In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Aww. That is so sweet. Thank you.

Why run without raising money? Because you LIKE it. I know!!! Who does a tri just for fun???

I left my house at 5am. The location for the tri was Sandy Hook, which is my local beach. It is a national park and stretches out like an arm into the ocean, with the bay on one side. There are many beaches, some for surfing, some for fishing, some for sunbathers. There are also bayside beaches. The tri was all the way at the tip of the hook, where the military forts used to be. There's a big cannon there, officer housing, and a Coast Guard station and lighthouse. At one point there were a lot of people who lived out there - post WW2 they left and now the whole thing is being restored for events.

Anyhoo, we followed each other out to the parking. We ended up in athlete overflow, with volunteers and spectators. There were people there with kids and coolers and dogs and strollers - big happy family, tons of people. I think if I did a whole tri, I'd bring the whole gang with me, too.

Teri was swimming first, but her wave wasn't until 752am. So we hung out, got our shoes on, ate something. Then we walked over, the last athletes to do so, I swear, to the transition area. Teri headed to swim, and Jodi and I found a place to keep all our stuff. Then we scoped out the starts for both of us - her biking and me running. Then we went to wait for Teri.

Teri did the half mile swim in the bay in about a half an hour. Very good time for her. She has been on a program - lost 80lbs - but has another 50 or so to go. So this is hard for her. She is not a skinny girl, even with the 80lbs gone. She was the one who dragged me into this, and why I said yes. I knew it owuld be a big deal for her. However, she was a swimmer and lifeguard and all that, so swimming is natural for her.

We met her with her towel and shoes, and Jodi took the ankle bracelet with the chip off Teri and headed out to bike. She did awesome, 11 miles in half an hour. We don't have official times, but I was looking at my watch.

Then it was my turn. I got the chip from Jodi and exchanged sunglasses and off I went. I started running, and ran until I had to walk. There were people doing both, so I wasn't alone. It was two loops, and you bet you a$$ I ran every time I passed spectators. :rotfl: It was very hot and humid, and on my second lap I really noticed it. I took the water, and my nose ran but I had tissues, so that was okay. Still the head cold thing. Tail end of it. Women commented on my sign on my back - it was in honor of my mom, and I had all your names on it, and all the rest of my friends names, so I took everyone with me.

I wish I could have run the whole thing, but omg I'd have to be a runner to do that. Did I mention humid? Lordy. I ran past Greg, Jodi's husband, who was volunteering, and he saw me the second lap. Unfortunately, Nick and Emily came with my friend Jackie, and they were there too late to see me do anything.

I ran across the finish line at 9:35am, so the run took me about 40 mins. It would have been faster had I run more, but I think fall weather is the key for these things. No more Jersey shore summers, thank you.

I was so hot when Teri and Jodi found me - they announced my number and team name over the speakers, and Teri and Jodi were at the sidelines taking my pictures. I just wanted cold water, ice, and not to throw up. Eventually I cooled down, stretched, and felt better. And then I started talking about how it wasn't that bad and maybe we should all do one ourselves. And what run/walk 5K we were doing next year for breast cancer. My friends just laughed.

Nick, found us, we gathered our stuff, and went for lunch. Champagne, big burgers, and I was ready for bed. It is so oppressively hot here, i had to use the air in my car. We ate outside for lunch, on the water, covered and it was nice, but once back in the parking lot, you wanted to die. It's still so hot here we ate dinner inside. The humidity just hits you like a wall.

But yes, it was good. I don't feel like I did something big, I feel like I did something small. There's lots of things I don't like about this race - the time of year, their sucky donation thing, but the day of was great and the location and the other women.

This is very much a start, not an end. :goodvibes And thank you all again. :love:

Okay, pictures:

Me, nervous before the run

There I am, running by

And finished

Thats so awesome!!! I'm am really inspired by you doing this... Hopefully when I get to your weight I am able to do something similar! :hug: :goodvibes
Sarah, you could totally do this! At ANY weight! There were some women there who were probably in the 100lbs to lose category - they put me to shame, doing the whole thing. We were cheering them on, Teri and Jodi and I. We figured they had to be a group, since the rest of the tri-athletes were pretty freaking skinny. So we cheered harder for our girls.
Sarah, you could totally do this! At ANY weight! There were some women there who were probably in the 100lbs to lose category - they put me to shame, doing the whole thing. We were cheering them on, Teri and Jodi and I. We figured they had to be a group, since the rest of the tri-athletes were pretty freaking skinny. So we cheered harder for our girls.

