Pete, Kevin, John, podcast team, RU23?

I dont see it as complaining. I see it as having an opinion that's different from yours.

I've never joined anything in the hopes it will someday be "better". I'll wait till it's better.

As for the pen......c' have to admit that offering an $850 dollar pen at a time when the parks, resorts, restaurants, merchandise locations and online retail establishments are REALLY suffering is pretty funny. And the fact that it includes instructions is even funnier

I think my biggest gripe is the hype about this being about the hardcore fams.
If Disney is concerned about the loyal, hardcore fans...who they KNOW spend oodles of money anyway....make the magazine content free on line and at a cost if you want a print copy. I can even see making people register for the site.

Marty Sklar and Dave Smith are going to write about the history of Disney. They should....hardcore fands will love that information but they shouldnt have to be overcharged for it.

As for the exclusivity aspect....if they are selling this in Disney World, Disneyland and Barnes and can read the magize for free. At least the B&N near me encourages you to sit and look at the magazines. They have chairs and sofas for goodness sake.

Nothing about this speaks to the hardcore Disney fan in me. As a matter of turns the fan in me off...alot. This is not about satisfying a need or even a want. It;s about satisfying a bottom line.

There are a lot of things they could do to THANK the hardcore fan base. This is not even close.

My apologies if you see this as complaining. As I said at the beginning.....I see it as my opinion and I'll stand behind it.

Totally agree why would I pay to join something that is crappy in the hopes that it may get better? Why would I waste my money when I could always join once it got better unless of course it were a limited time offer. But even than why would I join if I felt it was not a good value. I would just be throwing my money away in the hopes that I would receive something of value in the future with no guarantees. Sorry but I would rather spend my money more wisely than that.
You know, I'm just shockingly uninterested in the topic - usually I'm very opinionated but, on this WDW has found yet another way to part folks from their money. Ho Hum. Some will see it has value, some won't. That's the free market.

If WDW believed I thought this had value, they would have sent me the e-mail I signed up to receive (and haven't yet gotten). That WDW marketing research is flatly amazing.

This is my regular forum stomping grounds where even I can post about topics that do not interest me. What interests me are my fellow dissers who are hurting right now because of serious illnesses or injuries, loved ones dying, lost jobs and lost loves. They are real.

But don't let me stop you from resuming the blatant negativity and factually baseless complaints.

All I'm gonna say is "Podcast Team, please keep giving us your honest opinion, AND your rants. I do not want a sugar coated, Disney can do no wrong podcast."
All I'm gonna say is "Podcast Team, please keep giving us your honest opinion, AND your rants. I do not want a sugar coated, Disney can do no wrong podcast."

I agree totally.
Don't sugar coat it, let me have it straight. :thumbsup2

I get the feeling a few people will not enjoy this weeks show............


You're wrong.
That credit card you'd use in your hypothetical? You pay an annual fee and you pay interest on what you charge. And some $100K+ limit cards require you to charge a minimum amount per year to keep that credit limit. So there are your fees, in excess of what D23 would ask for a much less expensive pen.

As we've not met and you don't know my financial situation, you are purely speculating here. Not all credit cards charge an annual fee and should you pay your balance monthly, there is no interest. And all of that is besides the point. I dont have to pay for the priveledge to shop at Mont Blanc for $100,000 pens regardless of method of of payment, be it credit, cash or beer bottle returns. I can shop there for FREE....which was the actual point

Yeah sure you can get it elsewhere, but it's still going to have the same cover price. The value of it being included in the membership was obvious I thought, but I'll explain it again; if it's $75 total, and $60 of that goes to the magazine, then it's only an additional $15 that you need to worry about where is it going in terms of "am I getting my value?".

I will answer the question you pose here....No, I dont see that I am getting my value.

What is that? Well, parts of the remainder of the $75 charge goes to paying for postage; on the D23 Magazine, and on the Membership Certificate and Card. Another portion goes to actually making your Membership Certificate and Card. And some of it goes to paying for the "Surprise Collectible Gift" to be made and shipped to you. And of course, someone has to write, edit, and construct the bi-weekly email newsletter whether or not you opt out of it. And another portion of that money pays for the internet hardware and access that it takes to e-mail such a thing out. And there's also webmastering services and other associated costs with the website.

Graceful of you to admit the validity of my points..

Again...I believe you have missed the point , or are intentionally avoiding it.
When I suggested that the same could be said of the podcast and this website...I meant that there are costs that are obviously incurred, yet these costs are not passed on to the folks who listen and / or post.....but then I think you knew that.

