My Fork and I Are Friends - Nov. 14 TR RL UPDATE 7/12 Pg. 22

Don't worry about us here. Just take care of yourself and your mom and dad. Your family will be in my prayers.

Thank you so much for the support.

We will all be here when you are ready to come back. I meant to ask you yesterday if you wanted me to post a note on your TR's about Popadon, but then forgot. If it is easier for you to text me and have me update here and your other TR, I'll be happy to do so for you.

Thanks Kathy again for everything you did for me while we were going through this.

We just went through something similar with my mum. Don't worry about us - we'll all be here when you get back. Give Poppadon our best!

Thanks so much.

So sorry to hear about your Dad! I will be thinking of you and your family and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Thanks. We're hoping for a quick recovery too.

So sorry to hear this news - I hope everything goes okay with the bypass and he recovers well.

Focus on your family now, and we'll all be waiting here when you get back.

Thanks so much. Things are finally normalizing a little, which is good.

Praying that everything goes okay! Will be watching FB for updates on him :goodvibes

Thanks hon.

Much pixie dust and prayers for you and your family!!

Thanks so much.
Again, I am so sorry :( Please keep us updated on Pop :hug:

Thanks so much for the support.

I saw that he was having surgery on Kathy's facebook page yesterday. I"m so sorry you are all going through this. I wish Papadon a quick recovery. Take care of yourselves. We'll be here when you are able to return.

Thanks so much for the support through this. We're hoping he recovers quickly too.

I've never posted a photo on DIS before... so I apologize if there is nothing there or it looks really jacked up. But just wanted to say HANG IN THERE POPADON!!


That was so perfect. I saw it when you posted it, just didn't get a chance to comment.

You did great on the photo and it's a great picture of Popadon.

It was perfect. :goodvibes

*hugs hugs hugs* I know there's not much anybody can do at this point (especially from far, far away like I am), but if you need an ear or a shoulder or anything at all I can provide, just let me know. <3

Thanks so much hon. You're always there on Facebook for me, even though we live far apart.

AHhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm such a Disboards drop out but I'm back and I'm ready to catch up!!!!! :yay::cool1:popcorn::

Haha, it's okay! I've dropped out a few times myself.

I will be praying for a quick successful recovery for your dad. He's a Disboards Trip Reports Legend!

Thank you so much! Yeah, he has reached a bit of a status that he needs to uphold.

More prayers and well wishes here Danielle. :grouphug: I've been checking FB constantly for updates (but obviously that should not be a priority by any means). I also have every bit of faith that everything will work out and Popadon will be back up and putting smiles on the faces of everyone really soon. :goodvibes

Thanks Rob. Everything has been working out so far, so I'm just hopeful that he has a quick recovery.

All the best Danielle - continued to pray for your dad. I mean "few mild heart attacks" has got to be scary to hear.

Virtual hug


Those were perfect Phil, thanks so much.

This is what Danielle posted on FB (I told her I would alert those here who are not on FB):

"Pop is out of surgery and being moved into the ICU. He did fine during the surgery, and the doctor says he knows he's a determined man and that he will be making progress in no time. We should be able to see him in the next hour, and then we will be sent home for the day so he can recover. Thank you for the continued support. He did have four blockages on the left side, so those have all been repaired."

Thanks Kathy again for continuing to update for me.

Sending good thoughts and well wishes your way from the East coast. I'm sure Popadon will have the nurses smiling just like all of us in no time ; )

Thanks so much. Yeah, he did have them smiling and they all loved him.
I've been following your FB posts closely, but I miss being able to do this:

:hug: :grouphug: :goodvibes

Or just ditto what TheMaxRebo posted. :thumbsup2

I have to say, I am impressed at how DIS-ers are all some sort of extended family and come together when someone is in need. I don't know how many FB commenters are DIS vs. IRL, but given all the pixie dust sent you, I think there are a lot of DIS friends thinking of Popadon and you and your mom. If you need anything, we're here for you, but focus on what matters most now - the TRs can wait. Hope you all have a good night tonight with the successful bypass behind you and things keep looking up from here! :hug:

The virtual DIS hugs are the best, thanks so much!

