Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I hear a storm brewing outside... and I am so excited! I LOVE thunderstorms! I should have been a storm chaser!

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?

Coffee... Dunkin Donuts whole-bean-grind-at-home coffee. I love it. I only drink it on the weekends as a special treat... the rest of the week it's regular Maxwell House stuff... or something out of the Keurig box.

I also really like Crystal Lite Lemonade... especially when it is hot outside.
I'm not the OP but I can share how I menu plan/ make a list. I organize my list into categories and then work my way through the grocery store flyer - listing the things on sale. I print off coupons using Hot Coupon World and cut them out (I usually don't have the time or patience for regular coupons). Based on what's on sale and what I have in the house, I look through my recipes and come up with 6 main meals as well as several lunches. What else I need for the meals goes on the grocery list. The list of meals gets posted on the fridge.

For 90% of my recipes I use Living Cookbook - a recipe collection software program. I keep printouts of those recipes in a special place in the kitchen as well as any cookbooks I'm using this week.

I'm a math person so it suits my personality. Even with this, we still forget things occasionally but we never have "what's for dinner" problems.


Thanks for sharing!

Tea - 3/4 unsweetened, 1/4 sweetened. I have maybe two a month. Besides that, I only drink water now. Not a milk drinker. Love diet coke but gave it up nine months ago. So water it is.

Gotta love my water!

QOTD: I only drink water and coffee, so it's a toss up. :rotfl2: I love my water throughout the day, but can't get by without my morning cuppa joe!

CC- hope you are having a great time and the gala went well.

Water is great, isn't it? LOL. The gala was great. I'll post about it later. Thanks for mentioning it.

QOTD: I love Crystal Light Raspberry Iced Tea and so does the rest of the family! Of course, on weekends, my faves are margaritas and raspberry white Russians!:rotfl2:

I knew I could count on you to share your favorite adult drink. :rotfl2:

I didn't do my P90 yesterday, took dd shopping instead for a few hours. Came home and I was so tired and sore I took some tylenol and read for a few hours and then had some energy to get up and make dinner. Wow! Even with that my calorie burn was above my goal yesterday - 2 hours of shopping at Kohl's burned 339 extra calories.:goodvibes

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday!

Okay here's my latest challenge...I'm good about starting over when I have a bad day -it's in the past, let it go. I need to start over even if I had a good day - it's in the past too! I have been saying "Oh I did great yesterday, have that cookie today!" Way to knock myself down! Why the heck has it taken me so long to realize I'm doing this? :confused3

I wish I had some advice. Unfortunately, all I can offer is empathy.

:surfweb:QOTD......definielty a margarita!!!! other that, that i drink water and starbucks coffee (nothing sugary or creamy....just coffee with nonfat milk)! :lovestruc

Another one of us who prefers the adult choices. ;)

QOTD- My favorite beverage is iced tea although I think Ive only drank 1 cup in the past 6 weeks. Before changing my eating habits I would have a few cups a day including mcd's sweet tea. I now enjoy water, water, water, and 1 diet coke a day.

Im feeling a little tired today. I couldnt sleep last night. Too much on my mind. I think I fell asleep around 1am. Then at 530am I get woken up by a neighbor mowing their grass. I was so irritated.:headache:

I hope the day gets better. I am planning on cleaning and doing laundry.:laundy: Nothing exciting but sometimes we need these days to unwind. I will get my run in later today after the sun goes down.

Hope you all have a wonderful saturday.


Hope you have a great day too! Good for you for making such a great change for your health.

We are not going to the cabin this weekend because it is dance recital weekend. It is fine though because we will go up this week on Thursday and stay through Monday! I still have to figure out the Internet up north. I might be posting from the parking lot of McDonald's in town!

CC - Yep, exercise is like my miracle drug when I am emotionally upset. I think that is why I finally felt better on Friday because I had been getting a lot of exercising in and I just felt refreshed by all of that. Today will be a busy day but I am planning on running and maybe getting to the Y for just a bit to help keep me feeling that way.

