom will walk with you! You are always extremely busy, so for you to admit it, it must be bad!!!

The only thing different is that my neice is going to join me for my run Sunday morning. She is 8 and a hard-core soccer athlete. She's gonna make me look bad, but we'll have a fun time. She's a such a neat kid and we don't get to spend much time one-on-one. I am looking forward to that.:thumbsup2

That sounds like a lot of fun! My DD,10, is a hard core gymnast athlete and begs me to run with me. I've been saying no, for a few reasons: #1. I'm not getting her up at 5:30 to run with me. #2. I am VERY selfish, and my runs are MY time, as are my mornings. I think that's why my body wakes up at 5 EVERY morning, to make sure I have my coffee,dis, alone time! I am thinking about taking her for a run in the evenings one night a week after DH can get home to be with DD2, since gymnastics is mostly in the mornings this summer. I would just add an extra run to my time, and we'd only do a mile. She runs a 8 minute mile, so it would definitely help my speedwork! Thanks for the inspiration!

My kiddos still have an entire week of school left including, class trips for all 3, grad dance, graduation. This may easily be the busiest week of the year for me.

That's how mine and DD's last week of school was! Did I miss an update on the MRI?

am taking Monday off for fun. Not sure what we are doing yet, but just to spend the day with him and not having to work is a happy thought for me!

Great times! :dance3:
I did so much commenting, I decided to start a new post for my own ramblings. :rotfl2: I have a lot to get off my chest this am! SORRY IN ADVANCE!

#1. Class was awful! There is one brown-noser, know it all, that simply has to interject after each one of the professor's comments "You could also.... or What I do.... and I do it this way".... Seriously. She takes up soooo much time, that he keeps saying "we didn't get to this today. We'll do it next weekend" about EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hello. I have a trip to go on when class is over! If someone doesn't shut her up, I just might! :mad::laughing:

#2. I was sooo bad last night. I am ashamed to even admit it. I went WAAYYY overboard on supreme pizza, (4 slices) :scared1:THEN HAD A SMALL ICE CREAM SUNDAE! I was starving all day, seriously eating a little something I had packed every couple of hours. I know I was way under on calories a few days last week, I guess my body needed to catch up, but not that much!

I tried to tell myself that if this is the lifestyle I am going to maintain for next 40-50 years hopefully, then it is unrealistic to think I will never eat something bad for me, or overeat. I was fussing about it, and how I just gained 3-4pounds, and DH said "there is no way that you will gain more than half a pound" HE just doesn't get it! Then he started in on me about how he doesn't want me to lose anymore again. :headache:

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.

Sorry everyone! I just need to vent! As for the QOTD: I am looking forward to 3 good runs this week, packing and planning, getting class stuff done, and getting on the road to WDW!!!!! I have every hour of every day planned, no joke!

Have a great Sunday!
I did so much commenting, I decided to start a new post for my own ramblings. :rotfl2: I have a lot to get off my chest this am! SORRY IN ADVANCE!

#1. Class was awful! There is one brown-noser, know it all, that simply has to interject after each one of the professor's comments "You could also.... or What I do.... and I do it this way".... Seriously. She takes up soooo much time, that he keeps saying "we didn't get to this today. We'll do it next weekend" about EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hello. I have a trip to go on when class is over! If someone doesn't shut her up, I just might! :mad::laughing:

#2. I was sooo bad last night. I am ashamed to even admit it. I went WAAYYY overboard on supreme pizza, (4 slices) :scared1:THEN HAD A SMALL ICE CREAM SUNDAE! I was starving all day, seriously eating a little something I had packed every couple of hours. I know I was way under on calories a few days last week, I guess my body needed to catch up, but not that much!

I tried to tell myself that if this is the lifestyle I am going to maintain for next 40-50 years hopefully, then it is unrealistic to think I will never eat something bad for me, or overeat. I was fussing about it, and how I just gained 3-4pounds, and DH said "there is no way that you will gain more than half a pound" HE just doesn't get it! Then he started in on me about how he doesn't want me to lose anymore again. :headache:

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.

Sorry everyone! I just need to vent! As for the QOTD: I am looking forward to 3 good runs this week, packing and planning, getting class stuff done, and getting on the road to WDW!!!!! I have every hour of every day planned, no joke!

Have a great Sunday!

oh taryn I feel your excitement of the upcoming week. Im so jealous. Hope your days go as planned and that the chatty kathy shuts up in your class so you can get out of class and on the road in time. As far as the obsession of your goal weight. Instead of obsessing on the number look at how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. If that is all good back off a little on the number. Those normal bmi and weight ranges sometimes can be a little off depending on your body structure. Exp: Even in high school when I was very very fit I was only a few pounds under the overweight category but I was no where close to being overweight. I have always been "big boned" for lack of a better term. Meaning I never will be stick thin. Im not sure if you are the same but for body structures like this the BMI ranges sometimes are not the only judge of a healthy weight.

QOTD- I am looking forward to friday- I have off friday and monday from work so I am hoping to just stay home and have fun with my kids. Otherwise the next couple of days at work are jam packed. Actually I have to go into the office now to get some work done. We are going on vacation to gatlinburg,TN in 3 weeks so I am definitely looking forward to that too! Oh and hopefully I can look forward to loosing more weight and being able to get a little quicker during my runs.
Gonna have a Fiber PLUS bar for breakfast and my BL protein water. I know there will be a lot of "bad" stuff at church for the reception for the minister so I will eat light now. Gotta go to Joann's and buy some pillow forms and a pink t-shirt for DD2's preschool graduation shirt! I need to take something out for dinner later today. I really need to get moving. DH was up until 3:30 with bad indigestion last night so he's not going to church with us. Girls have been fed and I will run and take my shower after I get off here. I thought about taking a walk this morning and then it started raining. Maybe I can convince DD1 to take one with me this afternoon once it clears up.

