How many kids do you have?

We are getting ready for #3 and I get that attitude about it all the time. People are like, WOW 3, so you're done now right? And they assume that my other two are the same sex and I'm trying for the opposite. NOPE got a boy and a girl already, I don't care what it is (not that I would care if I did have 2 same sex kids either) I am always surprised when people act like we are crazy or have a HUGE family. I would like one more honestly, I just don't know if I can go through this one more time. I'm gonna be 32 and this is by far the most exhausting pregnancy I've had and I can't imagine doing it w/ a toddler running around which I would have to next pregnancy.

We did officially move to the "family" vehicles Currently a minivan but we're looking at the Mazda 5 wagon. At least it looks a little less frumpy :laughing:

One of my DH's friends was actually like "WOW, 3 huh??? At least your half way decent parents" WHAT??????:mad: What do you mean half way decent parents. He tried to dig out of it and came up w/ "well, at least you're not crack heads living on welfare and you are taking care of your own kids and not expecting a handout" :mad::mad::mad: I was FUMING. First of all, we are PHENOMENAL parents. Not half way decent parents!!! I just don't know what goes through some people's heads sometimes.
We've got 4, 2 girls (11 & 5) and 2 boys (4 & 3). We don't get any comments or looks as 4 is pretty average around here. We do get asked a lot if the boys are twins and on occasion if the 3 youngest are triplets. Only asked by ppl who see them sitting down though as there is a large height difference between the 3 of them.

We are currently on break from TTC #5. We lost one in Nov and had been TTC again since Dec but no luck. We're taking a break until the end of year when things settle down around here. Too much stress isn't good for TTC anyway. :)
We have 1 DD and are VERY happy that way-in fact we've made it permanent (well, fingers crossed!) I don't think it's anyone's right to judge how many children you have so long as they are all taken care of (not just food, shelter, etc. but you have the time to give to them emotionally, too!) We hear peoples big opinions ALL the time about our decision to just have one and a lot of people just give me the look like I'm an incompetent mother who could only "handle" one child.:mad: I take excellent care of my daughter and give her 150% and if I only want to do it for her that doesn't make me any less of a mother.
I think it's location. It is pretty expensive to raise a family in NJ, but we just cut corners where necessary and still manage a Disney vacation every year.

I'd say the world is definitely built for 4....and if not the world....DEFINITELY the Disney cruise...:lol :lol :lol
we have 2 little ones and 2 big ones , kevin (24 ) -kevins wife kelly ( 27) marissa (10 ) and jonah ( 5 ) and we hope in a couple of more years to add some grand kids to the list
We also have three. Wouldn't change it by any means, but I do agree that the many things are set for a family of four.

I'm very thankful for minivans!
We have 1 DS (4). We aren't really considering any more. One feels right to us. But I feel your pain on the other end, because people are constantly asking when we're having another and that I need to give DS a sibling.

But, we're happy for now, and if that changes, we'll deal with it then. I think people just need to do what is right for them.



My situation exactly! We have one DS, 3 3/4. One just feels right to us. I can't stand the commentary from total strangers about it!

Around here, 3 seems to be the norm.
One! The perfect number for us. Every family is different. I don't think three is unheard of, but I know we could not support three the way we would want to, so it wouldn't be a good fit.

I certainly wouldn't look oddly at someone with 2 having a 3rd, unless I knew they were already on public assistance...that I would find a bit thoughtless. I still would never say anything to them, because family size is a personal choice and not my business.
We have 4 wonderful kiddies:love: Sydney is 12, Abigail is 8, and the twins Travis and Trevor will be 6 in May. We wanted 4 and luckily they came in a pair the last time. I love having an equal amount of children. It makes it easy with everyone having a friend to ride the rides with:rotfl2:
I think it's location. It is pretty expensive to raise a family in NJ, but we just cut corners where necessary and still manage a Disney vacation every year.

I'd say the world is definitely built for 4....and if not the world....DEFINITELY the Disney cruise...:lol :lol :lol

Aint that the truth (sorry for the bad english, but it just fits!!!)
I only have two, DD18 and DS 13, but not for lack of trying. After DS was born I went through 9 miscarriages.

I am the youngest of 8 children and when I was growing up there was an old wives tale that "The Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Daughter will be a witch"

Being a Seventh Daughter, I wanted to have 7 DD of my own to see if this was true.

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to ever find out!! ;)
2...DD5 and DS4. I had a dream last night I was 5 mos pregnant with #3...that would be a nightmare for me. I have high risk pregnancies and don't have any desire to go through all of it again especially with the age my kids are now...they have me so on the go I couldn't even imagine how I'd endure another high risk pregnancy.

To each their own. I would have been great with 1 (although I hated being an only child so my parents decided when I was 12 they'd give me a sibling :confused3) and am complete with 2. I have had 4 high risk pregnancies so to be blessed with 2 children after all I've gone through...I feel like the luckiest person in the world!
we also have three, DS 9, DS 4, DS 2. I never get any comments about having a big family, but I ALWAYS get asked "so are you going to try for that girl" the answer to that would be " we are happy with our 3 princes":grouphug:
we also have three, DS 9, DS 4, DS 2. I never get any comments about having a big family, but I ALWAYS get asked "so are you going to try for that girl" the answer to that would be " we are happy with our 3 princes":grouphug:

Ahhh, we used to get that all the time (well, the opposite actually.) People assume that you had more to try for the opposite sex. I don't get that. I guess some people do that, but not us. We were happy with what we got.
We have 2 boys 9 and 5. We would love to try for a girl but the way the world is and DH being in the Army we don't think it is a good idea. 3 isn't a bad number at all. MY sister has 4 girls and I think that is allot.
3 for me. twin girls and a boy. Two years aprt. We used to get a lot of looks when all 3 were still in diapers and strollers.
2 lasses for us, DD 10.5 and DD3.5 both June babies. For us two is perfect, for me being the youngest of 5 I didn't want our oldest to miss out on having a sibling, not to mention we wanted another one. I'm just 32 so the possibility of another is there but honestly we're not trying to have another one but things have been known to happen and if God blesses us with another we'll welcome that baby into the family.

I also believe the world at least here in the states but most things are patterned for a family of 4 and so for us we feel like we fit perfectly.

5 here and would like a couple more. My children have a blast together. I agree with other posters, to each his own. When I lived in LA, we got alot of stares and comments that we had 4 (though there were alot of elderly people who would give us very positive comments). Here in the midwest, I have seen alot of families with 4 or more children.


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