good bye - I can't take it any longer

When a nasty comment like the OP's is made in public, it is done so to get a reaction. Otherwise, like Alicia said above, it would have been done privately and involving those who produce the show, not the fan base.

Than again maybe the OP just thought this was the easiest and best way for them to contact the podcast team. Or they felt strongly about it and wanted to share with everyone.
Than again maybe the OP just thought this was the easiest and best way for them to contact the podcast team. [FONT="Arial Black" said:
Or they felt strongly about it and wanted to share with everyone.

They wanted to share that they think we are groupies and are in it only so that we can get free stuff. :sad2:
Most of us don't agree with everything said on the podcast. Heck they don't agree with each other sometimes. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with them assuming that those of us who keep listening and like show do it because we are getting free stuff.
While I 100% understand what Petes saying here, I still can't hide the fact that the OP offended me by saying I am using the podcast crew for free stuff. I find that as an attack on my character and absolutely ludicrous because it is coming from someone who does not know the real person sitting behind the screen. If apologies are due then I will be happy to deliver one after receiving one in turn for that unjust comment.

I didn't see the op single you out. Maybe I missed something. I've been listening since 07 and took no offense to what the op said. That's their opinion. GEEZ! Can anyone express their opinion without certain posters getting their torches and pitchforks. The mob mentality and outright rudeness does not help your case. It shows that you have little tolerance for those that don't agree with you. PETE WAS RIGHT! Pete and the podcast crew are all strong people. They can handle themselves. No one threatened them. I LOVE 99% of the show and admire most of the panel, but there is no need for me to be downright nasty to someone if they don't agree.

When a nasty comment like the OP's is made in public, it is done so to get a reaction.
Why did you give them what they wanted?
The folks that do post here regularly are a bit fed up with the unnecessary nastiness, name calling etc.
So why do they engage in that same behavior?
"C ya"
"Don't let the door hit you on your way out."
"Drama queen"
I agree with what Pete said 99%, other than the apology, in my case. :)
I don't consider the OP a troll, and I said so.
It was an opinion, thats all.
The generalization of us "groupies" could have been left out IMHO.
Many new posters have showed up lately, some with 5,000 posts, some with 15.
99% of them are welcomed with open arms.
A few seem to "rub" people the wrong way, due mostly to the "feel" of their posts.
I'm a pretty forgiving guy most of the time and your opinion is your opinion.
It really has no affect on me.
I really can't say I have met anyone in person, from the boards, that I would not talk to again.
Other than the "gentleman" in the cabin next to us during PCC1.0, but he wasn't a DISer, thank the lord! (you know who Paul!)
I will draw my conclusions when I meet you face to face and I can SEE what knd of person you are.
And I guess you will draw your conclusion of me.
Some threads just don't need to be started.


I do have an urge to head over to the Theme Parks Boards and start a thread called....

"Star Wars Weekends - Man I hate these, they should be stopped!"

Even though I have never even been to one. :rolleyes1

If I'm not back in half an hour, send backup!!! :scared1:

You do know I'm kidding, right? ;)

They wanted to share that they think we are groupies and are in it only so that we can get free stuff. :sad2:
Most of us don't agree with everything said on the podcast. Heck they don't agree with each other sometimes. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with them assuming that those of us who keep listening and like show do it because we are getting free stuff.

I do not see anything wrong with using the term groupie. Meaning as a passionate beyond ordinary fan that will defend and or support the person or group of people for almost anything. For many on this board I think that term is quite accurate and most might even agree. How many ordinary fans would try to make it to every event or at least to most of the events held by a person or group. That takes someone that is passionate about something. You might say we are all Disney Groupies. How many of us make sure to see all the movies they put out etc.

Note: Just a general statement not aimed at any person(s) specifically. So please do not take it that way.

As for listening or even more importantly defending only because you get free stuff that is not an accurate statement for all but I do believe it could be accurate for some. No one ever really knows. Esp. when it comes to people on the internet and even at times in 'real' life. The world is full of all types of people. Not everyone is kind and moral. And the internet makes it so easy for people to create a whole other world for themselves. I have said this in the past and yes I was criticised for saying it but I was not slammed the way this poster has been. I was esp. not accused of being a troll. Yes I had more posts than this person did and I use to participate in chat so I was known to many here. However my dis account was not as old as this persons. Because of that esp. I do not think the OP should have been accused of being a troll just because they only had 4 posts and were disagreeing. For that matter just because a person has a new account with only 1 post does not make them a troll. They might have been feeling strongly about something and felt it was time to weigh in on how they felt. I think the OP and others like them deserves the benefit of the doubt until shown otherwise. Just because the OP said some things that offended some does not make them a troll.

