Would you consider this line cutting?

I always find it interesting the number of people who think it is okay to cut in line if you have a special reason.

We all have reasons why we don't want to wait in line. We are all "special".

Just suck it up ... get your drinks/food first, go to the bathroom first, get your fastpasses first, wait for ALL members of your party BEFORE entering the line.

Yea, yea ... what if someone has to go to the bathroom suddenly, what if someone is too weak to stand, what if I am dying of thirst and my DH wants to buy me a drink ... get over it.


Even when you do those things, stuff still happens. We got in a 30 minute splash mountain stand by line one day which turned into an almost 90 minute ordeal. 65 minutes into our wait, my youngest son had to use the restroom. LOTS of people in that line were going (usually in ones or twos) to the nearby restrooms because the wait was way longer then expected.
We utilized fast pass, even with stroller swap, did not save a table prior to ordering food and generally tried to be very aware of others needs and personal space.

You sound like the same kind of people we are. I hate the saving-a-table-while-someone-else-orders thing at quick service dining places, too. The tables are for EATING, not for WAITING. We normally sat on the ground somewhere out of the way and ate picnic style. I'd say about 1/3 of the tables at quick service restaurants actually have people eating at them at any given time, the rest of the people are waiting for the rest of their party. Annoying.
You sound like the same kind of people we are. I hate the saving-a-table-while-someone-else-orders thing at quick service dining places, too. The tables are for EATING, not for WAITING. We normally sat on the ground somewhere out of the way and ate picnic style. I'd say about 1/3 of the tables at quick service restaurants actually have people eating at them at any given time, the rest of the people are waiting for the rest of their party. Annoying.

That is annoying. I was at Pecos Bills Cafe with my DD3 asleep in her stroller and DD (7) trying to push the stroller and carry the tray and find a table. All i could see were people waiting at tables with no food. Very frustrating and inconsiderate.
That is annoying. I was at Pecos Bills Cafe with my DD3 asleep in her stroller and DD (7) trying to push the stroller and carry the tray and find a table. All i could see were people waiting at tables with no food. Very frustrating and inconsiderate.

This depends with me as I'm also annoyed by parties of 20 going through the line together & not having a clue what they want. I'd prefer for one person to write down everyone's order BEFORE getting to the cashier. Then the rest of the family breaks off to go find a table. We are a family of five & stand in the beginning part of the line together while we get our order together. Then one child stays with me (to carry the food) and order while dh scopes the table situation, gets napkins, etc. Then he can pounce when there is a table freeing up and I'm not slowing the line down. We almost always end up at a free table at the same time, food and condiments in hand.

I wish everyone did it our way. I wish Disney would have a CM directing people to do it this way. Then you wouldn't have children hanging upside down on the bars separating the lines and 10 people all on one order giving their order to the cashier individually.
That is annoying. I was at Pecos Bills Cafe with my DD3 asleep in her stroller and DD (7) trying to push the stroller and carry the tray and find a table. All i could see were people waiting at tables with no food. Very frustrating and inconsiderate.

I gave to disagree here. I think it's more than ok to grab a table while someone is ordering.
I wouldn't have an issue with it if it's one person. Worst experience I ever had was in line for Peter Pan at DLR. My then-4-year-old, after already waiting in line for over half an hour, had a potty emergency. We snuck out at the curve in the que...and when we tried to get back in one woman was COMPLETELY hateful. She knew we'd been right ahead of her, knew why we left, and used her unusually large fanny to completely block the que. My older son had to move back to join us...the people in line up to her knew where we'd gone and were nice about it.

Let me just say, if it's constant and it's just to save time getting fast passes, I think you should reconsider. I'm not sure that's a legitimate reason.

Still, I wouldn't be rude about it. I question the sanity of anyone who would block a line jumper.

Now...the huge group of Israeli men with large sharp backpacks who beat us black and blue last summer at Disneyland when they tried to squeeze past everyone to get to their wives who were at the front of lines, that's another story...if half the people in a tour try to jump the line (especially if it appears to be sexist) I won't be so very nice!
I always find it interesting the number of people who think it is okay to cut in line if you have a special reason.

We all have reasons why we don't want to wait in line. We are all "special".

Just suck it up ... get your drinks/food first, go to the bathroom first, get your fastpasses first, wait for ALL members of your party BEFORE entering the line.

