good bye - I can't take it any longer

I thought I would chime in on this whole issue.

At the first mention of Curtains I was sure that someone would bring up

"Just make sure the curtains match the drapes. - John Magi"

I believe that this is still the funniest statement ever made on the podcast inclduing Teresa's recent comment about the type of car she likes. :)

I agree with Paul. It doesn't bother me that someone wants to leave. That means more fun for me!

Have a good one!
Anyone remember The Sierra Network???:)

Heck yea! It was a sad day when sierra was bought out :( They made some awesome games.

I still have my old atari 2600 tucked away. We break it out on occasion, its just isn't as much fun as I thought it was back then.
Ok, somehow I have stumbled upon this thread, and I will admit I have not read it all....but so far, so hilarious. I have a couple things to say:

1. I have never listened to any podcast, ever. but now I want to...I just have to figure out how.

2. How do I become a groupie to get some of those sweet prizes? (although I am more of a briefs girl, I still slip up and call flip flops "thongs" sometimes and my children nearly wet themselves)

3. My first computer experience was playing text based Hitchhikers Guide on a commodore 64 hooked to a TV.

Thanks for the laughs everyone!

Heck yea! It was a sad day when sierra was bought out :( They made some awesome games.

I still have my old atari 2600 tucked away. We break it out on occasion, its just isn't as much fun as I thought it was back then.

I worked for WorldPlay Entertainment, before it was sold to Pogo.

"King's Quest V" was a beautiful game!
I was an Oregon Trail Junkie. :thumbsup2

I think Pete said it perfectly. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Don't think OP was nasty or deserved some of the comments.
Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry :) Wolfenstein was a blast, along with Doom shortly after.

Hmmm, is it bad if I admit to liking Leisure Suit Larry? I LOVED King's Quest. Oh, those were the good old days. I believe I still have that game around somewhere.
I spent hours writing (uh, copying) basic astronomy programs for my TRS-80. I don't miss that.

Now who here remembers pinball before it became computerized.

10 PRINT "The DIS Rocks"
20 GOTO 10
30 END

As for pinball, "Duotron" and I grew up together.
I don't post on this board often but I am certainly not a troll. I listen to the podcast weekly.

However, I find it somewhat unappealing whenever someone has something negative to say, they are automatically considered a troll. Certainly not welcoming behavior. To be honest, I feel you must only have positive, glowing reviews of the podcast or you will be kicked out of the cool kid's table.

Again, I do listen weekly. Most weeks, I enjoy it immensely and laugh right along. I guess on the off times that I am less than thrilled, I will just continue to keep that opinion to myself less I be considered a troll

I must admit I agree with you. Name calling someone whos opinion you disagree with is rather childish...shame it has come to it. Just a thought.
Okay, time for me to chime in, I absolutely loved Atari, still have it somewhere, I should break it out and see what the kids think of it:lmao:

My parents still have ours in their attic. The only problem is all the controllers no longer work from playing it so much.

We have an xbox with the namco museum collection which has a bunch of the original atari games on it such as pac man and ms pac man. My son plays it all the time. Your kids might surprise you.
My parents still have ours in their attic. The only problem is all the controllers no longer work from playing it so much.

We have an xbox with the namco museum collection which has a bunch of the original atari games on it such as pac man and ms pac man. My son plays it all the time. Your kids might surprise you.

I Rocked on PacMan. :cool1::thumbsup2 I was the champ, that and good old fashioned fooz ball. :cloud9: Penny:flower3::upsidedow
Hmmm, is it bad if I admit to liking Leisure Suit Larry? I LOVED King's Quest. Oh, those were the good old days. I believe I still have that game around somewhere.

Yea, might be ;) The first was wasn't too bad, but when I played the scratch and sniff version that might have been over the line!!

Who remembers Dragons Slayer at the arcade? I used to watch the older kids play this game for hours! *light flash* *go right* talk about a mindless game, but the graphics were amazing!!

Or was that Dragons Quest? Help me out here...
My parents still have ours in their attic. The only problem is all the controllers no longer work from playing it so much.

We have an xbox with the namco museum collection which has a bunch of the original atari games on it such as pac man and ms pac man. My son plays it all the time. Your kids might surprise you.

It's just not the same. You can't replace the Atari. LOVED that thing. We also had ours until a few years ago and my mom sold it. The controllers weren't working very well by that time.
IMO there is a BIG difference between having differing opinions, and being defensive. I've seen a lot of defensiveness in this, and not much, "sorry you feel that way, but I dont agree and here are the reasons why". It's been more like "CYa" or "dont let the door hit ya on the way out" , "troll", "drama queen" not exactly what I would call very civil replies. What worries me the most is that while you take offense to the OP, you probably find nothing wrong with most of the other replies here.. :confused3

Anyone ever use gametap? I subscribed to that for a while and played some awesome games. My kids loved playing those old games. I should download and play some of those games again :)
Yea, might be ;) The first was wasn't too bad, but when I played the scratch and sniff version that might have been over the line!!

Who remembers Dragons Slayer at the arcade? I used to watch the older kids play this game for hours! *light flash* *go right* talk about a mindless game, but the graphics were amazing!!

Or was that Dragons Quest? Help me out here...

The version I had of Leisure Suit Larry was when he went on a cruise. Maybe that's why you seemed familiar when I met you on the ship in May???


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