No more procrastinating!
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Well... our school year ends this week. DS ends on Wednesday and DD has her last two finals on Thursday. I am a substitute teacher, but I don't have any days booked for next week, so I am probably done for the year :cool1:. I plan on getting lots of "essentials" done while the kids are in school these last few days.... a big trip to the Goodwill, lots of housework, meals planning, some organizing/reorganizing, and a bit of redecorating (doing the kitchen in a "Mad Tea Party" theme!) Then I'll be really ready to relax a bit when school actually ends. My is this week and we are going to celebrate on Friday by going to see Toy Story 3!! Then, of course, we have Father's day. Still working on plans for that day.

I want to get a lot of scrapbooking done this summer. I was doing great earlier this year, but have been slacked off the last few months.

OH SHOOT!.... I just re-read the QOTD and noticed you asked for ONE THING!! Well... my one thing would be I am looking forward to a few days alone to catch up on stuff around the house!! Hard to stop me once I get rambling!

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.


I absolutely can relate to your #3. I am starting to obsess a bit about these last few pounds I want to lose. My initial goal in starting this journey was in the low 140's.... but as I approached that I dropped my goal to 135 (a weight which I don't ever remember being at in my adult life). As I got closer to 135 I realized I wouldn't be "muffin-top" free at that weight, so I dropped my goal to 130. I have stuck with the 130 goal for a while now, but in my head I kept thinking about 128. But now I have been struggling to stay in the low 130's for MONTHS and MONTHS now. And rather than be happy with the weight I have lost and kept off for many months now, I am just obsessing about these last few stupid pounds that are keeping me from being satisfied and reaching the goal I set.

I've even been thinking in a direction that is a bit scary (for me anyhow)... and considering things like using Alli or one of those "supplements" for weight loss, or even using Slimfast for 3 meals a day!! In my HEAD I know it is a waste of money and not a healthy alternative.... but I'm feeling desperate about these last few pounds. I KNOW that is stupid!! I need to focus on the success of losing and maintaining an 87 pound weight loss, rather than the perceived failure of NOT losing the last 2-4 pounds. I need to remind myself how healthy and strong I am, even if I am not 128 pounds. STUPID HEAD GAMES!!

Anyhow.... on a more upbeat note.... GOOD SUNDAY MORNING! It is rainy and foggy here. I'm still debating a run or not. I'd like to talk DD into going with me, but she has too much studying to do. I'd like to take the time to do a nice 8 mile run/walk, since I have the time today, but I'm not into doing it alone... my music doesn't keep my mind occupied enough. At the very least I will do 30 minutes of circuit training here at home today.... I'll save my "rest" day for later in the week.

We bought lots of fresh fruit last night at Costco and that pretty much ended up being my dinner (along with 2 oz of chicken). Strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, cherries.... the cherries were the BEST! I did indulge in a few "taste tests" at Costco... a bite of cinnamon roll (yummy, but nothing I crave), coffee ("Charbucks"...ick), a tiny smear of almond butter on a cracker (didn't like it), and a falafal (chickpea) ball with tsziki (can't remember how to spell/say it) green yogurt/cucumber dip. That was delicious, but the chickpea balls had 9 grams of fat per serving.... it just seemed too high. But I am definitely tempted to try making my own.

I also bought a roasted veggie souffle in the fridge section. I put one in the freezer for another day and we will have one as a vegetarian meal, probably for lunch today. I'll let you know how it is.

No big plans today. I am going to finish removing the decor in my kitchen and get it cleaned up for the redecorate I'm going to attempt this week. I'm not repainting, just putting in some new decor and doing some in-depth cleaning. I MIGHT repaint my back splash, as it is pretty worn looking, but not sure yet. I took down most of the decor last night and washed it up and packed it for the consignment shop, but I have a few bits left. I scrubbed the floor yesterday morning and wiped down all the counters, so I am headed in a good direction. I have some of the new decor ready to put in place, but this will definitely be a work in progress. I might hit "google" and see if I can find any other rooms decorated like this to get some more ideas.

I'll be back later to chat.......................P
Pamela :hug:. I hear the frustration in your posts. 5 months for 5 pounds. You may have hit the nail on the head. Your body might need to stay RIGHT where it is! You are definitely one of the healthiest people I know. Did you set your goal based on a calculator, or just one you'd like to be at? Can you really see 5 lbs. on your body that needs to go away? You exercise sooo much, your body might just need that weight to maintain. I know that you have been on this journey for a while, know more about weight, nutrition, fitness, and yourself than I do, so I'm hesitant to offer you any advice. :hug: Just take a step back for a minute, look at how far you've come. Maybe if you focus on maintaining instead of losing, your body will feel some relief of stress and do something weird? :hug: for you!

I actually teared up reading this response. Thanks for your kind words and caring. And EVERYONE'S words of advise! It is so nice to know that people I've never met IRL take the time to read about my frustrations and try to help. Thanks for the hug!..............P
I did so much commenting, I decided to start a new post for my own ramblings. :rotfl2: I have a lot to get off my chest this am! SORRY IN ADVANCE!