Glad the COW goes along with your plan for the week!

Enjoy your weekend and come and chat here as much as you feel will help. Also, enjoy your trip to the cabin.

Yesterday was 1 of my 2 days to skip tracking. I knew it would be too difficult with the gala. I also had a party at work that I wasn't expecting. Exercising this morning helped me feel less guilty about all the eating I did yesterday. We definitely both get a lot out of exercising. I'll be on WW online as soon as I finish up here.

Can you tell I am procrasting going to class? Did my planning for the week, something every hour of every day. Packed my lunch and snacks, entered all the foods into sparkpeople, off to hair and makeup , then out the door.

I DON'T WANNA! (Where's the temper tantrum smilie???)
Have a great day all!

Yeah! for all that planning. I need to get out my planner too. Thanks for the reminder.

Before changing my habits, I wasn't a big soda drinker. Occasionally I would drink Diet Coke/Pepsi when dining out, but my favorite drinks were Arizona Iced tea and Snapple or Apple Juice--both very high in sugar!

Now all I drink is water, I never liked unsweetened tea so that doesn't work for me--however, Crystal Light Iced Tea packs? AMAZING!!! I throw one into almost every bottle of water I drink

Another person who made a great change for your health! :goodvibes

QOTD: I love diet cherry pepsi. I'm sure I'm addicted. When I don't drink that I either drink flavored water or sugar free Hawaiian punch packets in my water. I hate the taste of plain water :confused3

I've never had either of the 2 drinks you mentioned. I may be trying something new this week.

If you talking a beverage that is good for you, then it's water with a slice of lemon. If you are talking favorite, favorite then it's a Pina Colava at WDW but those things have a bazillion calories no doubt. Good thing I don't go there but once a every year or two! ;)

We are off to see Garrison Keilor do A Prairie Home Companion live today in Spokane. I love the show so it should be fun to see it in person. If you hear him read a message about celebrating 117 years of family fun at Lake Okoboji, you'll know he read our message. I sent it in by email yesterday.

Between Garrison Keilor and checking out all the World of Color stuff on the DL threads, I don't expect to get much done today! :rotfl2:

Have a great day all!

Hope you have a great time today in Spokane! Oh, and I was expecting, as you can probably tell by response to Tracey, that I'd hear the gamut of beverages.

I write all the days of the week down on paper and go to or and a couple other healthy recipe sites and I decide what we are going to eat on each day of the week. If I am craving something specific, I will search for a healthy way to make it. As soon as I have the recipes I want for the week, I print them all up and staple them together in the order I will be making them... then I make a grocery list. It's time consuming but on any given day I know what I am going to make for dinner

I love this plan! It sounds like a sure fire way to guarantee you have everything for the week. I may just have to snag your plan.
QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?

I really love to have a good margarita now and then.

But, on a normal day, I drink water, unsweet tea and during/after running, I drink an 1-to-1 mix of G2 Gatorade and water.

I do still grab a Diet Coke at Sonic occassionally, but not more than once every week or two.
QOTD: Describe your trip to the grocery store. How do you tackle this task?

My dh and I make the list together. First we list everything we need to replenish for breakfast and lunches, and then we plan the meals for the week. We try to do fish 2 nights a week, and only one night of beef or pork. We plan for Sunday-Thursday, we do takeout Friday and Saturday nights. We add what we need from the meal planning (we usually have some items from the freezer for the main dishes), and then add paper products, cleaning items, etc. DH generally does the shopping. He says I add too much to the total :rolleyes1 Our grocery bill would probably be considered high for 3 people -- we eat a ton of fruit and vegetables, and extremely lean cuts of meat.

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?

My favorite beverage is hot tea from my Keurig. I have a variety of flavors I like for different times of day/moods, I generally start my day with Twinings Earl Grey, have a mug of India Spiced Chai or African Rooibos when I get home, and then Sleepytime or Mint Medley before bed.

