WISH Away The Pounds No Excuses in November Challenge - Everyone Welcome!

Just a little intro. Rose.:wave2: Lost a bunch in 2010. Got down to a size 4! Put some back on, and now I am just trying to find a healthy in between. I am a g-f (for health reasons) vegetarian (by choice), married forever, with a 22yo who is in grad school 500 miles away. I work part-time for a non-profit. I like to work out, but have been fighting my back this year and have to be careful.

Healthy balance.... so tough to find and maintain. It is what we are all ultimately working towards, right? Just remember, it is always a work in progress!


QOTD Thursday, November 20
Next week is Thanksgiving! It is probably my favorite holiday. But it can be really stressful (both good stress and bad stress). Pick ONE thing that you can do consistently next week to keep your head in the game. You don't have to be perfect--I plan on enjoying the stuffing and mashed potatoes, but I think we all need something to help us remember that we don't need to stress eat or drink, we can have small portions and still have fun, and we can continue to take care of ourselves. So what is the one thing that you can do consistently next week to stay somewhat on plan? (For our friends across the pond ;) think about how you are going to handle the upcoming December holidays.)

I hope everyone has a happy, healthy Thursday. :)

First of all, I need to make a PLAN. I've been pretty good over the past many years at MAKING and STICKING WITH (at least to some degree) a holiday plan. And it was the topic this week at my WW meeting.

My plan will include.....

FULLY OP meals and snacks for the days leading into T.giving and following T.giving.

planned exercise (even if it is just a walk every day!).

a SPECIFIC eating plan for T.giving Thursday and T.giving Friday.

at least 2 liters of WATER (okay.... bubbly water) every single day.

activities and games to do AWAY FROM the buffet table/appetizer table... visit with folks, talk, laugh, hold the new baby.... maybe even bring a craft to share!

When I get this actually WRITTEN UP, I'll share it!

Good morning!

To answer the QOTD: Well, I know I am going to walk at least a mile a day (that silly mile a day challenge ;) ) but as much as I hate to keep coming back to it, I need to drink water! I am so bad about this. I am having to work some days to get in 32 ounces and I am not really drinking anything else except a cup of coffee in the morning and an occasional gf beer (and I don't think that counts :rolleyes: ). I also need to plan out what we are going to eat for the rest of the month--which is on my agenda for tomorrow. So I guess that's two things.:goodvibes

I moved furniture yesterday--not a lot I can do in our small apartment--but I am very happy with the results. My back last night--not so happy. Holy cow! I got a little too confident that it was 'better.'

Didn't someone say they were using the rowing machine? Jill, maybe? I think I am going to get someone to show me how to use it, because I need to do something else to strengthen my back.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!

Glad you like the results of the redecorating.... but sorry your back is suffering. I would think that the rowing machine would be really tough on your back! Make sure you get an okay from your PT!!

"Your next bite is a chance to get it right!" :thumbsup2 That was something that used to be said a lot on the WISH challenges. :cool2:

And it still holds true!!

I think the worse thing about being unhealthy is the way it makes you feel about yourself. :sad2:


Sorry about the .4, Pamela, but that could have been a couple of cups of coffee sitting in your stomach. I have every confidence that you are probably already in your range right now! :goodvibes

I probably am, but there are no "do overs" on the scale for work.... so I'll have to take the reprimand when it comes and just do better next month! That thought will DEFINITELY keep me on my toes around the T.giving foods! :thumbsup2

I plan on enjoying my Thanksgiving meal, too, Rose. I think that is a good point that we can enjoy our favorite things without guilt and as part of a healthy lifestyle.
My plan for next week is to make sure I am on plan as much as possible until Friday. Honestly, our dinner is not going to be that fabulous because we are visiting out of town and it is coming from Safeway. (DS calls it Thanksgiving in a box. :lmao:) But on Friday we will be Seattle and eating at one of my favorite restaurants and that will be a meal worth going off plan one day for. I will remind myself over and over to save the points for the good stuff! ::yes:: I'm doing a 10k on Thursday so that will earn some good APs and help make up for any transgressions that will probably be more of the liquid variety. ;)

GREAT JOB thinking about about the "worth its" and the "probably not worth-its"! I agree... I wouldn't probably splurge on "Thanksgiving in a box" (although there isn't anything wrong with it.... just not splurge worthy). Stick with turkey, green veggies and a light dessert or a cocktail... and then have your splurge at the restaurant on Friday!!