Yes I understand there may have been some trolling going around on these boards lately but it is unfair to lump everyone that has something negative to say into that same mold.
I could not sleep and started reading. Yes, I know many may be offended and I won't critisize them. It is their opinion. There are many opinions out there just look at the politics. I don't agree with everyone, but I can still be friends. I don't agree with my DW on a lot, but we are friends. Walt Disney created a mouse to make everyone happy ( and make a lot of money).
As someone once said " Can't we all just be friends" Let's just all chill out and end on a happy note and let me go back to sleep. I had 40 people over friday for a neighborhood party and am quite tired. I love you all and look forward to seeing everyone in December. Long live the DIS UNPLUGGED.

I don't get the annalogy of "coming into someones house and saying you don't like the curtains"

It is a public forum, you don't need to be invited to join in to me it would be more like going to your public swimming pool and saying you don't like the colour they painted the walls. Some will agree with you others won't.

The podcast board is no different in its defence than say the resort board, blimely don't think about complaining about someones favourite resort it won't be pretty.

To the OP I agree some of the podcasts have been a bit negative lately but that is because of the issues being discussed. Hopefully Disney will fix some of the issues.

By the way I listen to the podcasts, have never attended any events and I very rarely post on this board, does that make my opinions any less valid, I would hope not but who knows.

I wasn't offended at all with the OPs post. The OP can make all the comments about the regular listeners and posters or the podcast that he/she wants to. It's his/her opinion. The OP doesn't know me and I don't know the OP so why would I be upset? I also couldn't care less if that person decides to never listen or post again. They have 4 posts and decided to start a " I don't like this anymore so I'm leaving " thread. So be it. If you want to leave, then leave. If you want to stay, then stay. Who cares. I don't think the OP is a troll at all. They are just posting what they believe to be the current state of things. They think the show is going in the wrong direction and they are choosing to not participate. There's nothing wrong with that. So I say again, don't let the door hit you on your way out. This is not a vicious attack on the OP. You want to go.........go. :thumbsup2
As you yourself have dont post on this board often. Recognizing the culture can be difficult if you are not familiar with it.

Walking into a stranger's home or a business you are not familar with and deeming it "unappealing" would be frowned upon and considered rude almost everywhere.

As someone who doesnt frequent this board often, you are probably unaware that there has been a recent problem with people posting things that are unpleasant, rude, personal attacks etc. One of our regular "trolls" has taken to using aliases.

The folks that do post here regularly are a bit fed up with the unnecessary nastiness, name calling etc.

I'm sure, even as an infrequent visitor / poster to this board, that as a regular listener to the podcast, you must feel a bit uncomfortable when someone accuses you of listening only for the freebies you might acquire....which is what the OP has done.

You are more than welcome to post your opinion. We delight in lively denate and long as it is done in a friendly and polite tone.

Prior to condemning a group as being "unappealing and unwelcoming" might want to get to know us first

First impressions can be wrong...and that goes both ways.

I guess I look at it from a different point of view. If I were to go into a restaurant and I thought that the hostess was unwelcoming, I would certainly tell my table mates. If I told my waitress that my steak was overdone and she called me a "troll", I would certainly voice my dissatisfaction. I guess this is where the large difference is seen. Most avid posters on this board do consider this forum a "family" as I have seen that word used several times. That is great that you have been able to form those tight bonds, but you must remember that this is a public forum and not everyone is going to have those familial relationships.

I just went back and re-read your post and I went right by this part the first time.

I'm not quite sure what sort of opinion you might have that you think might earn you the label of "troll".

I'm sure it's because I am far to close to the subject to be objective, but I dont understand what part of our FREE and mostly opinion based show causes a strong enough reaction that voicing it would casue others to label you a troll.


As I have visited this board a few times over the last few weeks, I have noticed a palpable undercurrent of "if you don't like it, then you are a troll and go away". Now, maybe this is a rather new phenomenon on this board....I hope so. I am not sure what you are trying to imply by bolding "FREE". Are you trying to say that because the Podcast is free of charge that only positive opinions are welcome? I certainly hope not.

Like I said, I am a regular listener and mostly have glowing reviews. On the off chance I don't agree or am offended my something that is said, I would hate to think that if I posted those opinions I would be considered a "troll" and that my opinions aren't valid because they aren't positive. Kevin, I thought you, of all people, would understand that.

A few months ago I started listening to another Podcast, just to fill in the week. I enjoy it for the most part, but their last two shows were sort of a different format that I didn't care for at all, I was disappointed, but I wouldn't DREAM of going to their boards and posting about it though. It's like a friend inviting you to his family's house for Thanksgiving dinner and you stand up and tell everyone how awful you thought mom's apple pie was!

I wouldn't do that, either. However, I would hope that if I were a guest in someone's home they wouldn't say "thanks for coming to dinner. We are serving liver tonight and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out".

