September Exercise Challenge

Add 120 for Friday, Saturday, and Monday!

I got in 30 minutes today, bringing me up to 375/800.

Keep up the good work everyone! :)
67 mins on the TM today. Wanted to hit 4 miles :)

New total: 899/1000

Everyone is doing a wonderful job!!! Keep up the hard work :thumbsup2

Well, I fell off the exercise wagon last week since dd and I were both sick and I was busy with school. So I am way behind where I should be. I can still make my goal but I will have to work out every day for the rest of this month and work out hard to make it. I don't know if I will or not but I am going to try my best. Every little bit helps anyway!

I am officially back on track as of today and did get a 70 min. workout in! :thumbsup2 My new total is: 420/1200
I did 35 min on the bike, then remembered tomorrow is my rest day and did another 40 min on the TM adding 75 min for new total 800/1200, 2/3 of the way there :banana:
60min. of Taebo today. Total is 1420/1400! I can't believe I met my goal!! I still have 4 more days left before we go. I'm in shock! :teeth:
50 minutes walking/jogging today. 910/1400 :sunny:

Congrats CJK! I don't think I've ever made goal this early in the month. I'm usually down to the wire! You did great :thumbsup2
Everyone is doing so great!

I have been in DL but did manage to get in a little exercise:
Week 9/14 to 9/18 - 383 minutes.

Hey includes my 1/2 marathon - hope that counts as exercise, felt like it to me!!
60min. of interval training on the treadmill today. Total is 1480/1400.
Last night was 71 mins and this morning another 70 for 141 mins.

My new total is: 1040/1000....

WHOO HOOO!!! I made it!!!

YES :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Guess I will have to up my minutes next month :thumbsup2

I am so excited! More good news, I am walking in my first 5K on Sunday :)

My DH and DD are running (DH 1/2 marathon, DD 5K), so it's a family event. My wonderful IL's are watching the two youngest for us. Wish us all luck!

I walked for 33 minutes yesterday and another 60 minutes this morning puts me at 703/1200 :cool1:

ETA: jsut sqeezed in another 24 minutes - 727/1200
adding 120 more minutes today: 60 in the gym and 60 walking outside afterwards. :) My total is 780/1200 so far.


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