Organization 2010 - January/family room


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Feb 18, 2005
It's been 2 year since we've done this. Time for a refresher course!

Ok I found my paper. This is from a magazine I bought several years ago. This was written by Franny van Nevel in Woman's Day 1/2/01

Goal: Find the remote! or in my house the remoteSSSSS

- Recycle old magazines, flyers, mail order catalogs. Sort the rest.
- Cull piles of photos- separate the good, the bad, and the ugly. Toss the bad. share duplicates with friends and family. Set aside the rest for now.
- Go through CD's, videos, books. Create piles for keepers, loaner-returners, donation or resale.
- Paw through the stacks of games and toys; collect missing pieces and put them in appropriate boxes. Create stacks to donate, to toss, to store elsewhere and to keep in the family room. Donate what you can't use. like our 1000 different Monopoly games
- Start inventory list of model and serial numbers for your TV, stereo, VCR, DVD player, etc., for your homeowners insurance.

-Vacuum and clean floor, walls, bookshelves, entertainment centers, windowsills, mini blinds, and ceiling fans.
- Dry clean or launder drapes, throws, and area rugs. If possible, switch sides when rehanging drapes to minimize sun damage.
-Spot clean sofas; vacuum cushions and sofa base; flip and rotate cushions. Dig down the sides for lost coins Hey for those saving for big trips this is good and writing instruments and don't forget food -blech

-Choose a drawer or find a basket to hold remotes. Or attach infrequently used remotes to components with Velcro.
-Buy acid free photo boxes or albums for pictures. Spend 1/2 an hour a week arranging albums. Obviously written before the scrapbook obsession took hold LOL
- Designate a basket or box to hold on-load tapes, books, videos. Write return dates on the calendar.
-Initiate weekly 5 minute cleanups with family members( ) to keep things moving toward their designated spaces.
-Once organized take a photo or videotape of the room to keep with your home inventory list.

Daily Task
Jan 1 - transfer all appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, and automatic payment schedules into your 2010 calendar
Jan 2 - Write down all of your Goals and plans for the year. Break them down into steps that a required to complete them.
Jan 3 - Start planning your vacation for the year. The sooner you start planning, the sooner you can start saving.
Jan 4 - look for inexpensive family entertainment. Example - movies and books at the library.
Jan 5 - Tackle junk drawers - one day at a time, sort through one drawer at a time. Add trays to keep things organized.
Jan 6 - Call energy provider and schedule an energy audit for your home.
Jan 7- Start planning holidays for 2010 now. Plan to do a little bit each week.
Jan 8 - Inventory emergency supplies for your car. Scrapper, brush, flashlight and batteries, blanket, small shovel, first ad kit, tool kit, water, sand for traction.
Jan 9- Home maintenance - new furnace filter, water heater check, clean humidifiers and check filters, test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Jan 10 - End of year accounting. Gather file tax paperwork, donation receipts, home improvement receipts, papers if you purchased a new car, etc.
Jan 11- Set up files for new year. Include a file for 2010 taxes and receipts
Jan 12 - REplace shelf paper and drawer liners
Jan 13 - Go through house and tighten screws on doors, drawers, and furniture. Carry a note pad to list minor repairs that need to be done. Note and supplies needed. Take one trip to the hardware store and have all of your supplies handy when you go to do the work.
Jan 14 - Take advantage of sales and purchase new linens and bedding, gym equipment, storage containers.
Jan 15 - Clean your range hood filter.
Jan 16 - Clean faucet aerators and turn on indoor faucets that don't get used much.
Jan 17 - check fire extinguishers and recharge if necessary. Be sure you have the appropriate extinguishers in kitchen, garage, and basement
Jan 18 - Start planning spring garden now. Start seeds
Jan 19 - Day to rest
Jan 20 - Research Martin Luther King
Jan 21 - Go through medicine cabinet and remove all expired meds
Jan 22 - Picnic in the living room
Jan 23 - Clean out freezer, toss old food. Inventory the rest and work it into meal planning
Jan 24 - Go through Magazines. Tear out articles of interest and place them in sheet protectors in a binder, toss the rest
Jan 25 - Clean one more shelf in your pantry
Jan 26 - Call and schedule for oil change, check antifreeze if you live in cold areas
Jan 27 - Get caught up in your correspondence. Write thank you notes and surprise a friend with a hand written letter
Jan 28 - Order pizza and have a pizza party!
Jan 29 - Deadline for W-2 forms are upon us. Start gathering tax papers and set appointment, even if you do your own taxes.
Jan 30 - Double check Feb calendar for upcoming events
Jan 31- Review resolutions and make adjustments

February - home office/scrap room
March - Basement
April - living Room
May - Attic
June - Dining Room
July - Bathrooms
August - Bedrooms
September - Garage
October - Closets
November - Kitchen
December - Laundry Center
Just want to make sure I understand this.
Are you doing a project of a different room each month for 2010? With the first room being the family room and we should do these steps?

If so, this is right up my ally and I promise to follow thru till 2011....I so need some organization, cleaning, all of that stuff in my life this year!
Yes, it's a full year, starting in January with the family room. Some months you may not have a room (like the office) so you can maintain, pick a different room not on the list or take the month off.
Start with the decluttering part, then the clean, and wrap up with the maintaining.

