The Running Thread - 2019

re: non-physical benefits of running - I could not agree more with @Smilelea

ATTQOTD: I'm a big planner so check weather religiously. Even in college, I needed to know the weather so I would know how early to walk to school before it hit 90 deg (answer: 7:45am!). It affects my commute time and oftentimes my workload. Don't even get me started about packing the kids' clothes for vacation. So running is much worse, I check the hourly weather report especially if rain is in the picture.
ATTQOTD: For a number of years I worked for the California State Park System as a ranger. As part of the morning routine after going in service I would have to check the weather measurements and forecast. Some of this was for the record keeping used by the science folks and then the forecast was used so we could decide what areas of the park would (or not) be opened to the public as some roads quickly became impassable in the rain. At first this was kind a fun, but as a daily routine it got old! Flash forward to my family’s move to Michigan and my commitment to running. I sort of took up a “I don’t care what the weather is and I don’t want to bother to look” attitude. I began to kind of think of myself as a winter warrior and simply run straight thru the winter - cold, ice, snow none of it stopped me. Well until it did stop me when I slipped in the snow and shredded a tendon in my ankle.

Moving forward I use weather forecasts to look for potential ice and either skip the run that day or run at the university. Sometimes I am slow to learn, but eventually I do!
QOTD: What has running done for you other than the physical effects?

all about those endorphins...also, when feeling down/out of it, my medal rack makes me smile when I realize all I've been able to do in the last couple of years.

QOTD: How much more do you pay attention to the weather conditions now, compared to before you were a runner?

have been paying attention to weather more in general, but really more because of how it impacts my work/commute/etc. (e.g., school closings and whatnot)

Have been in a bit of a funk lately, but will be heading down to New Orleans in 2 weeks to see my sister/hang out during her spring break/see a bit of the Mardi Gras insanity/get in our first race of the year. Hoping that'll help get me in a better mindframe.
ATTQOTD: I guess I'm in the minority who does not obsess over the weather. I wake up for my runs and check my weather app to make sure I know what to wear, but that's about it. I almost never look at the forward forecast. Of course, I almost never have extremely cold weather to contend with in Houston...

This is me in summer; I just expect it to be hot and get up early enough to run before it gets bad. Frankly when we get back to spring I'll probably fall right back out of the habit of looking ahead (which is...probably not the best since last summer I decided to do a four-mile loop with no way to cut back quickly...and got rained on with no waterproof gear under which to hide my phone. thankfully it was alright).
I love good meteorologist’s weather blog! Wherever I’ve lived, I’ve found a good hyper-local weather person to follow - running or not.

I do follow the weather for running - but mainly so I can make sure to dress appropriately or pick a good time to go out to avoid rain/thunderstorms/ice etc. I definitely look at the “feels like” temp more than before I was a runner!
ATTQOTD: I definitely watch the temps in winter around my running time, to ensure I am dressed appropriately. In summer, its mainly to ensure I don't get caught out in a thunderstorm. That being said, I almost went into meteorology in college, it is a strong interest of mine, so I was already a pretty big weather follower, especially extreme weather.
Monday QOTD: Running is a big stress reliever for me. I’ve always said that running is the only guaranteed time where someone isn’t screaming for me or asking for a snack in my house.

Yesterday’s QOTD: Having kids made me start to check the weather but running has led to check what the humidity and hour by hour temps are predicted to be.
QOTD: How much more do you pay attention to the weather conditions now, compared to before you were a runner?

ATTQOTD: I have always been interested with the weather and would watch the good version of the weather channel for hours when I was younger. This was when it showed actual weather and not reality TV show garbage. Living along the gulf coast the threat of hurricanes excite me, and while that was more exciting before I became a homeowner, I am amazed by their power and how they work. Then in the cooler months when I hunted I watched the weather for our duck hunts. Clear blue skies are not our friend, but foggy and overcast was going to be a good day. So in short, my level of interest has remained the same, but thats because I just like the weather information.

Side Note: Todays question was submitted by a fellow poster. I hope I have captured the intent of your question.

Side Note #2: LSU basketball has arrived after beating #5 Kentucky at Kentucky last night! It feels great to be relevant in the sport again. I know it's just one game, but I have hope for March!