Yea, yea ... what if someone has to go to the bathroom suddenly, what if someone is too weak to stand, what if I am dying of thirst and my DH wants to buy me a drink ... get over it.


Why do you want to be so angry? Does it make your trip more enjoyable if you're just seriously pissed off at complete strangers?

What are your goals for your time at Disney? Does being unreasonable help you achieve them? Who benefits from you being disgruntled?

If being po'd isn't helping you, why waste your energy? The rest of the family/group is already in line. What is it costing you to be nice and let one or two people by?

Nastiness rarely improves the situation for anyone. My strong suggestion would be to re-evaluate your attitude toward strangers. You're not living in their heads...you may think you know and understand their motives, but it's likely you don't.

Do unto others and all....
I would agree. Some people seem to enjoy nursing their negative feelings. I think we all do it with some topics, soapboxes, if you will. I think this is a silly one, but I suppose we don't know what is in his/her head, either.

Frankly, the only thing that has ever happened at Disney that brought that much anger was when I saw a man beating his poor kid. Called security in, gave the kid a stuffed Mickey, and had to walk away because it was beyond my control
What I find most irritating is when the person pushing through the line saying, "Excuse me, pardon me" gets annoyed at those who don't move aside IMMEDIATELY to let them through. Or worse yet, it is beyond irritating when the person is pushing up against people to get through.

When I know the line is going to be a wait, I make SURE my kids have all gotten a potty stop before entering the line. I did this even when they were little and I still do it now.

This gives me an idea for our trip T shirts, I'm going to print on the back "I don't care who's up there, you're not cutting!" in big letters. Should be good for a few laughs anyway.

it started happening when we visited,and large groups of folks from other countries tried to play the " I don't understand english,or the rules' routine:rotfl2: when groups of teens tried to shove past my family I said LOUDLY 'NO!!!" and then glared at them. They backed off right away. No fool kid is going to shove my 10 year old to get one car in front of where they would have been anyway. It's not about the time waiting-it's about rudeness. And if you aren't willing to Just say NO! then why complain later?:confused3
I will get loud and fierce if needed. Not on a parent reaching their kid,but on groups of fools who are rude. I am past caring if others feel uncomfortable when I call rude people on their behavior. And if a huge group did this in front of us right before boarding,I'd call the CM's onto the carpet and ask WHY they were allowing misbehavior. Loudly.
it started happening when we visited,and large groups of folks from other countries tried to play the " I don't understand english,or the rules' routine:rotfl2:

Try this in Disney Paris were everybody speaks a different language:rotfl2:
French,Russian,Polish, German,Swedish, Norwegian and Spanish.
It's like the tower of Babel. :lmao:
I do agree that skipping lines is very rude but we did find a solution for ourselves that works wonders.
In Paris we just take a room with VIP passes and we just walk in as we like. :thumbsup2
I have no problem with a parent with 1 child going through the line to catch up with their family if they say excuse me. I do however have problems with the big groups. I am one of thoses people who will say no & not let them pass.DH is a big guy & will block the path. this behavior is rude & unacceptable. What are we teaching our children if they see this take place & no one says anything? They then think it is OK.
I wouldn't have an issue with it if it's one person. Worst experience I ever had was in line for Peter Pan at DLR. My then-4-year-old, after already waiting in line for over half an hour, had a potty emergency. We snuck out at the curve in the que...and when we tried to get back in one woman was COMPLETELY hateful. She knew we'd been right ahead of her, knew why we left, and used her unusually large fanny to completely block the que. My older son had to move back to join us...the people in line up to her knew where we'd gone and were nice about it.

Let me just say, if it's constant and it's just to save time getting fast passes, I think you should reconsider. I'm not sure that's a legitimate reason.

Still, I wouldn't be rude about it. I question the sanity of anyone who would block a line jumper.

Now...the huge group of Israeli men with large sharp backpacks who beat us black and blue last summer at Disneyland when they tried to squeeze past everyone to get to their wives who were at the front of lines, that's another story...if half the people in a tour try to jump the line (especially if it appears to be sexist) I won't be so very nice

Why do you want to be so angry? Does it make your trip more enjoyable if you're just seriously pissed off at complete strangers?

What are your goals for your time at Disney? Does being unreasonable help you achieve them? Who benefits from you being disgruntled?

If being po'd isn't helping you, why waste your energy? The rest of the family/group is already in line. What is it costing you to be nice and let one or two people by?