You are so right, the amount of support that has come from the community of people that I've met through the DIS has been outstanding. It's actually been greater than some of the friendships that we've had much longer in life, which can be a little sad I think. Everyone's been so great I don't even have words to describe it.

It was a good thing they caught the blockage when they did. It is much better to get it diagnosed instead of having a sudden heart attack.

I hope Popadon has a good recovery and bounces back fast. My prayers are with your family. :hug:

We were so grateful for it to be honest. He had no damage to his heart really, which was a plus. We're looking at it as more preventive, which is what the doctor said.

I hope he recovers quickly too. He wants to be back to the World in no time.

How scary for all of you. Sending strength and good thoughts your way.

Thanks so much.

Danielle's FB Post this morning:

Visited Pop this morning and he's doing okay. Should be in the ICU another day or so. They have him sitting up and taking walks already to keep him moving. If anyone in the area is interested in visiting him, just send me a PM and I'll give you all the information you'll need. Thanks again for the love and support.

Now that I'm reading this, it's funny, because he was in the ICU so much longer because they didn't have a room! It was so frustrating.

Danielle so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sure he is getting the best care and will be back to the old popadon we all love reading about in no time. Prayers for you and your family.

Thanks so much. He'll be getting there sometime soon. Slowly, but he'll be back to his normal stupid self. :rotfl2:

I've been keeping tabs and sending wishes on Facebook but wanted to send some from the Dis as well. Just wouldn't feel right without it!
So BEST WISHES for a very speedy recovery for Popadon!! pixiedust: I'm so happy to hear that his surgery went well and that he's up and about.

Thanks Wendy so much, I appreciate it.

I'm with Wendy - it wouldn't feel right not to send wishes on the DIS. I don't get on here much anymore (no trips at all on the horizon) but I will be keeping up with you on FB of course! All good thoughts and prayers will be continued for you, your momma, and Popadon, of course. :)

Thanks hon, it's greatly appreciated from all of us.

I read your message on Instagram and have been trying to keep tabs there as well but just wanted to let you know that you and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers as well :) From all you've said Popadon is a strong guy but a little extra pixie dust never hurts. :hug:

Thanks so much Amber. He is a strong guy and he's doing really well, so we're being very positive.

Keeping positive thoughts for all of you.

Thanks so much.


Popadon will be going home tomorrow. :thumbsup2 The Chest tubes came out today so he is feeling so much better.

Kathy you are just wonderful for updating Danielle's TR. thank you, thank you so much. I know I mentioned it on Danielle's other TR the Dis family is just amazing.

thank you to all for the support and well wishes. :grouphug:

She did really awesome. DIS family is incredible.

Momma V, such great news. And you are most welcome for me updating. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Danielle is going to let me know when you are all up for company and we will try to work out a date.


That would be fantastic. We will have Waffles and Fries :thumbsup2

mmmmmm, yes!

Yay! So glad to hear he'll be home soon. I hope he has an easy recovery and everything stays good.

Thanks so much! We're hoping it's a good recovery.

:yay: Wonderful news!!

It was great news. I feel like months have passed by already.

any trip report that starts with a double facepalm HAS to be read!

Hahaha, well of course!
What wonderful news that pop is coming home. No doubt you toe had a lot to do with his quick recovery.

It was great news.

Your dad is in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks so much.

Good news day, thinking of you all and sending huge hugs!

Thanks Cynthia.

I'm sorry to hear about your Pop's but even happier to hear that he is doing better and is expected home. Hopefully he can travel because a recovery like that is even better reason for a Disney trip (not that you needed one).

***On a side note I'm sorry that I only recently caught up to all the updates on your personal situation***

No worries at all, you don't have to apologize! Thank you so much for your well wishes. I hope he can travel too. He really wants to be there when I cross the finish line.

GREAT news!!!!! So happy to hear :goodvibes

Thanks so much!

Hi Danielle. I'm still working my way around the DIS getting caught up. Checked this one off my list today so now I need to go find your other one.

I've been keeping Popadon in my thoughts, so glad he is doing well!

Hahaha, getting caught up is such a pain, right?

Thanks so much for your well wishes throughout this Ariana. I appreciate it so much.

