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I have a ???? for you experts. . .

Is embroidery thread cheaper at Wal-Mart or Jo-Ann's?? Or is it close enough not to worry about it??

Also, can you get Sulky tear-away at Wal-Mart, or is it JUST at Jo-Ann's??


you know I like quality emb thread and do not buy yhecheap stuff. but if there is a sale on at joanns I stock up!!

the tear away is at both

Here are the girls before school for their Valentine's Party

And here are Kenzie's finished pants. I posted the shirt already, but here are the pants.


And the skirt I just finished last night


Now, what kind of top do you guys think I should make to go with the skirt? tank or peasant? A ruffle at the bottom? I am unsure what to put with it.

Very cute! And I love how the top turned out too!

Wait until she is 10 :eek:

We did get our new Justice catalog and I am so excited that bermuda shorts are back! Now DD will not have to wear capri's all summer.

My friend just got this machine. She was driving home and it was sitting in someones driveway with a sign on it that said FREE WORKS GREAT! So she picked it up. We live 1 minute away from each other- I wish I was just driving by and found a free sewing machine.

I also want to say I LOVE Lily's dress. I love polka dots. I am so excited all of the spring fabric is coming out. To bad it is freezing and my yard is covered in ice. On a nice note I did talk DH into building a fire for me so I am cleaning and painting with a roaring fire. Makes it a little more enjoyable.

This is what I am working on:


It is one of Katie’s birthday gifts. I am so excited to give it to her. I am using pink tulle, pink chenille, and pink taffeta. I am using a plain table I bought at Michael’s with two chairs. The chairs are not as fancy, but it is cute. I hope it turns out half as cute as the one in the picture.

Thanks! I'm really into polka dots and gingham right now. Lily saw your picture of the table and chairs and said "oh, pretty dress!":rotfl:

This is freakin' adorable!
I can't wait to see the finished product!

I used up the fabric Camelotcats sent to me!
This is what I came up with:


I still have to finish the hem. I decided to use binding (I like the clean look of it) so I have to get to the store now to get it. I also have another one that I am doing for Julia. She will be 11 months when we go, so I am trying to figure out her size.
I'll take action shots later when Zofia feels like trying it on.

Very cute! Lily saw it and said "mom, that's my Minnies! I want go Disneyworld!"
you know I like quality emb thread and do not buy yhecheap stuff. but if there is a sale on at joanns I stock up!!

the tear away is at both

looks like I am going to JoAnn's. . .

is the embroidery thread included in the 50% off this weekend??

looks like I am going to JoAnn's. . .

is the embroidery thread included in the 50% off this weekend??

yes, I always buy mine when Joanns has a 50% off sale. They also have tons more variety and colors than WalMart
ok... here are the 2 monkey prints - 1 yard each!


and the dr suess is about 4 yards of the blue on the left and 1 yard of the green on the right. none of the middle print

Oh My word! Where did you find Dr. Suess fabric? I have been looking since before Christmas.
I do that same thing. Normal store bought clothes are no longer cute enough for my child. :lmao: Something is wrong with me and it's all ya'll's fault. I was never like this before this thread. I used to just sew for special occassions.

Watch out! I used to make all my DD's clothes. Then when she was getting married, I took her dress shopping and we found one that we both loved. When I got home that night the phone was ringing. She said, "Mom, I don't want to get that dress. All my life I dreamed you would make my wedding dress. Please, please."

Cutting into $149 a yard lace is nerve wracking-:scared1: -but on the bright side--I finally used algebra for something -- figuring out how to shorten the train! :lmao: :lmao:

Now I'm making stuff for my grandkids!
Finally all caught up. I have been writing on a piece of paper with me so I could make some comments.

SallyinDE, I found the blue princess fabric at Joann's, I didn't see that anyone was able to tell you where. It's a relatively new print. I have no idea about the Mickey one but boy, I'd love some of that!

Thank you for thinking of me! I went to JoAnne's afterwork today and found it! I was really shocked becuase our JoAnne's sells out of Disney really fast. I also found Peticoat Net. They haven't had it before. I love this stuff. It's like craft net, but really stiff.