I ran 10M again this morning, I'm glad I did, because after doing well at the beginning of the week I kind of fell apart. I am determined to not let that happen this week, and much as I hate to admit it, journaling is definitely the key to that. If I see what I've eaten, it just reigns me in.

Maria :upsidedow
QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?


For regular, OP drinks, I will say seltzer. I love it and drink 2 to 3 liters a day. My favorite is Poland Springs lime, but that can be a bit pricey at almost $1/bottle, so I usually drink the Shaw's store brand.... not nearly as good, but much cheaper. I also love iced coffee this time of year.

For "fun" beverages..... two years ago I would have said, hands down, BEER! But for caloric reasons I pretty much gave it up completely when I started this healthier journey and I rarely even think about it any more. I will occasionally have a sip of DH's, but that is enough. If I am going to indulge (like maybe once or twice a year on my birthday and maybe vacation), it will be a nice margarita, on the rocks, not frozen, with salt! I noticed that Applebee's has a "slim" margarita on the menu now.... I am planning one with my birthday meal next week!!

:hug: pjlla, I know how hard you have been working these last few months. Are you within 2 pounds of your goal weight now? If so, why don't you switch to being a "maintainer?" You've made it as a maintainer by our BL standards, you've kept to it within the past couple of months, now acknowledge that you are there. Why do I say this? Because you have success already as a maintainer and, although you have great success as a loser in the past, I don't think that you feel that way now. In other words, set yourself up for success because you are very successful. It might shut down any negative comments from the peanut gallery when you tell them that you are in maintenance mode now. Just a thought. :flower3:

Thanks for the helpful words. I am strongly considering heading to the maintenance side of things, at least for a while. I thought I'd give it another week or so.... I was hoping to hit goal for my birthday next week, but I don't see that happening now.

I agree that I am starting to get a bit negative about the remaining 2-3 pounds, rather than be excited and proud of the almost 90 that are already gone! You're right.... I do need to start setting myself up for SUCCESS!! You are so smart!

Not a lot of time to chat here, but I wanted to say HI! We are heading to Costco in about 30 minutes, which means we will have PLENTY of fresh produce for this week, so there should be plenty of healthy snacks for the first week of school vacation (DS ends on Wed, DD on Thurs).

I tried the new breakfast at Subway this morning. I bought myself an egg white sandwich on an english muffin with tomato, spinach, and onion... no cheese. Got home and figured out I could have had cheese and STILL only have two points! It was good and I liked it better than the no-veggie alternative at Dunkins. But it is out of the way and won't be a regular stop. But it was GREAT to get in a full serving of veggies even before 9 am! Plus they are offering extra Subway points if you order breakfast before 9 am.

I did my run in a neighborhood near the Y this morning. DD has swim practice at 5:45, before the Y opens, so I can't use the fitness room. But there is a nice, quiet, relatively flat neighborhood right next door, so I did about 3 miles through there. Then I sat and drank my water and enjoyed my two new magazines that arrived yesterday (the only two I subscribe to).... WW magazine and Creating Keepsakes (scrapbooking) and I was feeling so inspired to eat healthier, exercise more, and get some creative work done!!

Have a great Saturday all! TTYL...............P
I hear a storm brewing outside... and I am so excited! I LOVE thunderstorms! I should have been a storm chaser!

QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?

Coffee... Dunkin Donuts whole-bean-grind-at-home coffee. I love it. I only drink it on the weekends as a special treat... the rest of the week it's regular Maxwell House stuff... or something out of the Keurig box.

I also really like Crystal Lite Lemonade... especially when it is hot outside.

I find it so important to have a treat planned.

I really love to have a good margarita now and then.

But, on a normal day, I drink water, unsweet tea and during/after running, I drink an 1-to-1 mix of G2 Gatorade and water.

I do still grab a Diet Coke at Sonic occassionally, but not more than once every week or two.

What is G2 Gatorade?

I ran 10M again this morning, I'm glad I did, because after doing well at the beginning of the week I kind of fell apart. I am determined to not let that happen this week, and much as I hate to admit it, journaling is definitely the key to that. If I see what I've eaten, it just reigns me in.