#1. Class was awful! There is one brown-noser, know it all, that simply has to interject after each one of the professor's comments "You could also.... or What I do.... and I do it this way".... Seriously. She takes up soooo much time, that he keeps saying "we didn't get to this today. We'll do it next weekend" about EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hello. I have a trip to go on when class is over! If someone doesn't shut her up, I just might! :mad::laughing:

Oh, these are tough sort of classes to sit though. I have had so many where there is someone who just cannot stop commenting during class. It is too bad the professor cannot tell her to stop.

#2. I was sooo bad last night. I am ashamed to even admit it. I went WAAYYY overboard on supreme pizza, (4 slices) :scared1:THEN HAD A SMALL ICE CREAM SUNDAE! I was starving all day, seriously eating a little something I had packed every couple of hours. I know I was way under on calories a few days last week, I guess my body needed to catch up, but not that much!

I tried to tell myself that if this is the lifestyle I am going to maintain for next 40-50 years hopefully, then it is unrealistic to think I will never eat something bad for me, or overeat. I was fussing about it, and how I just gained 3-4pounds, and DH said "there is no way that you will gain more than half a pound" HE just doesn't get it! Then he started in on me about how he doesn't want me to lose anymore again. :headache:

:hug: I can't give advice on this one since I have been WAAYY bad all week long. Sometimes I think we just need to realize we are going to make these sort of mistakes and then have the important part be how do we get back on track. You have done so great that I am sure you will get back on track right away.

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.

:hug:More hugs for you. I think it is impossible for us all not to obsess over this. Weight has been such a huge issue for me for so long that I can't think about when I was not thinking about it in some way. You sound like you would want to lose those 10 pounds, maybe 20 pounds. I think if you lose the 10 pounds, you should do a bit of maintaining at that point and see how it really feels to be that weight and if you do want to lose the next 10 pounds. There is nothing wrong with that and if you decided that you want to get rid of the whole 20 pounds, you can work towards that as well. One thing I am trying to do is to quit thinking of it as obsessing (that makes it feel like it is wrong for me to be thinking about losing more)...think of it like a class you have to take (a positive and new learning experience). Study the choices you make, learn new things and focus on your goal. [/QUOTE]

...a bit of redecorating (doing the kitchen in a "Mad Tea Party" theme!)

Pamela - You HAVE to post pictures when you are done! What a great idea and I bet it will look wonderful!!! I love the idea of "Mad Tea Party" theme.

:hug: Hugs to you about those pounds you are struggling to know what to do with. You have done so incredibly well that I hope that you can really focus on that as you decide how to handle the last couple of pounds.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I can't list just one thing so you will have to read them all! :rotfl2: I am looking forward to going to the thrift store on Monday (always 25% off on Monday's and I need clothes that fit), trying new classes at the Y (I will put together a plan for the week a bit later), deep cleaning the living room (really the whole house needs it...but one room at a time will have to do), packing for the cabin and then going up north to relax for 4 days! :goodvibes

The dance recital went well last night. This morning I have to go buy flowers because DS makes mini bouquets for all the girls in his dance group. I also have to buy gift cards for the teachers. First recital is at 1:00 and second recital is at 5:00. After the recitals, we will probably go out with some of the families from the dance studio so I will not be around much today.

Have a great Sunday everyone!
You most definitely deserve a long and healthy life! Class, well, I'll address that later.:headache:

I kinda like storms, too. ;) As long as everyone is safe inside. I actually like to fall asleep during them. If they get tooo powerful, I get a little chicken! And coffee..... YUM!!!! :surfweb: I do the same thing. Cheapo, strong and dark during the week to keep me going, then a little Hazelnut whole bean on the weekends when I want a treat! I can't wait for that pressed pot of Kona coffee next Monday! :banana:

That's a great grocery plan Maria! And your 10 miles :worship:! I love it! I've actually started pre-journaling some, writing down what will be in my meals that I pack, and that lets me know what I have for dinner. I also try to enter dinner in, so I know exactly how much I should have. Until last night.:headache:

Pamela :hug:. I hear the frustration in your posts. 5 months for 5 pounds. You may have hit the nail on the head. Your body might need to stay RIGHT where it is! You are definitely one of the healthiest people I know. Did you set your goal based on a calculator, or just one you'd like to be at? Can you really see 5 lbs. on your body that needs to go away? You exercise sooo much, your body might just need that weight to maintain. I know that you have been on this journey for a while, know more about weight, nutrition, fitness, and yourself than I do, so I'm hesitant to offer you any advice. :hug: Just take a step back for a minute, look at how far you've come. Maybe if you focus on maintaining instead of losing, your body will feel some relief of stress and do something weird? :hug: for you!

So proud of you CC!!!!!!!

:rotfl2: I love it!!! And congrats on the compliments!

What an awesome time!!!!!! :worship: I love bread, too. One of my "old life" stress relievers was to make yeast breads, just the smell of it baking alone. :cloud9: I try not to buy it often, other than something multigrain for sandwiches like sandwich rounds or English muffins. Sandwich bread doesn't excite me, but all others do!

Yes it does, it's amazing how time flies without distractions! And I take it you stayed busy, b/c you never came back! :rotfl2: Did you get in the tank?

Funny you mention that. My stomach has been cramping some during running. I just started taking benefiber in my water this weekend. And that is a truly awesome run!!!! Yeah, my shoulders were meant for a linebacker! The "cupcakes" have dwindled some, which I actually don't mind, ;) but my rib cage is just broad, back, chest, etc.

:lmao: What an honor! I missed my early morning posting partner! :hug: The craziness will end soon! Great job staying sorta OP!

Glad your mom will walk with you! You are always extremely busy, so for you to admit it, it must be bad!!!