With TWO T.giving meals to attend, I really have to think ahead about what will be worth it and what I should skip..... it would make me so sad to use up my calories for cookies on Thursday and not have enough calories for lemon meringue pie on Friday!::yes::

It is really busy at work and at our house lately. I am doing well being OP and hope I can see a new number at WW this week-end.

Hang in there everyone!

Fingers crossed that you get a big BRAVO this weekend!! :cutie:


Morning all and happy SUNNY Thursday! First load of laundry is hanging out but brrrrr.... my fingers were cold!

Lots of housework on the agenda today, as DS's new girlfriend is coming for a visit tomorrow and then we are all going together to see Thor.

Asking for some prayers today for my extended family. My 2nd cousin (my mom's 1st cousin... I grew up thinking she was my aunt.... very close family) had a brain aneurysm about a week ago (she is in FL for the winter). She ended up in the ER that night, was rushed by ambulance to another hospital 4 hours away (couldn't do a med-flight that night because it was too windy). They operated on her brain and it has been a long week. Anyhow.... they lifted the sedation yesterday and got no response at all. They are having a family meeting today (she has a daughter my age, a daughter a bit younger, both of whom are there in FL with their Dad) and will probably be making the decision to remove her from the ventilator. Impossibly hard decision to make, no matter what. Just prayers for peace and an easy end for my cousin.

DH asked what I was bringing for T.giving and I can't remember.... time to go back and check the emails and see what kind of promises I made! Hope I wasn't too ambitious!

Asking for some prayers today for my extended family. My 2nd cousin (my mom's 1st cousin... I grew up thinking she was my aunt.... very close family) had a brain aneurysm about a week ago (she is in FL for the winter). She ended up in the ER that night, was rushed by ambulance to another hospital 4 hours away (couldn't do a med-flight that night because it was too windy). They operated on her brain and it has been a long week. Anyhow.... they lifted the sedation yesterday and got no response at all. They are having a family meeting today (she has a daughter my age, a daughter a bit younger, both of whom are there in FL with their Dad) and will probably be making the decision to remove her from the ventilator. Impossibly hard decision to make, no matter what. Just prayers for peace and an easy end for my cousin.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you and your family peaceful, healing thoughts and prayers, Pamela. :hug:
I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you and your family peaceful, healing thoughts and prayers, Pamela. :hug:

Thanks so much.


Okay....kitchen floor/hall/mudroom and downstairs bathroom floors are swept and mopped... and were they ICKY! :rotfl: I hate to even admit that, but they were! Recycling has been sorted and recycling bins rinsed and wiped. Two loads of laundry in the cold sunshine, clean dishes put away, and hot water and ammonia in the upstairs toilets and sinks. I'll finish cleaning the downstairs bathroom once the floor dries.

Next up I'll dust and vacume the living room and dining room and office and then the downstairs will be as done as it is going to get. Then lunch and I'll move upstairs. That will just be picking up DS's room, finish cleaning his bathroom, and vacumming. My room will get the "close the door" treatment! :lmao:

I need to get out for a walk while the sun is still shining too! BBL to chat......P
First of all, I need to make a PLAN. I've been pretty good over the past many years at MAKING and STICKING WITH (at least to some degree) a holiday plan. And it was the topic this week at my WW meeting.

My plan will include.....

FULLY OP meals and snacks for the days leading into T.giving and following T.giving.

planned exercise (even if it is just a walk every day!).

a SPECIFIC eating plan for T.giving Thursday and T.giving Friday.

at least 2 liters of WATER (okay.... bubbly water) every single day.

activities and games to do AWAY FROM the buffet table/appetizer table... visit with folks, talk, laugh, hold the new baby.... maybe even bring a craft to share!

When I get this actually WRITTEN UP, I'll share it!

Glad you like the results of the redecorating.... but sorry your back is suffering. I would think that the rowing machine would be really tough on your back! Make sure you get an okay from your PT!!

Fingers crossed that you get a big BRAVO this weekend!! :cutie:


Morning all and happy SUNNY Thursday! First load of laundry is hanging out but brrrrr.... my fingers were cold!

Lots of housework on the agenda today, as DS's new girlfriend is coming for a visit tomorrow and then we are all going together to see Thor.

Asking for some prayers today for my extended family. My 2nd cousin (my mom's 1st cousin... I grew up thinking she was my aunt.... very close family) had a brain aneurysm about a week ago (she is in FL for the winter). She ended up in the ER that night, was rushed by ambulance to another hospital 4 hours away (couldn't do a med-flight that night because it was too windy). They operated on her brain and it has been a long week. Anyhow.... they lifted the sedation yesterday and got no response at all. They are having a family meeting today (she has a daughter my age, a daughter a bit younger, both of whom are there in FL with their Dad) and will probably be making the decision to remove her from the ventilator. Impossibly hard decision to make, no matter what. Just prayers for peace and an easy end for my cousin.

