Would you consider this line cutting?

We found our own solution to the "table savers" at QS restaurants last trip. Went to the Studios on SWW Sunday. Got sandwiches/salads and then started looking for a table (group of 4). There were lots of tables with one person not eating sitting there. We finally just plopped our group down at one of the one person tables.

The person sitting there objected, saying they were saving the seats. Since she had just beaten us to the table, we figured her party had just gotten in line. We were in line about 20 minutes so we just said that if they get here before we are done, we'll move. Needless to say we were done eating and left her there still waiting for her party. We were probably rude be intruding on her space, but no ruder than her is how we figured it!

Line cutting is cutting, no matter how you figure it. We run into it more and more it seems. One parent and a small child, depending on the line, is awkward to pass. As someone mentioned BTMRR has very tight lines. But I can be tolerant of that. Its the parent with no child that drives me nuts. You know they sent Dad for fastpasses or something while everyone else got in line and now he's cutting. Get in line together! We frequently send my daughter to pick up fastpasses and meet her at the next attraction. But we wait until she arrives to get in line.
EKW ... you sound like one who thinks it's your right to shove through the line. You sound very angry that we don't all think it is polite and courteous to let you get by ... you sound angry that we don't know what's going on in your head that would make it okay for YOU to shove by to the front of the line.

Do unto others .... only if it's someone other than you, huh?
Whatever happened to getting your drink/snacks first, then getting in line? It's just goes tot show the sense of entitlement theory that so many people have now. It's unfortunate. However, being that I have a DD that is 4, I have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WITH letting a child and a parent through to meet up with another parent.

I will say that I don't think there is much that CM's can do about it. They would have to have a CM at every ride watching for "line cutters", and that seem ridiculous.

Basically, people need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that bringing their family reunion group of 30 into the line that was saved by one group member is ridiculous and obnoxious. I have no problem saying "heck no" to these people. :cool2:
We found our own solution to the "table savers" at QS restaurants last trip. Went to the Studios on SWW Sunday. Got sandwiches/salads and then started looking for a table (group of 4). There were lots of tables with one person not eating sitting there. We finally just plopped our group down at one of the one person tables.

The person sitting there objected, saying they were saving the seats. Since she had just beaten us to the table, we figured her party had just gotten in line. We were in line about 20 minutes so we just said that if they get here before we are done, we'll move. Needless to say we were done eating and left her there still waiting for her party. We were probably rude be intruding on her space, but no ruder than her is how we figured it!]

So you are telling me that you've never had someone sit down at a table while the others are getting the food? Saving a table is not like cutting in line. They got to the table first. First come, first serve. That's basic common sense. Frankly, even if it was just that one lone person sitting at the table with no intention of eating but just to take a break in the air conditioning, that's their right. Is it somewhat inconsiderate to take up a 4-top table when it's just you? Yes, but again, they got their first and they have every right to sit down and rest for awhile. It's annoying, but if you sat down next to me while I was waiting for my family to get the food, I'd be freaking ticked, and I may just jostle you off the seat. However, if I'm sitting there by myself taking a break in the air conditioning, I would have no problem with someone asking if they could sit there. Sure, you can have the other 3 seats that are left at the table.
We found our own solution to the "table savers" at QS restaurants last trip. Went to the Studios on SWW Sunday. Got sandwiches/salads and then started looking for a table (group of 4). There were lots of tables with one person not eating sitting there. We finally just plopped our group down at one of the one person tables.

The person sitting there objected, saying they were saving the seats. Since she had just beaten us to the table, we figured her party had just gotten in line. We were in line about 20 minutes so we just said that if they get here before we are done, we'll move. Needless to say we were done eating and left her there still waiting for her party. We were probably rude be intruding on her space, but no ruder than her is how we figured it!]

So you are telling me that you've never had someone sit down at a table while the others are getting the food? Saving a table is not like cutting in line. They got to the table first. First come, first serve. That's basic common sense. Frankly, even if it was just that one lone person sitting at the table with no intention of eating but just to take a break in the air conditioning, that's their right. Is it somewhat inconsiderate to take up a 4-top table when it's just you? Yes, but again, they got their first and they have every right to sit down and rest for awhile. It's annoying, but if you sat down next to me while I was waiting for my family to get the food, I'd be freaking ticked, and I may just jostle you off the seat. However, if I'm sitting there by myself taking a break in the air conditioning, I would have no problem with someone asking if they could sit there. Sure, you can have the other 3 seats that are left at the table.
when we went in 2008 we were at the Animal Kingdom heading to a ride when my son started getting hot and fussy. He was wanting something to drink and every time we would pass something up with a drink or someone with a drink it would tick him off even more. So I told my family to go ahead and get in line without me and I would grab him a drink and then find them in line. So I went and got a drink and rushed back to him..as I was walking past people who were in line to get to my family I got a rude comment from a woman about me cutting in line and that they were waiting in line for a reason..etc..etc..I Just ignored her kept walking.