That sounds like a lot of fun! My DD,10, is a hard core gymnast athlete and begs me to run with me. I've been saying no, for a few reasons: #1. I'm not getting her up at 5:30 to run with me. #2. I am VERY selfish, and my runs are MY time, as are my mornings. I think that's why my body wakes up at 5 EVERY morning, to make sure I have my coffee,dis, alone time! I am thinking about taking her for a run in the evenings one night a week after DH can get home to be with DD2, since gymnastics is mostly in the mornings this summer. I would just add an extra run to my time, and we'd only do a mile. She runs a 8 minute mile, so it would definitely help my speedwork! Thanks for the inspiration!

That's how mine and DD's last week of school was! Did I miss an update on the MRI?

Great times! :dance3:

No MRI update yet. He has it on the 24. We've got a ton of activities between now and then. Of course I'm already worried, but that's what Mama's do. Thanks for asking. I will definitely post as soon as we know anything.
No MRI update yet. He has it on the 24. We've got a ton of activities between now and then. Of course I'm already worried, but that's what Mama's do. Thanks for asking. I will definitely post as soon as we know anything.

I can only imagine :hug: I was thinking it was earlier in the month! Hang in there!
Good morning everyone. I never did come back on last night, but had a nice afternoon. Ran/walked 2.7 miles, and then picked up the house a bit, went grocery shopping, and with the rest of my free time, I read some of Mousejunkies. I read it before, but I figured I'd read it again while I'm planning our august trip. I didn't use any flex points yesterday which is huge for me, though I used 22 on friday.;) Got to make them last the week.
We did not do much today. Ran this morning. Did some shopping . Pool this afternoon. I am happy to say I had an awesome run--8.6miles at an 11:51 pace, slow but a new distance record for me. With the walking at the beginning and end we went 11 miles total.:cool1: More importantly, no stomach issues! I was not very detailed last week, because it was way too much info, but I had major stomach issues last week, and I thought I was done with distance. Every run it just kept getting worse and worse and last week was beyond awful. I'll let you use your imagination.:rolleyes1 Anyhow, we googled it and I started taking a fiber supplement once a day and that's all it took. I was so happy.
congrats on your run. That is awesome. Glad you're feeling better with the fiber. I remember assisiting on a young woman's colonsocopy who was having diarrhea and bleeding every time she ran and longer distances, and they said it was runners' colitis, and everything looked normal, but at the time colon doesn't get enough blood flow while she was running, and it causes her symptoms. I can't remember the treatment, but I think he recommeneded always a day of rest between runs, and trying to build up the distance slowly.

I got home and took a nap. I woke up in time for dinner-some very lean burgers with tossed salad. Overall, I did great on my points. I even had room for a Skinny Cow sandwich.
Glad you had fun at the gala, and nice job staying on track through the day.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?
I have two. My son's field trip to a local park with the parents in the morning. We were teasing him and a friend saying we were going to wear tshirts with pictures of them on them and we're going to sing a song about how much we love our boys.:rotfl: I also have my first 5K on wednesday evening!:scared1: I know I can do it, and I'll remember, dead last finish beats did not finish, trumps did not start. I'm a little nervous, but happy it's an all womens race.

I can't wait for that pressed pot of Kona coffee next Monday! :banana:
Whoo hoo!!:dance3:

#1. Class was awful! There is one brown-noser, know it all, that simply has to interject after each one of the professor's comments "You could also.... or What I do.... and I do it this way".... Seriously. She takes up soooo much time, that he keeps saying "we didn't get to this today. We'll do it next weekend" about EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hello. I have a trip to go on when class is over! If someone doesn't shut her up, I just might! :mad::laughing:

#2. I was sooo bad last night. I am ashamed to even admit it. I went WAAYYY overboard on supreme pizza, (4 slices) :scared1:THEN HAD A SMALL ICE CREAM SUNDAE! I was starving all day, seriously eating a little something I had packed every couple of hours. I know I was way under on calories a few days last week, I guess my body needed to catch up, but not that much!

I tried to tell myself that if this is the lifestyle I am going to maintain for next 40-50 years hopefully, then it is unrealistic to think I will never eat something bad for me, or overeat. I was fussing about it, and how I just gained 3-4pounds, and DH said "there is no way that you will gain more than half a pound" HE just doesn't get it! Then he started in on me about how he doesn't want me to lose anymore again. :headache:

#3. I am getting obsessive about my goal weight - even though I did hit the calories last night and that doesn't show it. I am about 5 pounds from being in the "normal" weight range instead of overweight, which would be a first for me! I "think" I would like to lose 10 more, which would put me at a 65lb loss, but the "ideal weight" for my height is still 10 pounds below that. I don't think I have 20 more in/on me. But I am scared I won't stop obsessing until I hit that.
That woman in your class would drive me crazy. And remember that you need to eat 3500 calories in excess to gain one pound. You are right, this needs to be a lifestyle and we are going to have those days where we eat too much pizza and an ice cream sundae, but after those days, we can make the next day better, and work it into our life. It's hard, you have such a busy week ahead, but hang in there. Even if you did gain a few pounds, you have come so far, and you will lose those pounds after the stress of the class, and vacation fun is over.