DH asked what I was bringing for T.giving and I can't remember.... time to go back and check the emails and see what kind of promises I made! Hope I wasn't too ambitious!


good plan! also just wanted to say your family is in my prayer and sending you a great big HUG!

Hello everyone! I am going to be your coach starting tomorrow. I have been really struggling in the mornings with getting going, so I am going to go ahead and post a QOTD tonight. Please forgive me if any of my questions were asked earlier in the month. I did not read back over the days when we were traveling. :)

Just a little intro. Rose.:wave2: Lost a bunch in 2010. Got down to a size 4! Put some back on, and now I am just trying to find a healthy in between. I am a g-f (for health reasons) vegetarian (by choice), married forever, with a 22yo who is in grad school 500 miles away. I work part-time for a non-profit. I like to work out, but have been fighting my back this year and have to be careful.


QOTD Thursday, November 20
Next week is Thanksgiving! It is probably my favorite holiday. But it can be really stressful (both good stress and bad stress). Pick ONE thing that you can do consistently next week to keep your head in the game. You don't have to be perfect--I plan on enjoying the stuffing and mashed potatoes, but I think we all need something to help us remember that we don't need to stress eat or drink, we can have small portions and still have fun, and we can continue to take care of ourselves. So what is the one thing that you can do consistently next week to stay somewhat on plan? (For our friends across the pond ;) think about how you are going to handle the upcoming December holidays.)

I hope everyone has a happy, healthy Thursday. :)

well I am going to make sure to drink my water.. I am on vacation next week and don't normal get in my required amts of water when I am home from work so I will do my best each day to get in enough! I also am planning on giving myself thanksgiving day off - I will watch my portions - but I will enjoy the food of the day, and only that day!
Sending warm thoughts you way Pamela. I am really sorry that you family has such a sad decision to make. :hug:
I was thinking the rowing machine might actually help if I start off very, very slowly (meaning short durations). Enjoy Thor!

Lisa--I smiled at your thanksgiving in a box. :) The big debate at our house is whether we will have any meat. Mostly we all just love stuffing and mashed potatoes.:rotfl: Mike is fine without chicken or turkey, but sometimes we pick up a rotisserie chicken that he and DS pick at.

bigsis1970 I am the opposite. I drank no water at work today :scared:, but do a little better at home. I think taking thanksgiving day 'off' while still watching portions is a good plan.:goodvibes
Good morning!

Don't forget to send you weigh in to our hostess. :)

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?
Sending warm thoughts you way Pamela. I am really sorry that you family has such a sad decision to make. :hug:


I was thinking the rowing machine might actually help if I start off very, very slowly (meaning short durations). Enjoy Thor!

I'm hope that the rower can help you! I'm not much into Action movies, but the men (and the new girlfriend) really wanted to see this, so I'll go along! I'm more excited for Catching Fire, Frozen, and Saving Mr. Banks!!

Lisa--I smiled at your thanksgiving in a box. :) The big debate at our house is whether we will have any meat. Mostly we all just love stuffing and mashed potatoes.:rotfl: Mike is fine without chicken or turkey, but sometimes we pick up a rotisserie chicken that he and DS pick at.

If it were up to me we wouldn't have meat on T.giving either... nothing in particular against turkey, but I mostly just LOOOOVE the sides.... roasted veggies, onion casserole, broccoli casserole..... MMMMM! I like stuffing okay, but don't love it... and don't care at all for the mashed potatoes.

bigsis1970 I am the opposite. I drank no water at work today :scared:, but do a little better at home. I think taking thanksgiving day 'off' while still watching portions is a good plan.:goodvibes

Hope you brought your water bottle to work today!

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?

My favorite fall veggie is probably winter squash... almost any variety... butternut, acorn, blue hubbard. Love them all! And mostly love them ROASTED or stewed.... but boiled and mashed works for me too! Second favorite would be sweet potatoes.... also roasted or mashed with a nice sprinkling or Himalayan pink salt!

I have to remember how LUCKY I am that I really LOVE vegetables. I talk to my WW members and so many of them STRUGGLE with eating healthier because the only "vegetables" that they like are corn and potatoes! :sad2: The list of veggies that I WON'T eat is much shorter than the ones I WILL eat.