Nastiness rarely improves the situation for anyone. My strong suggestion would be to re-evaluate your attitude toward strangers. You're not living in their heads...you may think you know and understand their motives, but it's likely you don't.

Do unto others and all....[/

So which is it? These two post seem to contradict each other.:confused3
Even when you do those things, stuff still happens. We got in a 30 minute splash mountain stand by line one day which turned into an almost 90 minute ordeal. 65 minutes into our wait, my youngest son had to use the restroom. LOTS of people in that line were going (usually in ones or twos) to the nearby restrooms because the wait was way longer then expected.

Yeah, it's just common sense. One thing to have a parent and a child need to leave a long line to use a restroom, and totally another for a huge group of people to join one other person standing in line.

The DIFFERENCE is people had been waiting in line a long time, they just had to get out of line for a minute. It's not the same as cutting in line.
I don't have any issue with one person catching up to their group. If a major group was trying to pass us I wouldn't move, no way. We were meeting my dh at soarin and it turns out he was there and WAY ahead of us, we thought we were ahead of him. Anyway he started walking back towards our group, there is NO WAY I'd have the rest of us catch up to him. Crazy..
my daugher is still working on potty training but looks old enough to be trained because she is big for her age... last time we had to work our way back to my husband in the fairy autograph line due to potty issues... I got the NASTIEST looks from a couple of people... but why should we have to wait in line twice? so long as hubby stays in line while we deal with issues.... I felt terrible as it was the nasty looks just made it so much worse.

I have the same problem with DS. We have had major potty training issues, and know we will run into this while at WDW next month. I dread the looks, and comments that we will probably get if/when this happens. I am not the kind that wants to make others angry, but if we've been in line an hour, and DS needs to go to the potty, or be changed, I don't know what else to do.

My DH (jokingly of course), said that if anyone has a problem with me and DS joining back up with him and the girls after such an incident, that I could always offer to just to change DS's poopy diaper there in line next time, so that I wouldn't have to cut in front of them later. lol! (that is so gross, but maybe it would make people think!)
What I find most irritating is when the person pushing through the line saying, "Excuse me, pardon me" gets annoyed at those who don't move aside IMMEDIATELY to let them through. Or worse yet, it is beyond irritating when the person is pushing up against people to get through.

When I know the line is going to be a wait, I make SURE my kids have all gotten a potty stop before entering the line. I did this even when they were little and I still do it now.


So you make a potty stop before every ride? I'm not buying that! Congrats on having perfect kids, tho...not many do.
So you make a potty stop before every ride? I'm not buying that!

Minus the sarcasm, this line made me smile. I had an car engine blow when I was a teen, and every guy i talked to asked whether I checked the oil everytime I filled up. Well, that was over 30 years ago, and I have yet to meet anyone who does, including my anal fil who writes down every fill up.
I'm shocked by how upset everyone is by this. We are getting ready for our first trip so I have no prior experience and maybe it is a major problem, but I'm just surprised by how angry and rude everyone seems. I wouldn't ever think of sending one person ahead while the rest of our group did something else and then get in line at the end and walk past everyone to the front. I would have most of the party wait in line while I or someone else did something quick and then joined the rest shortly. I go to Six Flags every 2 weeks or so and this has never been an issue for me or anyone else. My mom may stop at a cart outside the ride to grab a soda and then join the kids and I in line a few minutes later. If anyone ever blocked the way and wouldn't let her up with us and told her to have us come back to meet her I would think that person was extremely rude! To my knowledge this has never been considered rude, I have let people pass me and I have passed others, not really a big deal in life. I agree it would be annoying if a large group was going past to meet 1 person and it was a significant space between them and their group, but I would just think they were jerks as they went by. I'd never try to keep them behind me. What kind of a horrible line waiting experience is that for you when people who are annoyed with you are constantly trying to wiggle around you?

What a twisted view. Such a sad reflection of the state of things. Common courtesy is fading into oblivion. It is incredibly rude for people to think their time is more important than anyone else's time. If the group needs drinks or snacks, then ALL should wait and get in line at the same time. Again, sweetie, your time is NOT more important than my time.

(The case of an emergency potty stop is different I have no problem with someone leaving a line and rejoining in this case. But, if you make a potty stop before the ride, then all should wait and get in line at the same time.)


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