I've even been thinking in a direction that is a bit scary (for me anyhow)... and considering things like using Alli or one of those "supplements" for weight loss, or even using Slimfast for 3 meals a day!! In my HEAD I know it is a waste of money and not a healthy alternative.... but I'm feeling desperate about these last few pounds. I KNOW that is stupid!! I need to focus on the success of losing and maintaining an 87 pound weight loss, rather than the perceived failure of NOT losing the last 2-4 pounds. I need to remind myself how healthy and strong I am, even if I am not 128 pounds. STUPID HEAD GAMES!!
:hug::hug::hug:You have come so far, Pamela, and are a huge success, and a huge inspiration to so many here. ALLI scares me, and I would never recommend it with all the complications. Remember Fen-phen. Hang in there. I loved the advice from lisa, and I hope you can find some peace with those last 3 pounds, whether you keep trying to lose them, or accept them and join the maintainers. Look at your before and after pics you posted a while ago. You look amazing and have come so far.

Im feeling a little tired today. I couldnt sleep last night. Too much on my mind. I think I fell asleep around 1am. Then at 530am I get woken up by a neighbor mowing their grass. I was so irritated.
5:30am :mad:That is just ridiculous, I might have had to go out in my pajamas and said my piece. Hope you got some rest last night.

My favorite used to be Mike's Hard Lemonade until I realized just one was worth 5 WW points! :scared1:
I love the mikes hard berry and pomegranate, and that was probably a big part of last summers 15 pound gain.:rotfl: Not this summer. I tracking it all, and will be sticking to light beer, with an occassional mikes.

So being inspired by what you wrote, I am going to make a list of what else I can reward myself with. Here it goes..."You have had a really hard and emotional week, go ahead a friend to talk, go shopping at the running store, spend time on the DIS, take time out to do my nails, make the fruit smoothie (low fat one), start the new book, write down how crappy it was that you didn't get the job, take the short nap, etc, etc." :goodvibes
I like your list, and am using part of it this morning. I"m spending some time here on the dis. It's good for my soul and peace of mind, and it's sunday morning, a morning to rest.

Jen oh yes I do that too! "One little piece won't hurt me I deserve it" lol all those one little pieces added up! What I really deserve is a long and healthy life right? I like your list of other things you deserve because you had a hard week...I'm going to copy you. ;)
Love this Jenn. We all deserve long and healthy lives. I definitely need to stop rewarding myself with food.

If you are talking favorite, favorite then it's a Pina Colada at WDW but those things have a bazillion calories no doubt.
Looking forward to one of these with you after the princess!!! Maybe two, we'll have just run/walked 13.1 miles, right.;)

Here’s how to set up a good rewards system:
Choose some benchmarks and reward levels. You can also reward yourself for levels of consistency.
Make the reward meaningful to you. As a reward, a new pair of shoes may not hold as much motivation as a simple night alone with a book. Then again, it might.
Choose two or three options from the Reward Roster below or come up with a few reward options of your own. It doesn’t take much. Sometimes, the best rewards are those you can’t buy.
A lot of small rewards, used for meeting smaller goals, are more effective than relying solely on the bigger rewards that require more work and more time.
Don’t use food as a reward. Even good food. It’s just too much of a slippery slope. Don’t even mess with it.
Plan to celebrate. Figure out now how you’re going to celebrate reaching your health, fitness or nutrition goal. Involve other people, tell them about it. Create a celebration that you can anticipate and then keep it within sight all the time.
Be honest with yourself. Fudging the numbers mentally, or "borrowing" against the next reward hurts the cause of building a lifetime habit. Remember to keep your focus on building a habit, not just figuring out how to get the reward.

Compliment yourself. Write down what you would say to anyone else who accomplished what you did.
Create an actual plaque or trophy.
Give yourself badges of honor for different levels of accomplishment.
Take a vacation or weekend getaway.
Take a day off from any goal activities.
Put $1 in a jar every time you meet a goal. When it gets to $50, treat yourself.
Create a Trophy Scrapbook, where you keep mementos from your accomplishments.
See a movie.
Make a grab bag of little prizes. When you reach a significant goal, reach in and get your reward!
Go for a spa treatment or massage.
Buy yourself a gift certificate.
Take a limo ride.
Subscribe to a magazine you always wanted.
Go canoeing or do something outdoorsy.
Watch your favorite TV show.
Buy something for your hobby.
Read a funny book.
Celebrate "100% Days". If you reach 100% of your goals that day, choose two rewards.
Find some time to be by yourself.
Pay someone to do the yardwork or house cleaning this week.
Fly a kite.
Love this. Might see a trip to ac moore after my race on wednesday, rather than friendly's for ice cream.
Lisah0117 said:
We are off to see Garrison Keilor do A Prairie Home Companion live today in Spokane. I love the show so it should be fun to see it in person. If you hear him read a message about celebrating 117 years of family fun at Lake Okoboji, you'll know he read our message. I sent it in by email yesterday.
Hope you all have fun yesterday. Did he read your message?

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?
I usually stick with water, but love my morning coffee with french vanilla ff creamer in it. Many afternoons I'll have tea, and will put the vanilla creamer in that to and it tastes just like a vanilla chai, maybe not quite as good as dunkin donuts, but pretty tastey. Alcohol- mikes hard berry, corona light, or cheap, sweet wine- Arbor mist Sangria is my fav.

Okay here's my latest challenge...I'm good about starting over when I have a bad day -it's in the past, let it go. I need to start over even if I had a good day - it's in the past too! I have been saying "Oh I did great yesterday, have that cookie today!" Way to knock myself down! Why the heck has it taken me so long to realize I'm doing this? :confused3
It is so true. I loved lisa's list of rewards not food related, and JenAs as well. I'm dis-ing right now because I was good yesterday.