Morning all! First of all.... thanks for all of your prayers, warm thoughts, and PD regarding my cousin. They took her off life support yesterday at 11 am and last update I heard was that she was resting comfortably and they expected that she would be meeting her Heavenly Father within 48 hours. I know we aren't supposed to talk about religion here on the Dis, but that is how we are thinking about it now. Hope that doesn't offend anyone.

Next up.... FINALLY got called to work today, but woke up with such a terrible headache and neck/jaw pain that I said no. I need to talk to my chiropractor and see if a nightguard would be helpful. This business of waking up in pain is for the birds.:headache:

Three ibuprofen and a cup of coffee has helped....next up I'll put a hot pack on my neck.

On topic for a change here and I will say that I finally had a WHOOSH on the scale this week (too late for my work weigh-in but oh well) and am down 2.2 over last week!! That puts me just .7 away from my goal for the month! :yay: Of course, that only really gives me until next Thursday morning to lose that .... because I will not be home to get on the scale Friday morning (thank goodness!! :lmao: ). That gives me some added incentive to AVOID the movie popcorn tonight.... and for those of you who know me KNOW that this will truly be a struggle for me!

Off to make breakfast!..................P
Good morning!

Don't forget to send you weigh in to our hostess. :)

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?

thanks Rose..

QotD -- I had to look up what are fall veggies and from that list would be either Cauliflower or Brussel sprouts.. for a fruit it would be a pomagranate!

Today is my last day of work till 12/2 so I won't be on till them .. I will pm my weight today and then again when I get back and will be joining the Dec challenge..

Happy Thanksgiving - I am truely thankful for my friends here who understand the struggles of weight loss and who love Disney just like me.. :hug: to you all!!
Hi Guys......I'm back......still on the tablet though......managed to kill the network card on my work laptop this week...I seem to be a real jinx on electronics at the moment.

My fave autumn veg is definitely Brussels sprouts. I love them lightly steamed and still a bit crunchy in the middle. Definitely a part of our Christmas dinner.

Finally I have seen a little progress on the scales. It's only 2 lb gone, but it's more than I've managed for weeks. I think the treat eating at the weekend has given my body a bit of a kick start. I've also gone back to writing everything down........including my birthday treat.......a Milky Way Darkest!!

OH and I are volunteers at the parkrun tomorrow. You are asked to volunteer 3times a year. So that we can still do the run we have volunteered to set up the finish funnel and pack away at the end . Means we have to be in the park at 8:00am....it will still be dark and the temperature for the last two mornings has been around freezing.

Hope to have some time over the weekend to read back and catch up on what you have all been up to..............and Magdalene, I forgot to say that the German Markets we went to were in Manchester. Lots of sausages, but no nurnberger unfortunately....they're my favourite!
Well... happy Friday afternoon! bigsis1970... we will miss you these next few days! Have a wonderful holiday!

Well... the house got cleaned, dinner got made, and I got showered.... all before I had to go pick up DS and the girlfriend! :rotfl:

My workout for today was vacuuming the stairs! That darn vac is heavy. I really need to ask for something small to use on the stairs!

We will be eating shortly so that we can get out of here to head to the 7pm movie.... it is nearly a 45 minute drive and Hunger Games opens tonight, so we anticipate that the theater will be really busy.

I am currently popping my own fat-free popcorn here at home in my microwave (brown paper bag method) and will bring that along for my treat. I have some mixed nuts and low carb chocolate packed up for DH. We are BOTH determined to avoid our usual "bucket o'corn" movie pitfall! Wish us luck! If it wasn't so close to T.giving we would probably give in and call it a planned splurge, but with the holiday eating close at hand, we figured we had better stay on the straight-and-narrow with our eating for now.

Off to check on the DS and his girlfriend....it's getting a bit quiet out there! :lmao: TTYL...................P
I will be back later today with replies, but how about a QOTD? :)

QOTD--what are you doing for fun this weekend--that does not involve food, or if it does, how can you make it healthy?
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Good morning!

Don't forget to send you weigh in to our hostess. :)

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?

My favorite fall vegetable is the parsnip. I love to roast them with potatoes, onions and carrots and serve with chicken. It is a delicious and easy dinner.

Next up.... FINALLY got called to work today, but woke up with such a terrible headache and neck/jaw pain that I said no. I need to talk to my chiropractor and see if a nightguard would be helpful. This business of waking up in pain is for the birds.:headache:

Three ibuprofen and a cup of coffee has helped....next up I'll put a hot pack on my neck.

