We had a GRAND trip to Disneyland! March 2014 TR NEW 7/29 p.12

We walked around and noticed that BTMRR was running!!! Could it be finally open? Would we actually get to ride it?? I had told the family that it had been closed for forever and we didn’t think it would be open while we were there, but like so many DISers, we were hoping!
Today unfortunately, it was only CM previews. Dang it! But maybe, just maybe there's a chance we could get on with a soft opening before we left! We still had a few days!

What? No pictures? Something is wrong with me! Sorry!

We went over and got FPs for Indiana Jones (another DL only ride). Then we got in line for Jungle Cruise with a 25 minute wait. We had a great driver/guide – Flor. She made some really good cracks about her name and some other good jokes I hadn’t heard before!
Again - no pictures of Jungle Cruise. Really exciting TR, isn't it? Sorry about that!

We headed over to Tomorrowland for a visit with Buzz Lightyear and got in a 15 minute posted wait line.

The App said 25 minutes. I think it was closer to 25 and it was getting HOT out. It was 79 degrees and a lot of that line is in the sun. We tried to stand longer in the shady spots before moving up. While we were in line, we could sort of peek through the trees and see the Tinkerbell meet and greet area. It looked really cute, but a very long line.
Pretty much the same ride as Buzz has in WDW. But the improvement here is that the guns come out of the "holster stand" on the car, so you can aim better and turn around with it. Still didn't help my score much. I stink at this game.

After our ride to save the world from evil emperor Zurg, we headed back to Adventureland. We stopped by the Bengal BBQ and got some protein! We tried the skewers – Bengal Beef and Chieftan chicken. So good! I would have tried more, but didn’t want to eat that much.

It was time for our FPs for Indy!! So we got in line and it moved along pretty quick. Until it didn't. It stopped entirely.
We were just at the loading area and could see the cars. But then the lights came on. Sorry folks, we are delayed. Dang it! It’s not like we were near the exit, so we couldn’t really go anywhere. Luckily a CM came around and started visiting and playing trivia games with us! So I know my Disney trivia, and I won a FP!

The question was, what is Mulan’s dog’s name?

Think about it. I’ll reveal the answer later for those of you who don’t know.

Turned out the delay was less than 30 minutes, and the CM was great at keeping us entertained so it didn’t go too slow. I wrote that it was 30 minutes from the time we walked in until we got on the ride. It was a fun ride – fast and a little less jerky than I expected and from what I remembered from Dinosaur (which is basically the same ride) at AK.

After that, it was time for a break. We headed back to the GC for some pool time! We left the camera and phones in the room and just hung out. The kids and Dave checked out the slide and swam. I got in to cool down but it was just too crowded for me. It was a pain to get a chair and they were all squashed together, so you were practically sitting on top of your neighbor (whom you likely did not know). I had a magazine and just sat and read. I just couldn't relax though. I went to Whitewater Snacks and got a drink and maybe something frozen? I don't really remember. I was a little cranky.
So eventually, we all had enough pool time. By about 4 we headed up to the room to change.

Hey, let's go use our "private" entrance shall we?
Back over at California Adventure, we rode the Little Mermaid ride - Want to come along? Sure you do!

Go on and Kiss the Girl!! (admit it, you're singing along!)

Some of these are terrible shots - so blurry!

And they lived Happily Ever After!
This is of course, the exact same ride as is now in WDW - but without the cool queue. It's just a boring line with railings. It is under the roof though and you can see out to the walkway through open air windows.


Sheree, I need to go to bed as I have to be up at 4:30 a.m., but wanted to read your update quickly...and I apologize it was quickly. But I a loving it and can't wait to try DL. I will be coming to you for hints when we get closer.

Love all the photos.

After that, Dave and the girls rode Goofy's Sky School (or as I call it, whiplash!)

Somewhere behind that tower is our room!

It's a lot like that one in Animal Kingdom - um, Primeval Whirl? I think! We have a ride like that here at Valleyfair - mouse trap or something and it is jerky and has drops - awful!
So I watched a minute and took some pictures, scoped out the dinner possibilities…

The girls chose corn dogs

Dave and I found this gem!! I'd go back there any day!