However, with that expansion of the listener base will come more criticism and honestly folks, that how we make the show better. Anyone that thinks we've reached the pinnacle of podcasting here is delusional. There are so many ways for this show and experience to improve it's obscene. We REALLY need to embrace HONEST commentary even when we disagree with it. After all, isn't that what so many like about the podcast? We tell it like it is. I'm sure there are many people who disagree with me on my opinions but I don't openly mock them. Yes, there have been more trolls on this board as of late, but let's not lump everyone who feels we need to improve into the troll category. That's unfair and we need to be as open to the criticism of others as we want Disney to be open to ours.


Thank you, Pete. That is all I was really trying to say.
I wouldn't do that, either. However, I would hope that if I were a guest in someone's home they wouldn't say "thanks for coming to dinner. We are serving liver tonight and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out".

Your above statement would be true if the quote you used was an unsolicited statement and not a reply to an existing post.

My post to the OP was a response to his/her post. If I started a thread saying, "Hi, I like the content of the podcast and if you don't agree, don't let the door hit you on your way out", you are right, that would be rude. If I invited you to dinner and you did not like what was served and said, "That was awful. I'm never coming here for dinner again", That would be rude. My reply to you would be the same. If you didn't like what I served and felt strongly enough to tell me about it, then "don't let the door hit you on your way out!" People seem to be very sensitive around here lately. I'm not trying to please the masses with my posts. I post the same way I talk to people face to face. Some people like it and some don't. If you post something I disagree with I'm going to reply. If you are offended by my opinion or the way I express it in words, put me on your ignore list. Starting negative threads solicits negative responses. The same thing holds true for everyday life. If you act miserable, odds are you're going to have a miserable day. Am I a rude, abrasive guy? Probably yes to some. I think it was DaParkers who said he would prefer to deal with people face to face. I completely agree with that. Since that isn't realistic I figure we should all type on the keyboard as if the recipient of our intended message was standing right in front of us. Agree with me or not, I'm telling it how I see it. :thumbsup2

I have to be honest here and say that I'm more than a little disappointed in some of the responses on this thread.

I value HONEST feedback, and I feel the OP was being honest, not a troll. In fact, I'm inclined to agree with his assessment (assuming the OP is a he, my apologies if I'm wrong)...........................................


Pete, I really value and appreciate your open mindedness. I don't agree, disagree, feel offended, or have any feelings either way about the O.P.. It was just an opinion, and this is an open forum on the specific subject. I have been a listener from the begining and as of the past year or so I listen in "waves", I will actively listen weekly for a while, get caught up in life and miss a month then back track and listen to all I missed. I am not really very active on the boards, though I read more than I post. Podcast fans come in different shapes and sizes. Regular listeners, Regular Posters, Lurkers.. etc. Feedback is feedback. It can't all be perfect... I don't feel the O.P. was going out of his way to offend. But again, the open mindedness is why I love the show. I like the people, we have a common interest, I enjoy listening to their opinions... doesn't necessarily meen they are the same as mine and I hang onto every word. Let's all chill and get along. :)
I could not sleep and started reading. Yes, I know many may be offended and I won't critisize them. It is their opinion. There are many opinions out there just look at the politics. I don't agree with everyone, but I can still be friends. I don't agree with my DW on a lot, but we are friends. Walt Disney created a mouse to make everyone happy ( and make a lot of money).
As someone once said " Can't we all just be friends" Let's just all chill out and end on a happy note and let me go back to sleep. I had 40 people over friday for a neighborhood party and am quite tired. I love you all and look forward to seeing everyone in December. Long live the DIS UNPLUGGED.


Hey neighbor I wasnt invited. JK....Hope the party was fantastic I was watching Hallowishes!!!

OP sorry you feel that way. I also was a bit taken back by the freebie remark. Hence I have given away my lanyards to DISers who didnt have one at meets. And well my dog ate one. oops. BUT if we didnt call in and write in the show there would be no email show. I also would not have those pesky questions answeared. I dont always agree with everyone but like John said above that doesnt mean we cant be friends with one another.

I agree with the need for feedback and think the OP was fine up until a point. Why come here to say goodbye? If you really don't like the show anymore or the boards then just ride off into the sunset or send the team a message to let them know why you feel that way. Even if you want to share it in public, fine, but why point fingers and call out others on the boards if not to attempt to "stir the pot"? Honestly I think the OP made a few good points, but why step across the line and point fingers. Without extra nudge this thread might have taken a much better turn. Before anyone says "Well others called the OP this and that" that was after the fact. The OP made the statements not in retort but in the first post. I'm not agreeing with what others (on a few) have said, but that doesn't justify the OPs statements from the start.
I have been a listener of the podcast for a couple of years. I used to enjoy it a lot. But in recent weeks between Pete's rants and John, Kevin and Kathy's negativity the podcast has lost all appeal. The podcast can be funny at times but to me the negativity has just taken over. I do not want to nor do I listen to the Disney podcasts where the host have rose colored glasses on. I personally think this podcast was much better when Pete and the gang didn't get caught up with listening to all of their groupies, who I believe are just looking for freebies from the DisUnplugged. If I get blocked from this forum because of this it really doesn't matter to me. I never post. Farewell

In Tosh.0 fashion, lets go for a breakdown.