On topic for a change here and I will say that I finally had a WHOOSH on the scale this week (too late for my work weigh-in but oh well) and am down 2.2 over last week!! That puts me just .7 away from my goal for the month! :yay: Of course, that only really gives me until next Thursday morning to lose that .... because I will not be home to get on the scale Friday morning (thank goodness!! :lmao: ). That gives me some added incentive to AVOID the movie popcorn tonight.... and for those of you who know me KNOW that this will truly be a struggle for me!

Off to make breakfast!..................P

:woohoo: on the whoosh, Pamela! :yay: Sorry for the crummy headache. :hug: Maybe the chiropractor can help out? Or is it time for a new pillow? Hope you figure it out soon because that is no fun at all.

Happy Thanksgiving - I am truely thankful for my friends here who understand the struggles of weight loss and who love Disney just like me.. :hug: to you all!!

Yep, we are your happy peer group! :smickey: Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! :flower3:

Hi Guys......I'm back......still on the tablet though......managed to kill the network card on my work laptop this week...I seem to be a real jinx on electronics at the moment.

My fave autumn veg is definitely Brussels sprouts. I love them lightly steamed and still a bit crunchy in the middle. Definitely a part of our Christmas dinner.

Finally I have seen a little progress on the scales. It's only 2 lb gone, but it's more than I've managed for weeks. I think the treat eating at the weekend has given my body a bit of a kick start. I've also gone back to writing everything down........including my birthday treat.......a Milky Way Darkest!!

OH and I are volunteers at the parkrun tomorrow. You are asked to volunteer 3times a year. So that we can still do the run we have volunteered to set up the finish funnel and pack away at the end . Means we have to be in the park at 8:00am....it will still be dark and the temperature for the last two mornings has been around freezing.

Hope to have some time over the weekend to read back and catch up on what you have all been up to..............and Magdalene, I forgot to say that the German Markets we went to were in Manchester. Lots of sausages, but no nurnberger unfortunately....they're my favourite!

Congrats on the 2 pound loss this week, Helen! I know it is so tough for people how much weight loss slows down as you get closer to goal. It should just speed up so you can get to maintaining. :teeth:

Hope your race wasn't too cold this morning. Kudos to you for getting out in the cold and running. Nice to volunteer, too. :cool2:

Well... the house got cleaned, dinner got made, and I got showered.... all before I had to go pick up DS and the girlfriend! :rotfl:

My workout for today was vacuuming the stairs! That darn vac is heavy. I really need to ask for something small to use on the stairs!

We will be eating shortly so that we can get out of here to head to the 7pm movie.... it is nearly a 45 minute drive and Hunger Games opens tonight, so we anticipate that the theater will be really busy.

I am currently popping my own fat-free popcorn here at home in my microwave (brown paper bag method) and will bring that along for my treat. I have some mixed nuts and low carb chocolate packed up for DH. We are BOTH determined to avoid our usual "bucket o'corn" movie pitfall! Wish us luck! If it wasn't so close to T.giving we would probably give in and call it a planned splurge, but with the holiday eating close at hand, we figured we had better stay on the straight-and-narrow with our eating for now.

Off to check on the DS and his girlfriend....it's getting a bit quiet out there! :lmao: TTYL...................P

Glad you got all your housecleaning done just in time. GF was probably so busy making goo-goo eyes at DS that she wasn't even paying attention to the house. :lmao:

How smart you were to do your own popcorn for the movie. I hope that you and DH had a great date night. :love:

I have a 3 mile run on the indoor track on tap and then a WW meeting. This will be yet another different meeting time for me today. Fun to see the different groups. I do miss my leader even though there are some members I could do without. ;)

Have a great week-end all! :goodvibes
I will be back later today with replies, but how about a QOTD? :)

QOTD--what are you doing for fun this weekend--that does not involve food, or if it does, how can you make it healthy?

Whoops! Missed the QOTD. We are going to be putting up some of our Christmas decorations this week-end. :santa: I don't care that it isn't Thanksgiving yet. ;) Thanks to Home Depot electronic receipts it appears that I am going to have surprise Christmas lights put up some time this week-end. :love:
I will be back later today with replies, but how about a QOTD? :)

QOTD--what are you doing for fun this weekend--that does not involve food, or if it does, how can you make it healthy?