Goofy Girls - I think the Goofy Sky School made them goofy!


After dinner we walked around the boardwalk and the kids played a couple games. Sarah done a stuffed Bullseye and each got a small stuffed animal too. Just what we need! Oy.

They rode Triton's carousel

See how big that Bullseye is? She had to carry it on the plane!

Paradise Pier has a really fun carnival-like atmosphere - very festive and colorful with the lights - I enjoyed wandering around there. (Toy Story Mania is back there too)

Looking across the water back toward our room

All those things in the water are part of the World of Color show.

We walked around back towards Carsland and the wharf

We caught a snippet of the Pixar parade that goes through there. The Toy Story Gang were on the road!

Doesn't that umbrella behind Sarah look like a big hat on her? HA! Those are her prizes - Bullseye and a turtle. I'm sure she gave it a name, but I can't remember it now.

Next - Those are some BIG BUGS!! And what nighttime show should we see tonight?
Sheree, I need to go to bed as I have to be up at 4:30 a.m., but wanted to read your update quickly...and I apologize it was quickly. But I a loving it and can't wait to try DL. I will be coming to you for hints when we get closer.

Love all the photos.

Sorry I added another one in there on you! But thanks for reading along. I'm sure you have more important trip preparation to be doing right now!
I hope you have an AWESOME trip with Mary and the girls!!!
My favorite little mermaid song is kiss the girl. I wouldn't mind getting stuck there a few minutes to here it longer!
I call Goofy's Sky school....the death trap! :rotfl2: Super jerky!!!!
I hope you get to ride BTMR. They were running empty cars while we were there and I was hoping they would come get me to ride...but it never happened. :rotfl:
I can see those games being a bad idea for Momma and moi :D :littleangel:

I know Mulan's dogs name because I have a DLP CM pin of him!

Luvin all the pics. So can't wait to get to California! Think i'm going to cry when I go to Disneyland. I keep crying when I read the history of the place:lmao:
Thanks for the comparison of some rides to WDW. I had read Goofy's sky school was jerky but didn't realize it was the same as Primeval Whirl :crazy2:

There is an Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland Paris, it is a full on roller-coaster. I knew Disneyland's version was tamer but glad to hear it's very like Dinosaur at WDW.

You really managed to do so much :cool1: Love all your pics :goodvibes
Don't they look like they love each other?

So sweet that they do look like they love eachother!

First order of business – castle pictures!

I always forget how that looks. It is a nice castle... but definitely is not as prominent as the one at WDW. I think the one in WDW has a perspective thing they did in addition to the size, right? That is why it looks so much bigger?

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride! Having never done this at WDW before it went away, I really wanted to do this one. My goal was to hit all the things that WDW doesn’t have! It was very cute!

I think this is probably one of my all time favorite original dark rides.

Teacups – well, the other 3 did the teacups. I took pictures and looked around.

I think I like them better in DL over MK. the fact there is no roof makes it so you can see the cups better and thus get better pictures.

Alice in Wonderland – this would be closed after today, so we made sure to get on it! It was also very cute. You'll have to trust me.

This is such a strange little ride. The last time I rode it it scared the little ones behind us.

All the while we were looking over at the Matterhorn.

Now that is a prominently visible landmark!

So Dave and Sarah went first. Hardly any wait. They came off (the right side) and were so excited! Sarah wanted to go again right away! We managed to convince Paige that I could hold her hand from the seat behind her and we got in line. So we went on the left side this time. Apparently they are a little different.

They are! I can't remember for sure, but I think one side is far more herky jerky.

Paige sat in front of me and with one arm, I reached under the bar and held her hand. So my arm was constantly being bashed against said bar, and I ended up with a lovely bruise on my right forearm. BUT, she loved the ride!!!
:yay: So glad she liked the ride!!!