I agree with the "recent weeks" statement, but listen longer and things go in cycles. There are a lot of negative things Disney is doing right now, thus the call for the podcast. I bet next weeks show with the annoucement of the new ships will be pretty positive.

What do you want? A perfect world where they talk just about what you want to hear in just the right tone? There are lots of Disney podcast, I find most of them to be over top Disney is perfect. I listen on occasion but only listen to the DIS regularly.

I'm not sure what this even means exactly. We only send in emails/voicemails because we want lanyards? We only listen to get free t-shirts? To me is sounds more like sour grapes. This is a group that became friends without ever meeting. We met and became better friends, we add more and more to our group all the time and anyone is welcome. Do we get free stuff for agreeing with the podcasters, if so where do I send my address? Julie?? :)

That has been this weeks breakdown....
I'm not sure what the OP finds so offensive or negative about the show, especially that the listeners are looking for something?

Its fine to have an opinion as long as it as some basis in fact.

I agree with Pete, as the shows does vary from week to week. I certainly don't agree with every opinion but I always laugh out load!

Pete - keep up the rants.

John - keep being a genius.
I have not posted in quite some time, although I do read along on some threads, call it lurking if you will. I have been listening to the podcast for about a year and find it enjoyable for whatever reasons. As I have been reading this thread, I cannot believe how many panties are in a wad...

Let it go, I can't understand how this one has not gone "cake" already
There's a big difference between saying how you feel and making an assault on someone's character. In my eyes, this post crossed the line when it called fans of the show "groupies" who are looking for freebies. Both parts of that comment have very harsh undertones.
I agree - a post is nothing more than typed words. Unless you use the little smileys to add something to your post, the reader has nothing left to interpret those words except the words themselves. The comment was a sweeping generalization made about a vast group of people the OP has never met and never took the time to get to know through posting him/herself.

When a nasty comment like the OP's is made in public, it is done so to get a reaction. Otherwise, like Alicia said above, it would have been done privately and involving those who produce the show, not the fan base.
There are ways of being critical without being nasty. Not just in this thread but in a lot of threads lately, there has been a lot of posting before thinking (kinda like speaking before thinking but on the boards) and that has been part of the problem. Unless the goal of the OP WAS to :stir:, he/she could have posted their feelings about the direction the podcast has taken lately without attacking the loyal listener base, many of us who have been listening before the prizematron was ever brought into the room. And the OP didn't have to say he/she was leaving.

So I say again, don't let the door hit you on your way out. This is not a vicious attack on the OP. You want to go.........go. :thumbsup2
My mom told me this when I was 14 and I told her I was leaving home. She didn't put it quite as nice as you did. I never left. I wonder if the OP will do the same thing? Even though it has been a while since I was that teenager, I remember why I announced why I was leaving - I was hoping someone would talk me out of it. I wonder if the OP had a similar goal in mind? It would certainly be okay - we value all opinions here, just so long as no one is being attacked.
So I'm reading these posts and here's my thoughts....
I work with PLENTY of people who don't get my Disney fascination. Do I get up in arms and freak at them? No, because its my thing, not theirs. No big deal. Thus, I won't get upset with OP. The podcast is my thing, not theirs, no big deal.

However I will say this. I will definetely listen and agree in all things with any podcast that gave me a freebie of a pony. I would listen to the podcast for the sole purpose of obtaining said pony. Yes, that makes me shallow. But I'll be the shallow person with a pony so there.:p

So far I haven't been given a pony by the DIS. And so, since the only reason I would purposefully listen to a certain podcast was to recieve a free pony, you can safely say I only listen to the DIS because I like it and think its fun.

Oh, and the pony HAS to be black.
I'm not sure what the OP finds so offensive or negative about the show, especially that the listeners are looking for something?

Its fine to have an opinion as long as it as some basis in fact.

I agree with Pete, as the shows does vary from week to week. I certainly don't agree with every opinion but I always laugh out load!

Pete - keep up the rants.

John - keep being a genius.

Opinions do not need to be based on fact, thats why there opinions.

It is my opinion that a lot of people who post on this board believe they can do no wrong. (All opinion and no fact)

While I do not agree with the poster on all comments I don't think they deserve the response they got.

Pete, you surprised me with your reply and I am glad that your open minded about peoples views of the podcast.


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