My, What an Interesting Carpet Bag~A Dec. 2013 TR!*Remember Me?!*PTR for May 2015 Link, pg 23!*

The Perfect Cupcake, Part 2!​

****Before you start reading, please don't miss part 1 of this wonderful update on the previous page, page 16!!!!****

Sadly, it was time to leave the Yacht Club and make our way back to the Beach Club to see if there was still no wait time at Beaches and Cream...we figured with our luck, there definitely would be now!:rotfl:

Bye Yacht Club, see you soon I hope!

We made it back to Beaches and Cream and guess what? STILL no wait! We were seated right away, at a booth too, I was shocked, I thought for sure we'd be at the counter!

I had no idea what I wanted to get, I was deciding between like 4 different things, so I figured whatever came out of my mouth when the waitress took our order is what I'd get! :confused3

I ended up getting a cherry coke, which is the BEST cherry coke in the world

annd one of my newest, most favorite Disney meals...

tomato bisque and a grilled cheese!

Now, I am not a tomato soup person at all. It's ok but I can take it or leave it, I don't think I've ever ordered it at a restaurant. But something was telling me to get this, and I'm SO glad I did! It was probably some of the best soup I've ever had in my life, it tasted kind of like...I don't even know, creamy marinara sauce? It was fantastic, and the grilled cheese...who knew something SO simple could be so good? And dunking it into the soup was ridiculous, I wanted to die of happiness right there! From now on, I will definitely be stopping at Beaches and Cream because it was just so good. And the weird thing is, I've eaten there before and I wasn't that impressed, but this time, it was incredible! If you get the chance to go, definitely do it! :thumbsup2

Oh, and Brandon had a boring burger and a soda with no cherry in it. So you don't need to hear about that right? :rotfl:

Once we finished eating, it was time to head over to the Boardwalk for my cupcake! I love the walk over, it's such a pretty area, the Epcot resorts are definitely some of my favorites!

And the Boardwalk is another one of my dream resorts!

There it is! The Boardwalk Bakery!

There was a pretty long line at the bakery, but it went quickly! They have a few other cupcakes in there, and I almost considered getting 2 because that strawberry one they have looks verrry yummy, but I restrained myself! I was only there for the peppermint cupcake, and that's what I got! I couldn't wait to get back to Pop to eat it, even though I was stuffed from lunch!

We made the long walk back to our car and drove back to Pop. For some reason, we didn't go right to the room, I'm not sure what we had to get, but I know we stopped in Everything Pop for a second...probably for me to get milk to eat my cupcake with or something!


Eventually, we made it back to the room where Brandon tried to take a nap for a few minutes, and I dug into my cupcake...I know you're all wondering for a picture of this glorious cupcake, right? Here it is!

It tasted just as good as it looks! And if you look closely at the pink frosting, you can actually see it sparkling! It's definitely the prettiest cupcake I've ever had! And maybe the best one, although that peanut butter cupcake from Starring Roles is probably my all time favorite, this one comes verrry close! It's minty, which I love, and chocolaty, which again, I love, so what more do you need? The mint isn't overwhelming either, it's pretty much perfect! I wish they had them year round, but then again, if they did, when would I ever have the chance to try other cupcakes? :rotfl2:

Up favorite place in the world, Epcot!

Sorry to hear about the things you're dealing with between your mom and your grandmother. :hug:

So, if you could turn yourself into a miniature, you could spend the holidays in the Yacht Club train village, then move to the World Showcase miniature train village for the rest of the year...they even have a miniature Food & Wine Festival, so you're set! :thumbsup2

That grilled cheese and tomato bisque sounds good. I love that combo, but have not tried the B&C version of it. I'm impressed you made it out of B&C without getting any ice cream. But I guess you had a cupcake on your mind. Sounds and looks delicious, by the way!
It never fails, the one time you expect a wait there is none. Then again, in my opinion, Beaches and Cream seemed to become less busy over the past few years. Which is why I was so confused that they made it part of the reservation system. I don't think it's a restaurant that really needed ADRs.:confused3 But, nobody asked me. :rotfl2:

Wow, that cupcake looks delicious! And so fitting for the holidays. I never would've thought to go to the Boardwalk Bakery for it. Just based on that photo, though, I'd say it was well worth the trip.
That cupcake looks so yummy!!! And it really does sparkle!