I found it to be really bumpy and my rear end was so sore! Part of it was the way I had to sit to hang on to Paige’s hand, but it was a pretty rough ride on my backside and hips! Other than that part, it was a fun ride! We all went on again another day and tried the other side (much better but still bumpy).

Given your description I am thinking it is the left side that is the jerky one. My teeth hurt after the ride from how badly it rumbles.

Then we headed for Casey Jr’s Circus Train. The girls loved this ride in Paris, so it was a must do today!

Ya know, I have a hard time with this. I am not a particularly large person but always feel crammed in when I try to go on this. Did you go on Storybook boats? I like the view in that better. That is if you can get on! Last trip we could not because the lines were so long.

After that, it was time for breakfast! We went to the River Belle Terrace. It was pretty good. We paid $40 for a cinnamon roll, French toast, and an eggs, sausage and pancakes platter. There was bacon too. But as usual, it was Disney bacon and it was awful! The other stuff was good though.

I did not realize River Belle terrace did breakfast. I have had dinner there...

I just finalized our booking for our Christmas trip!!! :woohoo:
I was on the phone this morning with member services. I thought I'd have to buy points to complete our stay. I went online and saw that one night was not available. We'd already booked 12/31 at AKV and 1/1 at BC just because we thought those would be booked up, and we had home resort points there. Now we wanted to do our 7 month booking at AKV for 12/27 - 12/31. BUT, 12/30 got booked (since yesterday!). Waaa!
We decided we could go to OKW from 12/27-1/1 and actually NOT have to buy points, so that's what we did. Keeping our 1BR for 1 night at BC (I'll be doing laundry before the cruise! I'm very happy and very relieved!
Now I have to make a ticker, and get back to planning my ADRs!! June 30 is our day!
I'm open to recommendations and suggestions! I'll include more planning here as I go.

Congrats on getting booked! Sorry that the one night became unavailable, but maybe it turned out well because you didn't need to buy extra points. I know that I am starting to watch what is available since my trip is the following week.

We walked around and noticed that BTMRR was running!!! Could it be finally open? Would we actually get to ride it?? I had told the family that it had been closed for forever and we didn’t think it would be open while we were there, but like so many DISers, we were hoping
Today unfortunately, it was only CM previews. Dang it! But maybe, just maybe there's a chance we could get on with a soft opening before we left! We still had a few days!

OH! I hope you got to ride at some point!!!

We went over and got FPs for Indiana Jones (another DL only ride).
LOVE this ride. I have so many good memories with my boys here.

We headed over to Tomorrowland for a visit with Buzz Lightyear and got in a 15 minute posted wait line.

The App said 25 minutes. I think it was closer to 25 and it was getting HOT out. It was 79 degrees and a lot of that line is in the sun. We tried to stand longer in the shady spots before moving up. While we were in line, we could sort of peek through the trees and see the Tinkerbell meet and greet area. It looked really cute, but a very long line.
Pretty much the same ride as Buzz has in WDW. But the improvement here is that the guns come out of the "holster stand" on the car, so you can aim better and turn around with it. Still didn't help my score much. I stink at this game.

I think that is a complaint of mine regarding the DL rides... so many of the cues are not inside and you have to try and stand in the shade.

After our ride to save the world from evil emperor Zurg, we headed back to Adventureland. We stopped by the Bengal BBQ and got some protein! We tried the skewers – Bengal Beef and Chieftan chicken. So good! I would have tried more, but didn’t want to eat that much.

I LOVE that place. The asparagus was a favorite and even though they changed it to chunks rather than full stems I still love it!

It was time for our FPs for Indy!! So we got in line and it moved along pretty quick. Until it didn't. It stopped entirely.
We were just at the loading area and could see the cars. But then the lights came on. Sorry folks, we are delayed. Dang it! It’s not like we were near the exit, so we couldn’t really go anywhere. Luckily a CM came around and started visiting and playing trivia games with us! So I know my Disney trivia, and I won a FP!

:worship: So cool you won. I would not have. I have no idea what the name is.