Popadon is home from the hospital. :dance3::dance3::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::yay::yay::yay:

It was a good day. :goodvibes
I'm gone for what, a week? And I come back to all of this?
I haven't paged through everything yet to know exactly what happened, but from the comments above, it looks like your dad is back home and doing better. I'm so glad to read that!
Best wishes for you and your family!
Just arrived and can't wait to get caught up. I spent February 10th reading your May TR at work and ignoring things grownups are supposed to do!
Whoa! I've been missing way too much fun here! :flower3:

I followed the updates about your dad on FB - sorry he had to go through that but having an awesome daughter like you is sometimes the best medicine.
I'm gone for what, a week? And I come back to all of this?
I haven't paged through everything yet to know exactly what happened, but from the comments above, it looks like your dad is back home and doing better. I'm so glad to read that!
Best wishes for you and your family!

No worries whatsoever! I've gone from the DIS for a little while too and then I come back and find out all sorts of things. LOL. Thanks very much for the well wishes.

:welcome: I'm glad you're here!

Just arrived and can't wait to get caught up. I spent February 10th reading your May TR at work and ignoring things grownups are supposed to do!

Wow! That's totally impressive that you read the entire May TR in one day. Go you! And :welcome:!

Just read your into to your trip report, can not wait to read the rest of it!

:welcome: I'm gad you're here.

Whoa! I've been missing way too much fun here! :flower3:

I followed the updates about your dad on FB - sorry he had to go through that but having an awesome daughter like you is sometimes the best medicine.

Awww, Brenda you haven't been missing too much.

He's doing okay and we're thankful for that. And thanks for saying that I'm such an awesome daughter.
Hi everyone. Remember me? I've been a pretty crappy DISer these last few weeks, and I'm trying to rectify that situation.

HOWEVER. You'll all have to forgive me for this being my last update for a bit more than a week, because on Tuesday I leave for WDW. Again.

What am I doing?


I'm so excited and I'm so nervous at the same time! I just want to finish within the time that Disney would like us to. Really. That's my ultimate goal in this entire thing. The P's are already on their way down there since Pop was cleared for driving instead of flying. They left this afternoon already. While I wish I was driving with them rather than working 1 1/2 more days, I'll take it.

This trip is going to be crazy and exciting! Adding to the craziness and the excitement is the fact that there are 12 of us going total. 12 people. I did all of the planning, the dining reservations, the FP+, and the general itinerary. Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. And if people want to complain about what we're doing?

So stick around here and then I'll start a TR for that. In the meantime, let's move forward!

Title: Go Ahead and Fight With the Steak Knives

We had spent a bit of our time in our room getting organized and settled in for the week. After a little while, it was time for us to head out for our dinner reservation.

I had a special outfit in mind for this dinner. It was pretty appropriate considering where we were going.

If you couldn't tell, that is the stained glass from Beauty and the Beast. I was super excited to wear this dress to dinner. It was a lovely gift from my lovely Momma.

We headed out to the bus stop at about 5:45pm. We had some bus pixie dust, because one came right away and we were walking through the gates of the Magic Kingdom at 5:55pm.

Since our bus mojo was so great, we had some time to spare before we had to head to the restaurant.

Where did we go?

To a place where we would need to become pixie sized.

Already, while we were waiting in line I was complimented by a girl for my dress and she asked me where I had gotten it. My Mom being my Mom was too funny and was like "feel it, the material is great!" So I had a random girl feeling the hem of my dress.

Cause that's not weird at all!

Soon we were in to see Tinkerbell.

She was in love with my dress.

And no one else was up there! The rest of my group was standing back all weird like. So both Tink and I had to wave them in.

This is how Pop felt about Tink.

Lest we forget she is his favorite.

This picture totally looks like he's going in for a smooch.

Of course, we had to go in for a selfie. I love it when the PP photographer catches these.

The meet and greet was lovely. The first friend of Tink that I met back in May is still my favorite, but this one was pretty good I have to say. Julia was already having a good old time meeting characters.

She also decided that she was having a good old time putting on fairy wings and running around the store.

As we were heading out the castle lighting had already started.