Awesome for no wait at beaches n cream. I've never eaten there, yet.

Hugs for all your dealing with! Hope your mom is okay. I know process of nursing homes can take forever!
Sorry for all of the family worries you have going on. :hug:

SOunds like a fun afternoon around the Epcot resort area! Still haven't ever made it to B&C but that grilled cheese looks absolutely delicious.

If we ever go back for the holidays, we absolutely must make time to go check out the decorations at those resorts! So adorable.
Oh Jen, I don't think you need to apologize AT ALL. I'm so sorry all this is happening around you. :flower3:

Oh my, isn't that always the way. The one time you want a wait at Beaches and Cream, and there isn't one.

It's amazing to me that I really only discovered the Epcot resort area a little over a year ago. I've still never stayed, but on the 2 trips since I spend so much time there. It has to be my favourite "resort area".
Sorry to hear about everything that's been going on! :hug: I hope it all gets better soon.

I love that this update revolves around the Epcot resort area in all its perfection. That Yacht Club... it's becoming more and more appealing to me lately. :)

That cupcake looks and sounds amazing. Goodness. And it was SPARKLY? How? That's just awesome.
So sorry to read about your Mom and Grandmother...what a lot to take care of!

The update was great! We are heading to WDW next month and we have an ADR for Beaches and Cream so I really appreciate the review! I think we are planning on taking one of the boats from Epcot to the restaurant, I know it would probably be faster to walk but I think the boat ride will be a nice break for the Grandmas and the kids (ok, and me too).

Well, you take care :grouphug:
No need to appologize for dealing with family issues, family comes first always! :hug: My Mom just had to deal with putting my Grandma into a nursing home. I wish I could have been there to help her cause I know it was a lot of work.

It looks like you had a nice stroll around the Boardwalk area! I love walking around there.

The Yacht Club was one of the few deluxe resorts that Mom and I didn't make it too to see the Christmas decorations so I really enjoyed your pictures.

I'm going to try Beaches and Cream in May! I have an ADR since they take them now so hopefully we won't have to wait too long. I'm probably going to end up with a boring old burger like Brandon! :rotfl:

I loved seeing the POP pictures! I haven't stayed there since 2010 and I miss the resort. Mom and I are talking about an October trip and might stay there.

That Peppermint Cupcake is now on my list to try next time I'm down there for Christmas! I've been obsessed with Disney cupcakes lately.
We are back from Florida and I am slowly catching up.

Although you know I'm not a fan of the Beach Club, I love how it is decorated at Christmas, as well as the Yacht Club.

I LOVED that grilled cheese at Beaches & Cream and plan on ordering it in September again. I'll be having a diet coke though, no cherry coke for me (I don't like anything with cherry in it or on it).

I hope you get to stay at the Boardwalk some time. We really ended up loving it in December and are going back as part of our split stay in September.

The Bakery. Heaven in a bakery is what I like to call it. So many different things to choose from. That cupcake looks way too pretty to eat.
Sending lots of good wishes for your m :wizard:

Is there anything better than grilled cheese and tomato soup??? I am planning it for dinner tonight, and your post solidified that. True comfort food.
That cupcake certainly is beautiful!

Jen - I am so sorry to hear your mom has been ill and is now on hemodialysis. I am sure that is a huge adjustment and being on dialysis is very fatiguing. On top of that, having to find a suitable nursing home for your grandmother can't be easy. I am thinking of you as you go through this process. Don't worry about the DIS. We'll all still be here. :hug:

I have had that grilled cheese at Beaches and Cream and it was delightful. Best grilled cheese sandwich EVER! I was absolutely stuffed.