Turned out the delay was less than 30 minutes, and the CM was great at keeping us entertained so it didn’t go too slow. I wrote that it was 30 minutes from the time we walked in until we got on the ride. It was a fun ride – fast and a little less jerky than I expected and from what I remembered from Dinosaur (which is basically the same ride) at AK.

Given that they are basically the same ride... I would think they would be as jerky...but from what I remember, this isn't the case. Plus I think the drop is a bit of a real drop unlike on Dinosaur.

After that, it was time for a break. We headed back to the GC for some pool time! We left the camera and phones in the room and just hung out. The kids and Dave checked out the slide and swam. I got in to cool down but it was just too crowded for me. It was a pain to get a chair and they were all squashed together, so you were practically sitting on top of your neighbor (whom you likely did not know). I had a magazine and just sat and read. I just couldn't relax though. I went to Whitewater Snacks and got a drink and maybe something frozen? I don't really remember. I was a little cranky.
So eventually, we all had enough pool time. By about 4 we headed up to the room to change.

That is no fun to be crammed in with other guests. With what you pay in cash or points, I don't think that should be the case.

Hey, let's go use our "private" entrance shall we?
Back over at California Adventure, we rode the Little Mermaid ride - Want to come along? Sure you do!

Then again... you do have that private entrance. :rolleyes: Maybe that makes up for being crammed in with your neighbor at the pool.

This is of course, the exact same ride as is now in WDW - but without the cool queue. It's just a boring line with railings. It is under the roof though and you can see out to the walkway through open air windows.

I really am impressed by the queue in WDW but the DCA one is just not good... I agree boring.

After that, Dave and the girls rode Goofy's Sky School (or as I call it, whiplash!)

It's a lot like that one in Animal Kingdom - um, Primeval Whirl? I think! We have a ride like that here at Valleyfair - mouse trap or something and it is jerky and has drops - awful!
So I watched a minute and took some pictures, scoped out the dinner possibilities…

I think it is close, but not the same. Does it spin? I don't think the ride vehicles spin. :scratchin maybe I am wrong though.

The girls chose corn dogs

Dave and I found this gem!! I'd go back there any day!


I have not been to either of those two places. Looks like you all enjoyed your food though. :thumbsup2

After dinner we walked around the boardwalk and the kids played a couple games. Sarah done a stuffed Bullseye and each got a small stuffed animal too. Just what we need! Oy.

I am so conflicted with games like that. You want your kids to win...but then do you? Large stuffed animals coming home is not my idea of a good thing ;)

Paradise Pier has a really fun carnival-like atmosphere - very festive and colorful with the lights - I enjoyed wandering around there. (Toy Story Mania is back there too)

Did you go on TSM? I think it is a tad different.
Finally - time to visit DIS friends! :earsgirl: It was fun to scroll through many pictures and get more of a feel for the trip. If I ever make it to Disneyland, I will try to hit many things Disney World does not have, like you.

Hooray for a Christmas trip! :dance3: I think we'll try one again in 2016. :santa:
Really loving your trip report! We live pretty close to you here in Minnesota--I live in Eden Prairie.

We are heading to Disneyland in 1 month so I am reading all I can about Disneyland! Super excited!
Loving your trip report! I'll be going to DL for the first time at the end of July for my Birthday so I am loving reading everything. :goodvibes
My favorite little mermaid song is kiss the girl. I wouldn't mind getting stuck there a few minutes to here it longer!
I call Goofy's Sky school....the death trap! :rotfl2: Super jerky!!!!
I hope you get to ride BTMR. They were running empty cars while we were there and I was hoping they would come get me to ride...but it never happened. :rotfl:
the death trap! HA! I wouldn't do it! BTMRR was running empty cars for a long time! But then… there were people in them!

I can see those games being a bad idea for Momma and moi :D :littleangel:

I know Mulan's dogs name because I have a DLP CM pin of him!

Luvin all the pics. So can't wait to get to California! Think i'm going to cry when I go to Disneyland. I keep crying when I read the history of the place:lmao:
They can somehow eat up a lot of your $$!

Oh, I have to reveal the answer, don't I?