Foot is NO better......soooooo disappointing. :sad2: I can't really walk on it and was not expecting so much pain. I was expecting 2 small stitches not a row of staples (so misleading). Lots of pain killers in order today. I am working (hairdresser) bride coming in :D fake smiles.:laughing:
Keep running everyone, that is so great!:cool1:
So sorry you are in pain. :hug: Hope your recovery is quick. Hang in there. And I hope the bride was stress free too. I'm sure she was beautiful when you were done.

Have a nice sunday everyone. Keep up the good, healthy living.

So.... I've been thinking about getting a FB page to try and keep in better touch with extended family. DD ALWAYS knows the family news long before I do. My is coming up and this was going to be a good way to prove to myself that I can still keep up with the "young people" stuff! So DD is really excited and gets me all set up last night.

BUT IT IS SO WEIRD.... why do I want ALL OF THESE PEOPLE plus their friends and their friends friends, knowing my "status" at the moment and such. Like.... I was just on FB to start trying it out. Not a big deal that I see that a friend slept 12 hours last night. She coached a SO team this weekend, so she was wiped out. But really.... did I need to see every comment that her friends (most of whom I don't even know) made? And if I make a comment, do I really want all of her friends seeing it??

Make sense?? Clear as mud?? It really makes me think twice (or three times) about ANY comments I will make. I was hoping it would be a nice casual way to share family new/gossip.... but I don't really want it out there for everyone I've ever/never known to see.

When I post HERE, I KNOW it is possibly seen by anyone/everyone in the entire world. And as honest as I am, I do censor myself because of that. But I was thinking that FB would allow for a bit more "personal" conversation. And the "chat" is a PITA unless the other person is online at the same time.

I'll keep my FB page, but I don't think I will check it/use it very often.


Had a nice healthy breakfast and now I am procrastinating on the kitchen project. I am DREADING cleaning the greasy dusty mess above the kitchen cabinets.... ICK! I won't TELL YOU how many years it has been since I really cleaned up there!! Just the top of the fridge took three levels of wiping to clear the grease/dust... and that was AFTER I moved and washed my chicken collection (now in the consignment box... anyone else collect chickens?).

Well... I'll give myself until lunch time to chill and then I will attack the mess with a vengeance!................P
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I'm looking forward to continuing my early morning walks with my neighbor and walking with my mom. My mom and I will walk longer once the kids are done with school. I have an extremely busy early part of the week. DD1 has field day on Monday which I will assist with and then go to work. Tuesday is jam-packed with things that I need to do. I have a 10am client and a 1pm client and then have to feed the kids and get their hair and makeup done for dress rehearsal by 3:45 and get them to rehearsal by 4. DH will come to dress rehearsal so I can go to work for a 6pm client. Don't think I'll get much of a workout in except for my early morning walk. Giving 3 massages will help me with the exercise piece. I will have to figure out when and what to eat. Wednesday's calendar is empty at least at the moment. School ends Thursday for DD2 and Friday for DD1. I will go to preschool graduation on Thursday and pick up DD1 at school on Friday. Hopefully we can figure out when to see Toy Story 3.

That is one busy week you have ahead of you! Enjoy your time with your mom.

Well... DD isn't in school yet, so we don't really notice when school is in or out. And, no vacations on the caledar just yet. Maybe something in the Fall. So, looking foward to spending Sunday with DH and DD :goodvibes, and then back to the grind on Monday. :upsidedow

The only thing different is that my neice is going to join me for my run Sunday morning. She is 8 and a hard-core soccer athlete. She's gonna make me look bad, but we'll have a fun time. She's a such a neat kid and we don't get to spend much time one-on-one. I am looking forward to that.:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great day with DH and DD and enjoy your run with your niece! :goodvibes

My kiddos still have an entire week of school left including, class trips for all 3, grad dance, graduation. This may easily be the busiest week of the year for me.

Sounds very busy, but enjoy every minute of it. Sending :goodvibes for good weather for graduation.

For Sunday's QOTD - Looking forward to spending Monday with DS..took the day off on Friday for Dr's and Dentist's taking Monday off for fun. Not sure what we are doing yet, but just to spend the day with him and not having to work is a happy thought for me!

Night All!


Enjoy your day off!

Sat QOTD I love Starbuck's Chai tea but lately it has come across as too sweet. I also love Starbuck's iced green tea. After that I am a big water drinker.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Just getting through the last few days of classes before exams start on Friday. Seniors have rehersals and an early exam on Tues to Thursday so my days will be pretty quiet. A couple of classes will only have the juniors left so not a lot of students. They will be watching movies this week. One group has to finish UP and the other group are finishing up FLUBBER.

Have a great day everyone.

I love Flubber! Have a great week!

I will catch up more later tonight! Have a great day everyone! Off to visit my grandparents. Last minute decision. Literally.

Wow this thread moves quickly. I've had a busy and exciting week as my only child graduated from HS on Wednesday. I also went to see Wicked yesterday (awesome show), suffering a flat tire on the way. Thanks to AAA service, the tire was changed in less than 20 minutes and my car swapped out so I could continue on my journey without driving on that little spare. DD leaves for her beach trip tomorrow, so my house should be nice and quiet (probably too quiet, but that will prepare me for the fall:eek:)

Diet not going well with all the parties and all the leftovers. I threw out all the fattening leftovers this morning, but have lots of baggies of veggies left.

QOTD for Saturday: favorite beverage is definitely Diet Mountain Dew...I am a total addict!

QOTD for Sunday: With all the requirements for orientation, work, church functions, etc., and college tuition looming, we aren't going to take our standard week at the beach. We are planning an extended weekend to DC in August after all DD's friends have left for college. I'm going to work on planning fun things for me to do next fall as an empty-nester. It is kind of frightening and exciting at the same time.
Morning all!