My thoughts were either I cut and give him something to drink and make him happy....or I can make everybody in line miserable by letting him cry. You cant make everyone happy, and thats not my job. My job is to take care of my kids and make them happy. Why is it, if I wouldnt have gotten him a drink and let him cry then I am sure people in line would of been talking about what a bad mom I am, or complaining about him crying, etc..etc...

if what I did makes me a line jumper..then just call me line jumper :)
We found our own solution to the "table savers" at QS restaurants last trip. Went to the Studios on SWW Sunday. Got sandwiches/salads and then started looking for a table (group of 4). There were lots of tables with one person not eating sitting there. We finally just plopped our group down at one of the one person tables.

The person sitting there objected, saying they were saving the seats. Since she had just beaten us to the table, we figured her party had just gotten in line. We were in line about 20 minutes so we just said that if they get here before we are done, we'll move. Needless to say we were done eating and left her there still waiting for her party. We were probably rude be intruding on her space, but no ruder than her is how we figured it!]

So you are telling me that you've never had someone sit down at a table while the others are getting the food? Saving a table is not like cutting in line. They got to the table first. First come, first serve. That's basic common sense. Frankly, even if it was just that one lone person sitting at the table with no intention of eating but just to take a break in the air conditioning, that's their right. Is it somewhat inconsiderate to take up a 4-top table when it's just you? Yes, but again, they got their first and they have every right to sit down and rest for awhile. It's annoying, but if you sat down next to me while I was waiting for my family to get the food, I'd be freaking ticked, and I may just jostle you off the seat. However, if I'm sitting there by myself taking a break in the air conditioning, I would have no problem with someone asking if they could sit there. Sure, you can have the other 3 seats that are left at the table.

No I haven't had my family "save" a table. I think it is extremely rude behavior and deserves rudeness in return. First come, first serve is common sense. If there are four empty seats and one table saver, the four empty seats are up for grabs as far as I am concerned.

Tables in an restaurant are for patrons - to me that is common sense. If you want to sit and rest, there are many places to do that. It is, in my opinion, rude to do it in a restaurant where people are wandering around carrying trays of food that are getting cold.
when we went in 2008 we were at the Animal Kingdom heading to a ride when my son started getting hot and fussy. He was wanting something to drink and every time we would pass something up with a drink or someone with a drink it would tick him off even more. So I told my family to go ahead and get in line without me and I would grab him a drink and then find them in line. So I went and got a drink and rushed back to him..as I was walking past people who were in line to get to my family I got a rude comment from a woman about me cutting in line and that they were waiting in line for a reason..etc..etc..I Just ignored her kept walking.

My thoughts were either I cut and give him something to drink and make him happy....or I can make everybody in line miserable by letting him cry. You cant make everyone happy, and thats not my job. My job is to take care of my kids and make them happy. Why is it, if I wouldnt have gotten him a drink and let him cry then I am sure people in line would of been talking about what a bad mom I am, or complaining about him crying, etc..etc...

if what I did makes me a line jumper..then just call me line jumper :)

What about option number 3? You go get him something and then you all get into line when you are done?
I don't mind the "mommy I have to got potty" in the middle of the line or you've been in line forever and suddenly someone needs a drink but more than one person (or the child that needs to potty) shouldn't leave the line.

My extended family does this sometimes and it irritates the crap out of me. We always just say...we will wait for you before entering the line.
No I haven't had my family "save" a table. I think it is extremely rude behavior and deserves rudeness in return. First come, first serve is common sense. If there are four empty seats and one table saver, the four empty seats are up for grabs as far as I am concerned.

Tables in an restaurant are for patrons - to me that is common sense. If you want to sit and rest, there are many places to do that. It is, in my opinion, rude to do it in a restaurant where people are wandering around carrying trays of food that are getting cold.