Of course, now that I'm ready to sew something, I'm having allergy problems and don't feel like doing a dang thing.
Watch out! I used to make all my DD's clothes. Then when she was getting married, I took her dress shopping and we found one that we both loved. When I got home that night the phone was ringing. She said, "Mom, I don't want to get that dress. All my life I dreamed you would make my wedding dress. Please, please."

Cutting into $149 a yard lace is nerve wracking-:scared1: -but on the bright side--I finally used algebra for something -- figuring out how to shorten the train! :lmao: :lmao:

Now I'm making stuff for my grandkids!

My dream is to be confident enough to sew my DD's wedding dress when the time comes. Of course, I have 30+ years for that! :rotfl:

$149 a yard lace! :eek: Do you have pics? I've GOT to see this!
adoptionmomma: Love that table! It is gorgeous. It is so hard to keep it a secret when you are excited to give a gift!

Jham, that is so cute. YOur daughter is a cutie, too! I like the daisies, and it makes me wish for spring!

kstgelais4, that is a cute skirt. I have a question, when you make a patchwork skirt, do you finish all the seams on the inside? Does it take forever?

I finished the shirt I made Kenzie,


my applique attempt


And the outfit. I tucked in the shirt because I didn't like the ruffle. I think I may make her some bermudas to go with the shirt, too.


WIth it tucked in it looks so cute, like a dress with a peekaboo skirt on it. Good Job. I like it with the ruffle too, but like you said, with shorts.
Here is the latest thing I have made Lily. It is a sundress for summer, but she INSISTS on wearing it every day. I do need to move the (purely decorative) buttons higher though.



I love this look! I really like daisies. They are such a happy flower! Where did you find that trim?

This is what I am working on:


Okay, I totally "right clicked" this picture! I want to make my daughter one of these sets! Please post pictures when you are done!
My dream is to be confident enough to sew my DD's wedding dress when the time comes. Of course, I have 30+ years for that! :rotfl:

$149 a yard lace! :eek: Do you have pics? I've GOT to see this!

I wish I did--but Katrina destroyed a lot of pictures--now there's just memories. I wish we had digital cameras back then!

I'll see if my daughter can mail me a copy of one of the pics and scan it.
My dream is to be confident enough to sew my DD's wedding dress when the time comes. Of course, I have 30+ years for that! :rotfl:

$149 a yard lace! :eek: Do you have pics? I've GOT to see this!

30 years? I already have Morgan's husband picked out! (It is actually a VERY sweet story-she cared for him in China). He is soooo sweet. And I just love his family. Did you buy silk in China for a wedding dress?
I was going to go to JoAnn's and take the kids to the Hannah Montana movie today but Megan has been fighting a cold and feels feverish. She is so cute, lying in my bed watching tv in her Jasmine costume with a minnie bow in her hair. I did redo two of her bows I have previously made (oh my, what a hot mess they were). Maybe I will get that St. Patrick's fabric I bought and figure out what to do with it.

HOT MESS! I think someone has been watching Project Runway!!!
Okay, I totally "right clicked" this picture! I want to make my daughter one of these sets! Please post pictures when you are done!

I totally right clicked that picture also. I do not even know where I found that set. Someone else mentioned :wizard: ???

:goodvibes I tired to quote everyone who responded about the table, but I had to leave and get DD so I lost them.

Anyway- so far I only have them painted white. I had to sand, prime and paint two coats of white. I always under estimate the amount of work something is going to take. :confused3 I am going to try and make the top gingham (I saw it on Martha Stewart) with the pink polka dots. I will work on the fabric part of the seats as soon as I am finished painting.

I will post pics when I get it done. I can not wait for it to be finished. I want to get her room all ready by her party. It is 3 weeks away. DH built her a doll house shaped bookcase and I am having a mural artist paint it to look like a cottage. I think this custom boutique addiction is spreading :lmao:. I am also going to try to make the dust ruffle to her bed look like the bottom of the chairs. I painted her bed that pretty cottage light green and I am making a pillows and such from a beautiful pink and green fabric I bought today. I am so excited. Her room is going to be so beautiful. It will be a great place for her to go in and look since she sleeps with ME! I am hoping she will want to sleep in her new princess room. We are really talking it up.

