queue jumpers and pushy people ...

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The worst thing for me was the pushing and shoving that went on when waiting for the parades. Why is it that some folk think they can leave it to the last moment then push in front of those of us who have been standing there for ages?
I've just got back from DRP and to be honest I found the queue jumping horrendous. I have half-Spanish cousins and I have spent a lot of time in Spain in my life. I therefore understand that the Spanish don't have a queuing culture which is fair enough. What I did find really irritating was my daughter being pushed out of line queuing to see Minnie Mouse by the Spanish ADULTS!

Anyway - best thing is just use your elbows as much as they do and try to keep your cool. A good tip from me is to book Cafe Mickey if you've not managed to meet many characters - that way your little 'uns can get to meet them in a more chilled out environment

One thing I can say is that us Brits don't half let ourselves down in the dress stakes ;) Compared to the French and Spanish we are a particularly slovenly lot! :rofl:
the worst i find is the adults who push the kids out of the way to meet a charcter!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Agreed. It's for the kids after all!
The only particularly guilty mob seemed to be the Italians, for some reason. They were very bad at the Parade at when waiting to meet characters. However they were also very bashful if you said "Excusez Moi" loudly....
I don't think any one nation is worse than another, but it did seem last weekend that the Spanish were pushing their luck a bit too
I would not say *ALL* italians do like that but just the nasty ones that you could find anywhere in every nation or continent.
Agreed. We can't tar everyone with the same brush. Us Brits can be pretty horrible tourists, that's for sure!
This happens the world over and is the main reason we can't be bothered with parades. I want to chill out and enjoy my time at the parks, not worry about getting into a fracas with people who want to stand in front of me at the last minute when I've been waiting patiently for an hour or more.
I agree - but I found it rather offensive to wait in line for the Lion King show only to have to physically fight my way through people pushing in at the last minute
The worst thing for me was the pushing and shoving that went on when waiting for the parades. Why is it that some folk think they can leave it to the last moment then push in front of those of us who have been standing there for ages?
The problem is that it's not in their nature. I'm guessing you are a Brit? We've got the art of polite queuing down to a fine art and unfortunately large parts of the globe think it's rather quaint!
Adults are by far the worst offenders. Of all nationalities...I have even been physically assaulted by one!!!!! Had to get security, but thats another story.

Your best tactic is to remain calm and always let your children see that you have manners. We are responsible for their actions and how they behave when they are older. Sometimes, if the offender is english speaking, I embarrass them. I will excuse the rude adult to my daughter by loudly explaining that he/she simply had to get in front of her. She will then say "Why?, but he is a grown up...we were in front of him etc" and then I will tell her that "it's not his fault, as he is a very rude man and has no manners"

Usually does the trick and a few times this has produced an apology....

I am not English and don't know about queuing systems around europe, but one thing is for sure, common decency and respect for your fellow man is the same in all languages/cultures.
The one thing I have found the most infuriating here is the lack of lines for the Autographs and such... not just kids- they are prone to get excited- but the adult parents pushing them forward trying to beat out everyone else. :eek: I haven't had much problem with the lines for rides... I just keep those arms out staright on the rails if I feel my "personal space" being invaded.

In Anaheim, there are established lines for the prinicple characters (princesses, M&M, D&D, etc), and the ones who walk around the park...It is the minder's job is to keep the kids coming up one at a time- not only to ensure nice order for autographs, but so I can get a picture of my kids without 300 other children pushing and crowding around them. The kids stand in a line.. close to single file along a fence or railing to see the Wicked Queen, or Prince John, etc.

It is the same here often in the stores in Germany- they don't get in line and wait- they kind of Bum Rush the counters when they feel it is their turn.

Too may times my daughter walked away crying and heart broken in DLP because she didn't get her picture and autographs, despite waiting patiently for 15 or 20 minutes. The first time it was no big deal- but after the thrid and fourth, it was too much. As much as I hate the way they do it here in Europe, I have to say "When in Rome..." I try to make sure my kds are as polite as possible... I do not allow them to push, but I also safe guard to keep them from getting pushed around by these kamakazee parents. I have to admit giving more than a couple of dirty looks. :rolleyes1
The DLP mods have decided to combine these two current threads about queue jumpers, and any subsequent threads on the subject will also be added to this one. Non DLP related items will be deleted.

Also, while we understand that people want to vent their frustrations about queue jumpers and pushy people, it shouldn't be at the expense of someone's feelings. As has already been mentioned, we all have our faults - therefore we ask that no nationality is singled out for criticism. If anyone does so then an infraction will be issued and this thread may be closed.

Thank you for your understanding
I don't think any nationality is exempt - rudeness, like music, is a universal language.

I'm a polite soul and will normally give way gracefully but there's a limit to how often you can do this before you get an ulcer!:goodvibes

I do think DLRP could be a little more organised in their handling of queues. Mind you, when I queued to meet the Beast last year they were well disciplined. For me it was just occasions like the parades that really got my goat.
We are recently returned, and experienced no queuing issues to speak of, certainly no one pushed in front of us. The crowds with little kids around character greetings looked a bit manic, but they always do!
As the mods feel that this has been discussed at length this thread is now being closed.
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