Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

watching the preview for the new "Speed Racer " movie-- made me think of this thread-- and dig it back up
did anyone mention Speed Racer yet????
watching the preview for the new "Speed Racer " movie-- made me think of this thread-- and dig it back up
did anyone mention Speed Racer yet????

Oooh, Speed Racer! I :love: Speed Racer, but had a secret crush on Racer X! For years I had a bumper sticker on my '74 Beetle that said "My other car is the Mach 5"

Thanks for the smile!:goodvibes
loved speed racer, kimba the white lion was another favorite along with ultra man, and johnny socco :rotfl:
here is a picture


THOSE ARE THEM!!!! God I love my click clacks.....where did you find them?:banana:
I loved those Midnight movies - we saw Rocky Horror a lot also!

So, now my 2 favorite bands are touring - Led Zep and Van Halen! OK, LZ is one show only in England, but I will definitely be in the audience of Van Halen!!! Do they still hold up lit lighters? Do you think the average age in the venue will be around 45? :rotfl2:

Anyone from NYC remember Laser Light shows from the 80's? They were at the (then) Hayden planetarium at the Museum of Natural History. We saw Laser Floyd, Laser Zeppelin, Laser Halen, Lazer Who and others. It was a psychedelic laser light show choreographed to the music of each band. We went almost every Friday!!


Oh, yes Laserium with Pink Floyd, been there done that. Now they have
All this talk about Shaun Cassidy...what about the big brother---David Cassidy! He was yummy in The Partridge Family.

Talking about toys, how about the dolls Crissy and Velvet? I had Velvet --Crissy's cousin and her hair grew from shoulder length bob all the way down to her knees. She had a knob in her back that you used to shorten or lengthen her hair. She was soooo cool!

How about the tv show Love American Style. It was always about sex but I didn't get it at the time.

How about the Lawrence Welk show? My dad like to watch it on Saturday nights I believe.

I'm really showing my age aren't I. How about the games Red Light/Green Light and Kick the can. We played Kick the Can all summer long.

My wife still has Crissy and Velvet in the original boxes. She found them in her mother's attic hen we were cleaning it out.
Jordache Jeans and some kind of Kangaroo sneakers (had zippers on side) couldn't really fit anything in them but it was a must have.

KangaROOS are back! They have them on and various shoe stores. As far as jeans, anyone remember Chemin de Fer??
watching the preview for the new "Speed Racer " movie-- made me think of this thread-- and dig it back up
did anyone mention Speed Racer yet????

"go speed racer..go, go, speed racer..". I remember! But, for some reason that show used to scare me. I don't know why, I just remember not liking the intro to the show and being scared by it. :confused3
I have to admit, I feel like I still live in those times, some days! :)

I am a conservative Christian and belong to a Church of the Brethren. Females all wear long dresses, and prayer covers if baptized. Men typically wear beards.

The children are home-schooled. They play 4-square about every day they can. They skip rope. They ride bikes. They swim in the local swimming hole. Over half of the families in our church have farms, or at least a flock of hens that the children go out to collect the eggs daily (we do not have children, so hubby collects our eggs).

Only 4 or 5 families have computer with internet. Only 1 family has a television.

Our Sundays consist of Sunday School, church, then HOURS of fellowship time that we just sit and eat and talk and laugh.

When it's cold outside, the children ice skate, or go sledding. They play in the rain. They climb trees. If the weather is really bad, they are inside playing board games or Dutch Blitz (a REALLY fun card game!).

Our minister's workshop burned down last month (he's a Contractor) - we had a "shop raising" (instead of barn raising) - over 30 men came up from Pennsylvania (where our "home" churches are) to help build - it only took 2 days for it to go from a pile of ashes to a full 2-story shop with electricity and furnace! :-)

I've only been a member of this church for a year, but my life is so much better now than it ever's amazing how "worldly" I was previously.

Oh - and we had "beef day" at one of the member's houses a couple of weeks ago - we bought 2 head of cattle and everyone (but me it seems - it grossed me out...haha) including the children (as young as 9!) had sharp knives and was cutting up the meat.

I think the area I live in has an advantage over cities. Sure, we may have to drive 10 miles to a grocery store, and 40 minutes to church, but we can open our windows at night. Our home is almost never locked. Our car is never locked if parked in our driveway.

Wow. This just made me smile typing all of this...what a way to realize how blessed I am. :goodvibes
I remember the drive in movies, We were a family of 9 so some of us would get into the trunk of the car so we could get everyone in. It was as many that would fit into a car could get in for one price. I remember going swimming in the creek, we had a water hold that we had to go through corn fields, etc just to get to. Walking back country roads to get to my friends house, would never let my kids do that now.I remember playing Barbie's all the time, and dragging the Barbie's and accessories to friends porches to play. I remember the small store we had in our neighborhood, we had a basketball court with a few swings we always played at.. This was late 70's early 80's.