So you are telling me that your whole family gets in line to get food and then you all wander around together looking for a table? That makes no sense at all. It's hard for me to believe that you've NEVER saved a table for your family at a restaurant, let alone Disney. If you haven't, then fine. To each his own. Your comment about tables being reserved for patrons makes sense if I'm sitting in an Applebees taking a load off. However, at Disney, everyone is a patron regardless of if they just ordered a meal or not. The air conditioned restaurants aren't just for people who are eating their hamburgers, but for anyone at Disney! To assume that someone that is sitting down at a table without food should give up their seat for you is nonsense. Maybe they just finished eating and are still resting their feet? Maybe they wondered around for several minutes scoping out a table as well? Maybe they just sat down and are only planning on sitting for a few minutes? To place your needs above the needs of others whom you know nothing about their circumstance seems quite insensitive and selfish. You make it sound like everyone should move out of your way since you are a patron and are ready to sit down NOW!! There are thousands of people at Disney waiting to sit down NOW. What makes you more special than anyone else? :confused3
Unfortunately, I think in general the level of common decency and politness has gone way down hill at WDW. Everyone is so angry and concerned someone might be getting something they aren't. It's really disturbing if you ask me.

We usually wait until everyone is ready to get in line before we get in line.. If I had to change a poopy diaper, I would leave the line..but I'm not sure I would try to get back in..just because I wouldn't want to push past everyone.. But I wouldn't have an issue with someone else trying to do that. They want to be with their family.. There will still be a seat for you when you get to the front of the line..and you are wilth your family.

And its just completely bizarre the post about the woman sitting down with someone at a table when they were sitting alone?? what the heck? I very commonly sit down with one child, while my DH goes and gets food for us. etc.. I think its rather strange to get yourself a whole tray of food with no plan on where to sit.

Anyways just a lot of classless behavior.
So you are telling me that your whole family gets in line to get food and then you all wander around together looking for a table? That makes no sense at all. It's hard for me to believe that you've NEVER saved a table for your family at a restaurant, let alone Disney. If you haven't, then fine. To each his own. Your comment about tables being reserved for patrons makes sense if I'm sitting in an Applebees taking a load off. However, at Disney, everyone is a patron regardless of if they just ordered a meal or not. The air conditioned restaurants aren't just for people who are eating their hamburgers, but for anyone at Disney! To assume that someone that is sitting down at a table without food should give up their seat for you is nonsense. Maybe they just finished eating and are still resting their feet? Maybe they wondered around for several minutes scoping out a table as well? Maybe they just sat down and are only planning on sitting for a few minutes? To place your needs above the needs of others whom you know nothing about their circumstance seems quite insensitive and selfish. You make it sound like everyone should move out of your way since you are a patron and are ready to sit down NOW!! There are thousands of people at Disney waiting to sit down NOW. What makes you more special than anyone else? :confused3

The thing is, if you read other threads on DIS, it appears that WDW is enforcing this very thing. They are not allowing people to save tables on some busy CS restaurants during peak times.

And they are not allowing people just to sit there to rest their feet and use the air conditioning.
So you are telling me that your whole family gets in line to get food and then you all wander around together looking for a table? That makes no sense at all. It's hard for me to believe that you've NEVER saved a table for your family at a restaurant, let alone Disney. If you haven't, then fine. To each his own. Your comment about tables being reserved for patrons makes sense if I'm sitting in an Applebees taking a load off. However, at Disney, everyone is a patron regardless of if they just ordered a meal or not. The air conditioned restaurants aren't just for people who are eating their hamburgers, but for anyone at Disney! To assume that someone that is sitting down at a table without food should give up their seat for you is nonsense. Maybe they just finished eating and are still resting their feet? Maybe they wondered around for several minutes scoping out a table as well? Maybe they just sat down and are only planning on sitting for a few minutes? To place your needs above the needs of others whom you know nothing about their circumstance seems quite insensitive and selfish. You make it sound like everyone should move out of your way since you are a patron and are ready to sit down NOW!! There are thousands of people at Disney waiting to sit down NOW. What makes you more special than anyone else? :confused3

With my family of 4, we all wait in line to order, once we have ordered 2 of us wait for the food and the other two go to track down a table. Usually we have our food a couple of minutes after a table has been located

Just an FYI, at Cosmic Ray's they were not allowing you to even ENTER the areas with the tables unless you already had your food or had already ordered it.
This depends with me as I'm also annoyed by parties of 20 going through the line together & not having a clue what they want. I'd prefer for one person to write down everyone's order BEFORE getting to the cashier. Then the rest of the family breaks off to go find a table. We are a family of five & stand in the beginning part of the line together while we get our order together. Then one child stays with me (to carry the food) and order while dh scopes the table situation, gets napkins, etc. Then he can pounce when there is a table freeing up and I'm not slowing the line down. We almost always end up at a free table at the same time, food and condiments in hand.