Thats so freakin awesome!!! You have definitely given me hope now :)

Fantastic Liz!!!!!:worship:

I had company all day and I would hurriedly sneak on and off the computer because there was something very important happening!:lmao: Yep, that's you missy.

It's like those SW commercials where the woman has company and totally abandons them for a DING. :laughing:

Actually, they're still here so I better scramble......
lisa your jumping from puter to guest .. I am jumping computer to computer becaue those darn BIG BROTHER types in the hospitall keep booting my internet! and i am trying to answer phone and get specimens ready for the analysers.
Well off now to plant microbiology! :banana: GREAT!

Steph - Thank you!

Lisa - OMG, you are too funny! And thank you!

Lyz - those darn numbers came off all over my sheets last night. But it was cool to be body marked.

OMG, I'm glad I did this. WTH? Where has the real Liz gone?
Liz, you kick complete and total a$$. So proud of you.

Sarah, congrats!!

I managed to drag my fat butt to the gym today, for the first time in a long time. I think maybe I am slowly making my way back to the zone.

My day has been full of really fun stuff like laundry, cleaning bathrooms, grocery shopping. Whee.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
So this afternoon I was sitting watching a movie and the phone rings it's The currant owners! I was almost tempted not to answer.. I was think OH GAWD! They need more time! I did break down and answer (yes I am one of those type I can't let a phone ring) It was betsy she wanted to know if I had heard anything else from the bank if any thing else needed to be repaired. I said NOPE not that I am aware of! I think they were just waiting on paper work from our insurance company and that was it! I faxed the paperwork myself. Oh good she said Jay and I are on our way to sign our lease papers and we should have everything out by next weekend! :banana: :banana: :banana: I knew there was a reason for answering the phone!!!! :yay: Yay so if all goes well I should be moving into my new House By next week sometime! So If you notice that I am not posting than that means I am packing! If you notice that I am posting WAY TO MUCH Tell me to GET OFF AND PACK! I still have almost the whole upstairs to pack and that would consist of three BIG bedrooms and Two baths I have managed to pack most of the linen closet. I have a ton of laundry :laundy: to do to because right now I don't pay for utilities and I will have to after we move, So I need to wash everything before we are out of here LOL!
Ok off to bed! Nighty NITE!
So this afternoon I was sitting watching a movie and the phone rings it's The currant owners! I was almost tempted not to answer.. I was think OH GAWD! They need more time! I did break down and answer (yes I am one of those type I can't let a phone ring) It was betsy she wanted to know if I had heard anything else from the bank if any thing else needed to be repaired. I said NOPE not that I am aware of! I think they were just waiting on paper work from our insurance company and that was it! I faxed the paperwork myself. Oh good she said Jay and I are on our way to sign our lease papers and we should have everything out by next weekend! :banana: :banana: :banana: I knew there was a reason for answering the phone!!!! :yay: Yay so if all goes well I should be moving into my new House By next week sometime! So If you notice that I am not posting than that means I am packing! If you notice that I am posting WAY TO MUCH Tell me to GET OFF AND PACK! I still have almost the whole upstairs to pack and that would consist of three BIG bedrooms and Two baths I have managed to pack most of the linen closet. I have a ton of laundry :laundy: to do to because right now I don't pay for utilities and I will have to after we move, So I need to wash everything before we are out of here LOL!
Ok off to bed! Nighty NITE!


I bought a Gazelle today... 85 bucks at Walmart... We'll see if it helps me or not... LOL!
Good morning babes. It is an un-Godly hour. 6am. And I have been awake since 3--just horrible insomnia. Pre-race stress. I woke up at 3 and started doing math...if there are 1500 runners and only 100 who walk at 15 minutes per mile, and the walkers get a 30-minute head start, at what mile will I pass them running at an 11 minute per mile pace??? And approximately how many people will be behind me? Crap like that. Good times. It's like the worst possible math word problems from 7th grade! :lmao:

I made the mistake of looking at the results from this race from last year, and I am going to be a solid back of the packer, for sure. I won't be the dead last finisher, but it's gonna be close, I fear.

Normally lack of sleep wouldn't bother me, but Monday is my big day of the week. I have to be up on campus and up on the "big screen." Again, good times.

KAT--great job getting back in the gym! Is this a new gym? Or can you still use the same one as before?

STEPH--great news on the house! Just a few more days. I am excited for you, though I don't envy the actual packing and moving part.