Wait. Pause.

Icing. Castle icing. Because remember.

Bam. Icicles.

We never saw the entire castle icing ceremony or whatever they call it. But they will always simply be the dreamlights for me. However, I will say I totally get the adding of Anna and Elsa based on their popularity.

There was a crowd of people around but we headed the direction we needed to go. Because I had dinner to eat!

Continued in next post:
Continued from previous post:

So what was our dinner reservation for the evening?

One that I tried every day to get and managed to score 2 months before the trip.

I do have to say though, that it was getting to be a little bit of a hot mess outside. It had started to drizzle a bit and of course there were tons of people standing outside the restaurant. The poor CM out there had to keep telling everyone:

"No we're full, reservations only."
"No, you can't just go into the restaurant to tour it."
"Yes, I'm sure."

Thankfully, we were seated about 15 minutes after our reservation time, so not too shabby considering it's such a busy restaurant.

Julia was given the responsibility of carrying Pierre (not Lumiere mind you, this is his cousin), to our table.

We were seated in the ballroom, which is what I wanted since this was Julia's first time at the restaurant.

After we were seated, we were told that Shelly would be our server. I had heard about Shelly from Katt (Katt789) as she talked about her often in her TR's and on Facebook. So I got super excited about it. I don't know why, but I did.

She came to our table, and I asked her if she knew Katt. She got super excited and said of course she did, and that she loved meeting friends of friends and making new friends. She is so nice and just so accommodating, it was awesome to have her as our server. I've become Facebook friends with her as well and you can tell that she just loves her job with Disney.

I had to make sure to get a picture with her too. If you go to Be Our Guest for dinner, ask for Shelly. She's really the best.

We ordered drinks and she told us to go ahead and explore the restaurant and that she'd be back shortly. Julia and I took the opportunity to look around the restaurant.

The Master was making his way out while we were exploring, so I caught him before he started heading out to greet his fans.

When we got back, Shelly went over the menu and her recommendations. She recommended getting the New York strip, but she said instead of getting the fries, she would get the au gratin macaroni.

I said yes please. So did Julia and Pop.

Mom was the only outlier. She got the steak, but kept the fries. She said that the Belgian in her would not allow her to substitute the fries with something else.

Shelly being the AMAZING server that she is recommended that Mom and Pop battle with steak knives.

I'm not kidding.

Under no circumstances do you encourage any member of my family to behave badly. Because they will do it.

Soon our meals were out. Since we basically all had the same meal, I will only show you one picture.

I have to say, after the first time that I ate at BOG for dinner in 2013, this was a great improvement in my opinion. Our first meal there was a bit below the expectations that I had for it. This was a lot better. I would recommend eating at this restaurant now, whereas the first time I ate there I was like meeeehhhhhh.

So Mom wanted regular mayo with her fries and the fries come with truffle mayo. Shelly goes "nooooo, you don't want regular mayo, you want the fancy mayo! Try it. If you don't like it, I'll bring you regular." Mom tried it and absolutely loved it. Shelly swung by and asked for the verdict, and Mom said it was great. So Shelly brought her another ramekin of fancy mayo.

Did I mention she's sweet?

Before ordering dessert we talked to Shelly about recipes and what we can get. She said that they can get you anything from the restaurant instead of the Grey Stuff. It's proprietary. She said she saw this video one time of a lady claiming she knew how it was made, and she made it with cool whip.

Shelly: This is Disney! They would never use cool whip!

Me: She should have introduced her video with "yo, this is my ghetto grey stuff!"

That made her chuckle, and she told me that you would be surprised what's actually in it. Which she couldn't share. What a tease.

We got the grey stuff dessert of course.

We also got the orange eclair, which is fabulous!

And Shelly sweetly brought us out extra grey stuff, because I mentioned how much I loved it.

Overall a great meal, and again I'm going to say if you go to Be Our Guest, make sure to ask for Shelly as your server.

Up next: Ariel looks a little.....surprised.
A wonderful update, I love the Tinkerbell pictures.

Great news that your father is healthy enough to make the trip to WDW. I look forward to reading about your trip and your running of the
PRINCESS HALF MARATHON. Your dress was perfect for Be Our Guess dinning.
Great update!