I, too, love the BC. Denny and I were able to stay there one night a couple weeks ago and it was love at first sight for Denny. Now I am on a mission to go back and stay there a week.

And the YC is just SO gorgeous!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues, I hope she is well again very soon, and I'm also sending good wishes for your grandmother, I hope you can get everyone settled and happy in no time.

Wow! Two visits and both times no wait at B&C? Cool! I hope I get that lucky some day (I still haven't been there!)
I don't blame you for abandoning the boat, sounds like a long wait.

The Yacht Club is decorated so perfectly, it's very Christmasy but it's not as in your face as the Grand, it's more subdued and it fits the theme and feel of the resort so well! I love it there during the holidays!

This description is perfect, and it is absolutely so incredibly gorgeous!
Sometimes a simple soup and sandwich is the best thing for lunch, if I ever make my way to B&C, I'm going to order the same thing you got! (Though I might go with boring Coke, no cherry. :lmao: )
That cupcake is adorable!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues, I sure hope all gets better really soon! :hug:

YUM! Your pink mint cupcake looks sooo good!!! :cloud9:
Sorry to hear of your mother, hope she is well soon.
Love the beach/Yacht Club area.
The soup and grilled cheese is very good there. I am drooling at the pic. LOl
The cupcake looked good. All caught up again.
Sorry to hear about the things you're dealing with between your mom and your grandmother. :hug:

So, if you could turn yourself into a miniature, you could spend the holidays in the Yacht Club train village, then move to the World Showcase miniature train village for the rest of the year...they even have a miniature Food & Wine Festival, so you're set! :thumbsup2

That grilled cheese and tomato bisque sounds good. I love that combo, but have not tried the B&C version of it. I'm impressed you made it out of B&C without getting any ice cream. But I guess you had a cupcake on your mind. Sounds and looks delicious, by the way!

Thanks! I think things are getting a little better but still stressed out! :goodvibes

OMG yes, that's true! What a perfect life that would be lol! And I could sneak onto Soarin' whenever I want! :banana:

It is really good! I wanted ice cream, trust me, but I wanted a cupcake more lol! Next time I'll definitely be getting ice cream! :thumbsup2

It never fails, the one time you expect a wait there is none. Then again, in my opinion, Beaches and Cream seemed to become less busy over the past few years. Which is why I was so confused that they made it part of the reservation system. I don't think it's a restaurant that really needed ADRs.:confused3 But, nobody asked me. :rotfl2:

Wow, that cupcake looks delicious! And so fitting for the holidays. I never would've thought to go to the Boardwalk Bakery for it. Just based on that photo, though, I'd say it was well worth the trip.

I completely forgot that you can make an ADR for Beaches and Cream now! I mean, I know you can but I just forget that it's real! My mind just doesn't work anymore lol! :confused3:rotfl:

It was amazing, I love anything minty! I really want one of those Frozen cupcakes they have now! :cool1:

That cupcake looks so yummy!!! And it really does sparkle!

Awesome for no wait at beaches n cream. I've never eaten there, yet.

Hugs for all your dealing with! Hope your mom is okay. I know process of nursing homes can take forever!

It was yummy! And it was really pretty and sparkly, I should have taken a video! :rotfl:

You have to try Beaches and Cream, it's soooo good!

Thanks! :goodvibes It's been crazy but I HOPE it's settling down a little! I'll update everyone on my next...update lol! :banana:

Sorry for all of the family worries you have going on. :hug:

SOunds like a fun afternoon around the Epcot resort area! Still haven't ever made it to B&C but that grilled cheese looks absolutely delicious.

If we ever go back for the holidays, we absolutely must make time to go check out the decorations at those resorts! So adorable.

Thanks! :goodvibes

It was a great afternoon, I love visiting those resorts!! You have to go to B&C sometime, it's really good!