Well...skipping out on most housework, since I cleaned hard this week! Also taking a short road trip to look at some old chairs for sale. I have a Christmas gift idea and need some old chairs...harder to find than you would think! No food directly involved and I'm leaving after lunch. If i end up buying any of the chairs I will probably start working on them tomorrow, which will keep me busy and out of the kitchen! I'll probably also indulge in a trip to the thrift store while I am out :)

Whoops! Missed the QOTD. We are going to be putting up some of our Christmas decorations this week-end. :santa: I don't care that it isn't Thanksgiving yet. ;) Thanks to Home Depot electronic receipts it appears that I am going to have surprise Christmas lights put up some time this week-end. :love:

What a wonderful surprise!


Morning my friends! I feel SO GOOD about my movie popcorn control last night! THat has truly been one of my biggest ongoing obstacles since restarting this journey in 2008 and last night was a HUGE NSV! I ate and enjoyed the popcorn i made at home and brought along, i shared some of the low carb chocolate with DH, tracked everything I ate and woke up feeling very virtuous!

Beautiful sunny day here, but cold! Glad I did my little bit of outdoor decorating already! After T.giving I'll put out my Christmas porch decor and winter wreaths and call it done. We don't do lights outside....no point in it since no one sees our house other than the UPS man, the postman, and us! Despite cutting pines and brush for several weekends, our house is still barely visible from the road except in one spot. Mother Nature is constantly trying to take back my yard!

Off to start lunch! ...............P
Happy weekend, everyone! I'm a bit behind, playing catch-up.

Morning my friends! I feel SO GOOD about my movie popcorn control last night! THat has truly been one of my biggest ongoing obstacles since restarting this journey in 2008 and last night was a HUGE NSV! I ate and enjoyed the popcorn i made at home and brought along, i shared some of the low carb chocolate with DH, tracked everything I ate and woke up feeling very virtuous!
Congrats, pjlla - that's awesome! :cheer2:

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?

I don't know if they count as a fall vegetable, but I love onions. They can go into so many dishes, are so versatile, add some crunch, and taste different depending on how they are prepared. I just don't like cutting them up, so sometimes I buy the diced onions at the grocery and save myself some tears. :)

QOTD--what are you doing for fun this weekend--that does not involve food, or if it does, how can you make it healthy?
My friends and I got together for karaoke last night - major fun, but I didn't make very good decisions and drank too much. I haven't had a drink in a long time, let alone more than one drink at a time, so I was really feeling it! I ate a snack at 5:00 PM, but we didn't get dinner until 1:30 AM! Not smart, and of course I didn't choose something healthy to eat. I did allow myself to sleep it off, and I feel fine today except for still being tired. I ate a healthy breakfast and am going to eat healthy today. I'll exercise later. I'm not going to beat myself up over making some poor choices, but I'll do better next time. That's the first time in a very long time I've let loose like that, and it was a really fun night! So for the rest of the weekend, I'm planning what to pack for my Thanksgiving trip to Los Angeles, and I'll get in exercise today and tomorrow, as well as some self-myofascial release - my body feels very tight, especially my legs. Must be from all that dancing last night! ;)
Congrats to all those with a loss this week! Keep sending in those weigh-ins!

Sorry to hear about your family tragedy Pamela Sending you :hug:

Now to answer some QOTDs...

I plan to make sure I do everything I can this week to stay OP.... get my butt out there to exercise, drink all my water, and watch my calories! On Thanksgiving I do plan to enjoy all my my favs in moderation! And then get right back OP on Friday :thumbsup2

I don't have a favorite winter vegetable, they tend to be bit more carby I think. But I am excited to see ideas from others, and would love to try parsnips... I don't think I have ever had one :)

This weekend I have few plans... went to zumba this morning and plan to go on a hike tomorrow morning, DD has bday party to go today AND tomorrow, DS has a school project to complete with his group (making a music video)... that should be interesting, and I promised my mom I would bring the kids to visit... Not sure I can fit it all in! :scared: So nothing involving food, although we had family movie night last night during which the kids are allowed pizza and we all watch a movie in the living room (we watched Home Alone, love that movie!) so I did indulge in pizza, but I stayed within my calorie range so I am just going to try not to feel guilty and move forward today :thumbsup2

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoying their time to the upcoming holidays :)
Good morning!

Don't forget to send you weigh in to our hostess. :)

QOTD--Do you have a favorite fall vegetable and what is your favorite way to prepare it?
I love all the winter squash. I love brussel sprouts. And I love pomegranates. Fresh figs (when you can find them are amazing too!) We roast a lot in the fall. But I made a pumpkin/tofu sauce recently to serve over spaghetti squash which was amazing. It even froze well! Today we had potato soup--diced potatoes, roasted onion and garlic, veggie stock, 2T butter, broccoli, corn and kidney beans. I cooked it in the crock pot and it was so rich and creamy--even without actual cream or milk! Yum!