I only watch the weather because I have a not so secret crush on the local weather girl. Other than that, not so much. They generally don't know what they are talking about. I think they overdramatize the weather whenever possible to get people to watch and boost the ratings. I do check the weather app on my phone when I am running to check temps so I know how to dress, and I will check it on race day so I can plan appropriately but that's it.
@LSUlakes would you add a race for me?

March 2019
16 - ZellyB - Shamrox 15K (NG / N/A)
16 - Chris-Mo - Shamrox 15K (NG / N/A)

I've been terrible about running lately and decided a race on the books was the best way to get me motivated! We've done this one a few times and it's always fun with free beer at the end. :D
Yay! How is the Nashville course? Could I PR on it?

Nashville is where I got my current PR, so it is definitely possible! I shaved 8 minutes off my half time, but I also studied the course beforehand. It starts out with a pretty decent sized hill and has some rolling hills, but nothing too terrible, finish line is directly after a good downhill. The weather was perfect last year, but unreasonably hot the year before from what I understand. I have a recap from RNR Nashville too that shows my elevation map here. I definitely think you could PR there!
QOTD: With it being Valentines Day today and all, what are you plans for today or the weekend?

ATTQOTD: Not much today since it's work and school. This weekend is up in the air as we are waiting on some decisions to be made from others. Once we know those answers we have some choices to make. So kinda a anticlimactic weekend overall is what its looking like. Oh, how times have changed with kiddos lol.
Attqotd: We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day since it’s so close to our anniversary. We’re both working with the puppy at daycare so we don’t have to worry about tiring him out when we get home. We’ll cook dinner and watch tv.

Tomorrow I’m going to a Gatsby Gala with the Naples Historical Society with girlfriends.

This weekend, we’ll do a long walk at the Greenway on Saturday. Sunday I have brunch with my girlfriends.
QOTD: With it being Valentines Day today and all, what are you plans for today or the weekend?
ATTQOTD: We will go out for a nice dinner tonight for Valentine's Day.

For the weekend, unrelated to Valentine's, we are heading down to Vero Beach to visit my parents who are there for the winter. My wife works for the state so she is off on Monday for Presidents day. In fact, working for the state, she gets every holiday off - she even had last Tuesday off for freakin' Lincoln's birthday. Seriously, who gets Lincoln's birthday off?? But she does not get alot of vacation time so we usually need to leverage holiday weekends for get aways.

Anyway, temps in 80's are predicted for Vero Beach this weekend, so hopefully, we can get some sun and hopefully get in a run or two. :)
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ATTQOTD: Oh, it's Valentine's Day?.... JK. Life is too busy to give full attention to a holiday that a) you don't get work off from and b) is in the middle of the week. Last night, I ran to the store and grabbed a card for my husband and my kid along with their favorite candy and called it a day. I am working today and tonight as is my husband, so I am just hoping that I can get a heart shaped pizza on the way home from the pub quiz I am running tonight.
This weekend we are headed to Vegas to celebrate my birthday early with my parents. On Saturday, my husband and I are going to a Luau at a local brewery and probably hitting up my favorite pizza place. Then on Sunday we will go out to eat with my parents and Bay, where I will be getting a shake that has a piece of cake on top of it with lots of sprinkles!
QOTD: With it being Valentines Day today and all, what are you plans for today or the weekend?

ATTQOTD: Not much today since it's work and school. This weekend is up in the air as we are waiting on some decisions to be made from others. Once we know those answers we have some choices to make. So kinda a anticlimactic weekend overall is what its looking like. Oh, how times have changed with kiddos lol.

I don't really celebrate it; I've been more fixated on this being President's Day weekend, which means I have Monday off. Going to do the usual weekend thing of working on the house, gaming with friends, all that. The extra day means time to go shopping for more winter running gear--it's been well below freezing here, and since the 10 day forecast shows no sign of change coming soon I've decided I'm sick of missing my runs and want to get geared up at least to where I can run on weekends, when I'm able to go out midday and it's at least sunny. Good time to finally sit down and hammer out a real training plan for my June half marathon, too.

So...nothing special, just a little extra time to get things done.


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