I think it is going to be a lazy day here and I am okay with that. :) I want to go for a run but I can't tell if it is going to rain or not. It's kind of gray out there.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I am looking forward to getting a puppy this week!! Probably tomorrow! Lord Stanley Byfuglien (Stan for short)! I can't wait! Oh, and on Wednesday my oldest son turns 22... (I can't believe I will have a 22 year old and a 3 year old... what was I thinking?). On Thursday I am going to take the kids down to Chicago to see their brother and we will take him out to lunch. On Friday my step-daughter moves in with us for a month. On Monday I have to have blood work done and on Tuesday I have to have a mammogram... not looking to that so much. ;)
just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

So I probably won't be around much this week, with the last week of school. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.

I'll be gone to WDW from June 26- July 4 but I might pop in via eticket.

So.... I've been thinking about getting a FB page to try and keep in better touch with extended family. DD ALWAYS knows the family news long before I do. My is coming up and this was going to be a good way to prove to myself that I can still keep up with the "young people" stuff! So DD is really excited and gets me all set up last night.

BUT IT IS SO WEIRD.... why do I want ALL OF THESE PEOPLE plus their friends and their friends friends, knowing my "status" at the moment and such. Like.... I was just on FB to start trying it out. Not a big deal that I see that a friend slept 12 hours last night. She coached a SO team this weekend, so she was wiped out. But really.... did I need to see every comment that her friends (most of whom I don't even know) made? And if I make a comment, do I really want all of her friends seeing it??

Make sense?? Clear as mud?? It really makes me think twice (or three times) about ANY comments I will make. I was hoping it would be a nice casual way to share family new/gossip.... but I don't really want it out there for everyone I've ever/never known to see.

When I post HERE, I KNOW it is possibly seen by anyone/everyone in the entire world. And as honest as I am, I do censor myself because of that. But I was thinking that FB would allow for a bit more "personal" conversation. And the "chat" is a PITA unless the other person is online at the same time.

I'll keep my FB page, but I don't think I will check it/use it very often.


Had a nice healthy breakfast and now I am procrastinating on the kitchen project. I am DREADING cleaning the greasy dusty mess above the kitchen cabinets.... ICK! I won't TELL YOU how many years it has been since I really cleaned up there!! Just the top of the fridge took three levels of wiping to clear the grease/dust... and that was AFTER I moved and washed my chicken collection (now in the consignment box... anyone else collect chickens?).

Well... I'll give myself until lunch time to chill and then I will attack the mess with a vengeance!................P
On the facebook, you can set up your privacy levels so that just your friends can see what you post. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it here, but when you're on your profile, the upper right has account info, click in there, and you'll see privacy and you can change what everyone sees. I'm on there and have it set up as friends only for most things, and when I post pictures, for example of my nephews prom, I will set just that album as friends of friends will see too. I don't post often, but like to see pics and what's going on my my sil and niece and nephew. Some people post many times a day, and you can set your wall up so you don't have to see them all if you have friends that post so much. Good luck with it. If you like video games at all, I know there's lot on there to keep you busy.

I don't collect chickens, but I do have stuff on top of the kitchen cabinets, and it's the only place that gets cleaned every year because I switch it out to christmas decorations every december. I have a collection salmon falls stoneware. I think it's from Dover, NH.

Wow this thread moves quickly. I've had a busy and exciting week as my only child graduated from HS on Wednesday. I also went to see Wicked yesterday (awesome show), suffering a flat tire on the way. Thanks to AAA service, the tire was changed in less than 20 minutes and my car swapped out so I could continue on my journey without driving on that little spare. DD leaves for her beach trip tomorrow, so my house should be nice and quiet (probably too quiet, but that will prepare me for the fall:eek:)

Diet not going well with all the parties and all the leftovers. I threw out all the fattening leftovers this morning, but have lots of baggies of veggies left.

QOTD for Saturday: favorite beverage is definitely Diet Mountain Dew...I am a total addict!

QOTD for Sunday: With all the requirements for orientation, work, church functions, etc., and college tuition looming, we aren't going to take our standard week at the beach. We are planning an extended weekend to DC in August after all DD's friends have left for college. I'm going to work on planning fun things for me to do next fall as an empty-nester. It is kind of frightening and exciting at the same time.
Congratulations on your HS graduate!! I am sure it is a very happy time with lots of mixed emotions. I think it's a great sign you're frightened and excited at the same time, and you'll enjoy that empty nest as much as you'll miss your DD. Congrats to you and DD!! You all did it!!

OK, now I'm really going to get off the dis.:rotfl: Well, maybe after a quick check of the theme parks strategies board.
That sounds like a lot of fun! My DD,10, is a hard core gymnast athlete and begs me to run with me. I've been saying no, for a few reasons: #1. I'm not getting her up at 5:30 to run with me. #2. I am VERY selfish, and my runs are MY time, as are my mornings. I think that's why my body wakes up at 5 EVERY morning, to make sure I have my coffee,dis, alone time! I am thinking about taking her for a run in the evenings one night a week after DH can get home to be with DD2, since gymnastics is mostly in the mornings this summer. I would just add an extra run to my time, and we'd only do a mile. She runs a 8 minute mile, so it would definitely help my speedwork! Thanks for the inspiration!

Hope you have a great day with DH and DD and enjoy your run with your niece! :goodvibes

The run with DN was good. We did run/walk intervals for 5.5 miles. She did great! We went a little slower than my recent pace, but still good.