Disneyland was just cool! Thinking about how those things were there when Walt was there - amazing.

Thanks for the comparison of some rides to WDW. I had read Goofy's sky school was jerky but didn't realize it was the same as Primeval Whirl :crazy2:
Sure. I only had WDW to compare, and it's nice to know if there's something similar or if it's different if you have never been to DL.
There is an Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland Paris, it is a full on roller-coaster. I knew Disneyland's version was tamer but glad to hear it's very like Dinosaur at WDW.
Yeah, I was at DLP in 2012 and we didn't ride Indiana Jones but I think it was closed. I do remember hearing that it was kind of an intense roller coaster ride.
You really managed to do so much :cool1: Love all your pics :goodvibes
Thanks. I'm glad to share.
So sweet that they do look like they love eachother!

They are pretty good when the camera's pointed at them. Some days, not so much! HA!

I always forget how that looks. It is a nice castle... but definitely is not as prominent as the one at WDW. I think the one in WDW has a perspective thing they did in addition to the size, right? That is why it looks so much bigger?

Yes, less prominent! That's a good way to put it. It does not dominate the skyline. But there is a forced perspective at WDW.

I think this is probably one of my all time favorite original dark rides.

I do believe there are many others that would agree with you!

I think I like them better in DL over MK. the fact there is no roof makes it so you can see the cups better and thus get better pictures.

It is cooler looking for sure. The DL Paris one is more like this one but it has cool lights hanging over it (like chinese lanterns)

This is such a strange little ride. The last time I rode it it scared the little ones behind us.

Weird yes, just like the story!

Now that is a prominently visible landmark!

They are! I can't remember for sure, but I think one side is far more herky jerky.

:yay: So glad she liked the ride!!!

Given your description I am thinking it is the left side that is the jerky one. My teeth hurt after the ride from how badly it rumbles.

Yes, I believe that's the one we rode first all together. Sarah and DH rode the right side first. They said, no it's not bad at all! But they agreed the left was rougher.

Ya know, I have a hard time with this. I am not a particularly large person but always feel crammed in when I try to go on this. Did you go on Storybook boats? I like the view in that better. That is if you can get on! Last trip we could not because the lines were so long.

It is definitely geared toward small people, but what about the poor parents who have to ride with their little ones? We certainly didn't need to go on with our girls but it was a tight fit.
Storybook boats is nice. There was a long line for it. We did it in Paris and it's different at each park.

I did not realize River Belle terrace did breakfast. I have had dinner there...

Well, now you have a new breakfast option. Just avoid the bacon.

Congrats on getting booked! Sorry that the one night became unavailable, but maybe it turned out well because you didn't need to buy extra points. I know that I am starting to watch what is available since my trip is the following week.

I'm pretty happy with the plan now. I'm always happy when I don't have to spend extra $$! Have you been able to book yours (I'm sure a week has passed by now I'm so slow on this TR)

OH! I hope you got to ride at some point!!!

Stay tuned...

LOVE this ride. I have so many good memories with my boys here.

very cool!

I think that is a complaint of mine regarding the DL rides... so many of the cues are not inside and you have to try and stand in the shade.

And why is that? The California sun is pretty dang hot!

I LOVE that place. The asparagus was a favorite and even though they changed it to chunks rather than full stems I still love it!
I would like asparagus stems too! My family however, would run the other way. Oh well, more for me!

:worship: So cool you won. I would not have. I have no idea what the name is.

It's funny that it came to me. It's not a movie I've seen more than a handful of times.

Given that they are basically the same ride... I would think they would be as jerky...but from what I remember, this isn't the case. Plus I think the drop is a bit of a real drop unlike on Dinosaur.

I believe I enjoyed this one much better but I think I've only been on Dinosaur once or twice.

That is no fun to be crammed in with other guests. With what you pay in cash or points, I don't think that should be the case.
There just isn't a lot of room to spread the chairs out, so you are elbow to elbow. Heck, I don't need to sit that close to my own family, let alone a bunch of strangers!

Then again... you do have that private entrance. :rolleyes: Maybe that makes up for being crammed in with your neighbor at the pool.