I'll edit the first post in a minute with the rooms for the year (DD woke up and needs me :) )
We've gone a bit crazy and done both DS's rooms and one side of the conservatory - couldn't get to the other yet as the bikes were still there from the garage because it was full of stuff sorted for charity shop/dump:rotfl:

We've already repainted DS(10)'s bedroom as a practice for DS(16)'s bigger room. We're going to have a bed recycling - DS16's high bed is going to DBIL for DNEph(13), DS(10) is getting DNeph's cabin bed and DS16 is getting a new bed and a new wardrobe, work station and possibly chest of drawers (because I want his for my room because the one I have is gross and the drawers stick:rolleyes:)

So even before Jan we have one repainted room, two carloads of stuff junked and I can walk through the conservatory without treading on bits of plastic:goodvibes
I'm in! Plan on working on this exact task the Monday the kids return to school! The decorations will all be put away and the room will be fairly empty!!!

This will also help w/ the remodeling/repainting we have to have done by May 15th!!!
This is something that I have wanted to do. Dh started painting the living room in Nov and clean and threw things out as he was working. It was great and looked wonderful when he was finished. I want the rest of the house to look that great.

I'm in
I am in- once we arrive home- I will be a few days behind at first but I should be able to catch up in a week or 2.

Ok, I am so into the room a month club, but a daily task???? I have enough trouble teaching, coming home, getting things done without more Buffy. I will read what you're suggesting but may have to stick with that room per month.
Hoping to sell this huge house in the next yr or so, and this is one way to stay on top of the situation. Thanks, I think!!:confused3

Not trying to hijack the organization thread but saw this and found it interesting. It has the same theory - tackle one area a month for 2010 but not in your home.

"Each month, I’ll propose an area of life to tackle for your happiness project. Each week, I’ll suggest one or two simple, manageable resolutions to consider (in fact, you may find some of them laughably manageable -- but they all worked to boost my happiness). Of course, every happiness project is different, and I’m just throwing out some ideas. Your happiness project will look very different from mine.

• January--Energy
• February--Love
• March--Work
• April--Money
• May--Mindfulness
• June--Order
• July--Spirit
• August--Fun
• September--Family
• October--Friends
• November--Attitude
• December--Boot Camp Perfect"

Not trying to hijack the organization thread but saw this and found it interesting. It has the same theory - tackle one area a month for 2010 but not in your home.

"Each month, I’ll propose an area of life to tackle for your happiness project. Each week, I’ll suggest one or two simple, manageable resolutions to consider (in fact, you may find some of them laughably manageable -- but they all worked to boost my happiness). Of course, every happiness project is different, and I’m just throwing out some ideas. Your happiness project will look very different from mine.

• January--Energy
• February--Love
• March--Work
• April--Money
• May--Mindfulness
• June--Order
• July--Spirit
• August--Fun
• September--Family
• October--Friends
• November--Attitude
• December--Boot Camp Perfect"

Oh, I like this idea. We can definitely incorporate that!
did you join?
Ok, I am so into the room a month club, but a daily task???? I have enough trouble teaching, coming home, getting things done without more Buffy. I will read what you're suggesting but may have to stick with that room per month.
Hoping to sell this huge house in the next yr or so, and this is one way to stay on top of the situation. Thanks, I think!!:confused3

the daily task is pretty easy Caroline but you don't have to do it, if you don't want to. Some are actually lumped in with the room a month club.
I'm in. I really did a good job last year with the de-cluttering, so this year it should be mainly about maintaining, except for a few "hot spots." I can tell you right now March won't be pretty.
Oh, I like this idea. We can definitely incorporate that!
did you join?

I'm thinking about it. I've spent this week cleaning out closets, boxes and my craft room and feel like my house is in good shape. It's my life I need to worry about :)

I had 3 bags of garbage, 6 bags of paper/plastic for the recycling bin, 3 bags for goodwill, 2 bags of books for a local book sale, and a bag of scrap/craft stuff for a friend's kids when I finished clearing out the craft room. I feel great!
I'm thinking about it. I've spent this week cleaning out closets, boxes and my craft room and feel like my house is in good shape. It's my life I need to worry about :)

I had 3 bags of garbage, 6 bags of paper/plastic for the recycling bin, 3 bags for goodwill, 2 bags of books for a local book sale, and a bag of scrap/craft stuff for a friend's kids when I finished clearing out the craft room. I feel great!

It's weird I feel very liberated when we get a dumpster. LOL

It's time to do it again.
It is so liberating when you let go of stuff! My 2 DS's are great at seeing stuff for what it is. I love it when they help me purge!

I'm in! I did it 2 years ago, and I need to have another go at it!

Thanks Buffy for posting this again!
I want to join. I havent gotten on a good cleaning jag in awile. My problem is that i clean the living room but then I get hooked and move all the funiture. I want to orgizie the living room but I cant take down the tree yet since mom has my bucket. Im excited to get my new baskets for under my coffee table too (which will hold toys and books for guest children). Can we post our room issue and get help?
My room issues: I have a grey vinyl chair that I love the style of and hate the color, how do I change it? Problem 2: I have a ugly green furry rug,it looks like someone flatened the grinch. I love the rug, hate the green. Could I dye it?


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