Taryn, I know what you mean about being selfish with your run time. I am too but... Lately, my mom has been joining me (riding her bike because she can't run) and it's been nice. I'm so glad that she's getting active again, that I don't mind sharing. And, with DN, it's a little different. How do I say this without sounding like a colossal jerk? Living with your DD makes her part of what you're taking a break from. DN and I see each other often, but don't get to hang out just the two of us, so it was fun to do this together. And, with her soccer schedule and the occassional weekend at her dad's, the most regularly we'll do this is *maybe* once a month. Anyway - happy running! With or without DD. :)

BUT IT IS SO WEIRD.... why do I want ALL OF THESE PEOPLE plus their friends and their friends friends, knowing my "status" at the moment and such. Like.... I was just on FB to start trying it out. Not a big deal that I see that a friend slept 12 hours last night. She coached a SO team this weekend, so she was wiped out. But really.... did I need to see every comment that her friends (most of whom I don't even know) made? And if I make a comment, do I really want all of her friends seeing it??

If you're seeing updates from "friends of friends" you need to change your privacy settings. I'm on FB too, but I only see my friends' updates and only allow my friends to see my updates. Look in the upper right hand corner and click on Account and pick Privacy Settings. You can rachet down the more "public" settings you have now. If you want more info, PM me and I'll tell you more about how I have mine set. And, once you've done this for yourself, you may want review your DD's settings also.
just stopping in to say hey!

Busy few weeks with Graduation, last day of school, variety show, and prepping for Disney. And we are all sick, really really sick. Not fun stuff at all!!!

So I probably won't be around much this week, with the last week of school. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.

I'll be gone to WDW from June 26- July 4 but I might pop in via eticket.

Feel better quickly! Take some time to recover before your trip. Thanks for checking in with us.... I was thinking of you the other day. If I don't "see" you again, have a MAGICAL trip!............P

Thanks for all of the comments about FB. I do have my privacy settings on "friends only".... but I am still seeing other people's comments to MY friends... but hopefully only friends are seeing my comments? I'm still trying to understand it all. I've been "chatting" with my DSIL in New Mexico and my niece in TX this morning, so that has been nice. I NEVER take the time to call them and only throw out the occasional email.... I know... I need to be better about keeping in touch with family. But hopefully FB will help with that!...............P
congrats on your run. That is awesome. Glad you're feeling better with the fiber. I remember assisiting on a young woman's colonsocopy who was having diarrhea and bleeding every time she ran and longer distances, and they said it was runners' colitis, and everything looked normal, but at the time colon doesn't get enough blood flow while she was running, and it causes her symptoms. I can't remember the treatment, but I think he recommeneded always a day of rest between runs, and trying to build up the distance slowly.

I also have my first 5K on wednesday evening!:scared1: I know I can do it, and I'll remember, dead last finish beats did not finish, trumps did not start. I'm a little nervous, but happy it's an all womens race.
Very exciting about the 5k, Kathy!!! I know you can do it!

This was pretty much the point where I was at with my stomach (see above). It started with gurgling and each week got a little worse on the long run. Last week was horrible. It didn't really scare me though, because I had no other symptoms except during/after long runs so I knew that had to be the cause. I looked online and, yep that can happen. One dr. on some board suggested trying fiber and thankfully it did the trick. I was pretty much symptom free. I just need to remember to take it! I have no desire to see another doctor for a while. (I think I went more in April than I have in the last several years combined!)

Wow this thread moves quickly. I've had a busy and exciting week as my only child graduated from HS on Wednesday. I also went to see Wicked yesterday (awesome show), suffering a flat tire on the way. Thanks to AAA service, the tire was changed in less than 20 minutes and my car swapped out so I could continue on my journey without driving on that little spare. DD leaves for her beach trip tomorrow, so my house should be nice and quiet (probably too quiet, but that will prepare me for the fall:eek:)
Wow, wicked and graduation in the same week. I cried a lot during wicked and during graduation for that matter, :lmao: so it would have been quite the emotional week. :hug: on the empty nester thing. We are finishing up our first year as empty nesters. It has been wonderful and awful at the same time. My DS's bf from home is leaving this morning to go see him for a week and dh and I went to the grocery and bought a bunch of food to send with him. Last time I sent money for groceries, DS bought new headphones.:eek: I am really ok with that, because he's on a full academic scholarship, even gets spending money so I don't mind spoiling him a little. I'm really missing him this week, not sure why. He comes home for a long weekend on the 24th, so looking forward to that.:goodvibes

Morning all!

I think it is going to be a lazy day here and I am okay with that. :) I want to go for a run but I can't tell if it is going to rain or not. It's kind of gray out there.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I am looking forward to getting a puppy this week!! Probably tomorrow! Lord Stanley Byfuglien (Stan for short)! I can't wait! Oh, and on Wednesday my oldest son turns 22... (I can't believe I will have a 22 year old and a 3 year old... what was I thinking?). On Thursday I am going to take the kids down to Chicago to see their brother and we will take him out to lunch. On Friday my step-daughter moves in with us for a month. On Monday I have to have blood work done and on Tuesday I have to have a mammogram... not looking to that so much. ;)

I love puppies! How exciting. Sending good thoughts your way for good test results this week.:goodvibes

I am feeling really cranky today. I think it's a girl thing, if you know what I mean. Hopefully I can find a distraction. For the first time in a long time I found myself thinking about chips, dip and diet coke. Where did that come from?

Hope everyone has a great day. :goodvibes
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