Next up.... FINALLY got called to work today, but woke up with such a terrible headache and neck/jaw pain that I said no. I need to talk to my chiropractor and see if a nightguard would be helpful. This business of waking up in pain is for the birds.:headache:

Three ibuprofen and a cup of coffee has helped....next up I'll put a hot pack on my neck.

On topic for a change here and I will say that I finally had a WHOOSH on the scale this week (too late for my work weigh-in but oh well) and am down 2.2 over last week!! That puts me just .7 away from my goal for the month! :yay: Of course, that only really gives me until next Thursday morning to lose that .... because I will not be home to get on the scale Friday morning (thank goodness!! :lmao: ). That gives me some added incentive to AVOID the movie popcorn tonight.... and for those of you who know me KNOW that this will truly be a struggle for me!

Off to make breakfast!..................P
I am really sorry about the headache. :( Congrats on the whoosh and GREAT JOB on that popcorn victory! :)

QotD -- I had to look up what are fall veggies and from that list would be either Cauliflower or Brussel sprouts.. for a fruit it would be a pomagranate!
Another brussel sprout lover! Have you tried roasting with balsamic vinegar....yum!! Enjoy your time off.

Hi Guys......I'm back......still on the tablet though......managed to kill the network card on my work laptop this week...I seem to be a real jinx on electronics at the moment.

My fave autumn veg is definitely Brussels sprouts. I love them lightly steamed and still a bit crunchy in the middle. Definitely a part of our Christmas dinner.

Finally I have seen a little progress on the scales. It's only 2 lb gone, but it's more than I've managed for weeks. I think the treat eating at the weekend has given my body a bit of a kick start. I've also gone back to writing everything down........including my birthday treat.......a Milky Way Darkest!!

OH and I are volunteers at the parkrun tomorrow. You are asked to volunteer 3times a year. So that we can still do the run we have volunteered to set up the finish funnel and pack away at the end . Means we have to be in the park at 8:00am....it will still be dark and the temperature for the last two mornings has been around freezing.
Hope the volunteering went well. Congrats on that loss!
I am going to have to get some brussel sprouts tomorrow I think! :)

I will be back later today with replies, but how about a QOTD? :)

QOTD--what are you doing for fun this weekend--that does not involve food, or if it does, how can you make it healthy?
We went to the gym--and we thought we were going to watch Carolina football--but it was blocked out--only pay per view! So frustrating. I ended up planning our family trip in Dec which I was afraid was going to be hard--we decided to only go to the parks two of seven days--but ended up being fun. We are going to ride bikes, go see the manatees in tampa, go on an airboat tour, go to Emeril's at city walk, play mini golf and go bowling! Along with hitting some lounges for our unofficial lounge tour. ;) I am really getting excited! Hoping the weather cooperates and we can hit the pool too. :)

Whoops! Missed the QOTD. We are going to be putting up some of our Christmas decorations this week-end. :santa: I don't care that it isn't Thanksgiving yet. ;) Thanks to Home Depot electronic receipts it appears that I am going to have surprise Christmas lights put up some time this week-end. :love:
Very exciting! I have no idea how we are going to decorate our little apartment.

My friends and I got together for karaoke last night - major fun, but I didn't make very good decisions and drank too much. I haven't had a drink in a long time, let alone more than one drink at a time, so I was really feeling it! I ate a snack at 5:00 PM, but we didn't get dinner until 1:30 AM! Not smart, and of course I didn't choose something healthy to eat. I did allow myself to sleep it off, and I feel fine today except for still being tired. I ate a healthy breakfast and am going to eat healthy today. I'll exercise later. I'm not going to beat myself up over making some poor choices, but I'll do better next time. That's the first time in a very long time I've let loose like that, and it was a really fun night! So for the rest of the weekend, I'm planning what to pack for my Thanksgiving trip to Los Angeles, and I'll get in exercise today and tomorrow, as well as some self-myofascial release - my body feels very tight, especially my legs. Must be from all that dancing last night! ;)
Sounds like a fun night. :) Pick yourself up, dust yourself up and move on. Exercise has always worked great for me when I have had a drink (or two...)

Congrats to all those with a loss this week! Keep sending in those weigh-ins!

Sorry to hear about your family tragedy Pamela Sending you :hug:

Now to answer some QOTDs...