Maria :upsidedow

Hope you have a great week! Sounds like you have a plan in place to have a successful one.
Hi Everyone,

All caught up with the thread! Very happy about that. I enjoyed reading how you tackle grocery shopping. I know I got a few ideas to make the task more successful for me. A few of you mentioned the "B" word-budget. It would probably help me to keep that in mind as well.

The gala last night was great. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in too long. The dinner courses were fairly light for dinner out. There was also a dessert bar in addition to the dessert course. I stuck to my plan to avoid chocolate. :) Very proud of myself. I did have over a full can of diet soda, which I also try to avoid. I had planned to have diet soda, though, so I did still to my plan completely. :banana:

Today has been a great day so far. I did Week 2 of C25K on the treadmill at the hotel gym. It was tough, I have to admit. I need to stick with the C25K this time. I typically go to the gym on Monday nights. I cannot miss it this week.

I've had 32 oz. of water already today too. Plus, 1 serving of veggies and have journaled all the food I've eaten as of yet.

Will check back later. Have a great day everyone!
Spent all morning at our local World Cup Day! It was fun but exhausting! Had 3 really tasty hot dogs and now I'm having a drink! The weather has gone downhill all morning. I'm exhausted! Going to watch the US vs. England game! I hope to have some energy later on to workout! I may need a nap later too!

I will get back with it by Monday at least! Got a very busy week ahead of me so I'll have to see when I can fit in my workouts. I'll just try and really watch my food intake!

I had a couple people who I hadn't seen in awhile tell me how great I looked! That will help get me moving again, but unfortunately probably not today!

Time to recline on the couch!
I ran 10M again this morning, I'm glad I did, because after doing well at the beginning of the week I kind of fell apart. I am determined to not let that happen this week, and much as I hate to admit it, journaling is definitely the key to that. If I see what I've eaten, it just reigns me in.

Hello Maria! Great job with your run - it is so nice to just get it done some times. Good luck with your journaling this week! :thumbsup2

Today has been a great day so far. I did Week 2 of C25K on the treadmill at the hotel gym. It was tough, I have to admit. I need to stick with the C25K this time. I typically go to the gym on Monday nights. I cannot miss it this week.

I've had 32 oz. of water already today too. Plus, 1 serving of veggies and have journaled all the food I've eaten as of yet.

Will check back later. Have a great day everyone!

CC - I love to hear how even though you are at the hotel that you are sticking to your plan. GREAT JOB on using the treadmill and I am really proud of you for keeping at the C25K! It is really nice to read about how you are doing the other COW items as well with you water, veggies and journaling. I need to get on WW and journal my food today.

I am feeling good. DH and I did get out and do a 3 mile run this morning - it was the first one in almost a week. It felt really great. We ran tons of hills and our time was 29:03 (9:41 min/miles). I was exhausted when we finished though. The good thing was that nothing on my body hurt. I wasn't sure how it would go but it was GREAT!

I am now off to the meat market to get some fresh chicken for us to grill and to the grocery store to get some veggies. We will eat a mid-day meal around 3:00 since the kid's dance recital is at 5:00. I am debating getting some good bread (I LOVE bread)...I might get a mini loaf. Since we will be having a combined lunch/supper, I should be okay with points.

Time to get moving again!
Good afternoon. I'm home from the park, and michael is going over a friends house after his shower for a while, and I am going to get out for a run before the rain comes in. I volunteered at the dunk tank at the picnic, so I got lots of squats in picking up the balls. I did eat a cheeseburger and doritos for lunch, so tonight I'll have a salad and grill some chicken. I'll check back later and catch up. After my run I want pick up around here a little before I get to dis-ing. A few hours alone goes by so fast.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend. :)
I had a couple people who I hadn't seen in awhile tell me how great I looked! That will help get me moving again, but unfortunately probably not today!

Time to recline on the couch!