It was pretty dang cool to have that entrance!

I really am impressed by the queue in WDW but the DCA one is just not good... I agree boring.

DCA and DL need to work on those queues like WDW has. There is room for improvement!

I think it is close, but not the same. Does it spin? I don't think the ride vehicles spin. :scratchin maybe I am wrong though.

According to Paige, they do NOT spin, but you curve around the turns and "it was so creepy" because the cars "tip over the side" So you are not wrong!

I have not been to either of those two places. Looks like you all enjoyed your food though. :thumbsup2

It was good!

I am so conflicted with games like that. You want your kids to win...but then do you? Large stuffed animals coming home is not my idea of a good thing ;)

Believe me, it was not MY idea to play them!! LOL! My girls have SO MANY stuffed animals. I try to make them get rid of a few every so often - donate, sell, whatever! Because somehow, they keep bringing more home. Just stick around, you'll see how ridiculous it gets!

Did you go on TSM? I think it is a tad different.
We did manage to get on at a later time. It seems mostly the same ride to me. I know the queue (again) is not as cool as at DHS, but I didn't notice anything different in the ride. Of course, that's not to say that there isn't anything different. Just that I didn't notice!

Finally - time to visit DIS friends! :earsgirl: It was fun to scroll through many pictures and get more of a feel for the trip. If I ever make it to Disneyland, I will try to hit many things Disney World does not have, like you.

Hooray for a Christmas trip! :dance3: I think we'll try one again in 2016. :santa:
How's my favorite MeMom? I saw on FB that you had a little pixie visiting lately! I'm sure that was fun. I sure hope you make it to DL. I know you would love it!
Really loving your trip report! We live pretty close to you here in Minnesota--I live in Eden Prairie.

We are heading to Disneyland in 1 month so I am reading all I can about Disneyland! Super excited!
Well hey there neighbor! I'm over in Oakdale.
I hope I can get some more of this done for you before you go! I've been crazy busy with kid stuff, end of school year, dance stuff, etc. You know how it is! I'll try to keep it moving this week!

Loving your trip report! I'll be going to DL for the first time at the end of July for my Birthday so I am loving reading everything. :goodvibes

Thanks! What a great way to spend your birthday! I'll try to get some more done before you go! Especially that there's two of you readers going soon!
I hope you both have a great time!!
Well, now you have a new breakfast option. Just avoid the bacon.

always best to avoid disney bacon ;)

I'm pretty happy with the plan now. I'm always happy when I don't have to spend extra $$! Have you been able to book yours (I'm sure a week has passed by now I'm so slow on this TR)

:headache: Well, I have my original booking at our home resort. I was really hoping to be able to have a complete stay in one room at a non home resort hotel. It doesn't seem to be in the cards for us. I have basically three options and I am not a huge fan of any of the three. 1. I keep our studio at our home resort (OKW) and call it good. 2. I book a studio at SSR 3. I book a one bedroom for the first few nights and then a studio for the last 4 at AKL

DCA and DL need to work on those queues like WDW has. There is room for improvement!

I agree!! :thumbsup2

According to Paige, they do NOT spin, but you curve around the turns and "it was so creepy" because the cars "tip over the side" So you are not wrong!

Glad I was not just losing my mind. Now I remember the ride though... a lot of "ooohf" moments as the ride vehicle hits each turn.

We did manage to get on at a later time. It seems mostly the same ride to me. I know the queue (again) is not as cool as at DHS, but I didn't notice anything different in the ride. Of course, that's not to say that there isn't anything different. Just that I didn't notice!

I think it is in coming off the ride. Isn't Andy's room there? I think it is a blink and miss it sort of deal. You get off and exit or enter into Andy's room and can view people entering the ride? I may just have imagined this entire thing as I have only been on TSM there once.
Oh, I have to reveal the answer, don't I?

Disneyland was just cool! Thinking about how those things were there when Walt was there - amazing.

