Daisy Leaders Unite! Girl Scouts USA!

At the moment, our troop has 3 girls :sad1: . The daughters of the two leaders and one other girl whose mom I had to basically beg to enroll her daughter. We have one more that might be interested, and I hope she decides to join too.

the 7 that i have are only the ones that filled out the interest form that was sent home from school in the friday folder. i plan on having a meeting and see if i get anymore girls.

We only have 3 girls after ACTIVE recruiting. My daughter only has about 15 girls in her class, and I think I talked to at least 10 other moms. I think it's just that no one wants to commit.
We have our meetings at the school right after school. As they get older I know the troops book the meeting rooms at different churches. The library has also been mentioned. We don;t have any charges for using any of these facilities.
I'm sooooo glad for this thread!I went to sign my daughter up last night and when we got there we were told there were no spots available because they didn't have any leaders.The line of girls wanting to sign up was amazing. Nobody was volunteering to be a leader, so I did .I asked the mothers to help and they said they would help and were grateful.But to be honest I have no idea what to do and have alot of research to do!!:scared1: I asked to limit the troop to 10 girls and all spots were taken last night!!! So thank you :worship: for this thread I sure can use all the help I can get!!
We have 14 in our troop which means we needed to add another assistant leader. We are doing our Invesiture Ceremony in three weeks. :eek:

There is an investiture ceremony for Daisies? What does it entail?
I'm really interested to hear what your 1st grade Daisy Troops are doing this year. We haven't had our training yet; 2 hurricanes in our area last month have totally thrown things off. :sad2:

My co-leader and I are having our first Daisy meeting (with our troop of 15 girls from last year's kindergarten Daisy group) this week. It's a bit frustrating: we haven't had training yet, aren't able to get our hands on the handbook to see where to go from earn last year's petals; and our GS office doesn't seem to have any suggestions except to attend the training session. I saw the garden patch set on the Girl Scout website and I may go ahead and order for our troop. Can anyone tell me the set-up for earning these parts to this patch?

I just really feel in the dark this year. With our first meeting, we are basically going to review last year's lessons: Girl Scout promise and what each of the petal stand for. We're going to make a bracelet (like I read on here :thumbsup2 ), sing some Daisy songs, and play some games like Red Rover.

Looking forward to hearing ideas from others. :)

I've got a meeting on Monday with the regional leader to get my packet for daisys!!! Im excited!!!!!
HI LAURA!!!!!!
Hi to everyone else as well. I have been at the World and am now going to be heading into Daisy's full swing. I'll be back. I am glad this thread has taken off.
Did you guys open your checking accounts yet? Anyone get a good offer to do so?
Well I thought I was gonna be a daisy leader.....but that lady who was suppose to get me started NEVER SHOWED AT OUR MEETING!!!! Oh well, I dont guess I will be doing it. I dont think I can work with someone who dont communicate....this is the second time btw.....
the 7 that i have are only the ones that filled out the interest form that was sent home from school in the friday folder. i plan on having a meeting and see if i get anymore girls.


I have 7 girls from my daughters own school, but there is another elementary with 10 kindergartners interested and no one wants to lead them. I think that I am going to take them in as I dont want to seem them go without a troop.

I am looking at over 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scared1:
Subscribing. How did I miss this for a whole month????? I haven't read through the thread yet. I am leading my first year of Daisies this year and loving it. I have 13 great little girls and 2 very supportive assistant leaders. Investiture in 2 weeks. 2 moms have told me that Daisies is their daughter's favorite after school activity this year. :)
Any ideas on how to present the Daisy Law/Promise? We were thinking of the handprint for the promise but I am kind of stuck on the law. We don't want to just put it on an index card because most of the girls don't read yet. So we are trying to think of a fun way to present it so they can go over it with their moms. thanks for any insight!

For the Promise, I gave the girls a sticker for each of the 3 fingers they hold up when making the sign. 1 is a flag -- to honor God and my country, next is a smiley face -- to help people at all times, 3rd is a small sticker that says "Go Girl" -- and to live by the Girl Scout Law.

For the law, we made bracelets with each of the colors and we will be introducing a different part of the law each few weeks as we work to earn petals. After Investiture, we will be making thank you bracelets for our sister Junior troop. We have already talked about how the Juniors are helping us because they are being "a sister to every Girl Scout" and when we make their bracelets we will reinforce that line. Our girls already have participated in a Beach Sweep litter patrol on the beach and know that after Investiture they will be receiving their rose colored petal for because they helped "make the world a better place". I think by tying our activities to earning the petals that makes it easier for them to remember the words.

We are also structuring our troop scrapbook around the Promise and Law.
For the "On my honor I will try" we will scrap our Investiture ceremony. For the next 3 lines, we will scrap girls honoring God and country (we will participate in at least 1 flag ceremony at a PTA meeting, we are also asking the parents to take the girls with them to vote on Election Day as part of earning the Ms. President patch for the back of our tunic), helping people at all times (through service projects), and living by the girl scout law -- we will scrap us earning fun patches. Then for the law, we will scrap a page for each line of the law showing what we did to earn the petal for that line.
This is the "lesson plan" I am following and LOVE the Investiture ceremony here.

http://www.tarheeltriad.org/GS Program Meeting Plans/Daisy Girl Scout Program Meeting 1-15.pdf

I got this link from www.scoutingweb.com, which I have found to be a really good free resource for Daisy leaders.

these sites are great and will definately come in handy when I will not be able to get to some meetings because of my school schedule. i will be able to hand one of the meeting sheets to my co lead and she will know exactly what to do.

Just joining in....I just signed up to be a leader too. Kind of excited, kind of (okay, really!) nervous!



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