CC - I love to hear how even though you are at the hotel that you are sticking to your plan. GREAT JOB on using the treadmill and I am really proud of you for keeping at the C25K! It is really nice to read about how you are doing the other COW items as well with you water, veggies and journaling. I need to get on WW and journal my food today.

I am feeling good. DH and I did get out and do a 3 mile run this morning - it was the first one in almost a week. It felt really great. We ran tons of hills and our time was 29:03 (9:41 min/miles). I was exhausted when we finished though. The good thing was that nothing on my body hurt. I wasn't sure how it would go but it was GREAT!

I am now off to the meat market to get some fresh chicken for us to grill and to the grocery store to get some veggies. We will eat a mid-day meal around 3:00 since the kid's dance recital is at 5:00. I am debating getting some good bread (I LOVE bread)...I might get a mini loaf. Since we will be having a combined lunch/supper, I should be okay with points.

Time to get moving again!

Thanks! You definitely had a great run today IMO. Hope you enjoyed your lunch/dinner and you are having a great time at your children's recital!

Good afternoon. I'm home from the park, and michael is going over a friends house after his shower for a while, and I am going to get out for a run before the rain comes in. I volunteered at the dunk tank at the picnic, so I got lots of squats in picking up the balls. I did eat a cheeseburger and doritos for lunch, so tonight I'll have a salad and grill some chicken. I'll check back later and catch up. After my run I want pick up around here a little before I get to dis-ing. A few hours alone goes by so fast.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend. :)

Have a great, relaxing night!

G2 is a lower calorie version of Gatorade.

I really, really struggle with self-image. I did okay, smaller than some, waayy smaller than some, a bit more than some. I guess avg. Which, considering where I was 5 months ago, is pretty cool! I am constantly asking DH - am I her size? what about her? etc. and looking at my reflection, not out of vanity, but to see my body shape and critique. Every once in a while I'll have a "I look pretty good" moment, but most of the time I just focus on what I don't like. It's becoming bordlerline obsessive, which kind of scares me. I keep reminding myself of all the people, just in the last few weeks, that have not recognized me that I've known all my life if I get too negative.


I do the exact same thing. Lately I've started pointing out what size I feel like I am. It's really kind of sad. It's the hardest thing about this I think. We did have discussions about the fact that I will probably never wear a small shirt--big shoulders and big cupcakes (as we like to call them:thumbsup2). That's what I need to learn to be ok with. To like me the way I am. I get a little obsessive as well.

:surfweb:QOTD......definielty a margarita!!!! other that, that i drink water and starbucks coffee (nothing sugary or creamy....just coffee with nonfat milk)! :lovestruc

Foot is NO better......soooooo disappointing. :sad2: I can't really walk on it and was not expecting so much pain. I was expecting 2 small stitches not a row of staples (so misleading). Lots of pain killers in order today. I am working (hairdresser) bride coming in :D fake smiles.:laughing:
Keep running everyone, that is so great!:cool1:
I am really sorry about your foot.:hug:

Taryn - You have lost so much weight that I am not surprised that body image is an issue for you right now. I also look in the mirror all the time lately to critique myself. It is funny because I will start with thinking how great I look now and then shift to focusing on what should be better and looking at the belly fat and so on. It is hard not to be a bit obsessive about the body image. This is partly why I want to get a notebook type of journal and not just use my WW points journal anymore - I want a place to write down how I feel about my body, a place to record when other people make comments that let me know I have done an incredible job, someplace to write about how when I go shopping now I can't believe what I fit into and all of that good stuff. I need to find the balance between feeling like I am still fat to feeling proud of my accomplishments.


I really identify with this as well.

QOTD--since I'm completely off caffeine I only drink water, beer (not everyday of course:thumbsup2), but I would say my favorite drink when I'm splurging is a Mojito. My dh describes them as a mint julep with rum--yum!

Good evening Losers! Hope everyone has had a good day.

Lisa--very cool about the Prairie Home Companion taping.

