My, What an Interesting Carpet Bag~A Dec. 2013 TR!*Remember Me?!*PTR for May 2015 Link, pg 23!*

Okay... I SO TOTALLY didn't know you had a TR going!! I feel so awful for not seeing it sooner!! I tend to go to my subscriptions so I miss out on knew ones unless I see a signature line or something in another TR...

So anyways...

It sounds like even though the trip was short you sure are making your way around WDW. The Whole FP+ thing is really dissapointing to me. I love the MB's for room charges, park admission and hotel kep but really don't like planning my rides so far in advance! Especially since I hear it is really hard to make changes now! And starting in April off-site guests will be able to make FP+ reservations too making it even harder to switch things up or get your favorites! Overall just not a fun thing for me!

I'm sorry your two buffet meals didn't live up to your expectations. I've never eaten at Boma and only Cape May once... I enjoyed Cape May and would do it again but with my DH allergic to seafood so its not going to happen!

I've never been to Beaches & Cream either! I just never have a place to fit it in! If we ever stay at an Epcot resort than I think it will become a must do then!

That cupcake looks awesome! I wish i had known about it as I love Peppermint/Chocolate combos!!
I love all of your Christmas trip reports ... thank you so much!!

Thank YOU so much for reading!!! :goodvibes

Okay... I SO TOTALLY didn't know you had a TR going!! I feel so awful for not seeing it sooner!! I tend to go to my subscriptions so I miss out on knew ones unless I see a signature line or something in another TR...

So anyways...

It sounds like even though the trip was short you sure are making your way around WDW. The Whole FP+ thing is really dissapointing to me. I love the MB's for room charges, park admission and hotel kep but really don't like planning my rides so far in advance! Especially since I hear it is really hard to make changes now! And starting in April off-site guests will be able to make FP+ reservations too making it even harder to switch things up or get your favorites! Overall just not a fun thing for me!

I'm sorry your two buffet meals didn't live up to your expectations. I've never eaten at Boma and only Cape May once... I enjoyed Cape May and would do it again but with my DH allergic to seafood so its not going to happen!

I've never been to Beaches & Cream either! I just never have a place to fit it in! If we ever stay at an Epcot resort than I think it will become a must do then!

That cupcake looks awesome! I wish i had known about it as I love Peppermint/Chocolate combos!!

Haha, that's ok...I just noticed the other night that you have a PTR going, which I still have to sub to, so don't feel bad!

Yeah I can't stand FP+. Really. I like the MB's, they're fine, whatever, but I wish they kept the old FP system. :mad:

Oh man, that's too bad about Cape May! Maybe if you do a solo trip you can eat there? I think if I ever do a solo trip, I'll do a buffet, because you can just go up, get your food, and be out the door and not really worry about a server! :rotfl:

OMG Beaches and Cream was amazing!!! I'm so glad you can make ADR's for it now!

That cupcake was fantastic! I love anything mint flavored!:banana:
Hour Wait for Soarin'? Whatever!

Hi everyone!

Before I start the update, I just want to point out 2 things:

1. I know, I'm a terrible DIS friend right now, and after I do this update, I'm not doing another one until I'm caught up on EVERYONE'S TR! It's crazy, I just have no time lately! I know I keep saying that but it's true, and when I do think I will have time, something comes up, I apologize! I haven't forgotten any of you or your TR's! :goodvibes

2. CHECK OUT THE NEW TICKER!!!! :dance3: We're officially going back to Disney in September for Food and Wine and the Halloween party! I wanted to wait until my vacation was approved at work and it was a few days ago, so yay! I'm a tiny bit sad at the thought of no Christmas decorations this year, but I think I'm ready to skip it for ONE year and do something different, and after missing Food and Wine last year, I need it in my life again this year! I don't have too many details of this trip yet, I'm not even sure where we're staying yet, I'm waiting for Free Dining to HOPEFULLY be announced, and something else to possibly work out, but as of now, I'm booked at AoA. I'm about 90% sure that will change! I might do a PTR for this trip, I'm not sure, but this is the first trip I've actually gotten to plan for a LONG time since my 2012 trip, so a PTR might be fun, but we'll see!

And now for the update, this might be short, but I wanted to do something while I had a spare second...:rotfl2:

When we left off, Brandon and I finished up our little Epcot resorts tour and went back to Pop. I think we showered and rested for about 30 seconds and then we were back out the door, to my favorite place in the world, Epcot!

