How many kids do you have?

We are a blended/foster family. I have 2 bio children ds 15, dd 13 DH has 3 bio children ds 20, dd, 18, dd16. We have 2 children adopted together ds 13, dd 3. 1 bonus child dfs 11.

I have a girlfriend who just bought a 15 passanger van for her blended/foster family they are 10 people in total when the leave the house 7 children ages 7 - 14yrs. :laundy::laundy::laundy::rolleyes:

We love our big group. :)
We have 4 and I can tell you that I am definitely tired of the same questions over and over again:

"Are those ALL your kids?" "Yes"

"All four?" "Yes"

"You really have your hands full. I can't even imagine having FOUR kids" "It's only four."

I have a hard time being nice, sometimes. I try to be a good ambassador for the mommies of more than two kids, but I often feel like we are a freak show :)
We have 4 and I can tell you that I am definitely tired of the same questions over and over again:

"Are those ALL your kids?" "Yes"

"All four?" "Yes"

"You really have your hands full. I can't even imagine having FOUR kids" "It's only four."

I have a hard time being nice, sometimes. I try to be a good ambassador for the mommies of more than two kids, but I often feel like we are a freak show :)

I can totally relate!!! Or I like the "WOW you have a lot of helpers don't you?"
3 here: DS9, DS8, DD5. We couldn't have children so we decided to adopt. We were just hoping to have one child. We adopted DS8 when he was 3. We thought we were done because we finally had a child. Well 2 years later we get a call asking if we would consider adopting another boy, but they said he comes with a she. :rotfl2:

DH and I talked about it and after we met the children we couldn't say no, so our family of 1 became a family of 3 overnight.

We get more comments about that then about being a family of 3.

I love my children but I didn't think about the need for a larger vehicle, buying extra tickets at Great Wolf Lodge because you only get 4, hotels that only accomodate 4. We haven't been a cruise yet because of having to get either a suite or 2 cabins.
Yeah for adoption!!!! I have friends who have adopted and it is so wonderful! My DD(15) wants to adopt, I don't think she enjoyed me while I was pregnant:rotfl: She thinks it will be eaiser, I told her she had no idea what it takes to adopt, sometimes there is so much heartache!
Just one :(

DS is 5. I love my little boy and really would like to have another. DH is good with one and I would have a high risk pregnancy (if we could get pregnant at all), so we are probably done.

1 or 2 children is the norm in our family/social/professional circle.
Four ,two girls (15,22) two boys (11,16) I don't get alot of comments, i guess because i am from a family of 15 kids.
I thought I had the most until this page!

We have six, three boys, three girls. My kids range in age from 20 to 6. I get the comments (good and bad) but the one that really bugs me is when they ask "all from the same father?" or something like that. I usually answer no, six different fathers and love to watch the faces.

Why is that anyones business (they are from the same husband, believe it or not!). People think the first three and last three must be different marriages.
Between us we have 5. His 2, My 1 & Our 2. Only DD's 17 &15 still at home though! :cheer2: We don't think 3 is large, but I have 5 Sibs. & my DH has 9 Full & 5 Step Sibs.:scared1:
We are due with #5 in August. Raymond is 6, Arianna will be 4 on May 2, Alex is turning 3 on May 10, Nathaniel turned 1 on Jan. 29. Bennett is due August 1.
I thought I had the most until this page!

We have six, three boys, three girls. My kids range in age from 20 to 6. I get the comments (good and bad) but the one that really bugs me is when they ask "all from the same father?" or something like that. I usually answer no, six different fathers and love to watch the faces.

Why is that anyones business (they are from the same husband, believe it or not!). People think the first three and last three must be different marriages.

haha I get this ALL of the time. My husband is Mexican. I am white. We have 2 children who are dark like him and 2 that are completely pale like me. And I guess that along with the fact that I'm extremely young make people assume that they have different dads. LOL
Blessed with 3 kiddies...:dance3:

Just as a side note for those who wrote that you "just had one" with a little sad face attatched to it.... I am an only child. It is OK if that is all you want to or can have. Your kids will be ok.:love:
haha I get this ALL of the time. My husband is Mexican. I am white. We have 2 children who are dark like him and 2 that are completely pale like me. And I guess that along with the fact that I'm extremely young make people assume that they have different dads. LOL

People just ASSUME they have different fathers (or mothers?). They are surprised when I tell them "Yup, all OURS". We started young and kept going.

Oh, and sometimes people think my six year old daughter belongs to my 20 year old son. They look exactly alike He also looks older and, of course, I look WAAAAAY too young to have a 20 year old!
5 here, 4 girls, 1 boy (lucky him)
I wish I had a quarter for all the times I've heard "You've got you're hands full" or "are they all yours?" or "you know how that happens, right?"
We didn't plan on 5, but I certainly feel blessed that we have them all. I would probably have more, but DH has said that he'll go in for a vascetomy. (That is if we don't get pregnant first:rotfl:)


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