CC--yeah on exercising at the hotel!:goodvibes

We did not do much today. Ran this morning. Did some shopping . Pool this afternoon. I am happy to say I had an awesome run--8.6miles at an 11:51 pace, slow but a new distance record for me. With the walking at the beginning and end we went 11 miles total.:cool1: More importantly, no stomach issues! I was not very detailed last week, because it was way too much info, but I had major stomach issues last week, and I thought I was done with distance. Every run it just kept getting worse and worse and last week was beyond awful. I'll let you use your imagination.:rolleyes1 Anyhow, we googled it and I started taking a fiber supplement once a day and that's all it took. I was so happy.

Hope everyone has a great evening. We're going to see S & the City tonight.
Sorry I have been missing this week. I really need to catch up. Will explain. I wrote a long post this morning and lost it all.

Pinkle...Ugh that is horrible! Your foot, not the bride. ;) How long will it take to heal? 5 staples, it just hurts reading that...

I remember someone on here was getting those shape-up sneakers...if you're still out there, how are they? Do you like them? I tried on the Avia brand at Kohl's yesterday and was very arch was hurting and they seemed to help.

Pinkle I hope your foot heals quickly. I was layed up all last summer with bunion surgery and it is not fun.

Jen I bought the Champion brand. I have wore them a little but am waiting until I can really break them in. I will probably start wearing them this week and next when I have exams. They are very comfy and I wore them without my orthotics and my arch felt fine.

This has been a crazy week. Tuesday I went with the costume guy from the local high school because some things with the show from March were nominated at a state awards program. Our costumes did lose but one girl won for best featured player. Three girls won best group. We did Gypsy and they were the three strippers who taught Gypsy Rose Lee how to get into stripping. The girls were really funny. The first thanked the cast and the crew. The second thank their families. The third got up and said "We'd like to thannk our mothers, who taught us everything we know":rotfl::rotfl:

I got home late that night and never really caught up on sleep until Friday night. I was also up late Thursday night because dh went with a friend to see the Mets play. He had never been to the new stadium so he was excited to go. He was supposed to go on Wed but they got rained out for that night and postponed until Thursday night.

End of the year is always crazy but this seems worse than normal. Only a a couple more weeks.

Eating the last couple of days have not been the best but not the worst. I need to get back on track but I am just trying to hold it together to get through the end of the year.

Have a great evening everyone.
QOTD--since I'm completely off caffeine I only drink water, beer (not everyday of course:thumbsup2), but I would say my favorite drink when I'm splurging is a Mojito. My dh describes them as a mint julep with rum--yum!

Good evening Losers! Hope everyone has had a good day.

Lisa--very cool about the Prairie Home Companion taping.

CC--yeah on exercising at the hotel!:goodvibes

We did not do much today. Ran this morning. Did some shopping . Pool this afternoon. I am happy to say I had an awesome run--8.6miles at an 11:51 pace, slow but a new distance record for me. With the walking at the beginning and end we went 11 miles total.:cool1: More importantly, no stomach issues! I was not very detailed last week, because it was way too much info, but I had major stomach issues last week, and I thought I was done with distance. Every run it just kept getting worse and worse and last week was beyond awful. I'll let you use your imagination.:rolleyes1 Anyhow, we googled it and I started taking a fiber supplement once a day and that's all it took. I was so happy.

Hope everyone has a great evening. We're going to see S & the City tonight.

Way to go on the run! I can't wait until I can average that pace. Glad to hear you were without stomach issues today! It's amazing how something so simple like taking fiber can help.

I'm so glad I went to the gym this morning. I knew I wouldn't make it to my gym today and I really wanted to burn some calories after a really heavy day yesterday. Thanks for the compliment!

This has been a crazy week. Tuesday I went with the costume guy from the local high school because some things with the show from March were nominated at a state awards program. Our costumes did lose but one girl won for best featured player. Three girls won best group. We did Gypsy and they were the three strippers who taught Gypsy Rose Lee how to get into stripping. The girls were really funny. The first thanked the cast and the crew. The second thank their families. The third got up and said "We'd like to thannk our mothers, who taught us everything we know":rotfl::rotfl:

I got home late that night and never really caught up on sleep until Friday night. I was also up late Thursday night because dh went with a friend to see the Mets play. He had never been to the new stadium so he was excited to go. He was supposed to go on Wed but they got rained out for that night and postponed until Thursday night.