Yes, go see the decorations! It's one of my favorite things to do during the holidays! Almost as fun as the parks! :thumbsup2

Oh Jen, I don't think you need to apologize AT ALL. I'm so sorry all this is happening around you. :flower3:

Oh my, isn't that always the way. The one time you want a wait at Beaches and Cream, and there isn't one.

It's amazing to me that I really only discovered the Epcot resort area a little over a year ago. I've still never stayed, but on the 2 trips since I spend so much time there. It has to be my favourite "resort area".

Thank you!! :goodvibes

Haha, I know right? I'm a pro though, I managed to eat even though I didn't want to haha! :rotfl:

It's such a perfect area! Ever since I walked through it a few years ago, I knew I had to stay there! I've been lucky enough to stay at the Beach Club twice and it really is perfect, it's such a different vibe than say, Pop or POR! Both of which are awesome, but I don't know, being in the backyard of Epcot is just so fantastic! I wish I could stay there every trip, but sadly, it's way to expensive!
Sorry to hear about everything that's been going on! :hug: I hope it all gets better soon.

I love that this update revolves around the Epcot resort area in all its perfection. That Yacht Club... it's becoming more and more appealing to me lately. :)

That cupcake looks and sounds amazing. Goodness. And it was SPARKLY? How? That's just awesome.

Thanks! :goodvibes Me too!!

I know, so do I! I just love spending time there! Hmmm...the Yacht Club huh? Is that a hint? :rolleyes:

I don't know how it was sparkly!!!! It was so pretty and yummy!!! I love Disney cupcakes so much!!!! :dance3:

So sorry to read about your Mom and Grandmother...what a lot to take care of!

The update was great! We are heading to WDW next month and we have an ADR for Beaches and Cream so I really appreciate the review! I think we are planning on taking one of the boats from Epcot to the restaurant, I know it would probably be faster to walk but I think the boat ride will be a nice break for the Grandmas and the kids (ok, and me too).

Well, you take care :grouphug:

Thanks so much! :goodvibes

Thanks! You will love Beaches and Cream, it's really cute and the food is great! The boats are a nice way to relax, walking might be a little faster, but it's always fun to take a break on the boats! :thumbsup2

No need to appologize for dealing with family issues, family comes first always! :hug: My Mom just had to deal with putting my Grandma into a nursing home. I wish I could have been there to help her cause I know it was a lot of work.

It looks like you had a nice stroll around the Boardwalk area! I love walking around there.

The Yacht Club was one of the few deluxe resorts that Mom and I didn't make it too to see the Christmas decorations so I really enjoyed your pictures.

I'm going to try Beaches and Cream in May! I have an ADR since they take them now so hopefully we won't have to wait too long. I'm probably going to end up with a boring old burger like Brandon! :rotfl:

I loved seeing the POP pictures! I haven't stayed there since 2010 and I miss the resort. Mom and I are talking about an October trip and might stay there.

That Peppermint Cupcake is now on my list to try next time I'm down there for Christmas! I've been obsessed with Disney cupcakes lately.

Thanks! :goodvibes Yeah, it's really hard, lots of work!

I love the Epcot resorts area, especially around Christmas, so pretty! The Yacht Club especially, it just reminds me of home, which is weird, because why do I like being reminded of home on vacation? :rotfl2:

Haha, don't worry, the burgers are good at B&C, I just like to make fun of Brandon for always eating burgers, no matter where we are!

I love Pop! I'd like to stay at AoA for longer than one night to compare it to Pop, but something about Pop just feels right, you know?

I love Disney cupcakes, I'd love one right about now! :cool1:

We are back from Florida and I am slowly catching up.

Although you know I'm not a fan of the Beach Club, I love how it is decorated at Christmas, as well as the Yacht Club.

I LOVED that grilled cheese at Beaches & Cream and plan on ordering it in September again. I'll be having a diet coke though, no cherry coke for me (I don't like anything with cherry in it or on it).

I hope you get to stay at the Boardwalk some time. We really ended up loving it in December and are going back as part of our split stay in September.

