My Fork and I Are Friends - Nov. 14 TR RL UPDATE 7/12 Pg. 22

So excited for you for the Princess 1/2!! As someone who ran her first 1/2 last year and was slightly annoyed by people telling me "oh you'll do great" when I was so nervous and REALLY didn't know how I'd do, I won't patronize. It seems like you've done what you needed to do, so now just have fun! I'm also so glad that you're parents get to root you on and that your dad was cleared for driving. Parent health stuff is so hard, here's to continued good news on that front.

I heart your dress so much. I need to up my style game at WDW big time.
:yay::yay::yay: a Danielle update.

First off, good luck at the Princess Half. I KNOW you are going to do awesome and can't wait to hear all about it at dinner in a couple of weeks.

LOVE your dress.

Popadon looks starstruck wtih Tink, and definitely going in for the smooch there.

How fun is Julia with her wings and all. :)

We are going to BOG in May for our fourth visit (although I think 2012 was the last time we were there). I will definitely ask for Shelly.

Everything looks absolutely delicious.

Seriously, Mom and Popadon misbehaving? I never would have thunk it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Have a wonderful time in WDW! Can't wait to read all about the marathon.

I LOVE your dress! I've never been fond of wearing dresses but I do love all of the hot topic ones. I saw some new star wars ones a day or two ago and I think they were from hot topic.

Cute meet with Tinkerbell!

Yum! BOG is so good! I had the steak last time but still prefer the chicken dish. Of course, my favorite dish, the Cornish Hen, was removed from the menu. :sad: What did you guys think of the mac and cheese? Mom and I didn't care for it when we had it in February. Thought it was too bland.
FLO!!!!!! 'Nuff said.

OK, so I want to make sure I'm up to date. How many TR's do you have on the go???? :faint:

Oh wow Danielle, that is a great dress. You sure do theme yourself well. :thumbsup2

BAHAHAHAHA, Popadon you dog. Love his "interaction" with Tink.

I haven't see it, but I honestly still do not like that Anna and Elsa are the ceremony for the Dream Lights now. I'll just explain it simply... it's CinderELLA's Castle, NOT CinderELSA's Castle. That is all. :snooty:

Aww yay, you met Shelly. Very cool.
Great update!! And yay for running the PHM! I'm a runner and would LOVE t do that someday.

How cool that you scored looks amazing inside!
Ahh! You leave so soon! (I don't leave until Thursday, but I wish I was leaving Tuesday like you!)

Random person feeling your clothing ... sure, that's perfectly normal.

Be Our Guest!!! I love Be Our Guest! We loved the server we had last time (Jon), so I'm hoping we get him again, but if not ... maybe we'll get Shelly and I can tell her how popular she is!
I love the battle of the steak knives. But you left us with a cliffhanger ... who won?

Anyway ... I'm glad your enjoyed BOG (and you finally got around to posting!).

Good luck with the Half Marathon! Maybe I'll see you around ... we're there Thursday - Tuesday (and we'll actually be at Epcot on Sunday, so if we make it there while the half is still going on, maybe we'll see you near the finish line).
So you only have to work a half day tomorrow? I am SO JELLY! :worship: Friday seems so far away.

I love, love , LOVE that dress. I wish I were younger, because if I was I would totally have that dress. :love:

I'm so glad to hear you loved your meal at BOG. We are eating there this trip and Denny doesn't really want to go, but I would like to try it again. Plus- I never got any grey stuff the last time so I need a do-over. :hyper2:
Back to the Dis and reading along. I have been super busy with sewing, but I had to stop in a read and see Popadon's funny faces. I hope he is doing well and healing fast.

Your Beauty in the Beast dress is amazing and you look fabulous dahling.

Looking forward to reading more!

I was very glad to see an update tonight! It looks like a great meal at BOG, you even had some entertainment with the sword fight! I can't wait to get back to that restaurant...we are doing it for the 2nd time this June, but it has been two years since we did it last.
So good to haven out back. So totally needed my Daniele and family fix.

First off,that dress is awesome. Not being able to feel it for myself, where did Mom get it????

Love the tink pics. Totally looks like pop is going in for a big wet one, though I'm not convinced her didn't. Know that's why mom drew the knife in him ; )

Glad your meal turned out so well, thanks in no small part to the wonderful service. I'm with you my first experience was rather underwhelming, but I haven't been back to give it another try yet. Though I think the wine in MK will eventually call my name.

Good luck with the marathon!!!!!
Yay for getting in a meet with Tink before dinner!

Dinner sounds like it was great! Yay for getting Shelly!

Have SO much fun on your upcoming trip and GOOD LUCK!! :cheer2: Can't wait to hear all about it!!
First off -- good luck at the Princess Half Marathon!!

Love the dress - just too cute! Your dinner at BOG looks deeee-lish! I love a good steak, and that one looks good!!
I am really hoping we are able to get a dinner reservation for BOG this time. We were able to the summer right after it opened, but I wasn't able to get one last August. So, we just had a lunch there. Which was fine, except there is no wine or beer at lunch!
Love the update! So excited for you to run the Princess Half Marathon and can't wait to read all about it. I will send you lots of running pixie dust...I'm pretty sure I have lots saved up since running is just not something I do!
Eeeee I am SO EXCITED that you're doing the Princess Half!!! I know you'll do fantastic and I can't wait to hear all about it. 12 PEOPLE, THOUGH?! OY. That's a lot to keep track of.

You know I'm obsessed with that dress!!!

Tink is so cute, she looks so full of life in the pics!

BOG is my life so I'm glad you had such a good experience there! Next time I'll have to try the macaroni instead of the fries. Lololol at Cool Whip grey stuff. That's probably how I'd make it as a poor college kid but I imagine Disney uses a slightly more sophisticated recipe...
I just read your TR and I'm so glad your dad is doing better! I hope y'all have a great time this week! I can't wait to read about the Princess half and to see your costume!
I know you are already at Disney, but I'll still send best wishes your way for the race and the overall trip! I hope all 12 guests have a magical time!!!

Tinkerbell seems to be an awesome meet and greet. She looks so enthusiastic and happy. And she takes we-sies; can't be mad about that...

Glad to hear your dinner t Be Our Guest was better than the previous time. Perhaps the restaurant is learning from their mistakes and tweaking their recipes.
A truffle mayo? I kind of want to try that.

How great that you got extra gray stuff! Shelley really does sound like a fantastic Cast Member.
I had an ADR for BOG for Feburary 19th but when I changed my dates to the beginning of the month there were no ADR's to be found. I was so sad :( but I will get there one day!
Just caught up on your TR. So glad to read your Dad is doing so well. Hope your Princess Race trip is going well!
I have that dress but in shirt form and of course, I wore it to BOG:thumbsup2

Oooh, your steak looks delish! And what the heck, of course Grey Stuff wouldn't be made with cool whip. What was that YT lady thinking...wannabe Grey Stuff :rotfl: Now I really want to know what's in there!

So looking forward to hearing how the PHM went for you! Loved seeing the pics on FB but want to hear the 'story'.:goodvibes


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