Ok, on with the day...this is gonna be brutal. :sad2:

P.S. DAWN--time to start PART 3 of this thread! :cool: We will get locked at 200 pages.
E~ seriously you will do great... You are a GODDESS, I have total faith in you that you will finish and you will not be last! If you finish in the middle of the pack I would say that would be great! Now if you had been running for years Then I would say No you need to be first! But you haven't and in time you will. When is this race?
Off to get kids ready for school in what seems like ike... no rain just very windy. Not sure whether to dress kids in shorts or pants???? Last night when I came home it was 80, now it's 70 and that is the HIGH.
Talk later
E get some sleep!
The planning next year is SO me, isn't it? :rotfl: I am looney-tunes!

:rotfl: :rotfl: OH NO! You've caught the disease!! :rotfl:

Seriously - I am SO inspired by you. What a wonderful accomplishment.

now for the *experienced* take-it-from-me advice....yesterday was brutally humid, and you worked your body hard. Make sure you re-hydrate today!

so if all goes well I should be moving into my new House By next week sometime!

How exciting:goodvibes

Good morning babes. It is an un-Godly hour. 6am. And I have been awake since 3--just horrible insomnia. Pre-race stress. I woke up at 3 and started doing math...if there are 1500 runners and only 100 who walk at 15 minutes per mile, and the walkers get a 30-minute head start, at what mile will I pass them running at an 11 minute per mile pace??? And approximately how many people will be behind me? Crap like that. Good times. It's like the worst possible math word problems from 7th grade! :lmao: forgot the part that goes: a train left Chigaco headed east at 100 mph...:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I made the mistake of looking at the results from this race from last year, and I am going to be a solid back of the packer, for sure. I won't be the dead last finisher, but it's gonna be close, I fear.

Trust me. You'll be fine. Remind me to tell you about "DEAD LAST DEBBIE"...I'll do that after my bike ride

Humidity is still thru the roof here this morning - but a front is supposed to move thru as the day goes on (thankfully! :woohoo: )...

Have a healthy day all!!
E~ seriously you will do great... You are a GODDESS, I have total faith in you that you will finish and you will not be last! If you finish in the middle of the pack I would say that would be great! Now if you had been running for years Then I would say No you need to be first! But you haven't and in time you will. When is this race?

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Steph. But honestly, I would KILL and I mean KILL to be in the middle of the pack. I won't be. I'll be in the back, for sure. The average for this race is an 8:40-pace. I have never run even one mile at that pace let alone 13. So I will be in the back. The question is how far...

Nancy--can't wait to hear that story!

Oh! I almost forgot!

Liz--totally gets a goddess crown!!!! As if!
Kat--goddess crown for getting back to the gym!
Steph/Paula--let us know about weigh-in tonight.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, Steph. But honestly, I would KILL and I mean KILL to be in the middle of the pack. I won't be. I'll be in the back, for sure. The average for this race is an 8:40-pace. I have never run even one mile at that pace let alone 13. So I will be in the back. The question is how far...

Nancy--can't wait to hear that story!

Question for you... How many of these races have you done???
Erika, thanks for the b-day wishes but it is my DH's 40th today. I will be in WDW for mine in October. ToT is my birthday race!!

Back of the pack is not so bad, it gives you something to look at and something to aspire to. I did the same math equation when I was getting ready for WDW in January. At what point would I pass Windwalker and his group. It was just before we entered MK on Contemporary Hill if that helps you out any. I was at about an 11:17 pace then. Just remember that finishing is what is important. This is a PR no matter how you look at it and you have something to work toward bettering. My first half was a 2:31:44 finish, my second was a 2:18:55 and I am hoping beyond hope for under 2:15 for the next one. This is TOTALLY taper madness. The nightmares, the second thoughts and all of it. Oh, and stay out of stores if I did not mention it already. Things look WAY cuter right now!!!

Oh and one final note, 8:30-8:40 mpm HURTS!! Do not try this at home!

Steph, congrats on the house news! YAY!!!

Liz: You rock!!

Everyone else, a quick hi from me. I have a cold :sick: and I missed my 10 miler yesterday so I have miles to make up. Shelby has a field hockey game after school today and after the supreme boys party on weekend, I am pretty much finished for the week. No kidding. We have field hockey, soccer, running, doctors appointments (getting old bites), mammogram (did I mention getting old bites?) and school open house and field hockey benefit auction and dinner. Full week to say the least!!

Everyone enjoy your week and I will keep trying to catch up although starting a new thread would definitely help...:rolleyes:


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