That people ask for your opinion does not give it any additional validity than mine has for being volunteered.

Never suggested it did. I said it was different...not better.

Opinions tend to be of a higher quality when backed up by facts and figures; which is roughly how scientific research works. It's why I backed mine up with supporting facts and figures...

Opinions are just that....opinions. They are not scientific by any stretch of the imagination. I think blue is pretty. There are no facts or figures or research that can add or subtract from the validity of that statement. Thats what makes it an opinion.

Since most of the sentiment here seems to be blatant negativity and factually baseless complaints, I'm going back to my regular forum stomping grounds, where people are more focused on the fun they can have than the negativity they can espouse. After all, isn't that more in keeping with Walt's philosophy?

Walt's philosophy was to walk his park nightly (a fact found in many books detailing Walt's life) and ask the opinions of his guests. The things that garnered negative opinions were changed. An example of this is the fact that people left Disneyland early due to the fact that they could see the traffic on the 5. Walt thought this was a problem and thats one of the reasons that there are no roads visible from inside the Magic Kingdom / WDW. Thats another fact.

I am surprised that if you were just looking to have fun, that you opened a thread asking the podcast team for their opinion. I'm actally surprised that you opened any thread regarding this new Disney endeavor if all you wanted was the positive, fun spin on things. Disney's website offers that.

Originally Posted by black562
I also think its the job of a podcast to provide the info and let everyone decide on their own, NOT to rant like a child about how let down they feel.

You are right Joe.. that is what Blogs are for. I didn't see anything of opinion from Lou Mongello or others. They gave facts and info that people can use to decide for oneself.

Speaking of blogs, I have already read several who are doing the same, of providing facts and useful info.

Holy cow. What a bizarre thread.

I'm so amazed by the above comments, I cannot even think of a comment.

The OP specifically asked for the opinions of Pete, John and Kevin about D23, I'm truly baffled as to how Lou Mongello chose to report D23 information relates to the OP's question? If you are seeking information only, may I refer you to ... the rest of us here enjoy, appreciate and value the team's thoughts and opinions. Thank You.
I agree totally.
Don't sugar coat it, let me have it straight. :thumbsup2

I get the feeling a few people will not enjoy this weeks show............



Yeah I think we all know what this weeks show is going to be about. :rotfl2:

BTW: I finally got my email from Disney about this. Better late than never I guess. :rolleyes1
I dont have to pay a fee to purchase a $100,000 Mont Blanc pen. If I want one, I walk into the store, pull out my credit card and buy it. There is no charge for this "privledge" other than the cost of the goods and tax.

If you have that much on your credit card fancy giving me some money! ;) :love:
YOOHOO! Launchpad, where are you? Put a stop to this madness!

Never fear!! With one word from Pete, John or Kevin I'll swoop in like a rabid spider monkey and put a virtual beat down on any interloper who dares to invade our community! (standing with fists on hips and feet shoulder width apart)
Rest easy, the pod cast crew is more than capable of handling a few dis board trolls with a clear case of diarrhea of the mouth!
Here's the thing, buyers determine value. Some people will find it a great value and others will not. I agree with the team. I see absolutely no value! I'd rather spend my $75 dollars on little purses that say "I'm all about the sparkle." ;)

All I'm gonna say is "Podcast Team, please keep giving us your honest opinion, AND your rants. I do not want a sugar coated, Disney can do no wrong podcast."

I agree completely! I sometimes gag on all that sugar! ;)

YOOHOO! Launchpad, where are you? Put a stop to this madness!

Don't get that man anymore fired up! :laughing: He was furious last night that someone was being snarky to Kevin ('s opinion). :laughing:
Who wants some cake?

Never fear!! With one word from Pete, John or Kevin I'll swoop in like a rabid spider monkey and put a virtual beat down on any interloper who dares to invade our community! (standing with fists on hips and feet shoulder width apart)
Rest easy, the pod cast crew is more than capable of handling a few dis board trolls with a clear case of diarrhea of the mouth!


He said spider monkey (Twilight reference).

My opinion is if you're planning on buying the magazine you might as well join and get the other perks. If you aren't planning on getting the magazine then stay away. Simple.

:cake: is good. So are brownies. Is there such thing as a brownie cake? I think that would be bliss.:goodvibes

brownie cake....sounds good. I know they make a brownie kit with frosting...sounds like cake to me.


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