Yes, I take way too many pictures of Spaceship Earth, but hey, how else can you participate in #spaceshipearthsunday on Instagram, right? :laughing:

I also have to take a million pictures of this fountain on each trip, I just love it!

I mean, it's no Fountain of Nations, but it's a close second!

Oh, and these things? Also have to take a million pictures of them!

I don't know what they are, but I love them! They make me just really feel like I'm in Epcot!

Anyway, there was only one thing I cared about that afternoon, and that was going on Soarin'. I needed to go on, it was calling me! had a 60 minute wait. Brandon of course, did NOT want to go on and wait 60 minutes, but I insisted. I actually wrote in my notes for that day "Waited an hour for Soarin. Don't care." because Brandon was being so annoying about waiting an hour for a ride that he couldn't care less about! :rotfl2: I'm sorry, but other than Tower of Terror, Soarin' is my favorite ride, so I need to go on it, and if I have to wait an hour, I'll wait!

My beloved Soarin' queue! I love it so much, even if you do want to die from boredom while you're waiting!

Soarin' was perfect, as always, we got to sit in the middle, which is really my only requirement on that ride! Sure, front row is always awesome, but I'd prefer the middle seat section over the front row way over on the right or left any day!

When we came out, the Land looked beautiful, I think because the sun was going down and it just made those balloons glow!

We went outside, and I was just amazed by how pretty the sky looked! I just love the Florida skies, the clouds are always so perfect and then the sunsets...forget it. Sunset at the parks is always such a great time to be outside, just taking it all in and looking around, everything glows and looks more beautiful than ever!

Imagine how much better those pictures would have looked from a real camera, taken by someone who knows what they are doing? :laughing: Seriously though, how pretty were the clouds? We spent a lot of time just standing around, taking pictures of the clouds.

I keep saying I want to move to Florida, but I would be the most unproductive person in Florida. Like, how would I ever have a job? All I'd want to do is go to Disney and look at sunsets. Maybe once you live there you get used to them. :confused3

Sometime that day, I made FP reservations for Test Track, and we had to wait for it to be time to go on, so we actually just stood there, in the middle of Epcot, just waiting. I took more pictures of things and Brandon played with his phone. Really effective time management in Disney here, people. :rotfl: I mean, at least I got some pictures out of it, but still, bad planning on my part. I guess we could have went on an attraction with no wait, but I don't think I really wanted to walk because my feet were hurting too much.

I actually had a really good time during that waiting period, taking tons of pictures because I feel like I never get to do that. Yeah, maybe it was bad planning and maybe we should have done something, but at the same time, I always say I never have the time to just hang out and enjoy the scenery, so I'm grateful that I got to do that for once.

I'll stop here, because, well, I'm up to my image limit, and I have many more pictures to share!

Up next...more Epcot!

YAY for a new update :banana:
Your Epcot pictures turned out really well.
Another trip to Disney during F& jealous, my family will have to wait atleast till 2015 till we can go back again.
Thanks for sharing :surfweb:
So excited for you that you're planning a fall trip!!! I really wish we were going back this fall too because our last three trips have been so incredible. Hopefully our May weekend will help hold me over until fall 2015!

"Waited an hour for Soarin'. Don't care." :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Glad you got on your ride.

Lovely Epcot pictures!
Yay for a new ticker. And if I'm reading it right, we will miss you again! UGH!

I would NEVER be able to get Mark to wait an hour for Soarin' or any other ride. just wouldn't happen.

It's nice to just not do anything and just take it all in and get pictures to remember it all by.
Yay for another trip! :cool1:

Nice that you had a chance to stop and just take Epcot in and snap some pictures.

Maybe if you lived in Florida, you'd be super motivated to get your work done quickly in order to go to Epcot and enjoy the sunset every day? :confused3
Oh YAY new ticker!!!! And MY GOD September is crazy popular around here this year. So many DISers heading there and because of all that I now hope to be one of them. I gotta get on that. I need me some MNSSHP and in honour of your Epcot update, I need the Innoventions Music Loop that was missing on my December trip. I love Disney at Christmas... Hate not having the Innoventions Music Loop.