I wish everyone did it our way. I wish Disney would have a CM directing people to do it this way. Then you wouldn't have children hanging upside down on the bars separating the lines and 10 people all on one order giving their order to the cashier individually.

This is what we do, too. It's not always easy getting a table for 7, and I'm not comfortable navigating them all through a busy restaurant. Most will sit at a table, and 2 of us will order and get the food.
I'm not saying that I'm one to pitch a tent at an air conditioned QS restaurant. Actually, I'm the one usually saying, "Hey, there are people that need our table. Let's get up." when we are done eating. However, for someone to think they can plop themselves down at a table that I most likely walked around, scouted out, and waited for, is rude. Like a pp said, it's classless behavior. It's having a sense of entitlement that is disturbing.

For the pp who said that they aren't allowing people to sit down who aren't eating...How do they know you haven't just got done eating? What if just one person in the party is eating? Do they only allow that person to sit and eat and the others have to stand outside the window peering in? ;) I'm slightly exaggerating here, but I don't see how they can be consistent with enforcing this "guideline".
So you are telling me that your whole family gets in line to get food and then you all wander around together looking for a table? That makes no sense at all. It's hard for me to believe that you've NEVER saved a table for your family at a restaurant, let alone Disney. If you haven't, then fine. To each his own. Your comment about tables being reserved for patrons makes sense if I'm sitting in an Applebees taking a load off. However, at Disney, everyone is a patron regardless of if they just ordered a meal or not. The air conditioned restaurants aren't just for people who are eating their hamburgers, but for anyone at Disney! To assume that someone that is sitting down at a table without food should give up their seat for you is nonsense. Maybe they just finished eating and are still resting their feet? Maybe they wondered around for several minutes scoping out a table as well? Maybe they just sat down and are only planning on sitting for a few minutes? To place your needs above the needs of others whom you know nothing about their circumstance seems quite insensitive and selfish. You make it sound like everyone should move out of your way since you are a patron and are ready to sit down NOW!! There are thousands of people at Disney waiting to sit down NOW. What makes you more special than anyone else? :confused3

If the restaurant is busy, one gets in line and the rest wait in the corner. We do not save tables as I consider that to be rude. I love the system Disney has at the MK restaurants when it is busy. No food, no table. The CM's direct traffic. Also, if you bothered to read, I never told anyone to move. We sat at empty seats and told the individual sitting there that we would leave if their party arrived while we were eating (they didn't). To me, one person holding six seats is no different than one person holding six places in line. Both are rude.

I've not seen thousands of people at Disney waiting to "sit down now" as you put it. But I've seen many wandering around looking for a spot to sit in order to eat. While there are pretty obvious table savers.

Who at Disney told you that everyone is a patron of the restaurant whether they are eating or not? Common sense would seem to say to me that Disney provides restaurant seating for those who are eating. There are benches and shows with seats for those who want to rest.

And where do you get the idea that my needs are more important than others when I sit at an empty chair at a "saved" table? We generally don't smell bad and bath daily. My daughter is 18, her friend was 19. They have better table manners than many adults I know. My husband is a fairly mild mannered guy except when he is trying to eat while walking. I do have to have an injection prior to eating which some find offensive but I generally manage to do it pretty discretely. I never said I was more special than anyone else. It seems to me that it is you who thinks that you must be a very special person to deserve to tie up an entire table in a crowded restaurant where diners can't find a place to sit because you want to "rest".
Also, if I see an open table when we first walk into a QS restaurant, you better believe I'm going to go and snag it while my DH orders the food for us. I think we've all done it. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Also, if I see an open table when we first walk into a QS restaurant, you better believe I'm going to go and snag it while my DH orders the food for us. I think we've all done it. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Won't be doing it at busy times at the MK. As someone has already mentioned, Pecos Bills, Cosmic Rays and I believe I just read Pinocchio Village Haus all have cast members at busy times preventing this rude table saving. They obviously see something wrong with patrons wandering around with trays of food while others save a table.


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