Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

One of the local parks still has those butt-burning metal slides, it's the only one left in town that hasn't been "upgraded" to the plastic play forts.

It's not the park we usually go to, but it's never crowded there and one day we were in the neighborhood. My youngest refused to go on it, because it was too high. My oldest climbed the ladder, and you know the rest of the story. Came down that slide about 40 mph, flew off the end several feet, and landed right on his rear.

Ah, the good old days. :lmao: Those plastic slides just don't fling you quite as well.

He thinks that is about the best slide ever.


I remember I remember

I use to flip over the top bar and land hard on my butt which made you FLY even faster or so I thought it did.
Twist-a-bead necklaces (I had about 20 different colors and you twisted the ones to match your outfit)

Anybody remember Captain Kangaroo and Romper Room?

I remember I remember

I use to flip over the top bar and land hard on my butt which made you FLY even faster or so I thought it did.

We used to make those metal slides even FASTER by sliding down on top of waxed paper in the summer sun!!!:rotfl:
what about the movie that scarred me for life--

I had to take a flying leap from my bedroom door onto my bed every night till I was about 20-- cause they could be under my bed.

"Don't be afraid of the dark"(1973)
I forgot go-go boots! I wanted a pair so badly when I was a kid, but we lived overseas and the only way to get them was to order them from a catalog and my parents wouldn't do that.

I also remember when girls weren't allowed to wear pants to school. I wore a pantsuit to school in the 6th grade and the school called my mom to come and get me. She told them to get over themselves and they started to allow pantsuits. Not just a pants and blouse, but pantsuits.

I was the girl who wore pants. My rabble rousing mom sent me to school in sixth grade, in jeans! with a note in my pocked that said, "I am Robin's mother, not you, and I will decide what she wears to school, not you." that I was to give any adult who stopped me. :rotfl:

We also said the pledge of allegiance every day and my mother did not allow us kids to stand during it because she said there wasn't liberty and justice for all and that wasn't fair. Don't remember if the "under God" was in it then or not. This was early 60s.
Oh I am loving this thread. Fondly remembering:

~ playing Mod Squad with my 2 sisters. I was always Pete, older sis was Julie, and younger sis was Linc and we'd lock arms and run the way they did.
~ Partridge Family. I was only allowed to "have" Danny Bonaducci (sp) and older sis got to "have" David Cassidy (meaning dibs on pix on walls, loving them, talking aobut them, etc)
~ Singing "Julie, Julie, Julie do ya love me"
~ Eating breakfast squares (the first power barrish things I'd ever seen). Not selling them anymore. Was like a dense brownie kind of thing made by (I think) the folks who make instant breakfast
~ portable dishwashers (load from the top and fasten to the faucet)
~ slime
~mother may I
~winning the hot street contests (standing barefoot for the longest)
~ Sinister Cinema
~ In 2nd grade at a talent show, singing and dancing to "wild thing, I think I love you"
~the original (not computer made) Jeopardy music (was in kindergarten)
~ also strawberry, philbert, raspberry picking
~ mom dropping us 4 girls (aged 1 1/2, 4, 7, and 9) off INSIDE the tavern so Dad would have to come home - lol
~ feeding flies to a spider in the barn - gross out!
~ Hobo Kelly
~ lost in space
~ and the reason we got our first color TV in 5th grade: The Undersea World of Jaques Cousteau
~ the "baby seat" which was a raised bed that fastened over the backs of the front and back seat, so the driver could easily reach the sleeping baby. It put the baby just level with the windshield. Safety? Pah!
My Mom let me wear those too... I had that one! I also had "If all else fails lower your standards." OMG, if my DD ever wore that I would BURN it! What a terrible message!!

And I also had the "phone signal" with my mom- reverse charges and she declined the call, and then she knew to pick me up!

Anyone remember, before call waiting, the days of emergency breakthroughs?


Both of these. Also, remember when it wasn't "directory assistance" but "information" and you could ask them anything? Like your social studies homework question? And they knew the answer? :goodvibes We thought they were goddesses!
I don't know if this was posted.....Playing on the firescape. We lived in NJ, apperently the firemen didn't mind but my Mom did. We would wait for my Mom to go out and then we would sneak out to the fireescape. We would paly Barbies, house anything. When my Mom would come home Dad wouldn't say a word.
Ah! the Helms Man. He would come around once a week( I think) He would open the back of his truck and pullout drawers that held donuts, pastries and my mothers favorite pecan rolls. He also had all kinds of wonderful breads. I loved the Helm's man!
Just had a few things pop in my head over Thanksgiving break........
Jelly bracelets and shoes
Mr. Bill
Candy Buttons
Charms hard candy squares
Remember the slides were metal and how hot they got? We used to dare each other to go down them in our short - shorts.

At the beginning of Spring my teacher would give use wax paper to ride down the slide with to grease it up! :thumbsup2
I was the girl who wore pants. My rabble rousing mom sent me to school in sixth grade, in jeans! with a note in my pocked that said, "I am Robin's mother, not you, and I will decide what she wears to school, not you." that I was to give any adult who stopped me. :rotfl:

I was a fashion ground breaker in 6th grade too...that was right after The Simpsons came on the air. I wore a "I'm Bart Simpson, Who the Hell Are You?" shirt. :lmao: I waited till my entire class was seated and quiet. Then I stood up and removed my jacket to revel my shirt. Everyone gasped and it took my teacher about 30 seconds to send me to the principal's office. The school nurse spared me a call to my Mom, she gave me medical tape to cover up the Hell. :thumbsup2
Oh I am loving this thread. Fondly remembering:

~ playing Mod Squad with my 2 sisters. I was always Pete, older sis was Julie, and younger sis was Linc and we'd lock arms and run the way they did.

Oh , I just loved the Mod squad!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always wanted to be Julie!!!!!!!!
I also loved Emergency .... had such a crush :love:on Johny Gage.......
Jelly shoes
Mascara and eyeliner in every color
L.A. Gear high tops with slouch socks
Short, suede boots that you wore with your pin stripe jeans tucked into them
Folding your jeans at the bottom then rolling them up twice
Pet Rocks
Swatch watches
Stirup pants
Jelly shoes
Mascara and eyeliner in every color
L.A. Gear high tops with slouch socks
Short, suede boots that you wore with your pin stripe jeans tucked into them
Folding your jeans at the bottom then rolling them up twice
Pet Rocks
Swatch watches
Stirup pants

but wait! the 80's are back. Have you seen the ads lately? Hi tops and slouch boots with stirup pants are a hit.
How about, a good family sitcom on TV :happytv: I remember when I was a kid, the TGIF line-ups. Now, I love watching Nik at Nite for all the old shows I used to watch growing up. So sick of all the reality TV today. It's not even reality anymore.


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