I am painting in the garage and Katie keeps saying "you painting Sarah's table?" - I made her friend Sarah a dress for Christmas and now everything I make Katie she thinks it belongs to Sarah. When I tell her it belongs to Katie she gets so excited.
I wish I did--but Katrina destroyed a lot of pictures--now there's just memories. I wish we had digital cameras back then!

I'll see if my daughter can mail me a copy of one of the pics and scan it.

Oh, man! I'm so sorry! Katrina really was and continues to be an awful disaster. I didn't realize it affected your family. I hope you've found recovery quickly.

30 years? I already have Morgan's husband picked out! (It is actually a VERY sweet story-she cared for him in China). He is soooo sweet. And I just love his family. Did you buy silk in China for a wedding dress?

I've not found AbbyGrace's husband yet. I need to get to work on that!

Unfortunately, I wasn't sewing like I do now when we went to China. The thought of buying silk there for her wedding dress NEVER even occurred to me. Now I'm having a panic attack! What to do. What to do! I have a friend leaving on Thursday to bring home her daughter, I wonder if she'd bring me back some... where do you buy it? Guangzhou? How much did you buy? How much did it cost? You've really got me going now! We do plan to go back in several years, I guess I could get some then.

I totally right clicked that picture also. I do not even know where I found that set. Someone else mentioned :wizard: ???

:goodvibes I tired to quote everyone who responded about the table, but I had to leave and get DD so I lost them.

Anyway- so far I only have them painted white. I had to sand, prime and paint two coats of white. I always under estimate the amount of work something is going to take. :confused3 I am going to try and make the top gingham (I saw it on Martha Stewart) with the pink polka dots. I will work on the fabric part of the seats as soon as I am finished painting.

I will post pics when I get it done. I can not wait for it to be finished. I want to get her room all ready by her party. It is 3 weeks away. DH built her a doll house shaped bookcase and I am having a mural artist paint it to look like a cottage. I think this custom boutique addiction is spreading :lmao:. I am also going to try to make the dust ruffle to her bed look like the bottom of the chairs. I painted her bed that pretty cottage light green and I am making a pillows and such from a beautiful pink and green fabric I bought today. I am so excited. Her room is going to be so beautiful. It will be a great place for her to go in and look since she sleeps with ME! I am hoping she will want to sleep in her new princess room. We are really talking it up.

I am painting in the garage and Katie keeps saying "you painting Sarah's table?" - I made her friend Sarah a dress for Christmas and now everything I make Katie she thinks it belongs to Sarah. When I tell her it belongs to Katie she gets so excited.

This is SO sweet! I can't wait to see pics of her room, and to hear of her surprise when she realizes it's all for her!
Thank you for thinking of me! I went to JoAnne's afterwork today and found it! I was really shocked becuase our JoAnne's sells out of Disney really fast. I also found Peticoat Net. They haven't had it before. I love this stuff. It's like craft net, but really stiff.

Of course, now that I'm ready to sew something, I'm having allergy problems and don't feel like doing a dang thing.

Hi Sally, Which Joann's were you at? I'd love to find that fabric too - I forget which part of DE you are from (you are from DE, right??? lol)

I was able to find the pooh flannel but that was it of disney at the Tri State mall Joanns........

Everyones outfits are looking so incredibly cute - I think I want to try a face dress/jumper - How do you all judge how big and what part of the face to use?

Also, last night in the clearance section there was this stuff that looked kind of like tulle, but it was much smoother and "closed cell" if that makes any sense (you know how the tulle kind of has holes) - would that work under a dress to make it puff a little? I just want a little poof not a waaaaay out puff... and with this type of material or tulle, how do you hem it?

When you put another layer under a dress, does it matter what kind of material? I was eyeying some white eyelet fabric yesterday at Joann's, but it was a little $$ - would I use the same amount of that as the actual dress skirt and then sandwich the tulle "skirt" in between them?

For the average almost 6 year old, how much material do you use to get a nice shaped dress? Im not so good at patterns with the exception of the ones on YCMT but they are a little out of my budget right now. But I was thinking of maybe using the stripwork jumper pattern???????? thoughts???

Thanks, Wendy
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