You said you would :)

I know I can't wait to see it. I will cry no doubt but can't wait to get there. I also found another out of Disney tour called The Walt tour that takes you to places he worked and grew up and brought his kids to and then where he's buried and stuff.
always best to avoid disney bacon ;)

Ain't that the truth! Even the cruise ship bacon stinks.

:headache: Well, I have my original booking at our home resort. I was really hoping to be able to have a complete stay in one room at a non home resort hotel. It doesn't seem to be in the cards for us. I have basically three options and I am not a huge fan of any of the three. 1. I keep our studio at our home resort (OKW) and call it good. 2. I book a studio at SSR 3. I book a one bedroom for the first few nights and then a studio for the last 4 at AKL

Oh boy. We messed around and could have been faced with 3 resorts and I said uh-huh. We kept OKW for all but one night. I figure I'll be doing laundry on the last nigh at the 1BR at BC! I wish I had the points for a 1BR the whole time, but it's an expensive week (at least the first part). Would it be too hard to go from the 1BR to the studio? I might prefer #3, but moving isn't always fun. We'll have our van, so it will be a little easier.

I agree!! :thumbsup2

Glad I was not just losing my mind. Now I remember the ride though... a lot of "ooohf" moments as the ride vehicle hits each turn.

Well, you weren't losing your mind about that at least!!

I think it is in coming off the ride. Isn't Andy's room there? I think it is a blink and miss it sort of deal. You get off and exit or enter into Andy's room and can view people entering the ride? I may just have imagined this entire thing as I have only been on TSM there once.
Yes, I believe that's right. You look down at some part of the entrance and see some Andy's room stuff as you go out. Again, you are NOT losing your mind! :)
You said you would :)

I know I can't wait to see it. I will cry no doubt but can't wait to get there. I also found another out of Disney tour called The Walt tour that takes you to places he worked and grew up and brought his kids to and then where he's buried and stuff.

Okay, I will!
That tour sounds interesting. I want to read some books about Walt, but never seem to have the time. You're going to LOVE it!!!

Mulan's dog is named Little Brother!

I really intended to put an update out today, but it was such a beautiful day out, I couldn't bear to stay inside! So I planted flowers, walked with my hubby down by the river and enjoyed a great day! The kids were gone all day with friends! Of course, now I'm tired and need to get to bed. Hopefully in the next couple days I can get going again. I'm off Tuesday for some appointments, so maybe I'll spend some time updating! Thanks for sticking around!!
Yes, I believe that's right. You look down at some part of the entrance and see some Andy's room stuff as you go out. Again, you are NOT losing your mind! :)

:rotfl: Glad to know I wasn't losing my mind in regards to both rides. It has been known to happen to me. ;)

As for the room... I came up with a 4th option and it will be the one I am 99% sure I am going with. Seems to be the best one yet. Do a 4/3 split with a waitlist for the first 4. OKW studio/AKL studio. As much as I would have loved to stay in the one bedroom those first 4 nights, it is point expensive and if I want to not have to borrow much from my 2015 UY for my next trip I have to save a few points.

I really intended to put an update out today, but it was such a beautiful day out, I couldn't bear to stay inside! So I planted flowers, walked with my hubby down by the river and enjoyed a great day! The kids were gone all day with friends! Of course, now I'm tired and need to get to bed. Hopefully in the next couple days I can get going again. I'm off Tuesday for some appointments, so maybe I'll spend some time updating! Thanks for sticking around!!

I think the winter was pretty hard on everyone. Finally we are all getting nicer weather. I think it is a perfectly acceptable thing to do - get out and enjoy the beautiful day!!!:goodvibes
You did sneak another one in there on me, didn't you? ;)

I love the "bullseye" that your DD won; too funny that she had to carry it on the plane. Does that count as one carry on? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Just got back from our trip Saturday and I'm playing catch-up on the Dis. I was glad to read that Paige conquered her fears and rode the Matterhorn. You aren't the first one that I've heard complain about the beatin' you get when riding it.

Gosh, now what else was it that I wanted to comment on? I can't think right now. I'll blame it on post-Disney blues.:p


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