Love the stained glass dress - really cool!

Looks like a fun meet with Tink.

I haven't seen many reports of dinner at BoG,so that was good to read. I've only done a lunch there, but sounds like dinner has gotten a lot better than the so-so reviews I saw initially. And what a great waitress too!
I thought I'd commented here and officially joined in, but I guess not!

Major props to you for working on your departure day - I don't think I could do it! I know if I attempted it I would IN NO WAY be productive! :rolleyes:

I love the Animal Kingdom resorts. :lovestruc How nice that you were able to enjoy some time on your balcony before you left for the Wilderness Lodge!

HOLY COW THAT LINE AT EPCOT! I know I get rather feisty when I get into a huge, never-seeming-to-move line, so I'm impressed you kept your composure as well as you did. (Also, "Stomach? Currently eating itself." :lmao:)

The food from the F&W booths looks SO GOOD! One of these years I must make it down there for Food and Wine! That savory waffle looks especially delicious.

I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner at Be Our Guest! I loved our meal there in 2013, and I look forward to returning in May. The "cousin of Lumiere" candlesticks were not there during my first visit, so I look forward to seeing him, too!

The photo of your parents battling with steak knives... :rotfl:

In case you don't get another update in, have a wonderful time at Disney and good luck on your race! :cheer2:
Good luck on the 1/2 marathon, Danielle. I hope you have an awesome time, although with your team of 12 people, how can you not have fun. ;)

They left this afternoon already. While I wish I was driving with them rather than working 1 1/2 more days, I'll take it.
I hope they have good weather for the drive down. There is some pretty bad weather between here and Florida.

I had a special outfit in mind for this dinner. It was pretty appropriate considering where we were going.

If you couldn't tell, that is the stained glass from Beauty and the Beast. I was super excited to wear this dress to dinner. It was a lovely gift from my lovely Momma.
That dress is really pretty. Your mom did a great job finding that for you. I hope you have another chance to wear it.

Julia was given the responsibility of carrying Pierre (not Lumiere mind you, this is his cousin), to our table.
I didn't know they did that. That is very cool.

Before ordering dessert we talked to Shelly about recipes and what we can get. She said that they can get you anything from the restaurant instead of the Grey Stuff. It's proprietary. She said she saw this video one time of a lady claiming she knew how it was made, and she made it with cool whip.

Shelly: This is Disney! They would never use cool whip!

Me: She should have introduced her video with "yo, this is my ghetto grey stuff!"

That made her chuckle, and she told me that you would be surprised what's actually in it. Which she couldn't share. What a tease.
Now I want to know what that recipe is. :scratchin
I love that dress... I have the tank top! The steak at BoG is one of the best my husband has ever had (actually, it was the first time... The second time it was just averagely delicious). He tries to replicate it's charcrustedness (oh yes I did) all the time.

Mmm...grey stuff.

You'll run great. In my (very boring non-Disney) half marathon experience (which has been two times... I don't want you to think I really know what I'm talking about), it goes a lot faster than you think and you run quicker than you knew you could! I generally hit a wall in the last two miles... But it helped to try and look around at the (again, in my (very limited) experience, very boring) landscape to distract me. Just don't THINK about the FINISH LINE because I swear it gets further away. Or the food and/or beer at the finish line. That's worse. You'll do great!!
Awesome update!!! I've only been to BOG for lunch, and hope to make it there for dinner one day. It's on my LOOOOOONG bucket list of places to eat at Disney!

And GOOD LUCK this weekend at the PHM! You will do great. Your training has gotten you here, just relax and enjoy every single second. I can't wait to hear all about it!! :)
GOOD LUCK at the Princess Half!!
Ohhh I LOVE that dress, the Beauty and the Beast stained glass EVERYTHING at Hot Topic makes me drool.
Love the pics with Tink, especially the selfie shot. So cute.
So glad you enjoyed your meal at BOG, and Shelley sounds wonderful!
Looks delish! The Grey Stuff IS Delicious and Shelley seems like a doll. It's always great to have great servers, they really make a meal.

Good luck on the run, I'll be following your journey!


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