The Bakery. Heaven in a bakery is what I like to call it. So many different things to choose from. That cupcake looks way too pretty to eat.

Yay hope you had a great trip!

I just love all of the Epcot resorts, they're so beautiful and perfectly decorated!

No cherry??? That's what made that Coke so good!! I'm sure the Diet Coke there is just as wonderful, though! :thumbsup2

It kind of was to pretty to eat! It was so sparkly!

Sending lots of good wishes for your m :wizard:

Is there anything better than grilled cheese and tomato soup??? I am planning it for dinner tonight, and your post solidified that. True comfort food.

Thank you!! :goodvibes

I know, it's pretty much my new favorite meal! I almost made it today, but then I remembered I didn't have any tomato soup! I need to find a recipe online so I can recreate that exact soup at Beaches and Cream, it's seriously the best soup ever, with the exception of cheddar cheese soup at Le Cellier, of course! :thumbsup2
That cupcake certainly is beautiful!

Jen - I am so sorry to hear your mom has been ill and is now on hemodialysis. I am sure that is a huge adjustment and being on dialysis is very fatiguing. On top of that, having to find a suitable nursing home for your grandmother can't be easy. I am thinking of you as you go through this process. Don't worry about the DIS. We'll all still be here. :hug:

I have had that grilled cheese at Beaches and Cream and it was delightful. Best grilled cheese sandwich EVER! I was absolutely stuffed.

I, too, love the BC. Denny and I were able to stay there one night a couple weeks ago and it was love at first sight for Denny. Now I am on a mission to go back and stay there a week.

And the YC is just SO gorgeous!

It was! Sparkly and yummy!:cool1:

Thank you! :goodvibes It's been hard, that's for sure! The dialysis is tough, her blood pressure keeps dropping while she's there so they have to get her stable, then she gets all weak and wobbly when she goes home and I worry she will fall or something...I'm just not ready to be dealing with all of this yet. :(

It really is the beast grilled cheese! Dipping it in that soup is perfection! :cool1:

I hope you get to stay at the BC for a week! It's such a perfect resort! I'd stay there all the time if I could! And the YC is perfect too, another dream resort!

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues, I hope she is well again very soon, and I'm also sending good wishes for your grandmother, I hope you can get everyone settled and happy in no time.

Wow! Two visits and both times no wait at B&C? Cool! I hope I get that lucky some day (I still haven't been there!)
I don't blame you for abandoning the boat, sounds like a long wait.

This description is perfect, and it is absolutely so incredibly gorgeous!
Sometimes a simple soup and sandwich is the best thing for lunch, if I ever make my way to B&C, I'm going to order the same thing you got! (Though I might go with boring Coke, no cherry. :lmao: )
That cupcake is adorable!!

Thank you so much! :goodvibes

Oh, I hope you get to visit the Beach and Yacht Clubs someday, they're both so pretty! I have to visit on every trip and cry about how I'm not staying there! :rotfl:

Haha, it's ok if you order boring coke, but the cherry just made it so much better! :cool1: I think you can get vanilla too? Unless I'm thinking of somewhere elsel?

That cupcake was fantastic!!

Okay, wayyyy late but way excited to go back and read everything you've posted! :)

OMG heyyyy!!! So glad to see you on the DIS! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues, I sure hope all gets better really soon! :hug:

YUM! Your pink mint cupcake looks sooo good!!! :cloud9:

Thank you so much! :goodvibes

It was so good!!! And pretty!

Sorry to hear of your mother, hope she is well soon.
Love the beach/Yacht Club area.
The soup and grilled cheese is very good there. I am drooling at the pic. LOl
The cupcake looked good. All caught up again.

Thank you! :goodvibes

Me too, it's probably my favorite resort area...other than the WL...and the Grand! :rotfl:

I know, me too! I can't really look at the picture too much or I'll get too sad about not being close to Disney! :rotfl:

Loved that cupcake, it was really good! :thumbsup2


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