I have a question if you remember since I can't remember the last time I did Soarin' standby. Did the (roughly) 60 minute wait get you to the pre-show, or actually get you to the ride?
Thank YOU so much for reading!!! :goodvibes

Haha, that's ok...I just noticed the other night that you have a PTR going, which I still have to sub to, so don't feel bad!

Yeah I can't stand FP+. Really. I like the MB's, they're fine, whatever, but I wish they kept the old FP system. :mad:

Oh man, that's too bad about Cape May! Maybe if you do a solo trip you can eat there? I think if I ever do a solo trip, I'll do a buffet, because you can just go up, get your food, and be out the door and not really worry about a server! :rotfl:

OMG Beaches and Cream was amazing!!! I'm so glad you can make ADR's for it now!

That cupcake was fantastic! I love anything mint flavored!:banana:

I actually did do Cape May on my solo trip last May/June. I ate at all TS restaurants for 10 days and never a qualm over it. In fact one table I was talking to paid for my entire meal at Narcoosee's!!

If we ever stay in the DHS area we will probably try and do Beaches & cream but until then its awkward to get there for lunch!

No worries on my PTR... its a lot of talk about food lol.

When is your September trip? We may be there at the VERY end. Still up in the air though.

Cool Pictures of Epcot! I won't wait an hour for Soarin' either! In fact I rarely go on it at WDW since I can ride it single rider line at DL and its the same ride in both places.
You can never have too many pictures of SE can you? ::yes::

I don't blame you for waiting an hour for Soarin' it's just necessary to get on it! The first time I rode it we waited over 45 minutes and it was so worth it!

Beautiful pictures of the sunset! We saw a gorgeous one when we were at MNSSHP last October.
Love all the pictures of epcot!! One can never take to many, there!!

Yay for new ticker!! ( though I already knew :) )

Sometimes it's awesome to just sit back and relax a bit :)

Where was that? Starbucks! Yes, the first thing I did in Epcot was go to Starbucks. I don't care. I love Starbucks and the fact that they are in Disney Parks now is just fine with me!

I got a wonderful special only in Disney flavor Frappucino, something with cherry, I can't remember the official name, but it was amazing! It was like a chocolate covered cherry in Frappucino form!​

To be honest I was perfectly happy about Starbucks being there too. While I do not LOVE them, I do enjoy it as a treat and I needed it because my hotel had horrific coffee. Especially since I got a gift card with my credit card Rewards and my Mom gave me one too.
Free Starbucks for the win!
Congrats on the September trip.
I want to move to Florida too.
Standing around and taking it in is good once in a while.
Yeah for the update and YEAH for the September trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add me to the list of people wanting to move to Florida..hopefully in 10 years...hopefully...
Congrats on your new ticker and the F&W trip behind it! I am sure you are going to have a blast.

Beautiful pictures for Epcot and kudos to you for waiting an entire hour for Soarin. :faint:

I am sure its hard for your mom to adjust to dialysis, It is extremely common for the Blood Pressure to drop during treatments and everyone feels weak and washed out afterwards. I hope she starts feeling stronger soon.
YAY for a September F&W trip!!! We love Sept at WDW - great time to go!!

And, what a gorgeous night at Epcot...those clouds are so cool! :thumbsup2
Whoo! Another Disney trip, that's always a great thing. I know it's no holiday season, but Alex and I actually enjoyed our Sept./Oct. trip when we went. It can be pretty nice in the parks. I'm sure you'll have an awesome trip, regardless. :thumbsup2

When it comes to your favorite attraction, 60 minutes is nothing. ::yes::

I enjoyed your Epcot pictures. I could just tell it was a perfect Disney evening.

I hate to say it, but yes, you do sort of get used to sunsets when you live in FL. :rotfl: Not when you're on the beach or at a park or somewhere else nice. But on days like today, when it's rainy and soggy out, it's not so perfect. :rotfl2:
Thought I commented on this already. :confused3 Oh well! I'll do it (again?) now! :rotfl:
CONGRATS on the new ticker!! I'll be there in September too :goodvibes
I have waited an hour for Soarin' once, same thing as you, it's a favourite ride of mine and I need to go on it!
Gorgeous pictures around Epcot :lovestruc Love that park. I think it's great that you didn't feel the need to fill a spare few minutes with another attraction and just relaxed and observed instead. It IS beautiful Epcot, after all!


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