I plan to make sure I do everything I can this week to stay OP.... get my butt out there to exercise, drink all my water, and watch my calories! On Thanksgiving I do plan to enjoy all my my favs in moderation! And then get right back OP on Friday :thumbsup2

I don't have a favorite winter vegetable, they tend to be bit more carby I think. But I am excited to see ideas from others, and would love to try parsnips... I don't think I have ever had one :)

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoying their time to the upcoming holidays :)
Winter squash and winter veggies (like brussel sprouts, kale, greens, etc) are so high in nutrients and fiber that I think any addition in carbs is offset by all the nutrients. Have you ever tried roasting? It is one of the easiest ways to cook vegetables and just about anything can be roasted with a little olive oil and sea salt. The flavor is just amazing. Roasting really brings out the natural sugars. Even broccoli is delicious roasted!

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday! :)
Morning my friends! I feel SO GOOD about my movie popcorn control last night! THat has truly been one of my biggest ongoing obstacles since restarting this journey in 2008 and last night was a HUGE NSV! I ate and enjoyed the popcorn i made at home and brought along, i shared some of the low carb chocolate with DH, tracked everything I ate and woke up feeling very virtuous!

Pamela, I'm so happy that you found a strategy for the movie popcorn that worked for you! popcorn:: Give yourself a big old BRAVO because I know that is something that you have struggled to find a workable solution for you for quite awhile. :yay:

I don't know if they count as a fall vegetable, but I love onions. They can go into so many dishes, are so versatile, add some crunch, and taste different depending on how they are prepared. I just don't like cutting them up, so sometimes I buy the diced onions at the grocery and save myself some tears.:)

The frozen diced onions are very handy depending on the dish.

Kudos to you for getting right back on track today after your fun evening. :yay: Don't waste one minute feeling guilty or regret -- you've got to be able to have fun and do the things that you want to make this a workable way of living for a lifetime. :hippie:

I don't have a favorite winter vegetable, they tend to be bit more carby I think. But I am excited to see ideas from others, and would love to try parsnips... I don't think I have ever had one :)

They are kind of sweet like a carrot. I bet you will like them. :goodvibes

Thanks for hostessing this month! :flower3:

I love all the winter squash. I love brussel sprouts. And I love pomegranates. Fresh figs (when you can find them are amazing too!) We roast a lot in the fall. But I made a pumpkin/tofu sauce recently to serve over spaghetti squash which was amazing. It even froze well!

Today we had potato soup--diced potatoes, roasted onion and garlic, veggie stock, 2T butter, broccoli, corn and kidney beans. I cooked it in the crock pot and it was so rich and creamy--even without actual cream or milk! Yum!

We went to the gym--and we thought we were going to watch Carolina football--but it was blocked out--only pay per view! So frustrating. I ended up planning our family trip in Dec which I was afraid was going to be hard--we decided to only go to the parks two of seven days--but ended up being fun. We are going to ride bikes, go see the manatees in tampa, go on an airboat tour, go to Emeril's at city walk, play mini golf and go bowling! Along with hitting some lounges for our unofficial lounge tour. ;) I am really getting excited! Hoping the weather cooperates and we can hit the pool too. :)

Very exciting! I have no idea how we are going to decorate our little apartment.

I personally am not a big brussel sprouts fan but DH loves them. Brussel sprouts seem to be the "it" vegetable this fall. There are tons of great recipes for them.

Your Christmas trip sounds fun, Rose. Nice to be trying some different things especially because the parks get so crazy crowded that time of year, it almost takes the magic away. :smickey: Sending you good vibes for the pool :beach:

I hit another low for the year at WW yesterday so I am a happy camper. :yay: Now I just have to make sure I stick to my plan and am very good because that 10% keychain is within my grasp. :cool2:
QOTD Sunday 11/24/2013
I am thankful for.....
But there are rules: can't use the following words--kids, children, family, son, daughter, wife, husband, spouse, health--you get the picture. :)

Have a great Sunday! :)

Lisa--congrats on that loss! :)
I hit another low for the year at WW yesterday so I am a happy camper. :yay: Now I just have to make sure I stick to my plan and am very good because that 10% keychain is within my grasp. :cool2:

Congrats! :cheer2:

QOTD Sunday 11/24/2013
I am thankful for.....
But there are rules: can't use the following words--kids, children, family, son, daughter, wife, husband, spouse, health--you get the picture.

I am thankful that I will soon be in Disneyland for the very first time! Only 9 days! :cool1:


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