My Fork and I Are Friends - Nov. 14 TR RL UPDATE 7/12 Pg. 22

I saw that he was having surgery on Kathy's facebook page yesterday. I"m so sorry you are all going through this. I wish Papadon a quick recovery. Take care of yourselves. We'll be here when you are able to return.
Hi everyone.

I have a real life update for everyone that is not a friend with me on Facebook. It's taken me a little while to be able to log in to update everyone. I'm on my iPad so I apologize if it's brief and I'm unable to elaborate any further.

On Monday morning my Pop was complaining about having some pain in his chest. He'd been sick with a sinus infection and bronchitis recently, so we thought it was possible the pain he had was pneumonia, which my brother had. We brought him to the emergency room to get checked out. They ran an ekg and they didn't find anything immediate, but wanted to take blood work and do an echocardiogram.

The echo was fine, but the enzymes in his blood were elevated, so they transferred him to a hospital with a cardiac center. Further research showed that he had a few mild heart attacks. They wanted to go in to do a angioplasty to find out what was causing it.

The angio was done yesterday and they found that the left arteries and some of the veins are blocked. From that they said that he would need a bypass.

Currently we are waiting for his bypass to be complete and then we will move into the recovery phase. At the moment, I have to put my TRs on a bit of a pause, but I hope you'll all be here when everything is said and done. I'll be posting updates on Facebook and then will post updates here as well. We are praying for a good outcome.

Thank you for hanging in there with me.

I've never posted a photo on DIS before... so I apologize if there is nothing there or it looks really jacked up. But just wanted to say HANG IN THERE POPADON!!

I've never posted a photo on DIS before... so I apologize if there is nothing there or it looks really jacked up. But just wanted to say HANG IN THERE POPADON!!


You did great on the photo and it's a great picture of Popadon.
*hugs hugs hugs* I know there's not much anybody can do at this point (especially from far, far away like I am), but if you need an ear or a shoulder or anything at all I can provide, just let me know. <3
I will be praying for a quick successful recovery for your dad. He's a Disboards Trip Reports Legend!
More prayers and well wishes here Danielle. :grouphug: I've been checking FB constantly for updates (but obviously that should not be a priority by any means). I also have every bit of faith that everything will work out and Popadon will be back up and putting smiles on the faces of everyone really soon. :goodvibes
All the best Danielle - continued to pray for your dad. I mean "few mild heart attacks" has got to be scary to hear.

Virtual hug

This is what Danielle posted on FB (I told her I would alert those here who are not on FB):

"Pop is out of surgery and being moved into the ICU. He did fine during the surgery, and the doctor says he knows he's a determined man and that he will be making progress in no time. We should be able to see him in the next hour, and then we will be sent home for the day so he can recover. Thank you for the continued support. He did have four blockages on the left side, so those have all been repaired."
Sending good thoughts and well wishes your way from the East coast. I'm sure Popadon will have the nurses smiling just like all of us in no time ; )
I've been following your FB posts closely, but I miss being able to do this:

:hug: :grouphug: :goodvibes

Or just ditto what TheMaxRebo posted. :thumbsup2

I have to say, I am impressed at how DIS-ers are all some sort of extended family and come together when someone is in need. I don't know how many FB commenters are DIS vs. IRL, but given all the pixie dust sent you, I think there are a lot of DIS friends thinking of Popadon and you and your mom. If you need anything, we're here for you, but focus on what matters most now - the TRs can wait. Hope you all have a good night tonight with the successful bypass behind you and things keep looking up from here! :hug:
It was a good thing they caught the blockage when they did. It is much better to get it diagnosed instead of having a sudden heart attack.

I hope Popadon has a good recovery and bounces back fast. My prayers are with your family. :hug:
Danielle's FB Post this morning:

Visited Pop this morning and he's doing okay. Should be in the ICU another day or so. They have him sitting up and taking walks already to keep him moving. If anyone in the area is interested in visiting him, just send me a PM and I'll give you all the information you'll need. Thanks again for the love and support.
Danielle so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sure he is getting the best care and will be back to the old popadon we all love reading about in no time. Prayers for you and your family.
I've been keeping tabs and sending wishes on Facebook but wanted to send some from the Dis as well. Just wouldn't feel right without it!
So BEST WISHES for a very speedy recovery for Popadon!! pixiedust: I'm so happy to hear that his surgery went well and that he's up and about.
I'm with Wendy - it wouldn't feel right not to send wishes on the DIS. I don't get on here much anymore (no trips at all on the horizon) but I will be keeping up with you on FB of course! All good thoughts and prayers will be continued for you, your momma, and Popadon, of course. :)
I read your message on Instagram and have been trying to keep tabs there as well but just wanted to let you know that you and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers as well :) From all you've said Popadon is a strong guy but a little extra pixie dust never hurts. :hug:

Popadon will be going home tomorrow. :thumbsup2 The Chest tubes came out today so he is feeling so much better.

Kathy you are just wonderful for updating Danielle's TR. thank you, thank you so much. I know I mentioned it on Danielle's other TR the Dis family is just amazing.

thank you to all for the support and well wishes. :grouphug:


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