Does anyone remember parachute pants??OMG
oh the memories..
I remember...
Whatch you talking bout Willis?
Wheres the beef? the commercials and the blue shirts..

Oh and my room was covered in Kirk Cameron & John Stamos & Jordan Knight!
I was so in love with Jake Ryan...

banana hair clips, leg warmers, layering socks to match my shirt.
banana seat bikes, with the white plastic basket.

Remembers the song Toy Soldiers.
Loved, Who you want to be day, on the MMC!!

Getting my first Cabbage Patch kid, then getting the Corn Silk (hair) Cabbage Patch Kid for my birthday two months later...

aww..the days of when a kid could be kid...
WOW i'm only 30 i remember...

Sitting on the fire escape of my window watching the kids playing by the fire hydrent.... then going outside and playing myself... walking to the park with my friends to play.. no adults required... then on the way home stoping at the Mcdonalds to get ice cream sundaes... caramel with peanuts...yummy.. i go to the neighborhood now and all i see is grafitti all over with thugs stanind on the corners..... I had all the teen magazine i can't remember thenames right now but i used to get excited when they had the pull out posters of the new kids on the block....oh how i wish it were still like before...then we moved to the suburbs of NJ... i remember that there was 2 stores for the whole town... 1 ice cream shoppe that everybody went to... i remember going to church on sundays then going to the movies with my parents and not spending 100... oh one more thing i remember when istarted driving gas was only .88 cents per gallon...
Hmmm....I don't remember those jeans???:confused: But I clearly remember Jordache, Gloria Vanderbuilt, Calvin Klein and Bonjour. Nikes with the red swoosh and the girls style with the blue swoosh. Tiger tennis shoes! Having a comb in my back pocket. Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!!

What were those shows on Sat mornings...School House Rock? "I'm just a bill..and I'm sittin' here on capital hill" LOL!!!! :rotfl: The after school specials/movies.

Oliva Newton John, The Bee Gee's, Andy Gibb, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boy's, Fantasy Island, Love Boat, Mork & Mindy, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, 3's Company, WKRP, Fish, Hill Street Blues, The Blue Lagoon, 45's and 33's, (I still have all mine):scared1: Dukes of Hazzard, Dance Fever, Solid Gold (always wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer) :dance3: Chips, Hart to Hart (I remember their dog Freeway!!!!), Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost, The Bugaloo's, HR Puffnstuff, ElectraWoman and DynaGirl, Wonderbug, The Lost Saucer......OMG! So many memories!!!

KangaROOS are back! They have them on and various shoe stores. As far as jeans, anyone remember Chemin de Fer??
Hmmm....I don't remember those jeans???:confused: But I clearly remember Jordache, Gloria Vanderbuilt, Calvin Klein and Bonjour. Nikes with the red swoosh and the girls style with the blue swoosh. Tiger tennis shoes! Having a comb in my back pocket. Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!!

What were those shows on Sat mornings...School House Rock? "I'm just a bill..and I'm sittin' here on capital hill" LOL!!!! :rotfl: The after school specials/movies.

Oliva Newton John, The Bee Gee's, Andy Gibb, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boy's, Fantasy Island, Love Boat, Mork & Mindy, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, 3's Company, WKRP, Fish, Hill Street Blues, The Blue Lagoon, 45's and 33's, (I still have all mine):scared1: Dukes of Hazzard, Dance Fever, Solid Gold (always wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer) :dance3: Chips, Hart to Hart (I remember their dog Freeway!!!!), Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost, The Bugaloo's, HR Puffnstuff, ElectraWoman and DynaGirl, Wonderbug, The Lost Saucer......OMG! So many memories!!!

You just took the words right out of my mouth!!!!:goodvibes

What I wouldn't give to be a "know it all" teen again. Now I have a know it all pre-teen. I feel like he is missing out on so many of the simple things I grew up with like have been mentioned in this thread :sad1: . But, he is going to a School House Rock live show on a school field trip :banana: .
I have to admit, I feel like I still live in those times, some days! :)

When it's cold outside, the children ice skate, or go sledding. They play in the rain. They climb trees. If the weather is really bad, they are inside playing board games or Dutch Blitz (a REALLY fun card game!).

I LOVE Dutch Blitz! My cousins and I play this sometimes. It's addictive and we get so into it...there is always yelling, but in a fun way.
One of the local parks still has those butt-burning metal slides, it's the only one left in town that hasn't been "upgraded" to the plastic play forts.

It's not the park we usually go to, but it's never crowded there and one day we were in the neighborhood. My youngest refused to go on it, because it was too high. My oldest climbed the ladder, and you know the rest of the story. Came down that slide about 40 mph, flew off the end several feet, and landed right on his rear.

Ah, the good old days. :lmao: Those plastic slides just don't fling you quite as well.

He thinks that is about the best slide ever.


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