End of the year is always crazy but this seems worse than normal. Only a a couple more weeks.

Eating the last couple of days have not been the best but not the worst. I need to get back on track but I am just trying to hold it together to get through the end of the year.

Have a great evening everyone.

:hug: Hope you have a great day tomorrow!
Good Evening Everyone,

Well, I am ready for bed. I had a pretty busy day after returning from the gala/hotel this morning. First, I cleaned my bedroom. It needed it. :rotfl2: I still have to change my sheets, but I'll do that tomorrow sometime. After lunch, my parents and I went out to run a few errands. They included a trip to Wal-Mart for a few essentials and the grocery store. Note to self, do not go grocery shopping with my mother. :rotfl: There is absolutely no organization involved when she shops. We bought one night's dinner. Um, ok. No comment.

I got home and took a nap. I woke up in time for dinner-some very lean burgers with tossed salad. Overall, I did great on my points. I even had room for a Skinny Cow sandwich.

I've been talking to my sister on and off since dinner and doing some odds and ends. It is definitely time to hit the sack. Hoping to sleep in tomorrow. And, on that note, here is tomorrow's (Sunday, 6/13) QOTD.

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I'll go ahead and answer the question now. For me, I am looking forward exercising on Monday. Exercising is so good for me emotionally, and I have a feeling I won't be able to tomorrow (long story, TMI), so I know I will need a good workout on Monday.

Have a great Sunday!
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

I'm looking forward to continuing my early morning walks with my neighbor and walking with my mom. My mom and I will walk longer once the kids are done with school. I have an extremely busy early part of the week. DD1 has field day on Monday which I will assist with and then go to work. Tuesday is jam-packed with things that I need to do. I have a 10am client and a 1pm client and then have to feed the kids and get their hair and makeup done for dress rehearsal by 3:45 and get them to rehearsal by 4. DH will come to dress rehearsal so I can go to work for a 6pm client. Don't think I'll get much of a workout in except for my early morning walk. Giving 3 massages will help me with the exercise piece. I will have to figure out when and what to eat. Wednesday's calendar is empty at least at the moment. School ends Thursday for DD2 and Friday for DD1. I will go to preschool graduation on Thursday and pick up DD1 at school on Friday. Hopefully we can figure out when to see Toy Story 3.

Tomorrow will be the last day of church with our minister. We will have a new one in August and it will be sad saying good bye to our present minister. There will be a big reception after that will serve as our lunch. I've made brownies to take. I have errands to do after church so that will keep me busy the rest of the day.
QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

Well... DD isn't in school yet, so we don't really notice when school is in or out. And, no vacations on the caledar just yet. Maybe something in the Fall. So, looking foward to spending Sunday with DH and DD :goodvibes, and then back to the grind on Monday. :upsidedow

The only thing different is that my neice is going to join me for my run Sunday morning. She is 8 and a hard-core soccer athlete. She's gonna make me look bad, but we'll have a fun time. She's a such a neat kid and we don't get to spend much time one-on-one. I am looking forward to that.:thumbsup2
Good Evening Everyone,

QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?

My kiddos still have an entire week of school left including, class trips for all 3, grad dance, graduation. This may easily be the busiest week of the year for me.
Hello All,

Hope everyone had a good Saturday.

I missed the Sat QOTD - my favorite beverage is sweet tea (chik fil a's is especially good :thumbsup2), but i try not to drink it at home, only when I go out for a meal..otherwise, I drink mostly water, occasionally a fuze tropical punch.

For Sunday's QOTD - Looking forward to spending Monday with DS..took the day off on Friday for Dr's and Dentist's taking Monday off for fun. Not sure what we are doing yet, but just to spend the day with him and not having to work is a happy thought for me!

Night All!

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